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| Take Out an Endowment J Policy on Your Sight j ■ The " premium " is the price of a pair of per-fect-fitting, accurately adjusted, and becoming Eye-glasses. _ The fully matured " policy " will be the price- . I less gift of well-preserved sight when you have I I reached and passed the allotted span of three I 1 score years and ten. | I The earlier you take out the "policy" the j greater will be its value when you are no j longer young. I PROMPT, EFFICIENT OPTICAL SERVICE J John R. Procter Consulting Optician, 200 High St. angczmmamma ■oawDßHananni
TENDERS. TENDERS. TTpEXDE-RS will he l-eccdved at my ofßco J- <up till 4 p.m. MOX DAY, August 20ih, for ELIiCTIUC LIGHT and POWER INSTALLATION for Crystal Palaco Theatre. J. S. GUTUIUE, A.N.ZJ.A., Registered Architect, ITS ILitiicJiosUir streot 710G (Hillary and Baxter's Building). SEFTON MUTUAL DAIRY PRODUCE ASSOCLVTIO.N, LTD. fTVENDEIiS are invited for tho CARTING d. COAL from Railway Station to tho Faotorv at Sefton at per ton. T<\nders to bo in tho hands of tho Secretary not later than AUGUST lGth, 1917. J. J. HENRY, 7050 Secrotary. TENDERS FOR RATIONS* TENDERS arc invited for tho SUPPLY oi lißfc-AD, MEAT. GROCERIES, FISH, and FUEL for the Troops at Queen MarJ Hospital,' Hanincr. Specifications, and conditions of Confcrnot, can bo obtained at Queen Mary Hospital, Hanuier, and Defcnoe Otlico, Christchurch, on application. _ _ Tenders addressed to tho Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport, Headquarters, Canterbury Military District, Christchuich, and marked "Tondere for Supplies," will Closo on WEDNESDAY, 22nd August, 1917, at 12 Noon. (Signed) A, G. MACDONALD, Lioni, Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport, Canterbury Military District. 7107 NOTICE GARDEN PATHS AND FOOTPATHS — DURING WINTER. 3S TJLUESTONE SCREENINGS, suitable for JJ abovo, in throe sizes, for Salo in Largo ■ _ or Small Quantities. 12 s THE HALSWELL QUARRIES, LTD., I Telephones 025 and 737 d, or „ °1 > Office of OLLIVIER BROS., 154 Manchester street HCIB6 (next Express Co.). the . tod ?ho ANDREW SWANSTON, ced TIMBER MERCHANT, SAWMILLER, ke, AND IMPORTER. ind T ARGE STOCKS of Builders' and FarmJLi crs* requirements always on hand, ineluding FIGURED RIMU, OREGON, REDWOOD, BALTIC, V.D.L., PALINGS, eg» CEMENT, GALVANISED IRON, eto. ?oc- Joinery Work of all Descriptions. Estimates given for delivery town or country. Timber Yards and Planing Mills. Durham streot and Moorhouse avenue. Offices: Gloucester street. 'Phones 951 and 1653. ,■ 52371 4200 ; H. J. OTLEY, TIMBER MERCHANT lin'e 96 Tuam street, 119 St. Asaph street, and >al: 493 Hereford street, Lin wood. ifits' ALL Descriptions of BUILDING and ion. -£X FARM MA'I'KRTATiS at Lowest Curthe rent Rates. for Canterbury 'Agent for Brmrner TQea, Firn out Clay, Coke, ctc. the These are the best manufactured in nd- the Dominion. lior Sand, Shingle, and Rubble Supplied. of I. have Large Stocks of English Cement Fhe and Sarking Felt on Hand. sses Box 520. "Phone 189. nod 06050-4749 Ex- — 3m * FARMERS SEND YOUR ORDERS to R. FARMERS W. ENGLANL and SONS. FARMERS LTD., Tuam street Christ. FARMERS church.' Our long-standing rcvFARMERS putation for honest dealing is FARMERS your guarantee of getting the FARMERS right' article. Building Timbers, FARMERS Hardwood Posts, and Fencing FARMERS Wire on hand. ch. T> W. ENGLAND and SONS, LTD_ XV* Tuam street. P.O. Box 813. 3 lE. JOHN WALLER AND SONS, LTD, Timber and Coal Merchants, and Importers. 