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Judging by tho applications that poured in for the twenty-fivo available section- of the Glenmark Estate, the peoplo of tho Dominion havo little fear that the prospects of tho primary industries of the country axo at all gloomy. Very much the reverse must be the case, in fact, and tho large crowd that assembled in th© King's Theatro yesterday was a sufficient —_timony to the keen interest taken in this affair, which meant so much to thoso who had laid their affairs in the lap of the God of Chanco. Fully four hundred people, at—snd—:l at tho Thoatro to watch tho conduct, of tho ballot, which lasted until 8.30 p.m., tho procoduro being very slow, owing to tho necessity of revising all ballot sheets alter each draw. Tho total .lumber of applications received was IU2I. of which three wero withdrawn and 23. wero rejected by the Land Board. Seven hundred and 60ventynino applicants went t 0 the ballot. Tho Glenmark Estate may bo eaid to havo been a household? word in Canterbury for tho past fifty years, and it-s owner, the late Mr G. H. .Moore, will lon_ bo remembered as ono of tho pioneer band who ventured out into the wilds, and helped to mako New Zealand the prosperous place it now is. In IS'JI Mr Mooro offered tho statiou to tho Government at £i 2s Gd per. aero, with th© exception of tho homestoad block of four or live thousand acres, but the Government valuers placed a lesser value on the land, namely £3 16s. Prior to tho start of tho ballot Mr C. R. Pollen, Commissioner of Lands for Canterbury, pointed out that all applicants must have the necessary money for tho half-year's rent and tlio broken period actually ready for handing over to tho Receiver of Land Revenue, in i the event of the applicant's success in I drawing a section. If the mosey wa3 I not ready no timo would bo allowed to go out .and get it. biif. tho next applicant whose number was drawn from the ballot-box would be declared tho successful applicant. Messrs J. O'Carroll and C. J. Wilson were appointed scrutineers by tho applicants", tho actual drawing being done by Mr Pollen, while Mr 11. la-ckie announced the results. Tho members of the Canterbury Land Hoarcl who were present- were:—Messrs T. Gee, J. Sealey, and R-. Macaulay, who superintended and checked results.

