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The auction announcements of H. Matson and Co., R. S. and Co., W. K. Simes and Co., Harris Bros., Tonks, Norton and Co., Ltd., National Mortgage and Agency Company of N.Z., Ltd., and Griffiths Bros., Ltd., will bo found on page 19 of this issue.

The Telegraph Office states that tho increased charge of -d per message must ho paid bv the sender of collect ordinary, or Press cable messages, and must be affixed in stamps to the message.

The Canterbury Women's Institute has forwarded to the Minister ef Education and tho Mayor a memorandum regarding the alleged retrogressive tendency of the films screened at picture entertainments.

Commencing on Monday next, tho 8.15 a.m. tramcar from Sumner will stop at Mount Pleasant and Heathcote. The car which now leaves the cutting at 8.29 a.m. will in future, start from Heatheoto, leaving there at 8.33 a.m.

Tho Footwear Regulations Act Amendment Bill, which was introduced into tho House of Representatives yesterday by tiie Prime Minister, provides ior tho inspector of factories to act as inspector of footwear under the principal Act of 1913. Provision is also mado that all legal proceedings under tho principal Act shall be taken summarily before a Magistrate only.

Lieutenant Verivon Crawshaw, of Stratford, cabled to his father from Cairo thi.- week that he had arrived at Zeitoun camping ground very well, and was leaving for the Dardanelles next week. It was understood before leaving New Zealand that tho mounted men of tbe 6th Reinforcements were to complete their training in Jipypt but it nppenrs from the abovo cable they are straight to the front. Tho Milton correspondent of tho "Otago Daily Times ■ reports that indications point to a resumption of activities at the local lottery woiks, which have had a somewhat chequered career during their lengthy history, and have latterly been closed clown. The works were recently purchased by Mr Jlorsley, of Christchurch, and the arrival of a now engine and other machinery at Milton indicates another revival in tho pottery industry in the district. The exhibition golf match to take placo at Shirley to-day on behalf of the Red . Cross Fund should afford an exceedingly pleasant outing, oven for those.who are not particularly interested in the "Royal and Ancient Came." The four professionals—R. C. Butters, J. A. Clements, D. Hood, and W. lies —will play a four-ball match in the morning at 10 o'clock, and a foursome in the afternoon, starting at 1.30. There will also be putting competitions, etc., and the Shirley Links are worth visiting just now, if only for the picturesquencss of the course and its surroundings. "To run out of the house when an earthquake occurs is the worst thing you can possibly do," said Mr G. Hogben, lecturing before the Philosophical Society at Wellington on Wednesday night. "'Stay in the house, keep in the doorway, or under the table, but don't run out of the house. Tho chief danger occurs to people runninji out of the house. Kven if the house comes down, you' are pretty safe under the table, and if von look at records of earthquakes and buildings destroyed you will see doorways standing everywhere. People stanumg in doorways would have been safe, even in destructive earthquakes. In any case, it is most dangerous to run out of tho building." An unwelcome visitor to Hawko's liay on Wednesday morning was the sharp frost experienced over a great portion of tho district (says the "Herald"). It left its mark in many orchards and gardens, young fruit, especially grapes and poaches, as well as as tomatoes and potatoes, being badly nipped. Most of the larger orchards had taken precautionary measures, but others less fortunately situated will be oonsiderablo losers. Orchardists in the Hastings district were awakened on Tuesday night, writes our correspondent, by alarms for frost, and were out for several hours lighting fires among their fruit trees. V er.v little damage was done.

Seized by the world-wide war fever balf-a-dozjn lads at Sydenham recently organised a clod-fight, which they dignilied bv tho nnmo of "Dardanelles. ' Tho missiles were at first clods, but by progressive stages became stones, and then strong language. At this point the lor.g arm of the law intervened and haiied the combatants before thy Juvenile Court, where it devolved upon Mr T. A. B. Bailey to act as arbitrator and administrator of justice. The Rev. F. Rule filled the rol ( > of the "diplomatic ueutral," and on his suggestion the Magistrate decided that the belligerents could safely bo admonishod and set at liberty without convictions being recorded against them. Tho three elder boys were ordered to pay the charges of the war by supplying an indemnity for the amount of "costs.''

