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THE ALLIED OFFENSIVE. COUNTER-AT TACKS REPULSED. POSITION HIGHLY ENCOURAGING. (By Cable.—Pms Association.—Copyright.) (Australian find N.Z. Cftblo Association.) LONDON, July 21. Tho latest news is that the French counter-offensive is highly encouraging, despite the euomy's vigorous resistance. Tho average depth penetrated is fivo miles, the deepest, point being seven miles. The Germans counter-attacked at many points, but wore repulsed. So far 18,940 prisoners and 864 guns have beon counted, the guns being mostly field pieces, and one battery of lieavios. Tt is ascertained that the Germans used twenty divisions on a twenty-throe mile front. The Maine is in high flood. THE CAPTURE OF CHATEAUTHIERRY. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) LONDON, July 21. It is authoritatively reported that the French have re-entered Chateau Thierry. (Received July 22nd, 10.40 p.m.) PARIS, July 22. The re-conquest of Chateau Thierry, which is one of the pivotal points of the Marne salient, is ft serious blow to the Germans, whoso positions lat Soissons, the other principal pivot, are also kuown to he critical. The French, •showing groat joy, entered the town from which the German retreat resembled a disorderly flight.

The road to Fere-en-Tardenois -wis choked with retreating columns, who wore frightfully harried by our aviators' brunts and machine-gun firo. General Degout.te reports: —"We have broken the enemy's resistance on Oour* champs Plateau, northward of Chateau Thierry, while the French crossed the road in the neighbourhood of Hartenries.

FRENCH OFFICIAL REPORTS. (Australian and N.Z. Cubic Aswcifttioi.) (Reuter'a Telegrams.) (Received July 22nd, 1.30 p.m.) LONDON, July 21. A French communique states: — "The result of our victorious coun* ter-offensive was sooii apparent. The Germans violently attacked on their right flank, and south of the Marne, but were compelled to retreat and recross the river We hold the whole south bank. "The French and Americans between the Aisne and the Marne continue to make progress, and have driven back the enemy, who is resisting stubbornlyi 'We reached Ploisy and Parcytigne, and passed Streniybldtzy and Rozetstalbin. Further Bouth we hold a general line on the Prez Plateau, north-east of Courchamps. "Violent fighting is in progress between die Marne and Rbeimß> The French and British troops attacking vigorously, encountered large forces. "Notwithstanding desperate eneniy resistance, wo gained ground in Courban Wood, Ardl-e Valley, and towards Ste. Enphraise. "The number of prisoners taken since July ]Bth exceeds 20,0(R), and four hundred guns have been captured, "Our aviators, redoubling their efforts, havo multiplied their raids day and night. On' July 19th they fiercely fought the enemy forces. The French and British bombing squadrons, making the Marne crossing their chief objective, ceaselessly hampered some points, and completely stopped the enemy's supplies. This was an important factor I in the enemy retreat, by machine-gun-ning and bombing concentrations of the enemy when preparing for a counterattack, also his columns and convoys. "Our air craft inflicted heavy losses, 24 and 27 tons of projectiles being dropped day and night respectively along the Marne and the rear of the battlefield." (Received July 22nd, 7.30 p.m.) LONDON, July 21 (4.20 p.m.). A French communique states:— "The French troops entered Chateau Thierry this morning. "Violent fighting is proceeding north and south of the Ourcq and between the Marne and Rheims. "Despite desperate resistance we continue to make progress. "Several fires and explosions were observed at stations. Simultaneously aeroplanes marked the advance of our troops and tanks between the Aisne and the Marne, reported the arrival of enemy reserves, and participated directly in the battle by machine-gunning the latter. "Twenty-six German aeroplanes fell disabled in numerous fights with French and British pilots. "Everywhere the German aviation was inferior to that of the French."


(Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) (Received July 23rd, 12.10 a.m.) LONDON, July 22 (4.20 a.m.). A French communique states: — "The battle continues undor favourable conditions on the whole front between the Marne and the Aisuo. "Our troops north of the Ourcq. are driving the enemy, who is striving to arrest our advance. "We made progress in the region north of Ville Mont Oise and further south. "We are advancing east of Parcy, in the Ligny-Bie]y-Sur Ourcq line. "South of the Ourcq we made a big advance beyond the Neuilly front, and captured the heights east of La Croix and Crissoles. "Under the doublo pressure of the French and Americans operating between the Ourcq and the Marne, and the French who crossed the.river between Fossoy and Cliarteves, the Germans have been driven beyond tie line Bezust German Mont St. Pere. "Chateau Thierry is practically cleared northwards between tho Marne and Rhcims. There has been tho most violent battle all day. "The French and British, in conjunction with the Italians, are tirolessly attacking largo enemy forces. We captured St. Emphraise and Doilly, and gained ground on the Ardre Valley. The British at Courcon Woods captured four guns and 400 prisoners, including eleven officers, of whom two are colonels. Dospite storms arid low clouds v on July 20th the pilots brought down eleven German aeroplanes. French and British bombers dropped six tons of bombs on bivouacs and convoy concentrations. Lieutenant Fonck brought down seven between July l'fith and July 19th bringing his bag to 56."

