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The Canterbury Rugby Union's senior competition was advauccd a, further stage on Saturday last in glorious weather. Chief interest centred in the meeting of Marist Bros, and Mcrivnlo A, the two unbeaten teams in the competition. Merivale wero weakened a good doa! by the absoncc oi' three or four members, who left for camp earlier in the week. The places were tilled with old-timers, who, although playing well, had not the condition to last out a strenuous game. Those old rivals, Christchurch. and Old Boys, played a rather interesting match on Christchurch ground. Tho play see-sawed up and down the ground, especially in the second spell, and it was anybody's game right up till tho iinal whistle sounded. Lin wood proved much too good for Merivale B, the forwards controlling the game from beginning to end. At tho South Park, Albion had no difficulty in disposing of 'Varsity by •J(i points to 3. CHRISTCHURCH (10) v. OLD BOYS (13). Christchurch played against tho sun in tho first half, and at onec set'up an attack. A wild pass from the scrum by Condliffc let Christohurrh right up, bub hard kicking enabled Old Jsoys to force. Old Boys, who wore playing two short, worked their way down to Christchurch territory by a, series of loose rushes. From a. scramble the brill was sent out. to the backs, and Livingstone got across near tho posts. Tench easily converted. Christchurch took another turn at attacking, nnd a fine rush, Jed by Walter, carricd the ball over tho opposing line, Boag effecting ,t timely force. Christchurch continued to have the better of' the. play, which was of a rather ragged nature, however, and mistakes jit critical moments were costly to both sides. There was no further score before the interval.

Christchurcli attacked on resuming, and a loose rusli earricd play right down to Old Boys' line, where Feast picked up tho ball ill a scramble aud dashed across. Parson converted, and the scores ivoro oven. Passing by t.IiO Christchurcli backs kept their opponents bnsv defending. In a rush tho bal] went out t-o Parson, who beat a couplo of opponents and scored at tho corner, lie. failed to convert his try. Old Boys now livened up, and good kicking by the backs placed them oil the offensive. Down found the lino near the corner, and from the'resulting throw-in Gray secured possession, and scored near tho posts. Tench converted. Christchurch again took play near Old Boys' line. L. Parson, the fullback, obstructed a Christchurch player, and for this the referee awarded a try, which was not converted. The gamo sec-sawed to the other end, where a> nico bout of passing between Gray, Roav, Livingstone, and Boag let tl'ie last-named across. Tench missed the shot-. Old Boys led 13—11. A couple of minutes later play was in Christchurch territory, and Walter got across the line. Murray converted, aud Christchurcli lod I(i—l3. Old Boys made strenuous efforts to get level, but tho Christchurch defcucc proved impenetrable till tho call of tiuie. Mr R. W. Britton was referee-

MARISTS (It) v. MERIVALE A (3). The two leading teams, Merivale A and Marist Brothel's, met on the North Park, and the game, in which there was very little merit, resulted in a comfortable win for Marists by II points to 3. Marists early had Merivalo on the defensive, mninly through tho agency of their forwards, who all through played a. good dashing game. Tho Merivale forwards were solid, but lacking in finish, and although they held their opponents in the tiglit work fairly well, thev were not equal to them in the loose. The game was fairly fast and neutral for a- time: although many chances offered, the backs of both sides were found wanting. Eventually, after Marists had been attacking consistently, Lilley secured near the twentyfive line, and ran round behind t-no posts. Fitzgerald converted. Marists continued to have the better ot the game until towards tho .latter end ot the spell, when the Merivale forwards rushed play to tho other end, and Marks scored from a forward scnmblc. Penibcrthv's kick failed, and the spell ended with Marist Brothers two points m Soon lifter the second spell commenced Marists attacked strong.y, and Carmine scored after a clever cross kick by McCornnck. The kick failed. Marist Bros, continued the offensive, and "before many minutes bad McCormick. altera, pretty run thiouji the Merivalo backs, again scored. Merivale, especially tho backs, seemed badiv out of harmony, though the torwards put up a plucky fight, jind at times the situation looked dangerous for Marist Bros., who, however, succeeded in holding their own. and beloio flip final whistle sounded a pretty dribbling rucli,' commencing at half-way, enabled Green lees to score, the unal score? being Marist. Bros. 11, Merivalo a. Mr J. Peako was referee. LINWOOD (20) v. MEIUVALE B (3). Merivale kicked off', and itf. once had Linwood busy, but a grand run by E. •Ctimmings saw liim score first blood for Linwood? Cain failed with tho kick. Good passing by Linwood lot Robinson over, and Cain converted. From a forward rush Shearman scored under tho posts, but Cain failed with tho kick. A good rim by Egan let E. Cummings in at. tho comer, but no goal resulted. In the second spell. Linwood at once got to work, and McOertv scored, tho kick at goal failing. M»r'vale B bad a shot from half-way. Williams kicking a goal. Lin-wood were not yet done with, and Robinson scored his second try. Cain failed with the 'rd.-. The game ended with Merivale T> attar-kins. Mr LI. Fuller, was reletec.

