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Under happier auspices than those •chirh have prevailed sinco 1913, the Brsfc day of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association's Metropolitan Show was bold yesterday. Tho brighter prospects with regard to the war, though thev did not have an appreciable cffect on tho attendanco, were noticeable in tho more optimistic greetings exchanged between friends for whom the Show is a common meeting place. Judging day is, of course, the occasion taken advantage of by those who wish to carefully inspcct tho various exhibits, and yestordny there was n goodly attendance of these exports, who evidently found the shoop, cattle, and horses on exhibition quito up to the genera) high standard for which the Metropolitan Show has a Dominionwide reputation. The crowds, of course, will, as usual, make thoir appearance to-day People's Day-and will, no doubt, fully confirm tho conclusions arrived at by yesterday's students of the Show. The weather yesterday, though fine, was hiot too pleasant owing to the stiff nor -wester that wns blowing. In the early part of the dav the conditions were almost perfect, but in the afternoon the wind increased considerably in force, but not sufficiently so to interfere with the stability of the tents. \ general survey of tho stock demonstrated that though some classes wero rather numerically weakor than ha been the case at recent Metropolitan Shows, the standard of quality has boon fullv maintained. This was particularly noticoablo in respect of the sheep exhibits. There was a big decrease in the number shown amounting to over one hundred in all classes, but no falling away fiom the hich standard of previous years could be detected. A decrease in tho sheep classes wns generally anticipated, as the result of tho severe snowstorms experienced last winter, but, as a matter of fact, the reason for the decrease this vear is practically the same as it was last year. The scarcity of the requisite skilled labour to get the animals into show condition, operated to almost the same extent this year _as last year. Despite the mtonso winter conditions of last winter, j the sheep on exhibition showed littlo sign of the unusual climatic conditions experymced, nor was there any appreciable difference in the condition of the fleece which might have been expected as a result of the snow storms. The cattle sections wore noteworthy for the magnificent display of Shorthornsand, judging by the number and quality of the young stock shown, a revival has taken place in Shorthorn breeding in Canterbury. This year's cattle display was enhanced hv the presenco bf representatives from tfie late Hon. R. McNab's Knapdnle herds. Which* amongst other awards, secured the bull championship, The Friesians Were also Well represfrhted, but other breeds were not exhibited feo largely as has b6«i th 6 case in the pdst. The draught horses were not quite so strong A section as usual, owing to the inroads made by influenza in the ranks of exhibitors ana their wen, brft thotigh there were many absentees, the quality of the stock showh'was excellent. Iho light horses made att exceedingly fine display, and will prove to be tho best seen on the Addington Show grounds for some time Pafit. : Although, the implement and' machinery section hns not Wane progress in the matter of the multiplicity cif displays, this tear's efclubitfi made ceedingly fine showing. The agricultural tractor, which was present at last ' rear's Show, was represented tmS y6ar bv several different fnakes which show the advances which have beett made in this economical method 6f . tilling the soil. Several improvements in biridet 9 •were exhibited, the .most notewdrthy teing a reaper and binder with engine attached to the binder, which, with the aid of two horses, does the Work whictt previously required the services of two teams each of three horsee., , _, The section devoted Zealand manufactures showed little advance, m the matter of now feature*. The important meat freezing industry was, as usual, exceedingly well tenrMonted and the prod"ctß nf coal tar exhibited by the British Distillate Compnny indicated that the important ftuastwn of the establishment <jf new industries hftd not "been overlooked. The fine display by the Wooiston Tanneries, Ltd., was alatt of great interest, as Showing that New Zealand leather is canable of being manufactured into articles.that will bear ■ favourable . comparison. vnttt the same class of article that has been imported. Amoftgst improvements at the Show Grounds was the new bridge, near the main entrance, giving more direct access to the cattle and pig pens: and the additional area "being used for the parking Of motor-cars and/ providing an entrance for those vehicles from White* lei <ih avenue. These, of Course,, are oilly a minute portion or the compi enerii sive scheme of improvements which the Association hopes to give effect to in the near future.. ' The arrangements for the comfort and convenience of the public were, as, ia USunl, e*cellent, and the conduct of thd multifarioug matters connected With thd rdnnins ef so big a show Was admirably done by tho energetic and oourtodtis secretary, Mr O. B. Pemberton. TO-DAY'S PBOOBAMMB. "For People's Day to-day. ill additibn :to the general and varied attractions if 'the Shbw, there will be a number of interesting events in the ring. The light-weight and heavy-weight hunters' eOmbptitfons will be decided j and also tHd'lndies' hunter competition. The coniwlation jumping competition and the clasaes ier boy and girl riders will be v aw>'decided. At T. 30 p.m. there will be 4 dastomary grand parade of prize ..ammits, the order of the parade being: i ff) .'Cattle ■ (Shorthorns, Red-pollea, jFnesians. Jersoys, Guernseys, ana Ayr- ' ishires; (2) Draught horses; (3) Led horses: Blood horses, cobs, ponies, and : saddle horses; (4) Ridden norscs: Cobs, ponies, and saddle horses: (6) Carriers' »nd tradesmen's turn-outs; and (6) Fonr-in-hsnds, tandems, pairs, and sin- ; po trap-horses. " -SHEEP, The cuiront Show "brings home to <ne . with somo force the fact that there is a war on. The Metropolitan Show for ' years has had the reputation of providing the biggest show of sheep, # of all kinds, to be seen in the Dominion, ■ hat since the Kaiser "started something" back in 1914 there has been a .gradual decrease in the entries, and L at the current exhibition the number . Was so noticeably less that it came rather as a shock. The reason, of course, is plain i»nd simple, and not at .all to the discrodit of the Canterbury A. and P. Association or of the province. The /steady call upon the man- •• power of the country has hit tho flock-* niaster; at least as hard as it has hit any other industry, and breeders "hayo found it impossible to procure the necessary, skilled lubour to get their stud . flocks—or the pick of them —up in the style that is necessary, if they are to : have a chance of an award in such solect company as always fills the pens at Addington. It is gratifying to reflect, on the other hand, that the qual-


ity of tho exhibits is still maintained at the past higli stc.ndaid. Tho sheep that wore shawn yesterday were pood to look at, they showed no signs of tho hard winter ihat some fe'.v probably rx[.eri(Ui('c:l, and they were brought out in a style that roister! credit upon those who had the handling of them. The sheep that were entered for the wool and mutton competitions were looking in good fett.e, tb.o merinos particularly so, and it was obvious that they have had rather a better time than was the case with ~omo previous lots. The Peterson *rophifis for the twotooth rams enmrec' in the merino competition were won bv Mr Jus. Stevenson, v.ith strong combing hoggets. MERINO. (Finn Combing: Mr B. Tripp.) Seventeen fine combing merinos wero entered in their classes, the /'nly. two competitors being Sir Gcw>. Clifford n:id Mr J. Stevenson". The blue ribbon for rams wont to tho Flaxton breeder, but tho championship for ewes, the reserve for rains, and tho Gionmark Cup for the b?st merino ewe, wero won by Sir George, tho rest, of tho awards being fairly evenly divided, the Stonyhurst representatives having somewhat the botrer of it This is the soeond year Sir George has won tho Cup. (Strong Combing: Mr F. H. Smith.) There were aevoial excellent in tho thirtcon strong combing mermos 9hown, and hero Mr Jas. Stovenson had tilings pretty well his own way. He won 'ho male and female championships, and the New Zealand Sheepbreoclors' Association's shield for the best two-tooth owe (fine and strong combing competing together). Mr C. Gonlter of Blenheim, wns the only other exhibitor, mid he gained a reMM vo for ramp, and also won tho Sheepbrooders' Association's shield for the best- four-tooth ram in the whole merino show, ENGLISH LEICESTER. (Judges. Rams, Mr H. T. Little, ewes, Mr T. S. Little.) There was a drojj of sixteen entries In tho English Leicester classes, as compared with the 1917 show, tho figures being 95 artd 179 respectively, and the gap caused by the fact thnt fhere wore no representatives for the llock of Mr J. Kelland, of Timarti, wns distinctly notieenblo This loft the battle to be fought out between Messrs It» and J. Rei(£ of Darlield, who had a formidable array of quality stock, tho Canterbury Agricultural College, and Mf I 4< Andrew, of Ellosmerc. Generally speaking, the awards wero fi'Jrly well distributed, but the honour of gaining both the tarn championship and reserve for ewes fell to thi I/arheld breeders, Mr Andrew winning the ewe championship, thus duplicating last year's plao ice- The champion ram was Formidable, who scered last year, and his breeders wore also awarded. tho first prise and Sheepbreeders' Association's slield for the best four-tooth ram of tlje bleed. The Gollegn gained red tickets for a shorn foflf-tSoth and a slipm two-tooths The ewe classes were decidedly larger thin the ram 6, and provided a task for the judge. Messrs R, and J. Iteid and Mr I. Andrew divided the honours fairly evehly. BORDER, LEICESTER. (Judges: Rams, Mr J, J. McC/rostie j ewes, Mr W; Pj Archibald.) Fifty-two Border Leicesters wore penned, a big drop from last year, and j here the comnotitioft was somewhat better The Bulk of the sheep Were brought out in very nice show condition, but not quite tip to last year'B standiid. Mr I>. M, Sutherland, of Waimate, had a large afad distinguished eutry of. ewea and rams, and was very successful all through. Ho gained the ram and ewe championships, both reserves going to Mr Jas. Ross, of Palmerstou South. The College gained three Becond prizes for. four-tooths, shorn and in the wool, and shorn twoWothsj Messi s Sutherland and RosS divided thd eW& awards fairly equally, Mr JaSi Ni Boag getting a blue card in the class fpr shorn two-tooths. LINCOLN. (Judge: Mr A, E. Anderson.) Rather better competition Was seen amongst the 47 LinColns which came tinder the judge's hands, than was the ea&3« last yedrj and there were some very excellent sheep in the pens. Mr A. E. Withell gained a notable win in the fam classes, beirip awarded ' both cbatopiofi9hlp afid reserve, afld Beating tliose redduDtable ethibitbrs the New Zealand and Australian Land Company. Mf Withell also gained the New Zealand Sheepbfefeders' Association's shield. In the ewo classes the Laid Company did vefy much better than in the ram section. The championship and the reserve wept, to them, ana also all the principal prizes, including the New Zealand Sheepbreeders' Association's shield for the best ewe hqgget. ROMNEY MARSH. (judge: Mr W: Small.) Though only a dozen Itomneys were penned) they Were a choice lot. The bulk of the entries were sent forward by Lincoln College, which gained both ram and ewe championship and reserve for ewes; The reserve championship for rams Went to the single exhibit in the four-tooth ram class shown by Mr I. Andrew. SOUTHDOWN. (Judge; Mr W. Little.) of Southdowns Was a good orib, there being 55 entries altogether. Last year the Agricultural College, Lincoln, had to give place to Mr I. Andrew, biit yesterday the College proved victorious, gaining both ram and ewo championships and the New Zealand Sheepbreeders' Association's cup for the best four-tooth ram. Mr Andrew had to be content with a reserve for rams and ewes, the Southdown Sheep Society's Challenge Cup, and the New Zealand Sheepbreeders' Association's shield for the best ewe. Seeing that several other red cards were above Mr Andrew's sheep, it may bo said that, though-defeated for the championships, he Was by no means disgraced. SHROPSHIRE. (Judge: Mr D. Evans.) « Thirty-eight Shropshires came under the judge's notice, the average quality being quite satisfactory, and the competition very fair. The ram championship was won by Lincoln College, who also gained, tho reserve. The Sheepbreeders' Association's shield for the best ■ ram iri the four-tooth class was won by Sir Geo. Clifford, who also gained two other firsts and some minor awards. Mr I. Andrew Won the female championship and reserve and the. Sheepbreeders' Association's shield for the best two-tooth ewe, beating the College in this class. Mr Leonard White, the only other exhibitor, scored four red cards altogether and several lesser awards. ■ • RYELAND. (Judge: Mr Rupert Parry.) Fifteen Ryelands were in the pens, and the only exhibitors of this useful type of sheep were Mr I. Andrew, of Ellesmere, and Mr T. A. Stephens. Practically all the principal awards went to the Ellesmere flock, Mr Andrew repeating his successes of last year. corriedale. (Judges: Rams, Mr J.W. Trolove; ewes, Mr E. A. Weld.) For some years past now the Corriedale classes have easily led the sheep section in point of numbers, and the energy and enthusiasm of the breeders of this excellent sheep does not abate in the least. Yesterday there were no fewer than 156 entries, rams and ewes

