« rraEss association' txt.ecium.) WELLINGTON, November 11. At the Musical and Elocutionury Competitions 1!. T. Lafferty, of Chriatchurch, won th«» first prist? for KngliH.li eon=r. Shakespearean l!<cciti:l (ladies)— Pauline Shotlander 1, lilts Ucssio Thomson ] (Ihinedin) 2. Rc-citation (gentlemen)—L. Inch 1, L. H. J. Power 2, L. Griffiths (Auckland) 3. Character Recitation (hoy or girl, 12 to 1G yea r?-)—Winnie Bcck (Duncdin) 1. Recitation (girls, 12 to 16 years)—Marii Ritchie (Christchurch) won thp first section, and Winnie Bcck (Duncdin) the second taction. Character Recital (ladiee)—Miss Kutner 1, Miss Bessie Thomson 2. Recitation (ladies) —Mies Drucy Turner (Chriatchurch) 1. Tejior Solo—J. P. Dodd (Dannevixke) 1. .Sacred Solo (soprano' or mezzo soprano)— Uis3 Wilding (G isborno) ], Aliss J ones 2, i Miss Cameron (Dunedin) 3. !
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Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 4
Word Count
Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 4
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