ALBION" (20) v. 'VARSITY (3). These two teams met on the Conner's ground at South I'ark, and the gnmo finished with Albion in the van. Albion scored -0 points <7 tries, 1 converted. and n penalty goal) an'l_ 'Varsity •'} points (I try'l. Mr 7',. G. TVatkins was referee. Albion proved to b? much hotter than thoir opponents, hut with a . little more combination find heavier backs the younger players would no doubt havo put up a better fight. SKCOXD GRADE. Playing at Sydenham Park. Linwood defeated Sydenham by 6 points to nil. Morrow scored a .try. and Turpin kicked a coal from a 7->pnalty. Boys' Hi«h School easily defeated 'Varsity, who played two tnen short, bv -j'i points to nil. For School, Bowes to). Mehrtcns i'2>, "Whito (2), Burns <2), jPa«e. Gunn. and Allen scored tnes, land Mehrtens converted sevui. I Old Boys put up a rccor3 by de- | fcatinj: Christchureli by 122 points to 3. For Old Boys. Corbett (7), Thompson i (7). Parker (o). Carrick (4). Henshaw C2l Bates f2>, H.ill (2). Frost Blackmore, and Hunt s"ored, Carrick converting four, Parker, Hunt, Triggs. Bates, Francis, and Blackmoro one each. Cocks scored ior Christchurch. j I.inro! ii College and Christ's College played a drawn gurr.e on the lat-

tor'.- groun.l. each sido scoring 11 points. For Lincoln College, Lochhcad. Laffey, and Hainc? scored ivies, and Stephens converted one. For Christ's College C ov.-lishaw (•_') and Tothill scored, and Cook converted one. THIRD GRADE. Technical Collego defoatcd West Christchurch District High School by points to nil. For Technical College Sisson (S 1 ), Price. Brosnahan. Murray, "Woodham. and "Wilson scored. Jensen and "Wilson converted two each. Playing at Haglev Park, Sydenham defeated Christ's Col logo A by G points to 3. For Sydenham. Su-.vart. and Manhire scored, and Tapley for Collego. Christ's College 1? defeated Boy.*" High t'c-hool B by 41' points to •'<. For College. Sugdoy (5), Cros.slov (2\ and Tapley scored, Blunt kicked' t<vo penality goal* and converted four tries, anil Kelly pottoj a goal. For School, Mortlock scored a try. Marists defeated Bovs' High School A on the former's ground by points to nil. Gilroy i' 3). Muir (2),* Matheson. B-u?hclor. and Uoulaltan scored, and Main. Houlihan. Gilroy and Goodman converted one each.