all counted, and some amazingly fine bheep amongst them. The champion ram. shown by the New Zealand and Australian Land Company, was a remarkably pood animal. He had a grand carcase and a magnificent flecce, and was a worthy blue ribbon bearer. The reserve went to the same breeders for a well-wooiled two-tooth, which won in a large and very strong class, in which the Land Company got a blue card,alio. Other prominent firHt jirizc winners in the ram classes were Tur L. White, who gained the New Zealand Sheepbreeders' Association's shield for a four-tooth, and Messrs R. and J. Reid, of Darfieid. The championship for ewes' anu the reserve was awarded to the Land Company, who were remarkably succcssful in these classes, gaining several firsts and seconds and also t;ie Sheepbreeders' Association's shield for the best twotooth ewe. Messrs R. and J. lleid.nlso sr-orrd a first and second in one ewe class. The whole of the Corriedale classes were first rate, and the huge classes gave the iudges the hardest work of any, work wnicli was nof lightened by the' habit of some enthusiasts of going up and attempting to open a conversation. HALFBRED. (Judge: Mr W. Mackintosh.) Only one exhibitor showed sheep in the halfbred classes, this being that enthusiastic supporter of the hatibrecl, Sir Geo. Clifford. As usual, the LincolnMerino cross favoured by this breeder produced sheep of a high valuo both from a wool and carcase point of view, and he wns awarded all the possible awards, including the championships for rams and ewes and tho reserves for his 15 sheep. FAT SHEEP. (Judge: Mr J. C. Clarkson.) The show of fat s>hecp was a trifle disapjjointing, more so in point of numbers than in quality. Most of the sheep and lambs penned were nicely finished, | but the classes were too small, and some unfilled altogether. The prominent I prize-takers in this section were Mr T. ! A. Stephens, Mr Geo. Mcßean, Mr W. B. Clarkson, and Mr W. W. McClelland, the laßt-named taking the only prizes for fat lambs. CATTLE. I The entries of cattlc showed an mj crease over those of iast year, this I being due to -the larger number • oi Shorthorns that came forward. 'ihere I is evidently a revival in this popular breed caused by tne necessity ot seeping up tho grazing stocK to meet tne demand for oeef. Special interest was taKen in the section tnis year through the competition afforded by the presence | of representatives of the herd of tne Knapdaie Estate, Southland, founded a shore time before his death by tho fate Hon. Dr. McNab. In the hanUs of Mr iteid, the manager, the herd is evidently destined to have a very successful career. Mr J. C. N. Ui'igg, of Longbeach, was again an exhibitor after some years' absence. SHORTHORNS. (Judge: Mr Wm. Gibson, Feilding.) The Shorthorns were the great feature of the cattle sections. There was an increase of quite titty per cent, in the entries over last year, and tins Was mainly in the young stock classes, showing that the breed is beginning to make progress aguin. . There was a lot 'of excellent stock shown, though tho type is somewhat different from what it was a few years ago. In the class for bulls over three years old a very strorig ring of five came before the judge. For first place was selected the Knapdaie Estate's imported Diamond Prince, bred by t Mr A, Crombie, Scotland, a better specimen of the modern British type than has probably been seen on the show ground before. Second to him was placed Mr W. Cunningham's well-known Orphan Clansman, also an imported bull, which has been champion at the show during the. four • previous yeard. The championship and reserve also went to these two bulls respectively. Mr John Nixon's Lincoln Carbine/ who was second arid reserve last year, wa3 very highly commended, Mr Leonard White's Westburn Marquis of Bute, highly commended, and Mr John | Deans's Riccarton Cantator 9th, commended. All the bulls were brought into the ring in great form. Eight | two-year-old bulls were paraded, and the Knapdaie Estate won with a twenty-two months' old bull, Knapdaie Mac, which was born on Quarantine Island, after the importation of his dam. This hull is of a different type from the champion, and lacks the wide form of the latter, but he has grown wonderfully since he was shown nt Dunedin last year. Three sons of Lincoln Carbine filled the second, third, and fifth places for Mr John Nixon. The prize-taker Carbine Brd, was a well-deVeloped bull that was generally fancied for first place. The fourth prize-taker was Mr J. H. Pannett's Blair Athol Duke 120 th, bred by Messrs Dalziel Bros., Hunterville, and Mr R. Peach's Athol's Image was commended. There were no less than twenty-four entries in the yearling bull clasS, and a solid roan of Mr John Nixon's, Ellesmere Carbine 10th, was placed first, and out of five well-devel-oped bulls from Mr J. C. N. Grifcg's Longbeach herd the second prize-taker, highly commended and commended exhibits were selected. Third prize went to Mr J. C. Chamberlain's Fern Duke, and v.h.c. to Mr L. "White's Langley Pinks Earl, the* latter being remarkably well grown. The class for bulls calved since November Ist, 1917, also produced a large entry, sixteen being shown on the catalogue. The Knapdaie Estate's Knapdaie Justice headed the list, and was followed by four of Mr John Nixon's, all Lincoln Carbine's stock, and Mr J. C. N. Grigg's exhibit was commended. The bulls shown by Mr Grigg were either by To Aute Knight 43rd or by his imported bull Rockcliffe Red Earl. The cows over three years old formed a very strong class, and the judge's selection for first place fell oil Mr John Deans's Blithe 10th, Canterbury Agricultural College's Lincoln Moffat 11th being second, and later these two were maun champion and reserve champion respectively. Mr W. Cunningham's Westbarn Queen of Strathavon was third, Mr John Nixon's Lady Broadstamp v.h.c., the Barne owner's Taumufcu Duchess 3rd h.c., and Mr W. B. ; Cunningham's Westburn Myosotis, champion at the show in the previous four years, was commended. It was a case of age having to give place to youth, for there was not a great deal to choose between the selected cows. Tho three-year-old heifers formed small class, only four entries coming forward, and the placings were first and v.h.c. to Mr John Nixon's Ellesmere Lady Darlington 40th and EUesmere Lady Broadstamp 2nd respectively. Mr W. Peach's Mademoiselle's Favourite was second, and Canterbury Agricultural College's Lincoln Oxlip 19th was h.c. There were half a dozen two-vear-old heifers ringed, and Knapdaie Golden Queen was a good winner, Mr J. C. Chamberlain's Thonesleigh Victoria 10th second, and three of Mr John Nixon's took the commended awards. The yearling heifers numbered nine, and Mr Leonard White won with a pretty light roan. Mr John Deans was second, Mr J. C. N. Origg wns third, fourth, and fifth, and Mr J. Nixon commended. Ten heifers under a year old came forward, and here again the Knapdaie Estate scored with a first and v.h.c., Mr John Nixon second and commended, Mr J. C. N. Grigg third, and Mr L. White h.c. The young heifer classes nil contained a ! number of very promising animals. Mr j John Nixon won with three bulls, bred ; bv exhibitor, his best lot being more | even thnt that of the Knandale Es- [ tnte. which was .second, and Mr J. C. N. Grigg was highly commended. The | first and second positions were rei versed in the class for three cows or j heifers, Mr Grigg was very highly, commended, Mr Nixon commended for

