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PORT OP LITTELTOtf. APiRTVALS. Tuesday November Uti. . Storm, 8.8. (8.15 a.m.), 405 tone, Robertson, from Timaru. A. I£. Turnbull and Co., agents. Manuka., e.s. (0.10 a.m.),. 453 i tons,. CI if t, from Wellington. ' Union' Stoani Ship Co., | agents. Cygnet, e.s. (i..~0 p.m.), tons, Murray, from Akaroa. Stevenson, Stewart and Co., agents. Wakatu, ba (9 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Kaikoura. Kinsey and Co., Ltd., agente. DEPARTURES. Tuesday, November 11th. Manuka, s.s. (8 p.m.), 4534 tons, Clift, for Wellington. Union Stoam Ship Co., agents. Monowai. s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 3433 tons, Norton, for Dunedin. Union Steam Ship Co--agents. Storm, e.s. (7.35 p.m.), 405 tons Robertson, for Wanganui. A. H. Tumbull'and Co., agents.
The Koromiko, with, a cargo of produce, will leave Lyttelton for Sydney..thi6 evening. •The To Anau will leave, Timaru to-mor-iow for Lyttelton, sailing.' for Napier and Gisborne on Friday night. Tho Kamona, with coal, was to leave Greymouth last night for-Lyttelton, and is due to-morrow.
The Union Company'* steamer Kanna left Newcastle with coal for Lyttelton on Sim, day last, and is duo about Friday night. The Breeze came out of dock at Port Chalmers on Monday, and is now at Duncdin loading for Wanganui and way port*. Tho Kolriri left Greymouth it 10 yesterday for Lyttelton, via Westport, and should bo hero by tho cud of tho week. The Corinna is due at Lyttelton on Sunday from Timaru, aad will sail oa Monday night for' Nelson and New Plymouth. • Captain A. E. Cain, who recently brought the Union Company's new ateamer Waitexaata out from England, is leaving- Wellington in tho Tofua, to-day for San Fran-1 cisco, on his way to' London to take com- I mand of the Westmcath, in succcsaion. to Captain Ferguson. ' , The Osaka Shosen Kafsha. Tiner Mitsuki Maru arrived at Auckland last week. Hakodate was left on October 9th for Now Zealand, and a fino trip v:aa made except for the first week. Hor Auckland cargo consists of 1700 tons of sulphur, ißi tons lumber, and a number of . logs and i>traw boarde. The vessel is to leave Auckland to-day for Sydney, where she will .discharge about 1400 tons of logs and 310 tons of lumbar, before proceeding to Manila and Kobe. Captain John Broadbent Hall, who v/a3 well known in tho New Zealand coastal trade, died at tho Wellington Hospital on Saturday morning aftor a, fairly long illness. The late Captain Hall was born in England eixty-ono years ago, and came to New Zealand in 1869. Ho served his time at 6ea onseveral sailors, including the 'iarquontic-» May, and made several trips in his early days to Mauritius and China. Gaining his ticket, he entered the coastal trade, anrl served at various timea on-the Tiii. Wakatu, Waverloy, and numerous other coastcrs. Later, he was appointed harbourmaster and pilot at Fox ton, and he retained this position until-about eight years Ho again entered the coastal trade, ■ his last vessei being the John, but about a year ago he was compelled to come ashore owing to failing health. Captain Hall leaves a wife, seven daughters, and ono son (Mr John Hall, of Wellington).
Captain H. C. . Barnes has ooranSand of tho Paparoa, and lias with him. the following officers Chief, Mr H. J. Weldo; secoud, 21 r K. G. Mullard; third, Mr A. 11. Ottereon; fourth, Mr A. MoNeill; first wireless operator, Mr A. Jamieeon; second, Mr R. Ashton; chief, engineer, Mr J. Scott; second, Mr A. C. Browne; third, Mr E. Tewsley; fourth, Mr H. F. Brown; fifth.. Mr S. Twomey;' chief refrigerating engineer, Mr H. M. Dixon; second, Mr M. Lancelot: cleo trician, Mr J. Yuilk; chief stewaitl, Mr P. E. Leggett; eecond. Mr Simpson. The Papa-, roa. is to leave "Wellington to-morrow for Port Chalmers to complete discharge. She will subsequently load at Qamaru and Wellington, and is to leave the latter port on November 29th for London, via Panama.
The Shaw,Savill liner Mahana was due to arrive at Adelaide on Saturday m continuation of her voyage from London \o. the Dominion by way ports. Tho vessel will call at Melbourne and Sydney, and 13 especled to leave the latter port for this . coun:.ry about December 4 th.
Having a gross tonnage of 1(100 tons greater than th© Ceramic*, the liner Cap Polonio, to leave London for Australia with troops this month, •will tie the largest vessel to_ visit Australasian ■waters. The Cap Polonio, . a former enemy liner, "was built by Blohm and Vosa, at Hamburg', in 1914, tinder orders from the Hamburg-Snd-Amerik lino of steamers. She i* a triple-ecrew vos«el of 19,503 tons gross eargo-carrrin? capacity, -witli three decks, and fitted with dectrio light and refrigerating; machinery.