Secretaries of trades unions have been circularised bv the Labour Department with a view to obtaining returns showing the number of their members who have joined the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces. It was mentioned some time ago before the Arbitration Court than an enquiiy had been made early this year as to the num!>er of unionists who had enlisted in the Australian forces. The result of that enquiry was published in the Commonwealth .Statistician's quarterly Labour Bulletin for -.March. 1910. Tlic nnmbrr of unionists enlisted, according to returns made, was 20,111, being 4.62 of the total male membership. It was estimated that the total number would be 23,.'J00. or 6.77 of the male membership of eligible age. The Labour Department in New Zealand has undertaken a similar enquiry. A reporter was told that the individual returns marie by unions would be regarded as confidential, but it was probable that the aggregate result would be published shortly in the ''Labour Journal." The circular has been sent to all unions, as even those which comprise mainly females have also a small male membership.

Tim postcard of German origin is still prominently on tiio -Nov/ Zeaiand marKet. Yesterday morning a Keiuloman showed to a " "Press" reporter n .scries <>!■ wimple noftrards, issued by a Wellington firm, all of which were printed iu Germany or Austria. The back of ouch card ivas liberally stamped with the name of ji firm of imperialistic import in laryo and bold letters embedded in :i very florid design, but in every case could be do tee tod bek>w these words inscriptions fcuch as "'Printed at the works in Germany," "Printed in Berlin," "'Printed in Austria," etc. A card bearing the inscription of an English lirin ab.r> bore the small imprint Chroniojiraphed in Berlin." Some of tho j»v>tcards were New Zealand scenes, and the copyright of several was held by a Wellington photographer. Possibly thoe« cards form ea in pies of heavy fctock* of German-nrinted cards held in the Dominion before tho war and tho special stamp ■which liberally decorates the back o! each card above the declaration of German manufacture is designed to divert public attention from tho fact.

The legal offices of the city will be dosed on Monday next. Dominion Day. At the Duncdin Competitions yesterday, the bass solo (amateurs) w.u won by Mr J. H. Cocks (Christchurch). Miss Stella Murray (Christchurch) was second in tho sacred solo for contralto.

With reference to a petition from Loweliffo settlers asking that the mail servico to that place should bo made a daily one, Mr W. Nosworthv has been informed by tho Postmaster-General that alternative tenders are being invited for tho service to be thrco times a week, and daily from January Ist, 1916. When the tenders arc received, the question of the frequency of the service will have consideration.

Tho tender of W. McLeilan has been accepted for the erection of tho new Anglican Cathedral in Duncdin, and the v.ork will be started almost immediately. The following tendeis were receiver: . McLeilan 08 Woud"* and McCormack £32.0t>8, Fletcher Bros. £3S,oSS, George Simpson and Co. £40,350, McGill and Sons £44,85/. Graham and Son (Christchurch) £40,3-0, and .Tamiesons, Ltd. (Christchurch) £ 19.975.

Yesterday afternoon Mr Andrews, chairman of the St. Albans School Committee, addressed tho pupils of thy school on the significance of the holiday granted in honour of New Zealand's declaration as a Dominion. His addrees. in which he t>aid a tribute to our soldiers at the front, was listened to attentively. The ceremony opened by tho children saluting the flap and singinc the National xVnthem, and was concluded bv singing of "Good Old New Zealand.''

Formation and registration of the Waikato Times Priming and Publishing Company, Hamilton, is announced by the "Mercantile Gazette." Tho new company, with a capital of £20.000 in £1 shares, is formed to print and publish the "Waikato Time*," with which it incoruoiates th» "Waikato Arena.' In short, the two Hamilton papers are fused into one by tiiis operation. I hey had been ,roparato and opposition papers for many years.

Imports into New Zealand for the eight months ended August 31st last tonllcd £13,670,177, as compared with £15,313,261 for the cone§jionding period of last year. According to the ''Trade Review," soft goods accounted for £2,344,116, as against £2,950,648, a decline of about 20 pvr cent. There is an increase of 36 per cent, in foodstuffs. and 1 ]ier cent, in beverages, but all other prenyls, except specie, show decreases the i»t for the eight months being 11 .per cent.

