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■ WheH'Stte'ls t\V Cupid is ' I ©Id and Grey wm * after H _br will still wear and take __'"___ _FT t 1 a pride in her TUCKER M Q*-—-,. zJZ-ZLI m E—gagement King; aye, and Wedding fßm V_js % ! B - *v\*hy not ec—ie and see the latest Jm. la^__afy_t_r T __ii- ■ London designs we are featuring ? IP\ _J I B 2/- in the /o- for c_sh. Ring card / H and c__-logue free. -><> Hfiy** 1 _ f H We __vc made quite a number of V H brirfegrocm. and brie'es, happy this \J 11 / H vreci-. Our v-_!__. -will make your /.T.lfi-lV // | pursr happy, too! / t/\ IF. W. TUCKER J7 i i _.__2ologißt.247Hig!iSt.,Chri»tc_«nrch y £? JUNE FHSQE RIOOOTSON3 0... Sri.AF-T & STYLISH GOSTU?ES Those ladie. who desire to economi:*. in their personal expenditure this winter are reminded that, in accordant ..* with our axinual c—-torn, vre are allowing a substantial reduction/.11 price on all orders placed with us during the month of.June..- In some instance- these reductions will amount to as much as -J ;/_ 3a. We desire to .mpha-se th« fact that while the. ; reductions arc bona fide, the work and material put. into each; costume will retain the Same standard of excellence as heretofore. ' The price of English and French materials has advanced very ini»_U \-ithin the past six months, but our heavy stocks of choice m/ifprials enable ns to mark our appreciation of loyal support receit <*d throughout .the year by making the substantial annual red'/cnon in prices during the month of June, as we have done fov th/, j/iast tea years. EUGENE SPITZ & CO. LADIES' TAILOHS ; / 77 CASHEL STREET - CMRIi i-TOHJRCH S-OZ4

MISCELLANEOUS. LADY and "Gentl-in-i (married couple) would dike to find two quiet SunD. Rooms in a privato house, where tho occupier would be willing to cater for them, and whero otherwise they would be independent. Neighbourhood of Rolleston avenue or len-d-Jton ■ preferred. Addrcaa 8150, co. ■•Presß." ?j? t A_lß, Lamß, Lamb—Fqr., 2s 6d; Hdqr., XJ 3s Gd. Barrow, 789 Colombo street N._, just over bridge. HIMNEY Sweeping. 'Phone 2090, or 39 Andover etreet. T. Benjamin-Smith. • 7G2 "\ TBS ROSS'S Pills obtainable from leading. lX Chemists. Look for _i__ Ross'- 6ignaliiro oli box. 7833 TJLITSS ANNIE MABR, Specrailst in Skin j\X Diseae—, may he consulted personally or by letter for Eczema, P—>riaeis, Acne, Barber's Rash, varicos*. Ulcere, and Scalp Diseases. Royal Exchange Buildings, -Square. Clu-stchurch. Hours 11 a.m. to 4 p-m. Saturday. 10 to'l_p.m. MGOI3-6586 PYRENE Firo Extingiiishere, best ever invented, 50s.' Selling Agents, Adams' Garage. Tuam street. ■T-.E Special "Page for Women in SaturX day's Editions of "The Evening News" appeals to everyone. A 'Bright Home Magazine. . •"'QPRiNG BLOSSOM PILLS" Cure Liver —) Complaints and Indigestion, etc. Aro purely herbal, sugar-coated, small pills, email dose, small; price—6d and la. Every•w__ere_ ' H8390 LOOMINE is » pauis "taking" remedy. All tho di?ei—ioo between haying painful oo—ict-.