his second best trio, and Mr I - commended. There was a f airl - v class of yearling hulls ot a Shorthorn type. Mr J- C. Cuamberlain showed the first, Mr J. C. V GUf« the second, Mr Nixon third and touitn, Mr Pencil h.c., and the Cohege c. It was a difhc'vilt class to ju'lge owing to the want- of uniformity of tvj»o. inc College received a first prize for a bull over a year old. and the Mcnta. Hospital was represented by the cow in milk, which however, lU'lv deserving of the first . award. -Mr Grigg's trio of he : fors was not °n'y very even but of nice quality, ana Jlr Nixon's took second place. RED POLL. (Judges: Messrs H. H. Olscn and Lancaster.) With the exception of three representatives of tile Mental Hospital neru, the Hon. R. Rhodes furnished the exhibits of Red Tolls and. as usual, sent forward a beautiful quaJitj lot. The six-year-old bull Cuhata, bred by the Victorian Government, n splendid specimen of the breed, had only one cc.npetitor in the class for bulls over two years old. one of his sons shown by the Mental Hospital, which, while good, was not equal in bis hindquarters to his sire. In yearling bulls, cows, and lieifers and yenruna heifers, tho Otahuna herd gained all the awards. Both the bulls and heifers, by Cuhata show that this bull has done well in the herd. JERSEY. (Judge: Mr S. R. Lancaster, Pahnerston North.) Mr H. E. B. Watson, the well-known Tai 'l'apu breeder, made up as usual tho greater part of the collection oi Jerseys, and again won the bull championship with Remarkable of Meadowbrook, and the ccw championship with the well-known Twylish's Solid Gold, a winner of many honours. < Mr W. H. Weir won without competition in the yearling bull class, and Mr Watson in three-year-old heifer. Another breeder of Jerseys who is getting together an improving herd is Mr J. Fleming, who scored first and second without opposition in two-year-old -heifers and beat Mr Watson in yearling heifers, taking first and second places. In three cows or heifers Mr Watson, however, took first placo from the Balcairn breeder. GUERNSEY. (Judge: Mr S. R. Lancaster.) Captain H. S. S. Kyle and Mr T. H. Brake were the only exhibitors of Guernseys, the latter showing some of the stock imported or bred by Mr Geo. Gould. The championship in bulls went to Captain Kyle's Flora Vale Sequel, a promising bull bred by Mr Gould, and the reserve was taken by Captain Kyle's older bull Marichal Neil, bred by Mr A. E. T. Payne, Victoria. Mr Brako was second in the two-year-old bull class, and Captain Kyle took all the chief honojurs in cows and heifers, the old cow, Hayes Golden Cherry 10th, imported by Mr Gould, and shown by Mr Brake, now showing signs of age. AYRSHIRE. (Judge:.Mr H. H. Olsen.) Mr Arch. Gillies, of Hampden, had a representative in each of the bull and in one of tile _ female classes, but otherwise competition was between local breeders. In the aged bull class the old champions, Mr J. Parlane's Stylo of Porirua, and Mr Gillies's Sir William of Inglewood again met, and last year's decision was reversed, the latter having his day out and carrying off the championship. Mrs A. C. Read got a v.h.c. ticket for her representative in tho aged class for Johnny Walker. Mr Parlane beat Mr Gillies in two-year-old bulls, but the position was again reversed in yearling bulls. There was a good class of cows, Mr Parlane being first and third and Mr Gillies second. Mr U. Bliss, jun., whose herd is founded on Mr J. Parlane's stock, scored well in the cow and heifer classes, winning in the class for cowb calved prior to June 30th, 1915, first and second in two-year-old heifels, and first in yearling heifers, and .second in three-year-old heifer in milk or in calf. In the latter class Mr Parlane showed the winner, Sadie of Gowanbank, who repeated last year's performance by carrying off tne cow championship, the reserve going to Mr Bliss's • Snowdrop 2nd of GoWanbank, the winner of the cow in milk cla&s. , FRIESIAN. (Judge: Mr C. 0. Buckland, Waikato.) Tho judge was late in arriving on the ground in consequence of the delay in the arrival of the ferry steamer, and was not able therefore to complete the judging of the whole of the Friesian section. The numbers were about the same as last year. The exhibits came from almost all parts of Canterbury, from as far south as Waimnte, show-, ing how the breed has spread over tne province, and there Were several new exhibitors. In the aged bull class Mr J. Briggs (Wailiao Downs) again won with Teronia de Friesland Park, Bred by Mr W. I. Lovelock, and Mr T. H. Overton was second with Mutual Mercedes, bred by Mr W. Barton. Mr J. C. N. Grigg (Longbeach), whose herd is famed throughout New Zealand, won in the two-year-old class with Longbeach Big King, and Mr L. R. Stoddart was second with Longbeach General Botha, whose first name indicates the herd in which he was bred. Canterbury Agricultural College was first and third with yearling bulls bred on the College farm, and Mr T. H. Overton supplied the second prizetaker. FAT CATTLE. (Judie: Mr J. Ogilvy.) There was a fail* show of fat cattle. There were some immense beasts in the bullock of any age class, the winner, shown by Miss A. Miliigan, of Orookston, Tapanui, being espeoiaily weii loaded with fiesh and fat. 'Ihe Riccarton Estate provided the second prize-taker, and Messrs N. W. Kingdon and 1»\ G. Fiampton also hud exhibits in the class. Mr Kingdon, who is a new exhibitor at the show, waß first in bullocks four years or under, and Mr W. B. Clarkson v in three-year steers. • The Mental Hospital was second in two-year steers, and all the other awards in the section went to Mr F. G. Frampton. Two new classes, one for pen of three bullocks ' suitable for the frozen meat trade, and pen of three store bullocks, only attracted one entry each. In future, however, for pens of freezing bullocks there should be separate entries instead of the entry being made up of entries in other classes. HORSES. DRAUGHTS. (Judges: Messrs J. W. Blair, A. Campbell, and J. Grant.) Tho war and motor tractors have severely taxed draught horse classes at> our shows during the post few years, and classes have been only shadows or the big fields of a few years ago. In© catalogue entries this year wore confined to Canterbury breeders, and it spoke well of their efforts to mako the Show representative of tie province, bub unfortunately tho prevailing epidemic, influenza, had invaded the homes or some of the exhibitors, and their stock could not be sent forward. In the opening class, for instance, only two out or seven aged stallions were paraded, and in nearly every other class in the section entries were absent, making tna section an unusually weak one in numbers. Still, quality was well to the fere in the winning horses. Referring: to motor tractors affecting the importance of the future of onr draught stock, .one big Canterbury farmer who hasi giyen the motor tractoi a very thorough trial, maintains that even in the most suitable soil it will not do all the work or cultivation, and that a team is still necessary. In a country that has dq~ come noted in tbfc neighbouring colonies for the excellence of its Clydesdales, it is good news to hear that no contrivance hsa yet been invented tna

