•RANGIORA. Tho' monthly meeting of tlio Rangiora County Council was hold yesterday. Pro-fit-in —A!v£/sr<s J;', lloricll (chairman), H. Garrett, W. Stalker, A. Mcintosh, H. TalloU, and E, W. Cooper. . 'i'J'.o Returning Officer wrote statins that Mr E. \V. Cooper had been duly elated to jepre.bent tho Oust Riding in r.laor. of Mr J. ]j. Stewart, rertigTu.-.). Air Cooper was ac-! corded a hcaaty wckorne. ? Mr 1". W. McCormack wroto i-rfinjf to have tho lease' of Rescrvo 362, Cust, transferred to Mr A. Palmer, Southbrook. The Council declined tiho request. It was decided to support the resolution forwarded by tho Rangiora Borough Council with reference to the Government providing adequate protection for Ashing boats at liaikoura. Permission was grunted to Mr A. S. Cooksley to fence in the river opposite his house, subject to his erecting a gate and paying a rental of 30a a year. Mr T. A. Bullock was appointed to _ examine candidates for certificates of ability under the motor regulations, in place of Mr H. Uix, resigned. Mr R. G. Evans wrote tho Council to open natural watercourses on tho corner of Todd's road. It v/aa decided that Mr Mcintosh inspect the same and furnish a report. The offer of Mr Sklaark for the supply of dog's collars was accepted. Mr S. Ward waited on the Council with a petition from several ratepayers asking the Council to put the water on the Kaia-poi-Ashley road into its original course, as the mill-ownera had not deepened the drain sufficient to relieve the adjoining land. It was resolved that the Council inspect tho drain. Mr J. R. Templin's with reference to the extension of tho electrical reticulation in the Rangiora Riding was rejd. Mr HorreLl moved, and Mr Mcintosh seconded: "That the Electrical Committee bo authorised to take the necessary steps to raise a loan to further reticulate the Rangiora Riding." The motion was carried.
It was resolved that tho clork inform those whoso subscriptions to tho Canterbury Patriotic Fund were outstanding that unless they were paid at once, the matter would to placcd in the lisnds of the Council's solicitor. , It was ie3olvcd to writ© to the Water Board regarding pipes across tho road at the Cust school. ~ t . , It was agreed that Mr Hector Mcintosh have control of the flood-gates on tfie. Salt-wator-Kaiapoi beaoh rcuidIt was decided that notice bo given to landowners regarding gorse growing on the road 9 fronting their properties. Messrs Tallott, Mcintosh, and W. Stalker were appointed a sub-committeo to prepaie a list of names to bo plaoed on tho Merit Board of tho Council. The monthly statement showed receipts £298 12s 2d, and bank debit balance of £1742 6a 9d. HEATHCOTE. Tho Heath cote County Council met last ni"ht. Present—Cra. C. Flavell (chairman), G° K. Burton, E. E. Patten, A. H. Adams, ■W. "W. Scarff, and G. M. Hall. Tho Finance Committee's report ohowed: County fund, debit £1421 10s 9d; Avonsido electric lighting loan, credit £113 6s 2d; Bromley electrio light loan, credit, £8 9s, j Cashmere water sewage loan, credit £110 36 Sd; Valley «*wage loan, debit £36 13® Accounts amounting to £769 13s lid were recommended for payment. Tho report was adopted. Relative to the Tramway Board's lerocal to extend tho line to Bromley Cemetery, it was decided to ask tho City Council if_ it would consent to Mr Burton accompanying that body's deputation which would wait on tho Board in connexion with the furtherance of the request for tho extension. It was decided to write to tho Tramway Board asking it to erect shelters at Sandilande, on Page's road, and ahso at tho Ferry road bridge. The Council resolved to make tho usual grant of £15 to the Technical College. It was agreed that a reward of £2 bo of- i fered for information leading to tho conviction of any person for breaking street lamp.?. A recommendation from the Works and Electrical Committee was adopted that in future no water connexions be mado unless water meters are supplied. The Inspector reported that tie roads had been much clearer of wandering cattle daring tho past month, aid few complaints h*d been received. A report wbs tabled showing that' the Government subsidy on rates had been increased from £315 to £696 16s 9d, as a result of the repeal of the Selwyn County Subdivision Act. The Council decided to have boards erected indicating all street names in Cashmere and other ridings where advisable.
Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 3
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