-xbd -not having them, is Gd, -be price of "Bloo__-_i Coni Cor-." Sold __, .cry-rhere. H-390 MOTOR Sundriea for Sale—Job lot Horns, Lamps, cheap Spark Plugs la . each, Oils, Carbide. Electric Bulhs, Carhiirettora. -dams', Garage. Tuam street. ' . E"" OLMES and SONS, ISO _nd 132 High street,. have just opened a. consignment of "Axminster Runner Carpets, also. Axmin- . xtcr Carpet. Squaw, in the la__t designs. ■'.■■■' H4091 OAS-'ETTS Is. S_e thorn at Mhiecm's, a most useful thing to have in any house. .---,-. .'__ _g}B6--3- ---"~ ~ KINO Brand, Finest Ta.le> Butter, Is 5d per lb; Horse, Finest Factory ■ Butter, Is-—'; Palm Brand. Finest Factory Butter, la 7d lb Fern Leaf aad Tai Tapu Brands, Finest Factory Butter, Is 7d per lh. Freo delivery, and Is in the £1 for . .Cash -Discount <—jupono at the CASH GROCERY- COMPANY, <—wshcl street West, near . Ballarityno's. . ' . H3807-4051 "~ 1 ~, MONEY LENT . - ~-' _?i TO £25, -upon. Household Furniture, ~"*,_ (without-wmoval): L..W.Balkind, 62. 'Colombo stt—t. Telephone 2567. Easy Weekr. ly Payments. " - 8205. rpilE Special ."Pago for Women" in Satui- - X"- day's Editions of "Tho Evening New." appeals, to overyono. A Bright Homo 'Magazine. "v' .. . . . MENt-Wo aro offering 25 ;..V V,'; Second-luiiad Cycles at a great red.uction, FiTsf-ela-s Lady's Cycle, . just Vteen oycrhanlea, -***; Strong Superb© Swift, reduced to"_t4'v-Good' Sound Star Cycle, 503; Good -So_i4 Hudson Cycle, suit : tall /man, 30a. If you have not Te_dy'ca_h — will ar- , xan"© ea"sy.-tern_. Adams, Ltd.. High -.tr_et., E~EOPLE — furni. hing ediould call and in-' spect Hol-n«i and Sons' display o_ Linoleums. We have just opened 2.0 roll. 6f X and 3rd. Qualities in all thro latesf. designs at' 130 and 13- High etreet. H409T1 M ~ ONI-"-T-7—exit immediately, witiiomt any d i ■■• lav, upon House—old Furnittire (wit)iout removall. h. W. Balkind, 623 ColomJ 10 street. Telephone 2567. Easy "Weekly F_ymc " to - '"■■"•' 8 , 05° MONEY? MONEYII MONEY!!I BUSINESS Men can obt_*_ TenaporaTy * Loans, without any deJ_y, upon Houselold Furniture, bond certifieff.tea, or approved Tiromiseory notes. L. W. Balkind, 02. Colcmbo Bt'icet. Te.e. 2567. ■' 82050 "rriHE Groat—it of all Wars," more fully JL dealt with in tho "Evening News" than. in. any other* aowepaper fin the Dominion. FUNERAL 'NOTICESrpHE Funeral o! th/. lato Robeit HamilJL ton Cbnnal will k-ave his late residence, 2 Division road, L<rwer Ricc-irten, . To-day (Satu—lay . the- l_th* inst.. a-rrivjng :>t the Linwood Cemetery at 2 p.m. J. _LA__B aud SON. 4. .0 rpHE Friends of 7jLt and Mrs BdwaTd EastU- • wood, of NeV/ Brighton, ai» invited to attend the F_—ri.l of their lato Son, Harold Frank, which will leavo the Christchurch • Hospital on Satwrdav, at 2.30 p.m., for Linwood Cemetery. GEORGE BARRELL. 972 " _ --------- , ~~~".-----"_-_—_■_-_—■—_--->_--__> rpHE Fur—xM of the late Thomas Jones X will le/.vo his late residence, 152 llazoldcan read, Sydenham, on Monday, the 21-1 inst., aA 2 p.m., for the Linwood Cemetery. J. LAMB and SON. 4920 rr__3 Ftmeral of the late Edward James JL will leave his lato residence. Mill Toad, btys. To-day (Saturday), at l.:! 0 ii m for the Papanui Public Cemetery. J. ANDERSON. 107 Victoria street. " 10..7 ' . >-t ;'B O B. G E BARRELL. " UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEB, CS. DURHAM t-ad ST. ASAPH STS. 'PHONE "__ B_T7# 3. LAMB AND SON, -ri TJ N._ SAli .FURNISHERS. !__. 33* UCHFIELD ST—EET. T.i.pbo-- wa- . .E_uv___d isj^ .-.- 4 v 6 _oK_" AND HHIXD, •Tl TTKD__KTA-_EBS. and EMBALMERS Sv-'>____! _tre*t 'Phone 812. P.O. Box 52_ Herbert 10. Montreal etreet a c,Lo n doii_«tr«t- j, w 'PhoM BW. ■ i_6-5*.5l

WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Rent.' Bungalow, for term, St. Albans, hanc'ly car. "Houso," Box 994__ ■__ WANT*:.. TO LET. ""fX"_.NTED Let,, f/nmner, House, five fury y • nished roon/s,,' neat, clean, 15s. Unwin, Victoria street. 7 , 1038 W~ ANTE D. Gem id/ Tenant, at low. rent, lor Shop or 'Of Ice, in our new premises, next National E._.n'f, Manchester street. Smith and Anthony, l_.d._ 1011 TO Let, Antjg'ja etreet, Addington, .. Rooms, ail! conveniences, ISs; 4 Room., I Devon road, -14t* ; St. James street, Linwood, G Rooms, all Iwavcnienoe., 20s. W. E. Simes -and Co., • l-< 6 Hereford street. aTO Let, 22 1 Iv-von otr—it, Sydenham—s - rooms,'gooj. order, only 14a 6d; New or. Bungalow, Bealey avenue, 255; 18 Brittnn Rtrect, 7 rooms.; sill conveniences, nico terrace section, Tcduoedl lo 18s; St. Albans, 5 rooms, all convenience*., 165.. J. B. Nealo and Co. WANT*/ D TO PURCHAS-5. AVON DiAIRT COMPANY. LTD. 23 1 lancheeter street S, W" E aro Bt YERS of CREAM. HIGHEST PRICE!'< GIVEN.. Accurate weight and teat Gu. i f *a_t—d. ■ ; ' Corner M. .'*chc9ter and Dundas streets. . - .-■'•■ A 9541 ""ITS/*" ANTE.(Jj to purchase, two-seater Car, for »'- coiinU} 1 traveller. Dolago typo preferred, "i.t'vicc," Box'*j22. 1002 "\ X.ANTE 1 >,~s_o Pigec-s', 2a per pair. Apt■ '. ply J,'/k_,. Eraser, 1 I——giora. . 4908 TTirANTJI/y Cow, must • ■ ' 100 It'heavy milker ' and near calving. C.0.W., ??fr<_-" Office. '" 1058 .TTTANTitfiD to 1 _rcha_o, for Client, Two to VV E". In Acres Land, with, or without Glasehoil. ta. Forcet and Perkins, 483 Colombo s .-.jet, Sydenham. '~WA'a*...fEl.i WANTED! TP I'*_r_r"SECOND.HAND PTJRNTTTJRE •VV J a any quantity.. Also Pianos, Sewing . Machinlf/, etc. Best prices given. This ia the eai i„t method of disposing of your gpods. j McKENZIE and WILLIS, • Aiictioncca-, Cathedral square (next.Post Office) . i . ■ . . ' . Mc6o__ , WANTED KNOWN. T"*T. a'INTED, Country Residents to know we »•' are sole agents for Wizard Hydro-car- , bon .Lighting Systems. Numerous .- testi--1 mon". Is. Cuddon _nd Jam*—on, care of "Wm. , Jam_aon and Son,-166 Manchester street. \"\/_NTED Known—The' Wizard Lighting y Systems are the ideal systems for con.- .-- ;tr_/ homes. Safe, clean, and' cheap. Solo ; , a;/— it's, Cuddon and Jameson "WC7" ANTED Known—Wo havo replaced »V acetylene plants with the- Wjzard sys- ■ lem. Plants fitted complete from' -,'l7 10s. • ,'j Cuddon and Jamoaon, sole ':' "^fA^fFalT^Known—Wizard Lighting Sy«- ---•' VV tern is absolutely safe. ' Proof: U.det- ' writers have passed it, and no extra insurance. • Write at once for particulars to *,„ Cuddon and Jameson. - . ■\"\7ANTEr7l_nown—Write the sole ngent9 ' y of Wizard Lighting Systems for full