Altogether there were 27 sections in the estate, but two have: beeu sut aside for tho proposed freezing works at Waiprira. Twenty-three of the available' .sections were of first-class land, an:] ranged in area from 11 acres to BD7 acres. The two second-class land sec[tions had areas 0 f 971 and 1256 acres I respectively, and practically all the sections wero wci_htod for improvej ments in the way of fencing tip to £109 in value. ! The scene in tlie theatre was of considerable interest. It was interesting |to tho outsider, but a thousandfold moro interesting to thoso who waitied for the production of a marblo which might mean a solid start in lifo !or a bitter . disappointment. Everyone took good and ill-fortune with true British stolidnoss and tho most demoastrativo of . tho fortunate ones merely permitted themselves a broad smilo of satisfaction when their names wero road out and tlieir friends thumped them heavily and cotiftratulatingly on the -boulders. A perusal of the* list of tho applicants revealed the fact that all sorts and conditions of mon and women aspired to he. landholders. There wero clerks, solicitors, dressmakers, hotelkeepers and others, but tho larger proportion of tho would-be fanners were men who wero redolent of tho $oil, shepherds, farmers, ploughmon. farm labourers, and so on. Tho ballot was a lengthy process, lasting all day, but the audience sat it out patiently, and as each successful candidate marched up to tho Receiver of Land Revenue to hand ovor the cash necessary to clinch the transaction, ho or sho was /riven a hearty round of applause. Now and again an applicant would want to know why his name had not been read out in the list, and in a surprising number of cases it turned out that the name had "been read but tho owner did not recognise it! In another caso a man had forgotten to apply, and in yot another case, when a protest was made by Mr Cassidy on behalf of a client, a roar of applause broke out when the reply came: "Your client was rejected by the Board becauso ho had too much money!" This showed that in ono case, at any rate, the popular superstition that only a rich man had a chance at these ballots was wrong. The results were:— FIRST CLASS LAND. Section 2, block 17, 6.**. acres, capita] value £3000, half-yearly rental ilia 10s. Improvements, fencing: valued ot -109 6. 3d. 156 applicants ...'mitt—' to ballot. Successful applicant—Claronc. Henry Ward, shepherd, Dun*—liti. Ward is n single man, -with preference, Laving competed luisucc—.fully before. Section 3, block 13, 772 acr — , capital value _C 2-, half-yearly rental £140 11a. Improvements, fc;icin;; valued :ii _!(} .3 —'. Nunibor of applic.-.nts, 15' J. Succ—sful applicant— Mrs aVlioo Loui*— Thompson (widow), Roseetreet, Timaru. . Section 4, block 13, 7, r >7_ acres, capital valu-o .-G3—', half-yearly rental £155 Ir G— Number of ' applicants, 270. Successful applicant— Albert Hcr.ry Barnes, —'1 road, St. Albans, Christchurch. Section 5, block 13, 607 acres, capital value £39 50, Uali-yoai-iy rental £133 0.-, —!. Improvements, fencing valued h'. i:!S 17k Gd. aium'j- of applicants, 270. Succcst*;'.:l applicant —a\rc!i;!.iiT>l Henry Jennings, shepherd, Chri—chuich. Section 6, 12, 301 acres, capital value -53-10, heali-yoarly r_r.:al £13:5 —. Gd. Impr.v——ont_, k-ncin. valued at £32 'Jo —I. Number of applicants, 13',. Sue—i:.fill applicant—John Tht-.cias Whiu-, 'as — —-, SpringEton. Pe.iivai 7, block 15. fill arret", c'tuli-— valuo -aOOO, half-yearly rtn.r.l £11-: 1...." .ir.pi.tY«ments, icncin.-j valuo :.-, X-5 1 „ Ud of spn.icar.t_, i 10. Succe&sfal ;._>_ l:<\a.:t — Chariot—• ii-...--c, Sprin.':.;':v:jf. Mnr..orn_r_h. S-octii n f*, block *.C. -IP7 acres, capilr.l value .t_79,">, ha I {-year!,.- icntal -ISO ir. improver_!?ui_, foucing valui-d at _:':i 3* :).:. _.":i_i_'*r of applicant*, 115. Succes-vfui applicant—W. Uon.k —v;:, lubo-'-ior, "iVushd/—:. Section 9, blc-c!-: I''-. 811 acre., ca..i:.d tnluc £IGG). half-yearly .-.:t.-.-.1 X">i''. Improvcm:n:-., fenc::,:; vai*. ..! at ill 17. lid. Numb'r of applicant', 100. Successful a. tj'ie— *. i — '•.':'■■ iiaai Glcv.r.:.-', farmer, Oatnaru. i?e-ct'>-r* 10. b'o-k iv, „ot-;, „ _-■_.■•, capital value .!.'."'— ', half-yearly rental £ — !7_. I—-proven:-it.-.;'r.,T vain _ a _ _or, 1;?. Number ot applicants, 73. Su<-—~.-?fi 1 u'oplfc-at— James CCor—oil, hete-1 keeper, Wa<ihdy_e. Section 11, block 16, •.91 j acre*, capital value £1507, half-yearly rental £10! •_.. 'hu-pxo-e-nicu'.s. iencinc; valued r.t £77 -'— Number of applicants, 120. Suec-essf'ii a__i._c-a-.t- — J__. John Hunt, Wsinsaiaitai, Ti l —.ru. Section 10, block 11, 191 sere*, capi-d v.-.iv-e _T:5.0, haJf-yeaj:i>- rental £T0 *,-, 6— la-nrrtTetTacnts. fen'cinr.-' valued at £00 10— and sbo-r-p di-> valued at £50. Number of cppSicnr. _ 120, „uc—?.nu; applicant—a-lico M. -TcGucfc-ii, Ciaremont, Tima__. Section 13, biock IS, _49_ acres, capital value £1070, half-yearly rental £105. —~- prove-ia—at-. fencing v_.l_.c_. at £03 17a 6d. Number of applies:_ts 258, slice——.l appli-cant—-.-belli*. King, Upper Bioc-rto—. aS——cti 14, block 15, ISS a-r rea. capi!—l value £;,7t-, half-yearly rental £84 10s. Im-provc-nicnts, fen cm? valued at £7 10a. Xum—ir of applican _ IBS, eucce—__ applic—at— Kctl—*ri Co-oj—r, Dalliajjtt—s, Clittßtc-—rc_ So—ion IC, block it", 5104-_ a-nas, c-pitaJ val-j £1330, h_!f-yp—:iy rental £110 13a Improv_mec.U, feucinp; valD—l at £26 S— J7_eb:*r of applicant., 101. Sncoofi ndul applicant —T—_ 11. Steele, i—bo_r_-, U«vk Btreet, Tima_u. Section 17, block !6, tOS; —:r*s, capital valuo —!__o, half-yearly rt-t-al £7. 63 ♦>_. L*nprovemcut», fencing valued at £—. N'-uai-l*er of applicants, 147. S_cee__—l a-polici _._ —C_ti—ruia __ry White, _wl Os-01_,