will oust our draught horses from pride of placo on the farms. Tliore is still roam for pood work ahead iu our A. and P. Associations in the way of fostering tho draught horse, and encouragement fp l ' the founders. of gcoJ studs to continue breeding on tho same stout lines that have in thf prist brought our Olydesd ales into promin~Rcc». The pedigrees of the stock shown this ye:>.r contain strains of the best blood imported to and_ improved on in the Dominion, and it is plersinjr to know that directly tho war is orpr nnd labour becoires suflcirnti'y plentiful for our lands to ngrsin iconic productive, of foodstuffs. wo will have the best strains already to breed from. And a'.l credit is duo to those enthusiasts who hare kept the flag flyin? in tho lean times ot the past fcV years. Tho opening class. «iped stations. <~nly produced a pair, and tho winner. IVack niglas, looked and moved as well as ever he did. His legs are stil] clean, and his general aprraranco in this year's show ring is a telling tr buto to a good ennstitntim. The opposition was -weak. T!iree-yonr-okl colts were also weak numerically, and Bold Record repeated his successes at T/ceston and the horse pnlade. Fabrikoff, from Mr P. Shearer's stud, is a nicely-turned two-year-oWl, well grown, and had no difficulty in repeating his Timaru victory in two-year-olds, where ho was also selected as reservo champion. Mr J. Epag's Jean Douglas was the only entry in maro in foal, and though on the smap sidt>, she is a good one. In mares with foal at foot, Mr John Wyllie's Queen of tho Hills, having felled since on try, cam a into tho class and beat Mr Jenkins's pair. The winner is a nico compact mare, and a good mover, hut -vras somewhat lucky in meeting Bonnio Jean when tho latter was lame. Though an aped mare. she handles herself beautifully, and is of a raro type. Only a pair of year-old fillies were forward, tho winner, Zarita, repeating her Timaru victory. She is a grand ono. Mr J. Shearer's Jock had an easy win in the jrelding class, and has matured well since winning here and at Timaru as a two-year-old. The two-year-old fillies were a much bettor class, and the winner, from Mr D. G. Wright's stud, is an exceptionally well-grown maro, with a lot of quality. She won last year ot both Ashourton and Christchurch, and on this occasion stood well out by herself. Mr P. Shearer's Record, a prize-winner at Timaru was the only two-year-old gelding forward. The yearling colts and geldings made a good show, hut one or two were shown out of condition. The winner was found in Mr J. Bong's Sunray, by Bucklyvie's Favourite (imp.), and, with tho second prize colt (Mr Doak's), stood well out from the remainder of the class. Tho yearling fillies wer© a good lot, better all round than the colts, and Mr D. G. Wright's Revelanta—Proud Boauty (imp.) filly is a very •well-grown youngster, full of quality and promise to develop into a nice mare. Mr P. Shearer's Rosolla is also a good one, and there was not much between them. Three fair average geldings were paraded, and a Hall Mark gelding from Mr W. O. Ronnie's # stable was the winner in this, and, -with, his stable-mate, in the pairs class. The dry mares class produced an ■ extraordinarily good lot of mares, and JProud Boauty (imp.), from Mr 3>. G. Wright'B stud, who was making her first appearance this season at shows, won from Peggy Ronald, who appears to have gone back since last season. Proud Beauty also won in the class for mare and two progeny. Mr J. Boag's Black Douglas had no opposition in stallion and two progeny, and was afterwards decorated with the champion ribbon, Boquan Kennedy •being selected for reserve champion honours. Mr W. J. Doak's pair, Peggy Ronald and Ochtertyre Princess. wort in pairs of mares, and Mr E. E. Jenkins's quartet of mares had no opposition in their class. Mr J. Shearer, with four of the progeny of Dunure Fabric beat Mr J. Boag's Black Douglas's four in the class for four of the progeny of one stallion. HARNESS HORSES. (Judge: Mr W. J, O. Coop.) Three classes of harness horses were judged during the day. The first, for maidens in harness, produced dog cart and gig horses, a mixture that made tho work of the judge difficult and lead to the suggestion that there should be a class for each type in future catalogues. Miss E. A. Birdliftg's General, a useful, all-round sort of horse, that cart take his part in either saddle or harness, on tho road or over fences, and who_ dbes his work in entire (sympathy with his owner, was first in the class. Mr L. W. Storry's Jack, who carries himself well as a dog-cart horse was second, and Mr H. M. Burgin's Handsome Jack wns third. The dog-cart class brought out several of the same horses, and the first and second placings were without change. Mr D. W. Westenra's Broadwood -was third, and Miss M, McCarthy's Gaiety, who Was unbeaten at the Ellesmfere and Rnngiora Shows, was highly commended, showing how judge's opinions differ with similiar exhibits to decide upon. The gig horse class was also a strong one, and Mr R. J. Mawson's Bonny Boy, who has won many prizes, stoocl out woll. Mr H. D. Muir's handsome maro, Patricia, by Ctil-raghmore, the Irish bred horse imported by the late Mr H. IX Buchannn, was second. This maro, with her habit of carrying her head down, seldom does horpolf justice in tho show ring. Mr H. M. Burpin's ! Handsome Jack was highly commended. JUMPING EVENTS. j (Judge: Mr J. H. Macniven, Hawke's j Bay.) The ring events for the afternoon, as they turned out, were not particularly attractive. In the maiden hunters' jumping there were only three competitors, in the jumping for ponies not exceeding 14hds 2in only two, and in the jumping for ponies not exceeding 14hds only four, while of the eight competitors in the class for jumpers in .steeplechase style, only threo or four seemed to know what was required of them. The General was the most useful-looking of the maiden hunters, but he was obviously raw. at the business, and after chancing the first two or three of the fences, he persistently refused to attempt the ditch-and-bank, and was sent out of the riiig. Mrs Macpherson's unnamed representative was not ridden very vigorously, and after stepping rather wildly at the double, was withdrawn. Misty gave a less disappointing performance, but by no means a good one, and being the only competitor to get round the appointed course, was awarded the first prize. The steeplechase jumpers showed an improvement upon this, though it well may be questioned if steeplechase jumping within the confines of a show ring is a form, of sport that can Jbe profitably encouraged by tho Association. Tne veteran Clarence was again placed first, and the old fellow jumped freely and quickly enough, but he did not get away from his fences so smartly as he did a dozen years ago, and once or twice he landed a bit stiltily. Tidal Wave, the second prize winner, gave at least an equally fjood display, judging her distance admirably and losing no time anywhere. She was excellently handled by the amateur in the saddle, and certainly was at no disadvantage with the winner on the score of horsemanship. It must have been a ctose thing between Hard Shag and The Brewer for third place. The former, a clean, bold jumper, got the card, but was slower at his fences than The Brewer, and did not recover his stride so quickly. Rubicon was the most likely looking of the others, but none of them gave much promise as steeplechasers. Grenade was the freer jumper of the pair in the 14.2 pony class, and was properly placed first, but with a man on her back Coo-ee,_ a sweet little mare with plenty of quality and powcij probably would have won. Lily, a good honest jumper that evidently had been I well schooled, won in the fourteen class with something to spare from the winner in the 14-2 class, a less reliable

mount. Peter Pan, a previous winner in Buch competitions, obstinately refused to'face the obstacles, and apparently has developed a temper. The exhibition of riding was not impressive, but the pilots of the wifiners in the pony classes, particularly the young lady who rode Lily, shaped' well enough to deserve some rudimentary instruction in the rapidly vanishing art. PIGS. There was a total entry of thirtyseven pigs, as compared with the Bmali entry of twenty-eight last year, 'and the all-round quality and breeding was undeniably good, though the display was not up to that seen in 1910 and 1915, when the entries respectively were 70 and 68, while the entry in 1914 reached 91. To quote the words ot the judge (Mr W., Mosos, Ashburton), there ''were some beautiful pigs there." There was, however, a regrettable lack of competition as between different breeders, most of the classes having a couple of exhibits onlyi The principal exhibitor and prize-taker was Mr 0. Brice, who took five fifsts and several seconds in the Berkshire classes, against Mr W. H. Stephens's one first and a couple of 6eeonas. Mr G. H. Barnett, a hew exhibitor on the Christchurch Show ground, beat Mr firice in the class for boars under 14 monthsj with his newly-imported Kofumburra Dick, a particularly gOod boar he got over from Victoria some time ago. Mr Brice took all the first prizes in the Yorkshire classes, but the - best Sow there was undeniably one sent in from the Mental Hospital, and shown in the class for sow with litter. Mr Brice'S sow, however, had a fitter of nine, against the Hospital's sow's slic. A few goocl porkers were shown, the priza-tnkbfs being Mr Brice and the Mental Hospital, but those sent the Hospital were passed over by the judge oh | account of being too heavy. | DAIRY PRODtTCB. The dairy produce shed, as usual, was a cool and attractive haven, and aS I appetising as ever, though the entries were not very large. They were, howover, not much smaller than last year. The display of bread and cake was par* ticularly good, while that of butter was also not bad, but the> entries in the cheese section were Very small. There was a fair entry in the honey class, i with beeswax, and other attributes from the beo, and was also good competition m the home-baking class. The ham and bacon sections, however, brought no exhibits. IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, The display of general farm implements, dairying machinery, and garden and orchard tools, was a most creditI able end highly instructive feature of the Show, and it is satisfactory to note that this feature of Canterbury's premier Show is year after year increasing in volume, the various firms realising the valup of giving their clients an ! opportunity of seeing the various makes of machinery side by side, and of comparing the usofulnes3 of one with the other. The motor tractor loomed much larger than it did last year, and the compactness and powerful nature of these machines won many favourable comments from farmers and others. There were a few novelties amongst other classes of machinery shown, one of these being an engine attached to an Albine reaper and binder, to do all the actual work of driving the harvesting machine, and for which Messrs j W. Bassett and Co. were awarded one of the Society's two gold medals. The second gold medal was awarded to Messrs Dexter and Crozier for the Clovel ind farm tractor; while silver medals were awarded to Messrs T. and S. Morriu, for the Hansman binder hitch attached to a Johnston reaper and binder; Messrs W. A. McLaren and Co., for a 16 h.p Avery kerosene farm tractor; Messrs Steven's and Sons, for motor ambulance; the British Distillate I Co., for products of coal tar: and Regij nald Collins ,and Co., for wines, etc Amongst a miscellaneous variety of machinery wore exhibits of Mr H. Anderson, who ?howed Lister engines, a shearing plant, cream separators, pumpI my pl.ints, etc. The Efficiency Implej ment Co. exhibited ploughs and a twitch I eradicator, for which a silver medal • was awarded. Messrs Andrews and Beaven had, as usual, a good exhibit of their chaff cntterc, seed cleaning ma- ! clinery, oil engines, saw benches, corn ! crushers. Messrs W. A. McLaren and Co. exhibited traction engines, an Avery kerosene farm tractor, and - a

general exhibit of engineers' requisites* Messrs Brown Brothers had ft good exhibit of water turbines and Pelton wheels, pumping machinery, heating and cooking apparatus. New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association had a big exhibit Of motor-cars, a "Delco" light and power plant, samples of manures, binder twines, sheep dips, etc. Messrs Mason, Struthers and Co. exhibited a lighting plant and cream separators, and Messrs Donald and Sons exhibited wool t presses, whilst a variety of other exhibits helped to inako up the general display under the heading implements ana machinery. STAND AND TENT EXHIBITS, The range and character of the exhibits on stands and in tents tfefe, this year, very little different from the' same class of eshibitd on view si lost year's Show, though there waj§ one novelty in tne shape of & moving picture eJthibition, ifi & tent near the maiti entrance, of the work done by Fordson ir&ctorSt • In the big -produce shed fiayward Brothers and Oo<, Ltd., made a good display of rubber goods;' the Woolstott Tanneries, Ltd., exhibited various articles of leather manufacture from tho products of their tannery; the Andrews' Twine Company showeJ binder twine and ropes; Passmore and Co. exhibited sewing machines and perambulators; the fiolsum food Company exhibited jams, and tho Imperial Supply Company showed kodaks and bicycles. The Department of Agriculture made, as usual, a most _ effective display, a considerable portion being devoted to specimens of lucerne. Just outside the big produce Bhed the Domittion Compressed Yeast Company conducted demonstrations-of breaa-taafcTng. The tent displays consisted principally of exhibits *>f motor-cars and motor-cycles, and of industries connected therewith. ( The Christchurch City Council's Electrical Department had an interesting display of electric Vehicles, which attracted a considerable amount of attention. Tile exhibit of Quirk's Safety Gas,was another interesting display. Visitors from the country round much of ( importance to interest them in the exhibition of veterinary medicines <md instruments made by Messrs Barnett and Co. Messrs filackburne and Smith, as is their custom, made an ex-' cellent showing of Little's sheep dips and Little's disinfectants, garden and orchard sprays, and agricultural lime. Of general interest,' as illustrative of ail important new industry, was the display of tar and similar products made by tho British Distillate, Limited. The Simplex soil tester, exhibited by A. W. Buxton Limited, attracted much at* tention! The Para Rubber display -was a fine one, and much interest was taken in it. The interesting display of pest exterminators, shown by "VVheelßands, Ltd., was visited by many during the day. A popular exhibit was that of the Bristol Piano Company, which was well. thronged. Other tents on the ground included the New Zealand Refrigerating Company's display of tinned tneats ana fortdisers, and the North Canterbury She&pfarmers' Freezing Company's display. * CARRIAGES, Again this year Messrs Steel Bros, hold entire in the carriage realm. Their exhibit is an attractive one, including gigs, ralli carts, governess carts, spring drays, and a lorry. The vehicles are of graceful outline, and attractively finished, while at the same time due attention is givon to their strength and durability. Messrs Steel Bros, were awarded four certificates or merit for rubber-tyred ralli carts, and rubber-tyred governess carts, and a certificate oT merit for the exhibition as a whole. THE MOTOR WORLD, A journey round the various exhibits of automobiles and motor-cycles at the Snow brings one to the conclusion that we shall nut see much that is now or novel in motor design until peace is declared and shipping and industry back to normal. Of course, there are many fine cars to / be viowed, finished in tho most luxurious style, but there is no radical departure from the accepted Eractice of the last three years. _ Local rms hare been sorely tried with the shipping difficulty, and desperately handicapped, but it is to be hoped that at the 1919 Show there will bo an array of novelties —tho outcome _ of what has been taught try war practice—that will rejoice the heart of the petrol burner.