Liotttenant Foiick has' the distinction of being the French "As des As." In the. middle o£ May he brought down six machines m one day, which made his record 42, as against 34 victories by .Lieutenant Nungessar. FURTHER PROGRESS OF THE French, (Received July 23rd, 1.30 a.m.) The French continue to make progress beyond Chateau Thierry. They have occupied Etrepilly, three miles to the aorth of Marks. The definite defeat of the enemy in this sector and the evacuation of Chateau Thierry largely resembled a flight. On the southern front above Chateau Thierry the enemy resistance was gradually broken up, but the northern forces are still resisting at a series of salients formed round the village along the Soissons.roadi The Americans took, lost, and recaptured Vierzy, under most difficult conditions, in a few hours.

THE AMERICANS. (Anstraliaii and N.Z. Oftblfc AaidciStidii.) (Received July 22nd, 1.3(3 p.nM LONDON, July 21. An American coMmunique states: "Between the Aishe and the Marne we again broke the enemy's resistance, and continued the advance, taking many additional prisoners. l ' (belayed ifi tafcnaiMLsflidit) (Received July 22nd, 9.55 p.m.) HEW YORK, July 18. Tt© New York Times" correspondetiti on the American front etates that Americans nre holding all their gains between Chateati Thiefry and Dormans. Their soldiers displayed the greatest courage. A captain and 230 men were surrounded and reported captured. captain and 38 men arrived. The remnant had refused to surrender, and fought their way back, despite overwhelming odds. The Germans are using seventy-eight divisions. The moral of the crack German divisions is lower than it has ever been. The majority of the prisoners, who are from 19 to 21 years of age, are obsessed with the idea that the war will end in September, but expect peace by negotiation, not through a German victory- The airmen did splendid work, and brought down six German machines m one day. They flew over the Boche lines, pouring a stream of lead on the infantry and artillery train from a height of 200 metres. One American returned with seventeen bullet-holes in his aeroplane. (Received July 23rd, 1.30 a.m.) WASHINGTON, July 22. General Pershing reports that prisoners actually counted-up to July 19th numbered 17,000. The Allies also took 560 guns.

ENEMY CEAIMS. Admiralty per Wireless Press. (Received July 22n<3, 10.15 p.m.) LONDON, July 21. A German official report states: "Wo repulsed English attacks between Beaumont and Hamel; also east and south-east of Hebuterne. Enemy attacks against Soissons from the south* west collapsed. The enemy seven times attacked Soissons from Chateau Thierry road. His dssault north-west of Hartennes broke down. We drove him back soutb-west of Hartennes. We held positions north-west of Chateau Thierry against repeated American attacks. We withdrew our defences north and northeast of Chateau Thierry undisturbed by the enemy. English, French, and ItaU

ian attacks between the Maine and I north of Andre failed." (Australian and N.Z, Cable Association.) I (Reuter's Telegrams.) (Received July 22nd, 10.55 p.m.) LONDON, July 22 A German evening official report states: "The French attacks between the Ainie and the Marne failed. Fresh fighting developed in the evening between the Aisne and the Ourcq. WHAT THE GERMANS SAY. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) (Recoived Julv 22nd, 9.10 p.m.) LONDON. July 21. The "Koelnische-Zeitung," after do daring that a deserter utilised his knowledge of the planned operations to betray the Fa!therland. says : "It is impossible to deny that the offensive failed. The German people anxiously and patiently await the new decisions demanded by the situation." The "Frankfurter Zeitung" states: "General Foch warded off the German blow at the expense of great losses, but the counter-offensive failed, freedom of action remaining in German hands." The "Cologno Gazette". remarks: "We must concede the loss of prisoners, and guns, 1 but the enemy's leading idea of the break through was not attained. The counter-offensive was held up before it attained a strategic advance worth mentioning." DUTCH PRESS* COMMENT. Dutch papers regard it as a serious blow to Germany ,amounting to an Allied victory. Tho "Telegraaf" says hnvthing may now happen. THE FLANDERS FRONT. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) (Received July 22ncl, 9.10 p.m.) Sir Douglas Haig reports:— "Our aeroplanes on July 19th dropped seventeen tons of bombs on hostile dumps, railway stations, and aerodromes. Aviators and one pilot landed at an aerodrome and machine-gunned the hangars before rising. We brought down ten aeroplanes and six balloons. Seven British machines are missing. Our night-fliers dropped fourteen tons of bombs on railways between Mons and Valinciettes, aqd on stations at Cambrai and Lille." (Hauler's Telegrams.) (Received July 22nd, 10.15 p.m.) LONDON, July 21. Sir Douglas Haig states:— "Our aeroplanes on July 20th dropped 18 tons of bombs on Courtrai and Lille railways and Bruges docks, and three large dumps and billets. There has been more air fighting. . "We brought down fourteen aeroplanes and drove down three uncoritrol-. lable. We destroyed three balloons. Seven British aeroplanes are missing." The Air Ministry report states: — "Photographs show extensive damage to a hostile aerodrome at Morhange. As a result of an attack on the night of July 19th, one large shod and three hangars were destroyed.

