PRIZE LIST. The following is the prise list of the School of Art; — Four drawings from tho antique figure, K. Gregory; four heads from the antique, Doris Harfdr-son: special pris.i tor four heads from the antique (student* under 13 rear*), Rita. Ayling and Cedric Savage (equal) 1 ; three still life studies (intermediate*. K. B. Morrow and Myrtle Hawkins (equal) 1: threo etiil life studies lelem. I *. Rir-a Ayling; throe modelled plant studies, Cedric Savage. Set of deeigr.F (intermediate), Olive Meek and Myrtle Huwkiita (equal) 1. Special prizes, Nellie Musiiii, 11. Barrett, Ruby Csrlyie, Irvs Guy. Design (c4em.>. May Horton and Li!i;'aii Sinclair (equal! 1. Craft prise icleru.). Stella Henley. Plant studies. intermediate. Miss M. Br«tch: elemeiitarv, Rita Avling 1, Minnie Gadd 2. Common objeol drawing, intermediate, C. B. Wilson: < Omenta ry, Mif.s K. Cook. Prize for advanced craftwork, Wm. CopoUnJ. Prbe for Xosdlcwork (evening). Miss R. Harris; eerond and third year, Hilda Barrett and Myrtle lluwkins (equal) I. Ursula Steel 2. R. Carlyle 3: first year, Nina Pernberthy 1. Stella Henley 2. Rita Ayling 3. Sigtiwriving (Messrs Sey and Son's prize for time test). Arthur Keys; Scy and. Sou's prize for btst pet of work. T. H. Lane; Hammond ai»d C'o.'s prize, Clarence- Keys; attendance- priz", Keith Bradley and Clarence K°v 6 (-:<iual) 1. Mr Montgomery's prize for recruiting; poster. Stephanie Buckhurst ], Evelyn Munday Attendance 1 prizes (day); Rita. Aylinp and Minnie Gadd (canal) 1 : evening, G. Simms and Keith Bradley (eoual) 1. Special prize lor still life, Violet Lirce. Pis tin:-* studies from life. W. Barker: throe finished studies from lif-. F. S Caidy; three 3tudi?s in colour from life, Ruby Partrid a* 1 . Composition. X. Marsh 1. Eva Polaon 2, Olive Meek highly commanded. Junior sketch book. Eva Poison I, Kato C->ok 2, Rita Ayling 3. Landscape lechool prize), Evelyn Munday: Mr .T. W. Gibbs's prize, Lillian Scott and Edna Bruce (equal) 1. Irstitutc of Architects' prize, A. Poslgato 1. G. Hair.-3 2. Moat improvement: Junior grade, R. Harrrmn 1, James Grubb 2. ' Medals and scholarship: Medal (pure art), Stephanie- Buckhurst: medal (craftwork), Mar.iorie Horn's: jCSTi scholarship (nure art), Stephanie Buckhurst: £25 scholarship (craftv.ork), Mo—ic-ie Hurriti; lif» scholarship (»»v ing), F. Hutchinson; architectural scholarship, Arthur Pcstga'.e: modelling scholarship, 1\ S. Candy: advanced art scholarship, Kvelyn Munday: intermediate, art scholarship, Kathleen Gregory; elementary art scholarship (dny). Myrtle Hawkins 1, Mariorie Andrew 2; ar.tioue scholarship (evenin?), Marjorie Saxby I. Rita Craig 2, Hilda Bonnington 3: craftwork scho'arshin (day), AnnieBuckhurst: craftwork scholarship (eve.nin"), MiJlicent Todd; signwriting scholarship, V. Hnrtn-11. Toachors' eertificMrs • .Art. Miss Kathleen Gregorv; craft, Miss Kathleen Gregory, Miss " Hilda Barrett. Mis* Myrtle Hawkins completed the works and examina'tion«s towards certificate- with the exception of the perspective examination. Painting th? head from life: Pose ex., Stephanie Buckhurst; pass first-class, E. Munday. Drawing tho head from life: Pas* firstclass, Eva. Poison, Dorothy Williams, Phcebe Wreaks. Dorothy