XOTKS AND COMMENTS. (By Rover.') .The action of tho Canterbury I'ugbv Inion in changing the venuo of tho principal matches from the Polo ground to tho Christchurch and Merivale grounds at the North P.irk, w lls a wise step. _ Ihese grounds are much nearer tho city, and their whereabouts better Kuoh*]], and tho rosiilt of the change on Saturday was manitested bv the large crowd oi spectators which gathered. A load or two of earth on the Two grounds wotdd, however-, effect an improvement, as there are ono or two nasty hole---which may he the cause or a, serious accidcnt to players unless promptly remedied. «hon!d be taken by the Union to appoint officials to keep the crowd off tho grounds. In the Marist.s-Mcri-valc game, on Saturday the surging of tho spectators on to the field of ploy w.;s a decided nuisance. The, Union would be. also well advised to appoint its own line umpires for at least the principal matches instead ot leaving such appointments to the clubs, as there is not the slightest doubt that the. appointment of independent line umpires would give 'more satisfaction to players, not that tho club umpires do not try to give unbiassed decisions, but it is as unfair to allow a dub to appoint its own umpire as it would be to alio-.v it to appoint its own referee. Why are players, especially so keen on instituting pacing rushes in their own t xventy-tive't jl.ow many time<; havo such tactics benefited a. team, and how many times have thev got t hem into serious trouble ? Some of our young backs should remember that tho best form of attack is to find the line by kicking until the enemy's twenty-five is readied, and then institute the passing'game. A general does not order his cavalry t*o charge until the way has been opened up by hisartillery and infantry, an{| the sumo applies to football. Chief interest, on Saturday centred in the meeting of the two* leading teams, Merivale and Marist Brothers, who met on the former's ground on the North Park, but - the large crowd of spectators could not have been very editipd by the- display they witnessed. MarisL Brothers wen very comfortably, and deserved to do se. Their forwards played a. good ,bustling game, and always had Merivale busy, while their backs, though the reverse of brilliant, were incomparably better than the ."Merivale rearguard, whose handling of tho ball was of tho most elementary character. They mode practically no attempts whatever at passing. Their hands—or the ball—seemed to be well coated with grease, while their attempts nt/ tackling were lamentably weak. Fitzgerald, the Marist' Brothers halfback, played - a ' first-class game, and was easily the best —rosily the only— ( back oil' the field, though the l'ull-back,' : O'Longljlan, played a sale game, and kicked well. Beyond these two. nothing need be said of any of the backs -on either side. The forwards were verywell matched, though .Marist Brothers showed the more initiative, and took better advantage of the many openings. The better team undoubtedlv won.

(Tho match between Christchurcli and Old Boys was -productive of very go-as-you-please football in the first- spell, but the second half was quite tho reverse. First one side would be in the lead and 'tlipn.,the other, and the way the play shifted from one end to the other in & flash was remarkable.

The. Linwood v. Merivalo B match was not a good game to look at. The Linwood forward* nearly always got the bail into their back rank, and then kicked it back again into the ruck, making the game rough when there was no reason for it. E. Cuminings shone out for Linwood. Merivale B struggled gamely. Williams, at centrc, playing a fine defensive game. Albion, with a team mainly, of veterans, .were too clever for 'Varsity, who suffered from lack of eornbiuation, aud a lighter pack.

CANTEItBU UT KUG B V LE AG UE The various grade competitions svoro continued on Saturday. Th<■ grounds were in first-class condition, and with tile best of weather players and supporters bad everything in their favour. Tho most interesting fixture! was played between Sydenham and Hornby at Hornby, but the town team showed to best advantage and won by !2-l points to 12.