PEDIGREE STOCK SALE. During the afternoon _ Messrs H. Matron and Co., in conjunction with "Messrs Pyne and Co., held an auction sale of show stock, but, with very few exceptions, there was not much spirit about the bidding, and most pf the lots were pafesod in. Rates were as follows :—White Shorthorn bull, White Duke Brd, by Blair Athol Duke —Maraekaknho Madeira, T. Condoil, at 31gs; red bull, Lord Alfred 2nd, by EUcsmere Carbine—EUesmere Lady Oswald, T. Condon, at 31gS; roan bull, Lord Randolph Bth, by Lincoln Carbine— Ellesmere Maid of Athens, T. Condon, at 49*gs. PRIZE LIST. Lite folloWKg is the prize list: — sheep. llmiUtfOH}: Flo* Combing. (Judge: Mr B. Tripp.) Ram, over twenty-eight months (8): Jothte SteVMMs 1 ahd i 1 b, Bir Geo. Clifford 3. R&tn, over sixteen months and under twentyeight mofathe (9): Sir Geo. Clifford i and 2, • Jaitteti BtevenAon v h a. Bam, voder fci*teeil mbnths (3): James Stevenson 1, Sir Gedi Clifford 9 and v h c. Two tarns, under,, sixteen months # (1): Sir Geo. Clifford ' Ewe, over sixteen month* and under twenty-, eight months (2): Sir Geo. Clifford X and XV Ewe, tinder sixteen months (4): Sir Geo. ; Clifford 1 tod 3, James Stevenson r he. Two. «Wm, under sixteen months (1): Sir G«tr. Clifford 1. ' i ' MERINOS: SttWjg Oo*Maf.V (Judge: Mr P. H. Smith.) , . . Bam, over twenty-eight (1):'. James Stevenson 1. Bam,, "over sixteen/ months attd under twenty-eight months (1): . C. Goulter 1 and ho, and Breeders' Shield, James Sterensoii 2. Bam, under alxleeUmonths (8): James Stevenson 1 and Si. Two rims, under sixteen months (1): James ; Stevenson 1. EMf tinder sixteen moiitha (8): James Stevenson 1 and 2, and Breeders' Shield. ' Two ewe*, undo* sixteen months' (1): James Skevengott 1. Peterson for two-tooth merino zams: James' Steven- , eon, ENGLISH LEICESTEB BAMS. ; (Judge: Mr H. T. Little.) Bam, over twenty-eight months (6}; E. aid J. Beid 1, tiaae Andrew ia and v h c, Can-; tetbttry Agrfcultural College h c. Bam, over, sixteen months and under twenty-eight months (10): B, and J. Beid 1, 3, v h c, ho, ahd special, Isaac Andrew 8. Bam, over sixteen months and under twenty-eight. nlanthb, shorn (A): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, B. and J. Held 2, v h c, and he, Isaac Andrew c. Ram. under sixteen months . (8): B. a&d J. Beid I and c, Isaac Andrew.. Ith c. and hc. Bam, tinder , sixteen months, shorn (9): Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and ▼ h d, B. and. J. Beid 8, h c, and c. Two rani#, under sixteen months (3): Isaac Andrew 1, B. and J. Beid 2. ENGLISH LEICESTEB EWES. (Judge: Mr T. S. Little.) Ewe, over twenty-eight months, with' lamb (6): B. and J. Beid 1. Isaac Andrew 9 and v ho, Canterbury Agricultural College ho and c. Ewe, over sixteen months and under twenty-eight months with lamb (7): Isaac Andrew 1, 2, and h' o, B. and J. Beid th c, Canterbury Agricultural College c. E*e, under sixteen months (9): Isaac Andrew 1 and h 0, R and J. Beid 2 and c, Canterbury Agricultural Colleg® vh c. Ewe.uudcr sixteen months, shorn (8): B. and J. K«aa 1,. 3. and v h c. Two ewes, under sixteen months (6): B. and J, Beid 1 and h c, Jsaao Andrew 2 and v he. BOKDEB LEICESTEB BAMS. (Judge: Mr J* J- McCrostie-) over twenty-eight months (2): James Boss 1, D. M. Sutherland 2. Bam, ever sixteen months and under twenty-eight I months (5); D. M. Sutherland 1 amT special. Canterbury Agricultural College % v h c, and o, James Boss hc. Bam, over sixteen months and under twenty-eight months, shorn (8): D. M. Sutherland 1. Canterbury Agricultural College 2 and vh e. Bam, under sixteen months (6): D. M. Sutherland 1 and 2. James N. Boag ▼ h c C?nI terbury Agricultural College ho, James Boss c. Bam, under sixteen mont-is, shorn (2): D. M. Sutherland X, Canterbury Agricultural College 2. „ sixteen mcmtliß (3); M. Suthflrluid 1 ®Bd SL James Boss v h c. • BOBDEB LEICESTEB EWES. . (Judge: Mr W. P. Archibald.) Ewe, over twenty-eight months, with lamb (3): James Bom 1, X). M. Sutherland 2. Ewe. over sixteen months and under twentyeight months, with lamb (5): D.M. Sutherland 1 and special, James Boss 2, James N. Boag vh c. Ewe, under sixteen month* (5): James N. Boag 1, James Boss 2, and v h c, Canterbury Agricultural College h c. Ewe under sixteen months, shorn (5): V. M. Sutherland 1, 2, and v h c. - Two owes, under sixteen months (2): Jamoe Boca 2. LINCOLN BAMS. (Judge: Mr A. E. Anderson.) j Earn over twenty-eight month# (8): Albert j E. Withell 1. Sir George Clifford 2, New i I and Australian Land Co. v a c, I Bam. over sixteen months and under twentyeight months (7): Albert E. Withell 1 v he, ; I and c. Bam, over sixteen months and j under twenty-eight months, shorn (4); £ew i Zealand and Australian Land Co. 1, Albert : E. Withell 2 and v h c. Bam, under «x----t«en months (9): Albert E. Withell 1 and v h c, New Zealand and Australian Land Co 2. Bam, under eixteen months, Bbom (3): Albert E. Withell 1, New Zealand and I Australian Land Co. 2 and vh c. Tw' I rams, under sixteen months (3): Albert & I Withell 1, New Zealand and Australian Land I Co. 3 and rka