Wreaks; pass eecoud-class, D. Hankinson. Drawing the figure from life: Pass ex., Stephanie Buckhurst; first-class, F. S. Candy, Evelyn Munday. Drawing from life (evening): Pass firstr'ass. Wm. Barker. Wm. Baverstock, Frank Hutchinson; pass eecond-cla«, Ngaio JMarsh, C. Kermode. Modelling from life: Paw first-class, M. Harris, K. Munday. F. S. Candv. Modelling from tho antique: Pass ex., K. Gregory, 1L Hawkins; first-class, X. Marsh, V. Large. Olive Meek. Modelling (elementary): Pass ex., Eva Polsort, S. Henley. C. Savage, Rita AyJine. Muriel Lock, M. Gadd; pass first-class, K. Cook, J. Galletty. Anatomy: Pass ex., F. S. Candy. Stephanie 'Buckhurst; pass second-class." E. Munday. Painting from still lifo (adv.):. Pass firstclass, E. Munday; intermediate: pass ex.. L. Scott, M. Hawkins. X. Marsh; pass first- : class, K. Gregorv. E. B. Morrow, V. Large, i O. M«ek. P. Wreaks. Eva Poison. D. Wreaks. ! R. Huatirt; elementary: Pass ex., Marjori" j Andrew, Muriel Lock; pass first-class, Iri-i ; Guy, R. Avling, Ruby Carlyle, X.Penbertbv, j E. Alexander; p-sss second-class, K. Cook, W. i Steal, M. Gadd, I. Sinclair. _ I Drawing from the antique, (evening): Pass! ex.. K. Attwood, Rita Craig. M. Saxby, II j Bonnington. C. Goodman, M. Olds; pa c * first- ! «lar«i, 11. Dent, Olivo Smith, X. Vollor, A. , Thrvmt)«on. Gainsford. K. Bradley. Annie i Kirkp.itrick; intermediate (day): Pass ex.,! 1 Olive Meek, Eva Poison: pass first-cla-ns. M. Hawkins. Violet Large: pass second-class, D. Hiinkinfon, T\. Huston. R. Carlyle. Antiqi'e fitruro (day): second-clafs. X. Marsh, K. Gregory; elementary (day): Pass ex., Mariorie Andrew, Rita Ayling, C. Savage, j Muriel Lock. Arthur Keys; pass first-claw, j S. Henley. Jaincs Galletty; second-class, K. . O. Ritchie. M. Gadd, M. Horton. ' English (second year): Pas* ex., M. Hawkins; pa« first-class. XLna PonHerthy, Kva Poison, Ruby Carlyle, Arthur Keys; pass second-claes Thos. Cuj-lylp; first year: Pas.3 ex., Muriel Lock, Stella Henley: pass firstclass, Hitit Ayling. James Galletty; pnos f-ecnnd-clnss, C. Savage, M. Horton, M. Gadd, • L. Sinclair. K. Cook. Aiitlunetic (second year): Paas first-class, Arthur Kej-s, Eileen Alexander; pass second-e!a/-s, M. Hawkins. Ruby Carlyle. Thos. Carlyle; first year: Pass first-class, Rita Ayling. Stella. Henley; pass second-class, M. Gadd, Jnme* Gnllctty, May Horton, C. Savage, Muriel Lock, Lillian Sinclair, K. Cook. Drawing plant form (advanced): Pass ex., M. Harris, K. Gregory; intermediate: Pass ex., Hilda Barrett, M. Hawkins, X. Hustin, O. Meek, R. Carlyle; pass first-class, X. Pen-
berthy, I. Guy, M. Steel-, elementary: Pass ex., K. Ayling, Jlarjorie Andrew, C. Savage, S. Henley, L. Sinclair; pass first-class, 0. Hitchie, A. Cook, M. Horton, if. Gadd. Drawing common objects (intermediate): 'Pass ex., O. Meek, M. Hawkins, H. Barrett, K. Gregory, A. Keys, X. Hustin; pass firitclusfl, It. Carlylc: elementary: Past ex., S. Savage, K. Cook, Marjorie Andrew, O. .Ritchie, James Gallctty, 11. Ayling; paea fir3t-claas, M. Gadd. Perspective: Pnes ex., K. Gregory; pass second-class, M. Hawkins. Geometrical drawing: Pass ex, K. Bradley; first-class. James Grubb. E. McClure, D. Turvey, J. Sloan; pjss second-class, • J. Crozier, E. Cook. Freehand drawing: Pm« first-claes, Tbos. Carlylc, IT. Snowdon, E. Clague; pass second-cif.