1 Established .. .. „ 187 a Offices and Yards* 167, 169 Tuam street. Yards: 210-214-St. Asaph street ■ Large and Complete Stocks of Builders' and Farmers' Requisites. Ith. COLONIAL TIMBERS of Every Descripfor tion, Imported Timber. Jarrah, Oregon, Baltic, Redwood, V.DJLi., Yellow-Pins, etc., res- etc--519 Heavy Stocks of Seasoned Timber in — sheds ready for use. We will be pleased to furnish QUOTATIONS for Building Materials, delivered to nes any Railway Station. WBO3B-6981 ing ate -r t. BROWN AND SON, 307 J . TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, 441 570 COLOMBO STREET, . Christchurch. Building Materials of every description, OF including Jarrah, Oregon, Baltic, and Red but Wood, in stock, and Seasoned Timber ready Wo f or immediate use. Cement, Galvanised Iron, and Fencing * Materials. . ~ . Pelawmain, Abermam, Auerdare, New- — castle, Wcstport, Westport-Stockton, and all Native Coals stocked dry and under — cover. . ! Black Pine and Manuka Firewood. I Price Lists and Estimatos on application. P.O. Box 306. Telephone No. 362; 2nd Telephone 4024. * 8201 aatu b- — YOUR WATER SUPPLY. j do — j I'-n, "PtON'T wait for tho rain, ensure an ample , j, a XJ and steady supphr of water by installing of a TITAN WINDMILL. It is simple, strong, laid and effective, arid requires no Attention be;v yond very occasional oiling. Write for froo " IA ' booklet, giving full particulars, to T. DANKS, D 9761 Lichfield street, Christchurch. 1. _________ — K AIgOTniA MOTOR CO, LTD. ROYAL MAIL CONTRACTORS: WAIAU- _ KAIKOURA. DAILY TIME-TABLE. If (Weather and other circumstances i j-ij permitting):—' 529 PARNASSUS to KAIKOURA. at 2.15 pjn. And — KAIKOURA to PARNASSUS, at 9.15 ajn. Distance 38 miles. BO FARES: 20s Single, 35s Return. THROUGH BOOKING'S via EAST COAST (in conjunction with Theo. Butt's Cars). PARNASSUS to WARD (or vie© versa). 105 , Miles, for 455. WAIAU-KAIKOUxiA ROYAL MATT. SERVICE. , Leaving Kaikoura for Waiau, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 8 a.m. Leaving Waiau for Kaikoura, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. (Journey Covered in One Day). TICKET AGENTS: iat- 7. GOVERNMENT TOURIST ing BUREAUX. THOS. COOK and SON m's Or N.Z. SHEEP FARMERS' AGENCY, 140 Hereford streot Christchurch. Telephone. "Shoop, Christchurch." "Cur- i ran, Kaikoura."
EDUCATIONAL. INSISTENT DEMAND FOB OFFICE WORKERS. riTHERE is an exceptional demand JL for Gilby-trained students to fill the poets being vacated by men called ■up for Military aervicc. Young ladies and sills wishing to prepare themselves for such vacancies can do eo by making themselves proficient in SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING AT GILBY'S DAY or EVENING CLASSES. Wo have 3 Instructors in Shorthand and 2 in Typewriting, with 2 Assistants, and thceo Teuclier-Special-i&ts give students individual attention. Qualify yourself for useful work in business by attending theso classes, which are hold in tho evenings from MONDAY TILL THURSDAY, between 7 and 9, and in the day-timo from MONDAY TILL FRIDAY, between 9 and 6. To suit 'the convenience of those who cannot attend personally, wo conduct excellent Correspondcnco Lessons. TERM MAY BE COMMENCED AT ANY TIME. Write for Fix© Prospectus "Success," or "Homo Study Courses," or call and interview tho Director GILBY'S COLLEGE LTD. Next Chief Post Office, Cathedral square, G4514-1 CHRISTCHTTRCH. i . _________________________ SECURE A GOOD POSITION. LEARN WTRELES I XIU~B ai© the only College in the Dominit * » solely devoted to teaching WIRI LESS. We have the Marconi Apparatus the latest type installed in our Wellingtc and Auckland Colleges, and are the on College in the Dominion to have the Marco equipment. Our students have priority f appointments to tho operating staff of tl Australian Marconi Company (Amalgamate Wireless, Australasia), in New Zoaland. T following students