•i- LINCOLN EWES. I|" (Judge: Mr A. E. Anderson.) ' Ewe over sixteen months, with lamb (5): I W.r Zealand and Australian Land Co 1 t ■ and 2 Albert E. Withell v h c. Ewe under • nixtecn months (5): New Zealand and Aus- , . tralian Land Co. 1. 2 and vh c. Ewe, « iiTidor months, snoni (5). Albert ♦' Witbcll 1 New Zealand and Australian Land • 1 Co. 2 and vhc. Two ewes, undmonths (3): New Zealand and Australian Land Co. 1 and 2. Albert E. Withell v h he. ROMNEY RA3TS. (Judge: Mr W. Small.) . ' • > Ram, over sixteen months and under twenty-eight months (1): Isaac Andrew 1. '' Ram under sixteen months (2): Canterbury Ariicaltura.l Collego 1. Ram, under sirteen months (1): Canterlrary Agricultural College '' 1. Two rams, under sixteen months (1): Canterbury Agricultural Collego 1. V ROMNEY EWES. ! • (Judge: Mr W. Small.) ; Ewe, over sixteen months, with lamb (1): Canterbury Agricultural Collego 1. Ewe, ' under sixteon months (2): Canterbury Agrii . cultural College 1 and 2. Ewe. under six- , ' teen months shorn (1): Canterbury Agricultural College 1. Two *wes, under sixteen months (1): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, SOUTHDOWN RAMS. (Judge: Mr W. Little.) Ram, over twenty-eight months (2): Isaac 'i Andrew 1, Canterbury Agricultural College 2. < Knm, over sixteen months and under twoniyeight months W- Canterbury Agricultural I College 1 and 2. Ram. over sixteen months :vnd under twenty-eight months, machineshorn (31: Isaac Andrew 1 and 2. Ram, under sixteen months (G): leaac Andrew 1, • Canterbury Agricultural College 2. Ram, undcT pixTtecn months, machine-shorn ( 4): Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and 2. Two *. ranis, undeT eirfeon months (3): Canterbury ** A 2Ticultural College 1, 11. J. Andrew 2. Challenge Cup for beat ram by imported lam (i>): Isaac Andrew. SOUTHDOWN EWES. (Judge: Mr W. Little.) Ewe. over sirteen months, "with lamb -(G): Canterbury Agricultural Collego 1, Isaac- Andrew 2. Ewe, over sixteen months, machino- ■ shorn (-1): Canterbury Agricultural College 1 V. and 2. Ewe, under sixteen months (71 H. f J. Androw ], 2, and special. Ewe, under '• fifteen months, maohina-shorn (7): Isaac An- |, drew land 2. Two owes, under sixteen ■' montha (t): Canterbury Agricultural College • J, H. J. Andrew 2. ;• SHROPSHIRE IiAMS. ; '(Judge: Mr David'Evans.) Ram, over twenty-eight months (4): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, Leonard i White 2 and c. Ram, ovor sixteen months i- and under twenty-eight moliths (1): Sir George Clifford 1 and special, Leonard White 2, Sir George« Clifford c. Ram, over i sixteen ' months nnd under twenty-eight .'.months, maohine-6horn (1): Leonard White il. Ram, under sixteen months (7): Canter- " ; bury Agricultural College 1, Leonard White . 2, Canterbury Agricultural Collego th c. • Isaao Andrew c. Ram, under sixteen '!■- months, machine-shorn (4): Sir George Clif- ' ford 1, Leonard White 2. Two rams, under , sixteen months (2): Leonard Wliite 1, Sir 1 George Clifford 2. < 1 SHROPSHIRE EWES. J. (Judge: Mr David Evans.) • ■ Ewe, over sixteen months, wjfli lamb (3): • Isaao Andrew 1, Leonard White"~2. Ewe, over sixteen months, machine-shorn (2): Sir ! : GeoTgo Clifford 1 and 2. .Ewe, under sixteen ' months (5): Isaao Andrew 1, Canterbury Agricultural College. 2, Loonard White c. I ! Ewe, under sixteeu months, machine-shorn, fii (3): Leonard White 1, Sir George Clifford 2 •I J nud v ho. Two ewes, under sixteen months Hi (3): Leonard Whita 1, Sir George Clifford 2. j] RYELeAND RAMS. (Judge: Mr Rupert Parry.) f 1 Ram, over twenty-eight months (1): Isaac i Andrew 1. Ram, over sixteen months and j) ' under twenty-eight months (3): Isaac Andrew l'i ■I.T. A. Stephens 2 and vhc. Rain, :j under sixteen months (2): Isaac Andrew 1. jj ■ Ram.- under vixteen months, machine-shorn !}) (1): Isaac Andrew 1.- . '! RYELAND EWES. I' (Judge: Mr Rupert Parry.) V Ewe, over sirteen months, with lnmb (3): llAuic Andrew 1 and 2, T. A. Stephens vhc. Ewe, undor sixteen lnonths (3): Isaao Andrew 1, 2, and vhc. Ewe, under sixteen months, machine-shorn (2),<: lease Andrew 1 and 2. CORRIEDALE RAMS. • (Judge: Mr J. W. -Trolove.) Ram, over twenty-eight months (20): New Zealand and Australian . Land Company 1, Leonard AVhito 2, C. H." Elisor 3 and v "h c, Hugh Ensor ho and c. Ram, over' sixteen months and under tweijty-cight months. (17): Leonard White 1. 2, 3, and h c and Breeders' Shield, C. H. Ensor v,h c, Hugh. Ensor c. Ram, over sixteen months abd. under twenty-eight months, shorn (3): 'R.-and J. Reid 1, Leonard Whito 2, v h c, and h'c, Owen T. .Evans c.. - Ram, under sixteen months (28): New Zealand and Australian Land Company J, 2, 8, and v h c,- C. 11. 3insor hc r. ncl o. Ram, under sixteen months, sliorr. (10): and J. Reid 1 aud c,. C. H. Ensor 'J, New Zealand and Australian Land Company 3, Leonard White vhp and bo. Two rams, under sixteen months (13): "Now . Zealand and' Australian Land Company 1 and 2. Williain Mackintosh 3, C. H. Ensor The, John Stringfcllow h c, G. D. Greenwood c. CORRIEDALE &WES. (Judgo: Mr E. A. Weld). Ewe, .over twenty-eight months, with,lamb: ~J>): New Zealand and Australian Land Company 1. and v h.*-c, Leonard White 2 and hc, J John Stringfellow c. . Ewe, over • sixteen' months and under twenty-eight months, -with' lapibs (10): New Zealand and Australian • Land Company 1, 2 and 3, Leonard White vli o and h.c, 0. H.. Ensor c. Ewe,'tinder sixteen months (15): New Zealand and Aus- .' tralian Land Company. 1, 2 and 3 and Breeders' Shield,' Leonard White v h c, O. ' H..Ensor he and c. Ewe, 1 under sixteen - /months, shorn (10): R. and J. Reid 1 and 2, Leonard: White 3 and • v h c, New Zealand . ' and Australian Land Company ho and c. 'Two ewes, under ■ sixteen months (13) :- New Zealand and Australian Land Company-1 and St, Leonard White 3. and v ho, C. H. Ensor li c and c. . > • • HALFBRED RAMS. '(Judge:* Mr W. Mackintosh).

■ Ram, over twenty-eight : months (2) Sir George Clifford 1 and ,2. Ram, . oyer sixteen months, and under twenty-eight'. months ■' -(2): Sir Georgo Clifford .1 and 2. Ram, over , sixteen months and.. under, twenty-eight ; months, shorn- (2): Sir 'George,' Clifford-1. and . 2. ' Ram,' under sixteen .'months (2)r:. Sir George Clifford 1 and 2.' Rain, under, sixteen months, shorn (2): Sir George Clifford ... 1 and 2.. • ' HALFBRED EWES. " (Judg>: Mr "W. Mackintosh). . Ewo, over sixteen" months, with lamb; (2): ;Bir George Clifford 1 and 2. Ewe, > under .'sixteen months - (2): Sir George Clifford 1 and- 9. Two ewes, under sixteen months (1): Sir George Clifford 1. FAT SHEEP. (Judge: Mr J. C.: Clarkson). m Three short-woolled purebred or; cross--1 bred wethers, Down, Ryeland or.'Dorset ~ Horn, over sixteen months and under twenty-eight months (5): T. A. Stephens 1, A. W. Adams 2, Joseph w Brooks v he. '.Three! short-woollcd purebred-or crossbred ! Trothers, Down,. Ryeland, or Dorset' Horn, f under sixteen months (8): W. "W. McClelland 1, T. A. Stephens 2. , Three short-woolled '-- purebred or crossbred ewes Down,*" Ryeland or Dorset Horn ( Tunder' sixteen months !! (1): George Mcßean 1. Three 'long-woolled -wethers, over sixleeri .months and under J. 1 twenty-eight months (o): t W. B.* Clarkson 1, • "W. W. McClelland 2, George Mcßean v" he. > Threo long-woolled wethers, under sixteen ' months (5): "W. B. Clarkson 1, W. W. McClel- ; land 2. A. W. Adams v h c. Three-Corrie- ' dale or halfbred wethers,' over"- sixteen ' months (2): "W. "W. McClelland 1, George V- Mcßean 2,i Three Corriedalo or halfbred <' -wethers, under sixteen months (1): "W. - W. McClelland 1. Three wethera, any orosa, live weight not exceeding" 1301b (6): W. "W. McClelland 1, Goorge Mcßean "2, A. "W. Adams vho. Three wethers, any cross, in -wool, live weight not exceeding 1401b (3): i> George Mcßean 1, Joseph Brooks 2. R.I . . FAT LAMBS. > (Judge: Mr J..C- Clarkson). . ' "Three long-woolled, live weight not exf weeding 80lb (1): "W. "W. McClelland 1. Three ' short-woolled lamb's. live weight not exceed- •' ing 60lb (1): "W. "W. McClelland 1., Three I. ewe. or Wether long-woolled lambß, suitable [ for butchers' purposes (1): "W. "W. McClelland i ' I '' PRIVATE PRIZES.' . I ' - Freezing l Sheep.. f . Three sheep, not exceeding ■.. 1401b each (3): "W. "W. McClelland 1, Joseph ' . Brooks 2 and special. . f ■ ' CATTLE. SHORTHORNS. - (Judge: Mr "W. Gibeon.) Bull, over seventeen months (5): Knapr dole Estate - 1, W. 8.. Cunningham 2, J. '• !Sixon' v h c, Leonard "White h c, • John ■"Deans c.' Two-year bull-(8): Bjoapdale . ' Estate 1, John Nixon '2, 3, and h c, J. H. ■-' Pannett v h c, Robert Peaeh c. Yearling. bull (24): John, Nixon 1,- J. C. N. ■ Grigg I: 3, h'c, and o, J.' C. Chamberlain 3, Leonard "White, v he. Bull, under one year (16):; -j' Kn»pdale Estate I,' John Nixoit 2, 3, v h c, and. ft c, J. C. .N: Cow or heifer, ' oVer three and'a half years (10): John Deans i" ; i t Canterbury - Agricultural College • 2.' W. B. Cunningham•'3 and c. John Nixon v. h' c i .and h >c- Heifer, under three and a- half yea£s. in milk or in calf (5): John Nixon . 't and v ho. Robert Poach 2, Canterbury Agricultural College h c. Two-year heifer (6): Knapdale Estate 1, J. C. Chamberlain " 2 John Nixon th o, a c, and c. Ycailiiig'

