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AMUSEMENTS. QUEEN'S THEATRE. ALL NEXT WEEK. From. 11 a.m. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. ■WHEN SHE Met the MAX SHE Loved 6h<. JUST TOOK Him. VIVIAN MARTIN VIVIAN MARTIN VIVIAN MARTIN VIVIAN MARTIN VIVIAN MARTIN VIVIAN MARTIN In "THE PAIR BARBARIAN." "THE FAIR BARBARIAN." •THE FAIR BARBARIAN." "THE FAIR BARBARIAN." "THE FAIR BARBARIAN." "THE FAIR BARBARIAN." They believed Iter a Title-hunter, bnt sho seeking T.ove, and found it in her own way. WOMAN'S INHUMANITY TO WOMAN. You know th? proverb—well when Octavia Bnssett swamped up by the sraallmindodrerf of a small-town community, the force of tlio old saying became apparent. THE MEN ALL WANTED TO MARRY OCTAVIA And consequently THE WOMEN ALL WANTED I*o KILL HER. Octavia was -not a title-hunter —her title was tlio right to love. AND SHE JUST TOOK THE MAN SHE LOVED. AN ENCHANTING PICTURE. BEAUTIFULLY STAGED, GORGEOUSLY DRESSED. SPLENDIDLY ACTED. ONE OF THE BBS.T. VIVIAN MARTIN In "THE FAIR BARBARIAN," Arranged for the Screen by Edith Kennedy from FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT'S Story of the sanw name: VIVIAN MARTIN was cause as much excitement amongst picture lovers na a _ SPECIAL WAR BULLETIN. SUPPORTS— ROSCOE (FATTY) ARBUCKLE "THE BELL BOY." And American and Australian Gazettes. 2210 CHRISTCHURCH MUSICAL SOCIETY. CHRISTCHURCH MUSICAL SOCIETY. QHORAL HALL, MONDAY, NOV. 4th. COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT, Arranged by Madame Gowcr Burns and "Mrs W. Wilson, With the Kind Assistance of the MALE VOICE CHOIR And tho SONG CYCLE COMPANY, which appeared in the "Persian Garden" and "Daisy Chain. ' Madame Gower Burns, Miss Woodhouso, Messrs A. E. Potty, and Re* 'Harrison, with Mrs F. P. Osmond Smith as accompanist, who will present a New and Popular Song Cycle, entitltd * "FLORA'S HOLIDAY," by H. Larve Wilson. Choice Songs of their own selection ,by the vocalists-of the company will be given in addition. Mr Vero Buchanan (violinist) is kindly" assisting," and-other, items are lwing arranged. • Tickets —3s (reserved), and fs, at Milner and Thompson's, and from members of . the Society. Box plan Monday, October 38th, at 9 am.. ■MRS W. WILSON.'. Wirihana, New Brighton, Hon. Sec. 2173 jpVERYBOiJY'S THEATRE. 15th SUNDAY CONCERT. (In Aid of the Red Cross Funds.) TO-MORHOW, OCTOBER 20th, at 8.15 p.-n. A Magnificent Programme, by Leading Artiste, Vocat and Instrumental, including Everybody's Orchestra.' Come and onjoy a musical treat and help tho men who are fighting for you. FANCY DRESS BALL. RED CROSS. FUND. COLOSSEUM. SATURDAY, November 16th, is ihe date fixed by tho Committer for tho Ball originally arranged for This Evening, and Postponed owing to the influenza epidemic. ' 2214 "O U R , D A Y." Abridge and card evening under tho Auspices of the Women's National Reserve, to be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER fitli, 1918, In the ART GALLERY. At 8 p.m. Tickets Ss Players wishing to reserve tables must send in their names to tho Hon. Secretary, 96 Chester street. 'Phone 3369. gg3 S. EVANS, Hon. Sec. PUBLIC NOTICES. CHRISTCHURCH g H 0 W. ENTRIES CLOSE TO-DAY. Office, 172 Manchester street. O. B. PEMBERTON, 2212 F. Secretary. WARNING. T EMPLOY NO CANVASSERS, and any Canvasser who examines eyes and claims that ho represents mo is making statements that are untrue. (Signed) G. SEVICKE JONES, 9974F Optician. LYTTELTON HARBOUR BOARD. MASTER, TUG LYTTELTON. rpHE LYTTELTON HARBOUR BOARD invite applications for the position of MASTER of the Tugboat LYTTELTON, at a salary of JE3OO per annum. Applicant to state age, what Certificate ho holds, and present position. Copies only of testimonials to be forwarded. Scheduled duties and conditions of employment obtainable at the Harbour Board Office at Christchurch, Lyttolton, Dunedin, Wellington, and Auckland. Applications, addressed to the Chairman at the Board's Offico in Chrifltchurch, will be received until 5 p.m. on tho sth NOVEMBER, 1918. By order. CYRUS J. K. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Lyttolton Harbour Board Office, Christchurch, 17th Octobcr, 1918. 2161F NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I PATRICK MAHONEY, of Christchurch, * being tho holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate at Christchurch and known as the EXCELSIOR HOTEL, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at tho next Licensing Meeting, to he. holden at Christchurch on the sth day of December, 1918, apply for a TRANSFER of the said Liconso from myself to THOMAS TANSEY, my appointee. Dated tho 9th day of October, 19198. P. MAHONEY. GARRICK, COWLISHAW, ALPERS and NICHOLLS, Solicitors, Christchurch. 964 F MOTOR-CYCLISTS It is impossible to obtain better Tyres than "AVON" "THREE RIB," "SUNSTONE," or "TRICAR KUBBER STUD." Canvas in the casings. Get one from your Garage. , M63C4-8832F
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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16347, 19 October 1918, Page 1
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751Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16347, 19 October 1918, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16347, 19 October 1918, Page 1
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