PUBLIC NOTICES. BROTHERS, LIMITED, 207 CASHEL STREET. FLOURMILLERS, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS. CASH BUYERS OF— WHEAT AND OATS, j And all FARM PRODUCE. WOOD BROTHERS, LIMITED. W6113F AMUSEMENTS. i. ~ , Q P E R A HOUSE. 3 FULLER'S .REFINED VAUDEVILLE. Direct from America-, and First Appearanco I. • of I CONNOR AND WITT, !. TWO AMERICANS AND A PIANO Introducing Clever Harmonising Music. First Appearance here of a THE EURASIANS, Oriental Mystifiera and Tricksters. I A novelty revealing the swift magic of the East. 1 CAMPBELL AND WALKER Racquet Spir:ner3 and Ladder Experts. VAL and LOTTIE NEWMAN . In their original Eccentric Comedy Skit. 1 DORA OBERMAN, Clever Vaudeville Soprano. '• Comulete Change of Programmo by , * LALLIE BROOKE, Tho Old-fashioned Girl. S GRACE COMPTON, ELSIE MORRIS Balladist. Male Impersonator. Last Throe Nights of SHIPP AND GAFFNEY, Patter Comedians and Dancers. PRICES TO-NIGHT: Is to All Parts. Reserved Orchectva Stalls and D.C.. 2s. J3oi rian at Milner and Thompson's. 3576 IJ£IN G' S THEATRE. Direction: W. and F. Williams. > THIS EVENING, at S. j THIS EVENING, at 8. SUCCESS. SUCCESS. SUCCESS. SUCCESS. AND TRIUMPHANT ACHIEVEMENT. Tho Famous Williamson SUBMARINE MOTION PICTURES. SUBMARINE MOTION PICTURES. SUBMARINE MOTION PICTURES. SUBMARINE MOTION PICTURES SUBMARINE MOTION PICTURES THE REALISATION OF THE FICTION OF JULES VERNE. Nothing ha 3 EVER BEEN SCREENED to EQUAL the Remarkable SUBMARINE PICTURES. SUBMARINE PICTURES. See the GREAT SUBMARINE UNDERWORLD, THE LAND OF ETERNAL ' f PEACE, THE WEIRD INHABITANTS, ITS GLORIOUS VEGETATION, ITS SCENIC SPLENDOUR AND WEIRD UNDERNEATH THE SEA. UNDERNEATH THE SEA. ALL THAT IS BELOW WHICH MAN HAS NEVER SEEN. UNDERNEATH WORLD UNDERNEATH WORLD . -REVEALED AND, DISCLOSED." " THE 'GREATEST SCIENTIFIC ZARVEL OF THE AGE. Admission: 2s, Is. Plan at Bristol. SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY, at 2.30. 3520 Touring Manager, SCOTT COLVILLE. Q. R A N D THEATRE. PACKED AGAIN. Evon the LIGHTS going OUT comld not dim tho Brilliance of our programme. MARY MILES MINTER. MARY MILES MINTER. "The Flower of tho Screen," In the METRO Wonder-play, EMMY OF THE STORK'S NEST, EMMY OF THE STORK'S NEST. Suppoiting Pictures. Also the WORLD FAMOUS BELLE-CROME BELLRINGERS, Mandoliniste, Orgap Chimera, Violinists, etc., ' Jn tha SWEETEST MUSIC Ever Heard. At 3, 4.30, 7.30 and 9 p.m. PARENTS, BRING YOUR CHILDREN 3 3519 : PUBLIC NOTICES. f I GARDEN SEEDS, j • W'llEN sowing SEEDS, bo sure thai you bow BRITISH SEEDS. See that eneh Packet bears tko name of the Grower. We have roccivecl a fresh stock ot SUTTON'S Famous GARDEN and VEGETABLE SEEDS. Each Packet bears the name of Sutton's, ; Reading, which ;s Jiot only a guarantee that they are British grown, but that they aro also tho Best British grown. Packet s 4d Each. TOG WARDELL BROS, and CO. SUNNYSIDE MENTAL HOSPITAL. TIT"ANTED, a Gardener, with experience in Y> Vegetable and Fruit Growing. Applicants nr .at be married men. Salary, £140. Application, with testimonials and statement of experience, to bo uiado to tho Medica.l Superintendent. 5216 UNITED PICTURES, LIMITED. Ma nag e r wanted FOR NEW THEATRE. Salary £300 p.a. Applicants date . whsn abi« to commence. R. T. TOS3WILL, Secretary, < r L!>{3 H'J Hereford street. "IXTANTED, FEEDERS for Litho. Rotary »? . and Wharfedale Machines. Apply, MANAGER, "Hcicld" Printing Woilu 345 C Auciiland. A LEADING Wholesale House requires the servioes of an Experienced LEDGERKEEPER. Applications, with conica of references, i.o "WHOLESALE," 17oS Ofile3 ci thii paper. W ANTE D, CLERK with knowledge Book-keeping. Salary £150 per annum. Apply by letter to MANAGER. 1734 P.O. Bos 373, Christchurch. TTfANTED. immediately, OFFICE BOY »' • for lesa' office. Apply. "LEGAL," 3513F Box 516, Christchurch. HOTEL LEASES FOR SALE. ROPER and CO.. LTD., have several good Leases to dispose cf in the City. Principals only dealt with. RBI6O-20C7 ROPER and CO.. LTD. A BOTTLED LUXURY AT A REASONA ABLE PIUCE is the delicious MILITARY PICKLE. If your Grocer is out of it, trv the ceit Stcre. BUY A BOTTLE TODAY.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
Press, Volume LII, Issue 15682, 30 August 1916, Page 1
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