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•' THE PRESS" LIST. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Our readcis are invited to contrt hute to our 'Canterbury Soldim' Christmas Parcel Fund" to t>ond a nice little Christmas "tuek-box" to each Canterbury soldier at the front. In each parcel sent by readers of "The Preys'' we propose to include a card . bearing their Cnristmas greetings and good wishes to our bravo boys. We fcavo to acknowledge receipt of the following additional subscriptions to the tund: —

NAMES OF DONORS. ' : We feci pure that mauy of the w!diers who receive tho Christmas Gilt? _ from New Zealand will bo ftl®d to •»," • an acknowledgment to the donor#. T® facilitate this being done, ire shftil {* , glad if all who have contributed to tW tund wnl send us tlicir names wd W' v dresses plainly written, SO tfcat '{j** '! can oe onciofctfd in. the pErcels. ifltso inufct, however, be forwarded at • ' as tuo parcels no now bciUi; pofiV I ** • at the dopot of Lady Liverpool » Co»- < mittce. It is ronghJ.v estimated tiUt * ,» parcel of comforts is being Bent for v ; cotiti ibuted, and that Is «jjj , chase through tho Overseas Club. • packet of tobacco and cigarettes. T#» Executive Committee of Lady Ll*w* . pool's Committee have decided to . £300 to the Overseas Club for the **/' ' tor purpose, so that an ample SOPpv of tol>acoo and cigarettes is secured. It is particularly requested th»t tW names und addressee should be WW* either on a postcard or in an envelop®; plainly inscribed "Donors' natoaWhere the donation has been seat «■" . der initials or a pen-name, should be added for the purpose 01 identification. . ♦ Somo of our readers sent „ namc-s and addresses on a;' with a sheet or two of paper inwd*. TW» is nn excellent idea. A card'' would nlsa bo very Miitablc I* 7 the purpose. > SUGGESTED QUOTATION'S. As tho packing of the parcels to*-, commenced, we havo had to sood leaflet of Christmas ffreetinfls to We shall publish the selected qnot«tiO* ' on Monday. The following sußgettions , "E.M.L.S." Timaru, havo come ** hand:— ; twvs, rh«*r, no mor» of idk — Courage! troo hearts cbaJl boar US m way. . . w * Hope point* before, «»d «how» *. brijo* morrow. . - Let u# forget th« d»rkn«e*