Section IS, bloci IG, I—>l capital value £3— k>, half-yearly re_tai £75 0.-. Od. Improve_eait»?, feiicinp valued at £1- 10— X__1— r of !;pplic.a.n(-*, ISC. Sue——;tful applicant —Mr. Mary Anderson, Har_aer SprinE«. Section 19, block IK>, 163 acres, capital value £1470, hull-yearly rental £100 lis tod. lir.pi\>v—cent-, fencing valued u-t £10 I—l. _—11:1b—• of applicant., 157. Sue— salvd appli-cant—Tho-i— Waikor, but—ior, I .lmen-iton, Otago. cketion CO, block 30, 194 acres, cjipital valu.-. £4610, half-yearly rental £103 1_ Gd. Improveniente, fencing- viducd at £13 18— N'mii—r of applicants, _00. Sue—_;f«l appiioaHt—John It. Dalton, blac__aith, Wak_nui. Sectjo- 21, block 3, OOli «C— _, capital va!u. ? £40S0, 3—ilf-yearly rental £—l_ Ga. Improvement f, fe.ncint. £2!) 37s 9d. Niinibei■ cf ai)pl:ranta, 209. Sueceoful appliciint—Sydney L. _<wn, _a!e_tnau, 10 I—_to 11 strecit, Sr.ra ncr. aS-ction _!, block 3, 20. acresi, capital value £-I—o, half-yearly rental £103 ISs 6d. Improve—Ljnt-s, fencing valued at £00 Is 3d. -Cumber of applicants, 121. Successful applicants —Georgo _". and _ rancis Julius, Wellington. Section 2?, block 1, 14 . ac——, capital value. £-730, half-yearly rental _£61 I*9, Improve——i—, fencin.? £14 5«. Number o* op-plic_-it.a, 350. Successful applicant—Thos. S. JDocrc, solicitor, Christchurch. Section 2(5, block 16, 11 acree, capital value £270, half-yearly rental _3 19a. Improvements, fencing vahio £4 53. . Number oi applicants, 5. Succa—.sful applies _.t —Robt. Mol_iight, apiarist, Cheviot. Section 27, block 16, 3S acres, capital value £—0. half-yearly rental £12 I_. Im.■arovement-, fencing valued at £11 l_s Cd. -Cumber of applicant-, 1C Sueco—rful applicant—Chas. V. Busby, carpenter, Beliaut. SECOXD-CLASS LAND. Section 1, block 12, 12—J acres, capital valuo _5550, half-yearly rental £192 16* Gd. Impi_veme_ta, fcjicing valued at £109 6s 3d. Number of applicant-, 232. Successful applicant—Harry Alexander F. Blyth, etation manager, Ataa-iua, Little Kiver. Section 15, block IG, 971 acrcfl, capital value £6630, half-yearly renta.l -149 Ss. lmproveita_ii_, fencinsr value £132 12s and hut. NumboT of applicants, 251. Successful applicant—Hugh Alex. „.„k__-, farmer, Geraidine.

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15309, 19 June 1915, Page 5

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THE GLENMARK ESTATE. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15309, 19 June 1915, Page 5

THE GLENMARK ESTATE. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15309, 19 June 1915, Page 5


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