of ours have been plao in good positions:—Eady, lies. Pari Brown, Kain, Cooke, Dickson, Taylor, a: Ward.' WILL YOU BE THE NEXT? Enrol now, in the beat equipped Colic in the Dominion. Send or call for Proep ) tus. ' DOMINION COLLEGE OF RADIOL 63 Cathedral square, Chnstchurcl. Also at Wellington and Auckland, i P.O. Box 729. D 2099-4 1 Commercial School, Hallonstei J U Buildings (opp. D.1.C.). Principi * Miss M. D. Digljy, P.C.T., I.P.S. (Typis ' Section). Latest Government Examinatii r Latest Government Examination. ' At 1 ) Public Servico Entrance Examination , Shorthand-Typistee held last November, c of the Four Successful Candidates in t I Senior Division. Three were students attei , ing the above School, whilst one of the Juni Students was placed First on the Order 1 Merit list for the Christohnrch Centre. T , School has again secured a majority of pass at the above examination, and the continu > success of students at the various Publio E aminations is evidence of the excellent tyai ' ing received by our pupils. Term oo: ' mences at any time. Day Classes. Ev« f ing Classes.' Saturday Morning Classes. Fi 1 particulars regarding fees, etc., on applii , tion. D 2192—623! ! ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE, ( LINCOLN ROAD, Chrietchurc ' tjbesbyterian boys' colleg: • JT DAY AND BOARDING. Headmaster: S. R. DICKINSON, M.A., Diploma of Education. Education for Christian Manhood and Citizenship. BOYS OF ALL AGES ADMITTED. Plans aro in preparation for | NEW MODERN BUILDINGS. THIRD TERM Begins SEPTEMBER 18t Parents are requested to enrol boys f tho new term as early as possible. Prospectus from Headmaster and all Pre byterian Ministers. StAB2SS-G5 —t DANCING, DEPORTMENT, PHYSICS CULTURE. Under Royal and Vi< Regal Patronage. MISS LOWE resum her Classes for Plain and Fancy Dancii from June 4th. Ladies' E'ening Class forming. Waltzing taught in throe priva lessons. At home Tuesday Afternoons, 3 MONTREAL STREET. 44 THE IMPERIAL CONSERVATORY C MUSlC.—Anyone can Learn by o Methods. No scales; no Drudgery. T Teach from Melodies. ROOMS 1 and 2, Hereford street. LICENSING NOTICES. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THAN FER OF LICENSE. T CHARLES JOHN McKAY, of Chri ■Lf church, being the holder of aPi lican's License in rcspect of tho house a premises situate at High street, Chri church, and known as the Empiro Hotel, hereby give notice that I desire to obta and will at the next Licensing Meeting to hold-en at Christchurch on the sixth day September, apply for a Transfer of the b: License from myself to MORGAN O'BRIE my appointee. Dated tho Ilth day of August 1917. C. J. McKAY DUNCAN, COTTERILL aci CO.; Solicitors, Christchurch. 7] IMPOUNDING*. TMPOUNDED at Yaldhurst, from Temp -L ton Domain, Light Bay Hack MAR Syrs, wire scar on near front pastern, not claimed beforo August 20th will bo st at noon. B. Smallcy, Poundkecper. { piLKINGTON'S ROYAL MAIL MOTOR Christchurch, Little River, Akaroa. TIME-TABLE. From Broadway's, Christchurch. MONDAY . ; ; : 2 p.m. TUESDAY i ; i i 2 p.m. WEDNESDAY ; 2 p.m. THURSDAY ; i ; . 2 p.m. FRIDAY ; ; i ; 2 p.m. ■ SATURDAY . . . 2 pjn. Also meets the 8.20 ajn. train from Chrii church on arrival at Little River, lesvii Little River 10.40 ajn. daily. Bookings at Tourist o£Bce and Pilkingtoi Akaroa. Telegrams: Pilkington, Akaroa. Tel. No. & | ►.
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15979, 14 August 1917, Page 9
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1,652Page 9 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15979, 14 August 1917, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15979, 14 August 1917, Page 9
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