heifer (9): Leonard White 1. John Deans 2. J. C. N. 'Grigg 3; v. hc, and he,' John Nixon c. Heifer, under - one year (10): Knapdale Estate l.and v h c, John Nixon 2 and c, J. • C. N. Grigg 3. L. White 1 c. Three bulk, any age, bred by exhibitor (5): John Nixon 1 and ▼ he? Knapdalo Estate 2, J. C. N. Grigg h c. Three cows or heifers, any age, bred by exhibitor (5): ivnapdalo Estate 1, John Nixon 2 and. h c, J C. N Grigg vie, Robert Peach c. MILKING SHORTHORNS. (Judge: Mr W. Giheon.) Yearling bull (12): T. C. Chamberlain 1, J. C. N. Grigg 2. Bull, exceeding seventeen months (1): Canterbury.. Agricultural College 1. Cow or heifer, over forty-three months, in milk (1): .. Mental Hospital -J. Three heifers, three years"'or upder, by one sire (2): J. C. N. Grizs 1, John Nixon 2. RED POLLED CATTLE. (Judge: Mr H. H. Olsen.) Bull, over thirty-one months (2): R. H. Rhodes 1, Mental Hospital 2. • Bull, over nineteen months (5)-: R. H. Rhodes 1 and 2 and hc. Cow or heifer, over nineteen months (3): R. H. Rhodes 1 and_2 and h-c. Heifer, over nineteen months (5): R. H. Rhodes 1 and 2 and v h c. JERSEYS. • (Judge: Mr S. R. Lancaster.) Two-year bull (2): H. E. B. Watson 1 and 2. Yearling bull (1): W. H. Weir 1. Throe-year oow or heifer, in milk or in calf (3): H. E. B. Watson 1 and 2. Heifer, under three years, in milk or in calf (1): H. E. B. Watson 1. Heifer, under thirty months (2): John Fleming 1 and 2. Yearling heifer (3): John Fleming 1 and 2, H. E. B. : Watson .vhc. Three cows or heifers, bred by exhibitor (2): H. E. B. Wataon 1, John Fleming 2. GUERNSEYS. (Judge: Mx S. R. Lancaster.) Bull, over thirty-one - months (1): Captain H S S Kyle 1. Two-year bull (3): ; Captain H - . S. S. Kyle 1, T. H. Brake 2. and v he. Two-year cow or heifer, in milkor m calf (4): Captain H. S. S. Kyle:l and c T, H. Brake 2 and hc. Cow or heifer, calved since June 30th, 191G, in milk or in calf (2): Captain H. S. S. Kyle 1. T/H. Brake 2. \earling Mifer (2): Captain "H. "S. S. Kylel,T. H. Brake 2." • : ayrshires. (Judge: Mr H. H. 01sen.) Bull, over thirty-ohe months (3): A. Gillies I, John 'Pailane 2, Mrs Annie C. Read v In. c. BulL under thirty-one months (3): John. Parlan© 1, A. Gillies 2, "W. J. Jenkins ho. Bull, under nineteen months- (2): A.' Gillies 1, John Parian© 2. Cow or heifer, over thirty-one months (7): John Parlane 1 and 3, A. Gillies 2, W, J. Jenkins v h c. ' Cow or heifer, over forty-three months, in milk '(2): H. Bliss, jun. 1, John Parlane 2,. and ho. . Heifer, under forty-tbroe months, in, milk or in _ calf (1): J. Parian© 1 and h c. H. Bliss, jun. 2, Mrs Annie C. Read v.h c. Heifer, under thirty-one months, in milk-or in calf (4): H. Bliss, jun. 1 and 2, J. Parlane .v h c. Yearling heifer (7): H. Bliss, jun. 1,. J. Parian© 2 and c. FRIESIANS. (Judge: JPr C. C. B uckland.) Bull, over thirty-one months (4): J. Briggs I, Thornai H. Overton 2, Richard Newell li c. Bull, under thirty-ono months (5): J. C. N. Grigg 1, L. R. Stoddart 2 and.v hi c. Bull, tinder nineteen months (8): Canterbury Agricultural Collego. 1 and' 8,, Thomas •H. Overton 2. Heifer, under thirty-one months (1): Arthur S. Elworthy 1. Yearling heifer (8): W. McLachlun 1, Crump.Bros.,2, Arthur S. Elworthy 3. FAT CATTLE. (J.udge: Mr J." Ogfiivy.) Bullock, any age (4): Miss A. Milligan 1, Riccarton. Estate 2. •. Four-year bullock (3): N. W. Kingdom 1, F. G. Frampton 2. Thxreyear steer (i): W. • B. • Clarlraon 1, .F. G. Frampton 2. ' Two-year' erteer (3): F. G. Frampton I,' Mental Hospital 2. Cow. any age (2): J?. G.- Frampton 1., Cow /or'heifer, four yoars (1): F. G. Frampton 1.. Heifer, three years (1); No prize awarded. Heifer, two years (2): F.' .G. Frampton 1. Three bullocks (1): F. G. Frampton 1. Three store bullocks <1): F. GV Frampton. 1. • HORSES. I DRAUGHTS. - ' ■ (Judges: Messrs J: W. Blair,-A. Campbell, and J. G.rant.) v • Entire, * over foity-thretf months (7): J. Boag 1, D. G. Wright -2. • Entire, : under forty-three months (3): E. E. Jenkins 1, Peter Shearer . 2." Entire,. v under months (3):. Peter 'Shearer X, . Miln: Bros' c. Ma're in foal' (1): *J. " Boag ■ 1:'" Mare,'-"with foal (4): John Wyllie 11. E. E. Jenkins 2 and i h c. Three-year- filly (2) : John . Shearer 1, E. E, Jenkiris 2. Three-year gelding (2): filly (7): D., G. jyriglit 1,, John Sheerer 2, 'Canterbury.' Agricultural' College 3. Two-year Peter Shearer, i,' R. 'Colfee 2. !' Twovear gelding, (i): Pfcter Shearer 1. . ' "Yearling'colt or gelditfg (12):;. J. ;Boag l/'W. J..Doak;2, 33. Hall '8; T. Wyllie -v h.;c. : Yearling-filly (12):. D. G.Wright. 1, Peter Shearer 2, W. 0. Rerjnie S, E.. Hall v ho.'- Gelding, any ago (4): .W: O.'-'Rennie 1, John ' Gillandera 2. Dry 'mare, any ago .(5): D. .G. Wright 1, ,W. J. Doak 2 and V ho, J.' Boar h c. Entire, with two of. Bis progeny (1)-: J. -Boag 1. Mare, with two of her '■.progeny, (4):•D. G.. Wright 1, -E. E. Jenkins-2. ; Pair geldings (1): : W: 0. Rennw 1. Pair mares (3): W. J. Doak l, J. Boag 2. Fotir mares or fillies (1): E./E. Jenkins 1.- Four progeny j of one stallion (4): Peter Shearer 1, J.. Boag O ..... v • HARNESS HORSES. % -.(Judge: Mr'J. 0. v Coop.) ~ Mar© or gelding, non-previous prizewinner (9): Miss E. 'A."Birdlfng 1, L. W.'Storry 2, ; H. M. Burgin 3, W. J. Parry.(he. Dogcart >horse (10): Miss E^. A.. 1, L., W.; Storry 2, D. W. -Westenra 3, Miss. M; - McCarthy h c. ,Gig liorse (10):.-R. J. ,Maws<jn I, . H. D. Muir' 2, H.VM. Burgin h c,; Misa, Janet Storry cf.'

i' =,' • PIGS. (Judge: Mr W. Moe6s.) . Berkahirea.-—Boar, any- age (2); > C. ,Brioe 1, "W. .H. Stephens 2. Boar, .under fourteen months (3) t ■ G. H. Bamott 1, C. lirico 2. ,Boar,'under eight .months'(2): C. Brice 1 and -2. Breeding sow, any 'age (4): W. H.> Stephens 1, C. Brice 2.- Sow, "with litter, (2): C. Brioe 1, W. H. Stephens . 2. Sow, •under fourteen months (2): C. Brioe :1 and. 2. Sow,' under eight months (2): C. Bnce 1 and 2. ' ■ , < ■ YORKSHIRES... : Boar, any age (1): C. Brioe l. Boar, under foilrteen months (1): C.,Brice 1Breeding .'sow, any age . (2): C. Brice-1, W. 'H 'Stephens 2.' Sow, with litter (3): ,0. Brice 1, Mentii Hospital; Sow, under fourteen months- (2) C. Brice 1 and % Sow. undereight months (2):. C. .Brice I.' . . . - :.i TAifjVQRTHS. Sow, , any age (1): C. Brioe 1. Porkers and baconers (any breed). —Three porkers, not exceeding 1101b live weight (2);. Charles Brioe, 1, Mental Hospital 2. Three, porker's, not eiceediiig '1251b live weight (2): Charles* Brioe 1, Mental Hospital 2. Three baccmers, not exceeding 2001b • live weight (2): Mental- Hospital '.1,- Charles. Brioe 2. Three baconers. not exceeding; 2501b live weight (2): Charlee Brice 1.. ... DAIRY PRODUCE. - FACTORY BUTTER. ; " (Judge: : Mr 'S., Clayton).' Fresh tablo ; butter (3): 'Canterbury Central 'Co-operative Dairy -Company, Ltd: I,' Tai Tapu Co-operfctive Dairy . Company, Ltd. 2, Set ton Mutual Dairy Produce r Association, Ltd.. ho. Butter, ,fit-for export (B):'Canterbury Central Co-operative Dairy Company, .Ltd.- l. Tai Tapu' Co-operative Daily Company, Lid. .2, Sefton "Mutual Dairy Produce . Ltd. v-h'fc.' HOME-MADE BUTTER. Fresh table Gutter,' not' - separated (o):' Mrs J. Borgfeldt (Rangiora)' 1; MraW. J. "White, (Amberley) 2, Mrs J. "W". Butterfield 3. Fresh table butter, separated (6): - Mrs <L Fleming (Balcairn) two entries.equal 1; Mrs rl. Busch (Amberley) 3. Table .butter,, made upon farms not exceeding GOO acres (4): Mrs J. Fleming (Balcairn)* 1 and 2, -Mrs-H. Busch (Amberley) 3. ' Table butter, non-previous prise-winners. (6): Miss A- Busch (Amberley) 1, Mian' Nancy Rhodes ■ (Amberley) 2, Mrs J. W. Butterfleld 3, Mrs O. Genet (Templeton) v h c. ' • CHEESE. Cheese, fit for. export (4): • Barry's Bay Dairy; Factory-1, Pigeon Bay Dairy. Company and Taiamatua < Dairy • Company (equal) 2. "Whole milk eolt mild cheese (1): Pigeon Bay Dairy' Company 1. , ' HONEY.' (Judge: Mr,Ambro&s Johnston). Light amber liqu'dhoney (5): R. DoniiJd 1, G. Lucas 2. Granulated honey (1): G. Lucas' 1. Medium ' amber liquid honey (5): R. Donald 1, G. Lucas 2, "Samuel Gardinef v h c, Domett Apiary h c." Medium amber" honey, granulated (2): Samuel-'Gardiner 1, G. Lucas 2. Comb honey (2): G. Lucas 1. R. Donald 2. Frame comb honey '(3): Samuel Gardiner 1, G/ Lucas 2,.Vale, Royal Estate he. Yellow beeswax (3): G.Lucas 1. Samuel v Gardiner 2. Bleached beeswax (3): G. Lucas 1, Samuel. Gardiner 2. .Honey vinegar (2): Domett Apiary-1, G. Lucas 2. • EGGS. (Judge:-' Mr "Wl E. Phillips). Hen eggs. Svhite (3): Mrs F. Merrin, jun.' (East /Eyreton). 1, MaflWFrauk Farthing 2, Mrs Annie C'. Read. (Cheviot)' v h c. Hen : eggs, tinted (2): Mrs F. Merriij, jun. l:and 2 . . . . .1 Duck eggs (3): Mra J.-"VV. Buttorfield 1, | Miss M. Mjdleton (Prebbleton) and vho. SCONES. AND CAKES. (Judge: Mr "W. 'E. Phillips}. . " Home-made "bread (29): lliaa 'Lily McDowell 1, Mra H. Busch 2, Mrs J. • Fleming 3, Mrs A. H. Hays 4, Mrs M. E. Bonnett c, Mrs Hay Smith special. Oven scones (M): Mra