pai- " ticular.. Cuddon and Jameson, caro of Wm.' J .Tame-on and Son, IG6 Manches—r' street, j Chriatchurch. C 2048-9877 - r\"\7"aVNTED Known that Nicholson and Co. ■! V V are Selling 50doz Lamba Shirts nt 2s lid. Honestly worth _8 6d ; - ___._1 - "\\r ANTED Known—Few people have eyes tV_ .alike. This -is often overlooked in \ purchasing Spectacles. We Test each eye . and giv 0 Len-ea to Correct the difference. > Charge, always moderate. Thirty yean.' ex- - perience. R- Kennett, tho People'- Optiij cian, 211 High street . __._? _ Nicholson snd Co. VV _re showing Ladie.' Smart' Tweed Coats . at Ssa Gd and 37s 6d. N _*_ \\f ANTED Known—Spectacles are a great *. pleasure when they aro suitable and correctly fitted. We can Fit you neatly and comfortably in gold-filled, nickel steel, *md * other frame-; "all the newest shapes in -' Pince-nez. Specta-cle., Rimless, and many '; varieties. Our modente price* will pie—'a 1 i you. R. Kennett. tho People* Optician. 211 0 | HisWrc-L; K?3P_ " Known-Wise people wear V V Glasses. In -ome cases persons re--1 fuse to do sc because Glawee _—lily eli?htly * tho appearance. When fitted by u« they 1 are both neat and becoming. Our enormoue ' stock and variety of frame, ensures this, - often at half the "con you would expect. R. • Kennett, the People." Optician, 211 Hisl. » j «tT«ot. ■_ _. K9SCB -* | "TTrraATNTEI.' '"Known—The Sight .hou!- be | »Vi periodically Tcsfod even when glasees - | are worn. Wo will do this, and fit g!a_sen ) ! that you may Tetain good sight for pos- » i eibly more year« than would have been the q ! case- Rcaeonable prices. R. Kennett, the , ; PeopWsOptician. _2U High street. . i "*f_\rANTED Known— '■ _ow to_ treat your ; V \ ey«i and pr_—?rve yonr eight." _ Send " for our pamphlet on th- siibjeet, gratis, poet " free. We fit new Lense* to your own frame-. "Repair and' R—it all eorte of Soec- ' tades. Pince-no-, etc., having an endle—i aeeortment of parts for repairs. Temple* straight and curl eidee. - Bridge*. Sprinre, and Noee Flaquee, etc. etc., at meet moderate cost. R. Keanett, t_3 People's Opti_ar.. 211 High -reet. K9568 WANTED K_*fOW_*.; IF you want * Straight Deal a.d-t_e Highe*. Price, we BUY all claw*•■> of SEC-OND-HAND FURNITURE, PIANOS. SEWING- MACHINES. Etc. Note our Only Adda—b: 1. R. S. -IcKENZIE and CO.. C_jltei Btreet (Next T—.<_.__Te). •Phone 341 «■ Mc6o-4 MINT) your baby does not fall out of that go-cs.rt. it's easily dono. -Jinscn'a Safety Straps _ a pair. M—_"VTONSY I—nt, immediately, without delay, l'-aL upon Household Furniture (without re- - moval). Easy Weekly Payments. L. W. ). Balkind, 6—l "Colombo etreet- Tele. 0567.' 5. ___B-030_313 1 rj.OSSIP "for G-ir's, Hoti-keepini~Hi_-i, .' VX Weekly Fashion Notes, aud Reading v J for Everybody, appear in tho "Page for Women** ir. Saturday* Editions of "'The ** Evening News."

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15309, 19 June 1915, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15309, 19 June 1915, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15309, 19 June 1915, Page 14


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