"Shall we r.Ot throupb pood a:i:l i.i Cleave to one anothrr 3liH? "Britnia's myriad voices ,3^ l | "Sons, be w»ld«ri rurh and &!!, Into on© Imperial whole. Ono -w-jtb Britain, heart and so-il! One lift, nw flat;. or.o throne! iJritOM, bold your omi!'" — Tennyson. "Go to your work and '» strong, halting not in your warn. Baniknig the end half-won for an instant dole ol {>r.i:w. Stand to your work, and bo wise—;<rt«in of sword and jw-n. ■Who are nejtlier chiidrri nor "oas, but men in a world of men!" — Kipling. The following :irc «-upplied by Mr Charles Os?ar Palmer, Kaikoura Suburban : — "They cannot fail who c:j c> in a cause." —Author';, namo fir^ot'.on. "The stirring m-morira c: 'liousand y«-«r»." - Byron. "Thou art In? "oi;*> f:r kin" boys To lift >rn t!i<* jjki.l And comfortof nr.'irr/-i To ci»'o th" c'«?ad gr,oJ-ri;»hl." — Kipiinq'a 31 y:i;n to thv True Romn::c.\ "Men of Kngland ivlin inh«?r.i Rights that cost your «*.'ro thoir blood, M«-n whono und«gen«>:iit-? SMirit jls* befrii proved by flio and flood." — Thoraaa Campbell. "We'ro tho »on» of sires who baffled Crown'd and raitred (vraany— They defied tne fi«>id arid scatrnld For their birthrights- -so will wc'" —Thomas Campbell. "Tho meteor flap of England Shall yet terrific burn, Tiil danger's troubk-d v.iffht depart. And th© star of Pe*ce return. ' —Tliomaa Campbell. Scot* wfca h«« wi Wallace bled, Scots wham Bruoe hiß aiteu l*d, ' Welcome to your ;ory bod, or tae victory." — Robert Burns. "Is there a son of generous Eritain here. Or fervid Erin?—ho with us ehall join To pray that in eternal union dear The Itogfl, tho Shamrock, and tho Thistle twine. "Types of a race who shall the invader acorn, As rocks resist tho billows round thoir •bore; 'Type* of a race who shall to timo unborn Their country leave unconquored as of yore." —Thomas Campbell. "One equal temper of heroic hearts. Strong in will To etrire, to sock, to find-, and rot to yield." —Alfred Tennyson. "Britain's myriad voioes call, Sons, bo welded one and all Into one Imperial whole; One with Britain, heart and soul! One life, one fia£, one fleet, one throne! Britons, hold your own." —Alfred Tennyson. "Up piinoea, and with spirit of honour edged More sharper than your swords, hio to the field." / —Shakespeare, "King Ilenry V." "Fight vnliantly to-day, "And yet I do thee wrong to mind thes of it. For thou art Franied of the firm truth of Talour." —Shakespeare, "King Henry V." "To all tho loyal hearts who lons To keep our English Empire whole! To all our noble sons, the strong - New England of the Southern Pole! To England under Indian skies. To those dark millions of her realm ; To Canada, whom wo love and prize, Whatever statesman hold tho holm. Hands ell round! God the traitors' hope confound!" —Alfred Tennyson. "Arm'd year—year of tho straggle, No dainty ihymw or sentimental love verses for you, terrible year; "But as a strong man erect, advancing, carrying a rifle, "With well-grietled body, sunburnt hands and faoe and a knife in tho b*»lt at vour side." —Walt Whitman. *'Bo .just and fear not: Let all the ends thou aims't at bo thy country's, "Thy God's and Truth's." Then_ if thou fallest, Thou Itdl'M "a blessed martyr." —"King Henry VIII." "Fight on, O Libertad, until tho war ia over Turn yoar undying tnco - To where tho future, greater than all the past . I* swiftly, surety preparing for you." —WaJt Whitman. "Ready, lads, with your hand grenades 1 Ready, ladu, with your riflea true! Ready, lads, with your trusty blades! Heady, lade, with your bayonets too!" —Thomas Bracken. Surrender and your livee are safe.' ' Then through the whole redoubt The stubborn Maoris answered with a Corce, <Wiant ebout: 'la Whaiwhai tonul Ak&! Ake! —Thomas Bracken. . "Wbil* tbe wild notes of tho bugle Hooted tho spirit of land; 'Up, y* freomon, for th« struggle!'" —Dngald Ferguson.

. '"Liit the flag for which they fell, war it on with prido— With oat brethren all is well, Jfet in r»in they died." > —Charles Oscar Palmer. "D«rel«tL, Kt apart for sacrifice. Ah.' bold and low the eager comrade liee. The Briton conquers or ho nobly dies. Prose forward!" —Charles Oscar Palmer. ,r Pi(tht on in faith! The promise of to-morrow Is dimly seen to-dav." —Charles Oscar Palmer.