(Australian and N.Z Cable Association.) (Recoived July 22nd, 11.40 p.m.) LONDON, July 21. The newßpapcre are making a great feature of the Germans' precipitate retreat across the Marne, and - the new onslaught in which fcouth westward of Rheims, and in the valley'of the Andre, the British are now sharing the honourß in General Foch's glorious victory. The consensus of opinion is, that with the right wing smashed in, the Crown Prince, tinder the latest pressure brought to bear on the other wing, is in a position of increasing jeopardy. The French and American artillfery barrages on Saturday hampered the withdrawal of many German detachments: The French and American troops are constantly rounding Up fugitives. The net result of the German*' southward push is merely enormous losses. Many prisoners describe how German divisions along the entire front were broken by Allied artillery and rifle fire at close range. Fighting airmen report a congestion in the movement on German routes north-westward of Chateau Thierry!

CORRESPONDENTS' DESPATCHES. (Heuter'a 7elograma.) (Received July 22nd, 7.80 p.ttu) PARIS. July 21. Reutef's ParU correspondent Bays:— The Germans endeavoured td cover the fetreat across the Mama, releasing gfeat columns of gas and opening a. barrage of fire from the north bank. The French replied With a terrible fire. Squalls of shells, a rain of machine-gun bullets and bombs destroyed the bridges and covered both banks of the river with projectiles. The enemy lost 50 per cent, of his effectives before he completed the evacuation of the south bank. LONDON, -July 21. Reuter's correspondent at French. Headquarters, writing on the morning! of July 21st, states that British troop? participated in the battle for the first time yesterday morning between Rheims and the Ma mo in the region of the Ancre. They took up positions at nighttime, and attacked immediately, with complete succefcs. advancing over & mile. Eight enemy divisions which Crossed to the south bank of the Marne were Sever able to cross the hills overlooking tho I river from the south. None of those who lived to re-crosa will forget the five terrible days 6pont south of the Marne. The ground they held was overlooked everywhere by French anil American artillery observers, enclosed in a narrow space between the river and the hills. They offered a sure target to our artillery. For food and for munitions they depen'ded on transport across bridges which were constantly shelled, and also regularly bombed by French and British airmen. They were never able to bring across any artillery heavier than mountain guns and light minenwerfer. Owing tc the superiority of our artillery they found themselves in the same position as the Austrians on the south bank of the Piave. Their communications were uncertain and unsafe. Their losses from artillery fire were startling, 60 per. cent, of the total strength of some units being casualties. (Received July 22nd, 8 p.m.) JX)NDON, July 21. The Australian Press Association correspondent learns that the French captured this morning the village of Brasles, a mile eastward of Chateau Thierry. Their line includes the heights northward of Brasles, which gives a good bridgehead in front of the town. The line westward of Rhftima leaves the enemy a strip of about 13 miles in the Marne Valley, the greatest depth of which is four, miled* Thfr jg

all the enemy retains of the results of his offensive. There was much 'fluctuating fighting there on Saturday. British divisions gained the Marfaux and Cutron villages, and Outron Wood,, but a German counter-attack retook some of their gains. The Germans hold a line along the Marne Valley from Reuilly to east of Chateau Thierry. Their rearguards - aparently sacrificed themselves to enable the main bodies to cross the river, checking the French sfforts to push detachments across. The French pressure between the Aisne and the Marne is continuing heavily, also in the Ourcq Valley, where they are approaching Oulchy le Chateau, the largest town in this neighbourhood. They have also reached a-point" the village of Hartennes, on the high road and the railway from Soissons to Chateau Thierry. The enemy' 8 situation on the Marne is becoming more difficult hourly. The Germans must either clear the French off the railway or flatten out the salient by withdrawing troops from north of the Marne. The enemy *is still fighting hard, bringing up fresh troops, and delivering local attacks, but he is unable to hold up the French advance, which is now from 6 to 8£ miles on a 22 miles front,. (Delayed in transmission.) (ReoeiVed July 22nd, 9.55 p.m.) NEW YORK, July 17. The "New York Times" oorrespon- , dent on the American ' front' describes how the Americans fought the Germans at Chateau Thierry. Never before had there been such artillery preparations. The Germans not only deluged the front lines, but threw thousands of shells ten to thirty miles behind our lines. The Germans kept op a terrific barrage of fire, which was to perfect that the curtain fire of steel moved backwards and forwards over our sector hour- after hour. Simultaneously the Germans brought up 200 canvas boats* in v which 15,000 crossed the Marne. Then the barflage lifted and thp Germans advanced bravely against our rifle and machine-gun fire. Meanwhile we. perforated the boats, then counter-attacked, and drove the Germans backward until they reached the river. Some swam - safely across and .others surrendered. Apart from more than .1000 prisoners, we . killed ' ->r wounded about 6000 Germans. The hanks of the river were literally lined f with German dead. Our losses were small compared with those of the Germans. The Americans are now con- . fident,of their ability to repel tho next t attack.

