MONTHLY MEETING. The Chris t church Firo Board met last I night. Present—Messrs H. P. Hopkins : (chairman), H. Holland, A. Manning, H. 11. I Eusbridgo. Apologies were made for Messrs j A. "Williams and K. Cameion. | Tho Superintendent's report stated that; since the previous meeting eighteen _ calls had been received:—l false alarm, 4 chimney tires, 5 hedge ILrefl, and 8 actual firea. _ Tlio estimated total fire loss was £075; insur- j | anco on buildings and contents, £1510; and : I estimated valuo of property £3375. Ha recommended tho Board to provide additional ECt of married quarters at the Sydon- , ham Station; and, in tho interests of tho ' staff, he suggested that tho question of pro- j viding a superannuation scheme should _bo ! reviewed. In respect of payment for services j of tho Board's plant in outside districts, and i in respect of guaranteed premises, ha eug- j geated that all moneys derived from these i sources should b«P set aside, for tlio pur- ; chare of additional plant, instead of being | credited, as hitherto, to the General Account. It was decided to ask the Works Commifct<jo of the City Council to receive a deputation from tho Board on tho subjectoo f obtaining 1 a furthar area, of land alongside the Sydenham Firo Station. Tho chairman tind Messrs Holland and RueTmdge were appointed to wait on the Works Committee. Tho clause referring to a superannuation fund was held over pending enquiries to be made by the chairman on his approaching visit to Australia. The final clause of the report was held over for future consideration.
The Superintendent's repott on the various places of entertainment, assembly rooms, and billiard rooms was taken in committee. It waa decided to forward & copy to the City Council. The Board considered, in comm. ttee, a report by tho Superintendent on the subject of fire protection lor the borough of Kiccarton, and, on rc-suming, it was reported that extracts from the report would bo forwarded, to tho Borough Council. Tho Christchurch City Council wrote, as prosecutions in respect of chimney were taken under the Council's by-laws, it was regretted that the fines recovered could not be handed to the Board towards repair of plant, eto.
Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 5
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