W. Syme 1, Mrs Selby Weavers 2, Mrs R- . McDowell 3, Mrs A. H Hays v h c,- Mrs W. | B. Giblett h c, Mrs F Merrin, jun. c. Wholemeal scones (11): Mrs A- H. • Mrs W. Syme 2, Mrs D. Hampton 3, Mrs j Sfelby Weavers v h c, Miss E.V. Baker h c,. Mrs F Merrin, juii. c. .Girdle scones (8): Mrs W. Syme 1, Mrs F. Merrin, jun. ~ Mrs R. McDowell 3 Mre John Aitchison vhc, Mrs Selby Weavers h c, Mrs M. t. Bennett c. Home-made oven sconw ("): Miss Lily McDowell 1, Miss Nan<qr Rhodes 2 and vhc, Miss A. Busch 3, Miss May Malarkey h c, Miss Nona Bnce c. Homemade fruit cake (11): .Miss E. and h c. Mrs J. Fleming 2, Mts C- E. vhc, Mrs F. Merrin, jun. c. Home-made sponge cake (14): Mrs W. SjTjie 1, Miss Lily McDowell 2, Miss M_ H Griffiths v h c, Mrs J. Fleming h c. Mrs C. E. Kay c. . SEEDS. (Judge: Mr H. J. Bowlker). Red clover or cowgraas - U): Wnpht, Stephenson and Co., Ltd. White co ( . Wright, Stephenson Ltd. acti cultural and • garden ; ® ce^8 ™ * ■ ? Stephenson .and Co. r , Ltd. BASKETS AND TRAYS. Mode by Returned Soldiers. (Judge: Mi H. Burson). • Best collection of ' six baskets (7): iwai® Gustafson 1, Private Irvine 2, Crooks 3, Private Jones h c _ i potion of three trays (10): Private Jeffs 1, Pri vate Manning 2, Private McWhsnnel 3, Pri vate Jrvine vhc, Corporal Crooks he, vate Brown c. COMPETITIONS. JUMPING. (Judge: Mr J. H. Mocmveri.) Hunters, for non-previous prize i®nHer» (6)- F H Ford's Misty 1. Jumper, steeplechase "stylo (10): J. H. Selßy's W. G. Gerald's Tidn.l Wave 2, Miss Isabel Rutherford's Hard Shag 3. CHAMPIONSHIPS. The following championships Trere aTnvrded:— . SHEEP. , Merino.— Strong-combing—Ram Jamee Stevenson; reserve: C. GouKer. E-we: Jamee Stevenson. • Merino. —^Fine-oombing—Ram: James cstevienson ;• reserve: Sir George Clifford- _Ewe: r Sir- George Clifford; reeervo: Sir George Clifford. •" •... _ .. Border Leiceeteia.—Rain: D. M. pjntnerland; reserve: James Ross. Ewe) D. M. Sutherland; reserve: James Roes. •' Romneys.—Ram: Canterbury Agnounural College; reserve: leaao Andrew. Ewe: Canterbury Agircultural College;.. reserve: Canterbury Agricultural'-College. ■ Ryelands.—Ram t Isaao Andrew) wsuiv© • Isaoc Andrew. Ewe: leaAc Andrew; reserve: Isaac Andrew. , Halfbreds.—Ram: Sir George Clifford; reserve: Sir George Clifford. 'Ewe: SirGoorgo Clifford; reserve: Sir George Clifford. English-Leicesters, —Ram: R. and J. R®id; reserve: Isaac Andrew. Ewe: IssKto Andrew; reserve: R. and J. Reid. •. Southdowns.—Ram: Canterbury Apmoultural College; reserve: Isaac Andrew. Ewe: Canterbury ' Agricultural College j reserve: Isaac Andrew. . Lincolns.—Ram: Albert E. , Withell; reserve : Albert E. Withell. Ewe: N.Z. jnd Australian ■ Land Company; reserve: N.Z. and Australian Land Company. t . ' Shropshires.—Ram: Canterbury Agricultural ■ College; reserve: Canterbury Agricultural College. Ewe: Isaac Andrew, reserve: Isaao Andrew. * ' Corriedalee. —Ram: New • Zealand and Australian, Land N Company; reserve: New' Zealand and Australian Land Company. Ewe: New Zealand and * Australian Land ' Company; reserve: Now Zealand'and Australian Land Company. •J CATTLE. Shorthorns.—Bull: Knapdale Estate's Diamond Prince? reserve: W. B. Cunningham's Orphan, Clansman. Cow or heifer: . John Deans's, Blithe 40th; reserve : Canterbury Agricultural College's Lincoln Mbffat Hth. . Jerseys.—Bull: H. E. 'B. Wateoii's Remarkable of Meadow Brook; reserve: H E. B. Wateo'n's Meadow Brook ■ Nobility. Cow or heifer: H. E. B. Wateon's TwylishVSolid Gold; reserve: H; E. B. W.atson's Victoria Farewell. . . Ayrshires.—Bull: Archibald Gilbes s Sir William of Inglewood; reserve: John Parlane's Style of Porinia. Cow or heifer: John Parlane's Sadie of Gowan Bank;, reserve: H. Blis3, jun.'s Snowdrop 2nd .of Gowan Batiks '• • ■■ • 1 Friesxai».—Bull:'J,. Briggs's, ' Friesland Park; C. N. Gngg.e Longbeach Big King. . ~ 'J 't , ■ - HORSES. - Draughts.—Entire: J. Boag's Black Douglas; reserve: D. G. Wright's Boo.uan; Kennedy. Mare: D.'G. .Wright's'Proud'Beauty; reserve:' W. J.' Doak's Peggy Roraid. ' ! SPSOTAL: AWAB,DS. •; - •. • GOLD MEDALS. W. Baseett and Co., "Albion" ■ reaper arid binder, • completo. .with • 4; h.p. •' "New •* engine; Dexter and Croiier. Ltd., "Cleveland". farm tractor (also special award); Woolston Tanneries; I/td., ' leather.- leather -goods, etc. •' ■ ~ . - ■ SILVER MEDALS. i ' ' T. S. Morrin, • Ltd., ■ a 7ft. "Johnston"' reaper and binder," with Hausman's' binder' hitch; The Efficiency Implement Company, double-furrow '"Efficiency" plough lift.and a three-furrow "Efficiency"'.plough lift}' W. A. McLaren and Co., Ltd., an>. 8-16 h.p. Avery • farm .trustor;.Stevens and' Blenheim - and church, motor ambulance; British Distillarte Company, products of ooal • tar ; ■ Reginald Collins and Co., Ltd., wines, etc. CERTIFICATES OF MERIT. ; ." Andrews .Twine Company,, Xitd., binder twine .ropes; etc.; -Canterbury .Frozen. Meat, and , bairy Produoe. Export -Company/ Lrtd., preserved meats, etc.; Strange.-and Co;, etc.; Brown-Bros., "Duro" automatic 'electrio pumpe, patent' ' electric and . "Graelectric" house lighting pl-ant; New "Zealand Refrigerating .Company, litd.,' preeerved'. meats, fertilisers, etc. , Stevens and Sons; motor-car;-bodies and accessories;;j W. ; Baseett and Co.j' grain and.-manure drill and VAspinwall" • pota,to . digger; .Steel; • 8r05.,-vehicles. .

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16364, 8 November 1918, Page 9

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METROPOLITAN SHOW. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16364, 8 November 1918, Page 9

METROPOLITAN SHOW. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16364, 8 November 1918, Page 9


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