Children are very Irritable when they have a cold. "Stop It" will cure the cold and the little ones find it quite pleasant to take. G

The "Recent" Mercers having gone into voluntary liquidation have disposed of the whole of their stock of highclass Clothing. Mercery and Hats, to tho Now Zealand Clothing Factory fHflllcnstoin Bros., Ltd.), not to the New Zealand Clothing and Tailoring Co., as advertised in yesterday's issue. 5

A local resident who is giving up motoring has decided to sell his 12/14 special tbreo-sfater car. one of the best 1914 models in New Zealand, and a typical car for doctor or other professional man. For full particulars address Box 977, Christchurch. 7 Cheap Electiio Power.—Consult us about your Power Installation. iSirnbull and, Ltd.. sole New Zealand Agents for the British Westinghouse Electric Company. 5 Havo that long-promised photograph taken by Steffauo Webb. Do not delay any longer, make an appointment today, at 252 High street. Tel. 1989. 1 Nothing appeals more to a woman than Millinery, and no Millinery appeals more to the woman than "Armstrong's." iLauy years ago tho firm established a fine reputation for Millinery, and supported by the judgment and tosto of tneir lady selectors in the Home fashion centres, maintained their f>restigo as "tho best house for Milincry. Being amongst the laigest importers in New Zealand, their stocks are immense and selections ondless. You can find the handsomest typos hero. Our readeis are invited to view tho superb display being raado for their requirements immediate or prospective. They will find Millinery of every class to suit every purse. Further, Armstrong's Millinery is an education in good taste. 6

A Microscoj'c is the finest aid to the Natur-s student —its educative value is great. Wo have a fine runge of these instruments from the , small Bize at Ids up to elaborate five guinea instruments If you don't want :i. for yourself, your lad would just !ovt> one. See us about it. J. R. Procte:, oculist optician 200 High street. U

Don't spoil your lawn. Our three-piy hose is durable and inexpensive. Our new lawn sprinklers, which give a thick, misty spray, are quite the best yet on the market. We stock eveiy good brand of lawn mower. Lewis and Anderson, Ltd.. 112 Cashel street. 0

Whitebait net in the correct mesh, all widths, from Is 4d yard, at Armstrong's. 1

Removals and Storing.—We retain n large and efficient staff in this department all the year round. A. J. White, Ltd. 6 With a good Vacuum Cleaner in use all the timfj "Spring Cleaning" will become a thing of the past. Wo have the "last word" in Vacuum Cleaners, a strong-.suct.ion machine easily worked, having both nozzle and brush. Price 455. Vacuum Cleaners on hire. Hastie, Bull and Pickering, Cashel street. -5

Vou can't go wrong if you shop *t Drayton's Emporium. Big* selection of Crockery and Hardware. Everything for the housekeeper, and you save monev all the time. Address, 765 Colombo street. 1137, Prompt—Efficient—Economical.—This is tho kind of scrvice you got in Customs, Shipping, and Forwarding Work by making use of J. M. Hey wood and Co.", Ltd., Manchester street, near Clock Tower. 1 Three-ply Wheeling Wool now procurable at Armstrong's. y SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES IN SECOXD-HAND MOTOR-CARS. In the garage of Messrs Adams. Ltd., at present tliere are two second-hand motor-cars which are being offered at exceptionally low prices to effect quick sales. First is a J 6-20 h.p. five-seater Meil (English) touring car, in good condition. complete witn original road equipment. This car is neatly finished in dark green, with polished brass fittings, and has an especially strong and well-built chassis, capable of tarrying a load up to 15cwt. It is a good, serviceable car, of a food make. and at £120 is a genuine bargain of a kind rarely picked tip nowadays. Tho second car is a I Etoile (French) fourseater car, with De Dion engine. The tonneau is detachable, and a luggage tray, included with the car. can lxs substituted. This car should provo particularly useful to a storekeeper, fruits growor. or nurseryman. Tho price is i.'6o. Both cars have been thoroughly overhauled and tuned up, and are ready for immediate service. Corno along to tho garage and see them. Free tuition in driving is given to wrerj' purchaser of a car from us. Adams, Headquarters Garage, 219 Tuam street, Christchurch. (W. Schwartz. Garage Representative.) G

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 10

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GENERAL NEWS. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 10

GENERAL NEWS. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 10


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