SYDENHAM ('24) v. HORXIiV (1-'). The above teams mot iit Hornby -i»<!, starting • tho offensive briskly. Sydenham had the upper 'land throughout. Quick passing Sydenham bucks let T. King over wide out, but Smythe failed to improve tlio -fore. Hornby attacked, but \V. King marking. Smythe placed a goal. Sydenham threw tlio ball about freely, and aft?r some nice, in and out passing by F. AV. King, and Smythe, the"last-named scored between the posts and converted his try. .Jones intercepted a pass ,»nd kicked to Sydenham's twenty-live. MeKnigkt dribbled through, where Mnneh obtained and scored wido out, Sanders converting. The Sydenham 'forwards gave their back-; plenty of chances, and ultimately Smythe scored from a rjuick passing rush and added the extra points. Even play followed till hnlftime sounded. Sales and Sanders were prominent for Hornby on resuming, tlio Sydenham men going back with a passing rush. Sanders nicely frustrated :i Sydenham jusli, but Smythe sent well hack, and from the ensuing scrum the ball von 4 - to W. Kins, who scored :it the corner. Smythe failing with the kick. Hornbv again attacked, with Sales prominent, and from a penalty Sanders placer] a goal. .Tones and Bench led a bard rush bark, a further penalty hv Sanders going ontside. "U". Kinrc led a Sydenham rush, and r. fast- bout"of passing bv the backs let Gonrge ove r . the kick failing. Smythe added a further try after. George's kick failing from a dilGcnlt angle. Bench, intorcenting :v pass, ran to the Svdenham f till-back. and send to Cox. the latter sr-oring. Sanders failed to convert. There, was no further score. Mr A. Morris "was referee.

FEDERAL (26) v. LrSTVOOD (5). Federal _ defeated Lin wood bv 2G points to 5. Tries for tho -winners were scored by R. Christian, L. Thaokwell, G. Porter, and W. Mitchell. Mitchell converted four and kic-knd a penalty goal. Zimmerman and Murray also converted tries. Underwood scored for Liiitvood and kicked a penalty I. Mr A. Brunsdcn was referee.

JCXIORS. • Sydenham defeated Linwocd, at Sydenham Park, by 29 points to b. Mr K, Mat-son was referee. 1 Addington Avon from Federal bv faultSydenham A beat Sydenham ]> by 14 points to nil. Mr 11. Thorn tou 'was ieferoi\ thirds. Federal won' from Addington, at. Wharenui School grounds, in the. liual moments of the game l>v 11 points. to 0. Mr Hooper -was referee. Ilornhr defeated Lin wood P, at St. Albans Park, by 10 pointy to nil. Mr Stevens was referee. NOTES AND COMMENTS. !15t ALL ON.'. Federals success against Liu wood ■"as principally due to the tine generalship oj \\ . Mitohril. He ha.s oftocio;i considerable improvement in the tactics of the Mellon - and lilac ks, and if members follow his instructions tiny will meet, with other successes. The hacks should praciise passing, and endeavour lo bear in mind that the ball only requires to be kicked when penalties are awarded. On Saturday's display the team is capable of some improvement, especially forward, where combination is needed. Mitchell. Cunningham, Porter, IJille, and Thaekwel] wore prominent among the backs, and in the forwards Jlarland and Zimmerman were triers all ihe wav.

Li'iwood require a player of Mitchell s ability both in playing anil soneralship! the Eastern Suburbs :-oon to bo .soloists from choice, not necissii.v. '1 hough Lei toll was away from his usual jilaco behind the >enim, that is no ONCuse lor tho poor display of passing and stopping by sonic of tlio barks, and a, change is necessary. Led by E. Smith, the forwards did the bulk of the work, and conspicuous wero Carroll. Harris, and G. Kinley. MeLnebinu, live-eighth, was quite ihe best of the backs.

Hornby, op their own ground, were expected to fully ox tend Sydenham, but just ihe revoist? happened, as the town backs outpaced, outpaced, and fielded 'in far bctier form than the. count ry-Mder >. who. unfortunately, were without, the service? of Hilary. It made a lot of d fTercneo to tho backs, of whom Sales. Sanders, Bench, and Cos stood out far above tlvir coufrcivs.. Tho quartet mentioned had n'l tiu. defensive work thrust upon them, and but for the good assistance given by the forwards in collaring, tho visitors must have put up a. biggor score. Neither team over reached the speed, areuracy, and snap-passing previously shown, and not once in tho whole forty minutes' play did Hornby bring . off a. back passing .rush, though Sanders and Bench, who played a fine game, are just the typo cf playeis who can play the passing game. Sydenham backs and forward* had tho opposition thinking all the time with their passing rushes, and as Lvcs iras getting tho ball to his half, tho hacks had a surfeit of passing. W. King, Snivthe. Gn<=son, and F. King, of tho ha.cfc«. and Lyes, Becre, and T. Kin <4, of the forwards, stood out. Of tho Hornby forwards Davis played a fmo game. Hanson_ and Iho Freeman brothers ab:o worked hard.