£ b. d. Amount previously acknowledged ... ... 530 0 5 W. 11. Benson ... ... 0 5 0 Daisy Peterson ... ... 0 2 0 .Mr and .Mrs S. G. Holmes ... 10 0 A.L.W. ... ... ... 0 5 0 G.H.M.W. 0 10 0 Mrs (». A. Fielden ... 0 5 0 Hamsav Feilcten .. ... 0 10 V. M. Dalzcll 0 2 6 D. 0 a 0 Mrs A. W. Bennett ... 0 10 0 Mrs Lucy Smith ... 0 5 0 8. ami J. W. Bullock ... 110 Mrs G. 11. CVoll ... ... 10 0 A. ... ... ... 0 3 0 Mrs I>. Greiji • ••• 1 0 0 Mrs John Stevenson ... 10 0 Mrs C. D. Fox ... ... 0 5 0 E. 0 10 0 K. and R. ... ... 2 2 0 Mrs Sowtoll, Wroxton, Fendalton, ... ... 0 10 0 Mr mul Mrs J. E. March ... 1 10 T. W. Woodward ... ... 0 o 0 Miss M. Gard'ner ... ... 0 5 0 Miss X. Gard'ner ... ... 0 5 0 G. 12. Reeves ... ... 0 10 0 Mrs H. Lake ... ... 0 5 0 Mrs D. L. Inwood ... 0 10 0 W T . D. Stewart ... ... 110 Mrs G. E, Rhodes ... 1 0 G. H. Merton ... ... 1 0-0 Dr. M. G. Louisson ... 10 0. Mrs Maurice Louisson ... 0 10 0 B. Seth-Smith ... ... 10 0 Mrs G. D. Macfarlane ... 10 0 Dr. A. IJ. O'Brieq < ... 110 C. A. Stringer ... ... 110 E. E'lmoncH ... ... 0 5 0 Mr* E. J. Esmonds ... 0 5 0 L.W 0 10 0 A L. Pen ... ... 0 S V Mr® M. Mark ... ... X 0 0 G A.K. 0 5 0 E.A.B. ... 0 8 0 TMfost F-iend ... ... 0 7 6 Mrs J. H. C. Bind ... 0 10 0 | John Deans (Conleate) ... 2 0 0 J.ihn Xfilson Jones ... 0 7 6 J Eslick 010 0 IHfi.B 0 30 [ Glndrs T> ; amoml ... ... 010 0 Do rot' 1 v Diamond ... 0 10 0 Tl'ill T>j r> —*>•>rj ... ... 0 10 0 . M''s C Kirl-** , ® + r'r'k ... 0 5 0 Mis« R. A. Philli-v, ... 010 0 tv.- * n ft .o Mrs W. Lovison ... 0 5 0, Mrs C. H. D. Turner ... 0 5 0 Miss Campbell ... ... 0 5 0 Miss Nora Campbell ... 0 5 0 1 Mrs Michael Campbell ... 0 10 0 Mis? Craig ... ... 0 4 0 v J T. anr] M. McH. ... 0 5 0. Mollie Pratt ... ... 0 5 0 Mrs G. S'oter ... ... 0 5 0 Isobel MeHarjz ... ... 0 1 «i Mrs J. T. Roy 's 1 1 0 > , Mrs A. I. M. Cleary ... 0 o . 0 "Anonymous" ... ... 0 7 B S 0 2 0"^ TT'* Denby ... ... 0 10 0 OB.C 0 2 « Mrs R. A. Homo ... 1 0 0 A Friend 0 10 0: •T. W. JfcG. ... ... 0 5-0 £ Robert Cnirnt ... ... 0 2',6 .ysi Mrs .T Morton ... 0 10 0y M-e herald Morrison ... O JO 1 0 - A .M O. 0 5 0 Stenhen Weld ... ... 0 10 0 S. M. Lawrencc ... ... 10 0; Chan. Murray (Blonheim) 10 0 A. H. Westenra (Akaroa) ... .1, 1 0 M.H. ... 010 0 M. and R.J.R. ... ... 0 5 0 A Widow and her Sister's mitt 0 5 0 MB. ... 0 5 0 K.B 0 5 0 W.WC. ... ... 010 0 Mrs C. 0 5 0 ; Mies C. ... ... 0 6 0 T.M.C. ... ... ,0 5 0 Lcith ac.d Garth Wade ... 0 5 0 Dorothea Mulgan ... 0 ;1 0 > Ja"lc Mulgan ... ... 0 1 0 E.T 0 " 5 0 Mrs E.E. (Papanui) ..., 1 0 0 ; Mrs C S. Bowden ... 110 E.M.C ... 0 5 0 E.A.S 05 .2 Miss M. Barter (Winchester) 10 0 C.M. (Oxford 1 * ... ... 110 - Too Old To Go 0 5 0 W. H. Hearn 0 5 0 C. A. Thorne ... ... 0 3 0 .. Miss Armstrong ... ... 0 5 0'G.E.R. ... - .» 0 5 0; Miss Craiffheftd ■■■ •••■ 0 o 0 Mrs J. Black 0 5 0 - J Black 0 5 0 ■)> E.B • 0 5 0 EH.B. 0 5 0 . EM B 0 3 0 A.S.B. 0 5 0 Aniliros" ond Pnt Murphy 0 0 Cvio" Pur-has 0 10 « . . Mrs P-r~»ia f ... ... 0 10 8.*, Mrs Mark Wright (Rangi- - °ra) ... ... 0 10 g :- 1 Total amount to date ...589 11 ®

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 10

Word Count

SOLDIERS' CHRISTMAS FUND Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 10

SOLDIERS' CHRISTMAS FUND Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 10


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