(Received July 22nd, 10.40 p.m.) Reuter's correspondent at Freneh Headquarters, writing on the evening of July 21st, states: —The latest news is that the French hold the heights roundl Chateau Thierry, and are thus enabledto dominate a large area. The French, have -reached Ourchyle Chateau, further endangering the enemy on the Marne. The latest reports state that the French hero' advanced between six and nine miles. The enemy, soroly pressed, made frantic attempts to counter-attack with fresh troops but did not succeed in loosing the French grip on the railway and roads. The enemy appears to have incorporated a new army between the Marne and the Aisne the staff of which la composed of officers from the Ukraine,

whose staff work indicates slackness and disorganised effort. ("The Times.") (Reoeived July 22nd, 10.55 p.m.) LONDON, July 22. Mr Campbell, writing on July 21st, states: —The initiative everywhere remains with the Allies. The attack is proceeding on an eighty miles' front. Owing to the -re-establishment of Chateau-Thierry as a solid pivot, it is probable that the enemy will be forced to fall back before General de.Goutte's army in tho sector of Chateau Thierry and Villers Cotteret Forest. Otherwise he will be obliged to defend an awkward salient. A pronounced French, advance is much more likely here immediately than further north. The British, after some advance between the I Marne and Rheims, are meeting with strong opposition near Marfraux.

COMMENTS ON THE CAMPAIGN. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) LONDON, July 21. Colonel Repington estimates that during the four months' campaign the German losses cannot be than 600,000. Tho successive efforts show steadily diminishing results, while tho Allies' hopes for the future are greater. He attributes Ludendorff's reluctance to attack Amiens on the north, and his avoidance of Rheims, to internal German troubles, while his strategy is affected by the dread of losing mon. Colonel Repington adds:—'The cheerful Tommies are convinced that they can do what they like with the rest of the German armies. When the scales are beginning to turn to our side we must be cool and prudent. The Americans are the best army of the reserve of civilisation. The Allies must not open a great offensive till their superiority of"force will victory." LONDON. July 21. Mr Philip Gibbs snys"The capture of Meteren gives us good observation of the enemy prronnd. The garrison were living wretchedly in cellar", and our gnns pounding above made the p m io e | hplHsh. The Gprmans are now disillusioned men. Thoy no longer believe in an easy victory." (Received July 22nd. 12.10 p.m.) AMSTERDAM. July 21. German newspapers display the utmost bewilderment at the shattering of Ludendorff's offensive. Some charge desertors with betraying his plans. • (Australian and N.Z. Cable Asrociation.) (Received July 22nd, 9.30 p.m.) NEW YORK, July 16. The "New York Herald" says: "The results of the seoond day's fighting show that the drive has been stopped within 36 hours of its commencement. . This costly failure will have a recoil at home, where the German people have been deluded with vain promises of victory." . The "New York Sun" says: "So far the German armies have failed in their objectives. Their initial movement has been shattered, and a readjustment their forces is necessitated, which will materially affect the general plan." Mr Frank Simmonds, writing in the "New York Tribune," says: "The offensive has not disclosed the violence of the March or May operations, but it may be that we have only witnessed preliminary feints preparatory to and preceding -the real drive. The danger of an immediate thrust to Rheims is real. The wisest comment to-day is so far so good." The ''New York World" says: "What- ' ever the eventual results, the fact remains that the drive was blocked on

the second day, and the Germans have practically nothing to show for their enormous losses." WASHINGTON, July 21. Military students say that it is tea, early to arrive at, a final decision, but it looks as if the German offensive was broken to pieccs. "The Times" considers it very encouraging that tfie speed cf the Gorman offensive is slower than the first and second phases. The Allies .face the future with strong faith.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16271, 23 July 1918, Page 7

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STILL ADVANCING. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16271, 23 July 1918, Page 7

STILL ADVANCING. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16271, 23 July 1918, Page 7


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