■MEKTIXG OF COMMITTEE. A meeting of the executive of the Canterbury .Rugby League was lield on Saturday evening, Mr Hooper presiding. Correspondence was received from the Sydenham Club, giving noticc of motion to have tho classification «»f Third Grade players enquired into. The following are" tho fixtures, grounds, and referees for. Saturday next-: — '

Seniors—Hornby v. Federal, at St. Albans Park, Mr Brunsden; Sydenham v. Linwood, at Sydenham Park, Mr liaison.

' Sccond Grade —Sydenham v. Addington. at St. Albans Park. Mr Morris; Linwood v. Federal, at Linwood Park, Mr Stevens.

Third Grade—Hornby v. Sydenham B, at Hoinby, Mr Garrard; Federal v. Lin wood A, at St. Albans Park, Mr Auld; Addingion v. Linwood B, at Wliarenui School grounds, Mr 11. Thornion. f •

THE ASSOCIATION GAME. J UNIUR 11EPR ESENTATIY E MATCH. "WELLINGTON v. CANTERBURY. The visit of the junior representative team from Wellington attracted . considerable interest, and • there was a large crowd at English Park, to vie-v the contest. ' Canterbury won the toss and Wellington hnd to lace the sun. From the kick off Canterbury took play into tho visitors' territory, where ». corner resulted. The kick was well cleared, and "Wellington took up the running, but the home defence was safe. Canterbury came awav in a body.- O'No'.l scoured and transferred to- S pros'ton, who scored with, a good shot. From the kick "Wellington pressed. Morgan and Anton, showing good combination, beat the- defence, and the latter put his side On level terms. Fast midfield play followed, the ball travelling quieklv from end to end. "Donaldson broke away, but no score resulted. A nice bit of passing between the loejl forwards terminated in O'Neil (incline the net. Half-time was called with Ca'ilc'burv leading b\- 2 goals to i.

With the pun in their favour Wellington opened the second half in termined fashion, and Morgan sent in n rasping shot, which was well cleared. From a throw in O'Neil secured and. outrunning the opposition, scored a splendid gonl for Canterburv. The fast jjace told its tale, and the phi vers tired pereeptiblv towards the finish of ihc game. With a minute to may Canterbury broke away i» a lino, -nd Sprnston scored with a fast, rrue shot, tlmp winning by 4 goals to I. Mr Knox was referee. LINWOOD Hi v. KANGEHSI'NITED (o>. At English Park Hangers won tho ii>-s, and Linwood kicker] off. UangensI'liited attacked, but I'lcod relieved, and sent his iorwards away. MacLachlau secured when nicely placed, and -ent jicros* a gorv] centre, but S'fnpson wide. _ Linwood keiit up the r.ressure. arid their efforts were rowarded bv IIit! netting the ball. This reverse stung Hangers into activity, and I'c-rry had an own goal, but shot wide. The second half opened spiritedly, with Hangers showing to advantage. A corner to Rangers proved abortive, and Linwood attacked on the right. A corner to Linwood was nicely taken, but Harkcr cleared.. Soon afte r " he brought off a croat. save, but in clearing he, carried the ball. From the subsequent free kick P.ruorton relieved, and play was transferred to midfield. A foiil against McCourtney looked da.ngeroufi, but the kick was charged down. The whistle sounded without further additions to the scoro. Mr B. L. Salmon was referee.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15918, 4 June 1917, Page 10

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SATURDAY'S SPORTS. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15918, 4 June 1917, Page 10

SATURDAY'S SPORTS. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15918, 4 June 1917, Page 10


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