A FERRY SERVICE RACE.' "With the arrival of the ferry steamer Manuka in Lyttelton yesterday morning, a full account of her race with the Moeraki on Saturday night wae available. The two boats are sister ships, each being rated at 4500 h.p., the Moeraki being 100 tons smaller than the Manuka. When it became known on Saturday afternoon that the. two boats were to leave together, there was much speculation as to which boat would arrive in Wellineton first, the general opinion being that tie Moeraki would win comfortably. The vessels were berthed opposite each otbor. and members of the Moeraki's crew amused themselves in a manner reminiscent of W. W". Jacobs'a best yarns by holding up ropesenda to their rivals on ths Manuka, signifying their willingness to givo the latter a tow. The Manuka passed the moles first, the Moeraki following close oa her stem. At the Heads tho Moeraki passed tho Manuka, and at 10 p.m. bad established a lead of three miles. Tho Manuka is fortunate in having a goed «t of £.rc«cn, zzA v.-Een they kicw-tvhat was oa liicyj
got jigrht down to work, with the yesuit that at midnight tho vessels were running abreast, on a calm tea.and in brilliant moonlight. They remained together until after 3 a.m., when tho Manuka put on an extra half-knot an hour, which, na one man put it, '"fairly put the 'hoodoo' on tho Moeraki," arriving at Wellington Heads nearly four miles in front of her eister. As showing the interest that .was taken in the mn, it is estimated that fully iCOO changed hands between the crow, stewards, and passengers of tho two vessels. THE UNIOX FREIGHTED WAIEAWA. Tho JCorlhuiaLerland Shipouildin- Company, Ltd., Howdon-on-Tyne, have launched the single-screw eteamer Waikawa to tha order of Union Stoam iShip Company o. l\ow Zealand, Ltd. Sho is 415 ft in length, by ."3ft breadth, and depth, ar/J will carry about 9000 tons deadweight on 26ft Sin draught. The vessel is classed 100 41 at Lloyd's, and -has an exceptionally complete specification to meet tho requirements .of the owner?.' specific trades. Tho loading and discharging gear secure tho rapid handling of ciirgoe?. • The propelling" macnincry, built, by tho if arm c Lngineorng Company, Ltd., Wall-uena-on-Tyne, comprises a act of triple-ex-i>ension surface-condensing engine", havi'i" cylinders 27in, 44in, 73in. and iSin stroko, with llireo s.o. boilers. 15ft 6in by lift 6in, having a worfcng pressure of 180lb, ami iitted ivith Hov.den's forced draught. This ma,shinery is estimated to giro the vessel a speod of llj knots loaded.
OIL LAUNCH WKECEED. (PfIESS ASSOCIATION TELEGEAM.) XEW PLYMOUTH, November 11. The Collector of Customs hae advised that the oil launch Marakopu, fitrippoil licr propeller when entering Mokuu river. The vessel became unmanageable, and waa cast ( on the Mc-hakfttino Loach, whore she broke t up. Captain Jensen and tho crew are eafc. , THE ISLAND SERVICE. (press association telegram.) ' . DUNEDIN, November 11. . Owinp to the congestion of work at Port Chalmers the Navua/3 reconditioning and overhaul cannot bo completed in time to enaolo her to enter the Island eervico this month. The Talune therefore vill bo required to make another round trip to Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa, leaving Auckland on November 22nd. The Nuvua will bo ready for tho second week in December. • OIL-BUItNING SHIPS, (By Cablo—P:«ss Association—Copyright.) (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) (Received November Ilth, 7.10 .p.m.) KEW 1 OTfET, November S. It .is reported that several of tho. larger steamship companies plan to convert thejv vessel* into oil burners in order to avert fuel difficulties, as a result of coal shortages. It' v is estimated tho conversion will affect 1750 veseele and savo 240,000,000 tons of coal aanually. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. LOUDON, November S. Passed tho Lizard—Matatua. Sailed—For Auckland: Carpentaria, from London; Hcnrieite,' from San Francisco. NEWCASTLE, November 11. Sailed, Sonorita, for . Greymouth. AUCKLAND, November 11. Arrived, Kaitangata (S a.m.), from Wellington; ilalaita. ('2 p.m.); from BlufE, via Greymouth; Ayrshire (11.45 p.m.), from Sydney. Sailed, Arahura (5.25 p.m.), for East Coast. "WELLINGTON, November 11. Arrived, Bellbucklc (12.5 p.m.) fjom Auckland; Riverina (1.15 p.m.), from Sydney; Putiki (3 p.m.), from Gisbome. Sailed. Marnroa (7.40 p.m.), for Lyt lei ton. To sail, to-nigrht, Corinna, for Duuodin, and Wanaia for Newcastle. DUNEDIN, November 11. Arrived, City of Madras (1 p.m.), from Lytloltolf. Sailed, Mokoia (4 p.m.), for northern ports. After tho theatre or party take a snitf or two of '\NAZOL." This wards off chills and sore throats. Can be carried in pocket or purse. Got tho genuine. 4
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Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 6
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1,528SHIPPING. Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 6
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SHIPPING. Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 6
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