-n, P. Merry. C. Merry. Model drawing: Pass first-class, E. Clague; pass second-class. Thos. Carlyle, R. Snowdon. Architecture: Pass ex., L. D. Bestall; firstclass, A. Ball, M. Lawry, G. Haine-s, R. Human. A. Postdate. Principles of planning: Pass first-claes, H. Harmon, G. Cotterill, S. Blackburn, J. Gmbb. E. West. Interior and exterior decoration: Pass ex.. L. D. Bestall; first-class. It. Harman, M. Lawry; second-class, S. Blackburn. Ornament and decoration: Pass> ex., L. YP. Bestall, JR. Harman, S. Blackburn, M. Lawry. Historv of architecture: Paas ex. TT. M. Li>wry; first-class, L. D. Bestall. JR.. Harman. A. Ball: escond-class. H. Clarkson. Architectural perspective: Pass ex., "W. Lawry, P. Harman, E. "West. Free Drawing: Pass ex., E. "West, S. Blackburn. Design (evening): Pass ex.. T. Olds. "K. Bradley. Gertrude Simmi, T. H. Lane. Xoeline Voller, R. Down. Thos. Carlyle, K. Attv/ood. (Day) Intermediate: Pass ex., jl. Hav,-kin°. O'ive Meek, Xellie llii6tin. V. Large, X. Pcnberthy. T". Steel. Iris Guv, Rnbv Carlyle. Elementary: Pass ex.. O. Ritchie, V. Avl;n~ M. Horton. L. Sinclair, M. Gadd: flrsf-clnss. S. Henley, Marjorio Andrew. Jmn*< Gallettv, C. Savage. Architectural modelling: First-clae«, 8. Biackburn. TEACHERS' CLASSES (SATURDAY). Freehand drawing: Paas ex., E. Chillingworth, E. L. Breach, M. San*om; £rst-claes, Marie Stanlake, M. Wiilis, Mario Clark, ■Mildred Kennedy, M. Williams, Ivy Grieve, M. Collins, Sylvia Thomson; second-class, li'ugh Somerset, J. Shepherd. Vera Xankiveil, Muriel Miles, Nellie Gunn, Ruby Miller. Gladys Bair, L. Thomson. VI. Kevs- J Wel>„ Alice Boyd. A. Casaerley. E. Larson, Ivy Cook, D. Allen. " * Geometry: Pass first-cUw., Alice Boyd, M. Sansom, L. Thomson, Ethel Burn, E. L. Breach. AV. Wiili.*: second-class. Hu«h Somerset. Ivy Grijve. J. Shepherd. C. G. Dllley. I). C. l.'oi. Vera Xankivell, Edith Clajue. H. Sparrow. E. K. Dierce, E II Ber-. E. Keys-Wells.
Blackboard drawing: Pa*« ex.. E. Kev«Wclls. Gweu Hooper. C. Thornton. E. "L. Breach, J. Sheppard. E. Forno. G. Thompson, E. ilcCiiirc, J. Uiinlop, H. Somerset E. Dierce, A. Bo3"d. P. Thom«-on. E Clapue' L Thomp'on. C. Dally; M. Willis. M. Sansom. E. Laoe. M. Collius. O. Barr. X. Hooker; first-class. U. Erwin. P. Humphreva, M. Clark. X. Xnnkivei", V. Bosomwcrrih. A. Beattie.-A. Satchel:. A. O'Donuc:!. F. M. Butcher. V. Coo':e. R. Co«tello. E. Skelton, C. Jarman, M. Penr.e-'l, V. Xankive:; U. Elhners. E. Chiliingvrorth. E. Gill. I Grieve-, X. Gnnn. M. Stan!ake: paa<; s«cond-'da««. A. C.-.'v?rley. ¥. Hill, IX. Mii:»r
M.isa Dra-Ainsr: P*-s <.\.. G. Fitch. K. Forno TT. Judkins: nrst-cIi.AS J, Barlow V. Bououiworth. H T.ockwooH, E. A. Lar™ T,. M. Jono». R. Wntlr. O. K. Hunt. L "c. Mocirc. A. BanVa, A. Hut-her; A. L. Walicx, M. Xmki-Kiil, A. Callagharj
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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15463, 16 December 1915, Page 10
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1,404SCHOOL OF ART. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15463, 16 December 1915, Page 10
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