j PUBLIC NOTICES. * JOHN HALL -AND CO., LID. *J DEDUCED CASH PEICE3. 5a Z r . best flssi*. per-Ib CJd. Tapioca, flabe ar.d pearl, per lb 2Jd, Japan Kief. P" Iβ 2id. Tr ed Aprico;». sew. per le> la. Prmxs, sew st3ci, per io cd. per parkst, 3jd Caodiee, SsiicMignt, wax, per pies*'. 6d. Eswscsce, C. acd B-, p«r bolt!* Od. Hemp Se«?d. P« !'° *«• Oalins =nd Oto, per bag Is. CrciraoaU, for porridge, iib eacfc, la. Piaeappiw, cbunka, setr, per tin £&. Pitieaup'ee. whole. ne»- per tirs £d Herrings, frt*h» P*r tin fed. Herrines, in tomato eauec, per tin fid *sd lOd* Baking Powder, Edmonds's, W wid 1» (3d. BDJsinj Soda, p?r lb. 24. Date*, looce, per to 3d. Kto-T' 4s Pd tin Si-3d eva Flour. -.'.'.■> Is -id, 25ib i?, 5Kb "3 3.1. IQ&a ] Jv-3. Sacks CSe Cd. ! IA S-uyrtr. per 561b bajr. Us 3d. I IA Jiva. per 701b baj 13e. jls is the £ Cach Discount. Ticie'.s giTen. JOHN HALL and CO.. LTD. CLOCK TOWEfI, CEIUSTCHCRCH. __ HSOO3 ; SITUATIONS VACANT^ Vi' r A..»TED r a Smart Koiiscs;a:d-Launtlree3 j Hot*!. 53 I ] }Hufo7fiL\PHY — "Af3Tß*T«'nt~want«d _ lor -*- dar--roo-ri ircrk. Stjokiius'?, 109 Cat-Hft bvHcii Chr-iUrliUrcl:. 6^3 \7tTAXTED, Cadet :or aixxp farm, Kai- *'. koura. . "I'iirnicr/ Bt-x 21' J. Christchureh. i-'Z "ptrAXTED,"CoIiI", - TrouscT ard Shirt lla- ' » chici«t3. air:. Swart Boy. T. AViisou snd Co., C-5 Tuaa: street. 79 Y\7"AXTED, j.euth ior store. of ' ' p.ickir.g uoo:si - ary. John F. Duff. IJcdford roiv. 77 T\7"AXT£D. a. Smart Younj; Woman 83 ' ' ' RencraL eic-eii at hoiac. Apply Wairtku Tea Koonr.?, aft<:r 11 a.m. " g-t jr\7"AXTi.O a Kouserrikid-Laundrcie," .ilfro * ' a Ar>p'y Zetland Houl. 51 W~~AXTJ3D.' nival V> T cek. Apply, after 11 a.m.. Uroadiray's, Squurc. * 95 QEEEPKUJMr-ES 7 Labour Exchang-s— l -5 AVant-od at oi:co. Married Court!«j<. and Perm Hand*, Severs) Mea and Boys to milk and generally U3efnl, Caw-mea-Gardcncrs, Jlusterors, Blade Shearers, Nov. 16th, Sheplwrd a.i:d Station Har.d for Sheepfaiicers' Labour Exchange, 155 Hereford etreet. SHls—ll CENTRAL" Labour Agsucv, ISO Manchester , street, corner of Bedford row. Clock I Tower—Wanted. - Hoviscm.-iid-VTjiitrcoew, [ Hotels ; Hotel Porter; Cook and Hoiuemaid, ' t-.'itce ulaoo, 255, "Qs: Cock-Gcn«rftls, 17a Od, 20s: denerales, loe: Girls to Assist; Kitchenmaid, couiitry bcarding--houso; Boys, Kcassaboute. %Vaitii:c; En^ag-'ment— Chefs, Married Couiilc-s, Pantry r-nd Kitchenmaids, Cooke, Faim Hands. CeatraJ Labour Agency, 130 Maucliceter street. JRins np ij7;"j. Di\I?BY'S Select Registry Oiace iiave -wait. ius engagement—Married Coupl« (cscolltut referenced), ?Cur*Oj.xou*-Bmaid, Cook (ciocrienced), p«iitiou whore K.-n;aid l:ent, Bar-tender, Station Ccok, Station H»nce, llotiscabout, Fonotrs, I'ort«rs, Governess. Xeeding—Gooks-Gciierttl, Young Genera!, Nursemaids. Cook-Lacndr«s p'ac-c); for Cook_, Nurse-lloueomaid. rals. IA Caanc<>ry lan-e. 'Phono ltO6. 9 MCDONALD'S XZ. Labour 2scb»ngc— Employers should anply llcDonald for "VVoolclassera, Shearers, Excerte, Shed Hanae, Shearers' Cooks, etc. A!j ord«re prompt!? attended to. Wanted, Sliuterere, 7 months, Gardener, Ploughmen, Cowman, Station Fencer, SOe; Couple, n:an general, wjfo hotißektverer; Married Ploughmcr., Youths, etc. McDonald, 113 Manchester etrcot. 'Phone 497 Mo 9308-115S SITUATIONS WANTED, WANTED, urgently, by Young; M;in, clerical work for nbout t'.vo moutL3. Apply Clerical ) _^ , Pre&3"jOi2c-e._ 73 WAFIiiD, position 03 lady lielp-com-panion, Cashaiero Hilla piefeired. Apcare of "Press. -, 81 WANTED- . :
WANTED. Lethaby'* are Re-covermg TJtc breliaa at reduced prices duriafj Joce> Handles nnd Rilia renovated free. 1124 \\i AiNl'ED—Can you Sketch '! CultTvatt •» * your tasio for Drawing. It will brin? you pleasure and profit! Students'drawings eotd in London. Jiail Course. Get prospec-tus-"J." New Zealand Representative, Jai. Kodgcr, 112 X Liciifield street, Chriatchuuh \ _r_ ' issc-5 IX^ASTED— YioIct, your scissors cut * ' lovely. Yea, h»d them, sharpened at Lethoby_'s. β-t Cat'icdral square. LDSGO IX7ANTED - RoapecTabie HoueehoJdfcT*. » » wit.i cr without the Cash, you can Dress voursclves nnd every one in your Family with everything of the high-"* quality. Lite Fasbioni for Lad:ea, for Gentlemen, for Boys and Girle If you are * bit rtiort of Cash, comt and ccc :uo I ten arrange it for yon to your entire satisfaction At Balkind's, 629 Colombo street, between Lichfie!d und Tuam etreeta _ C 9313 WAXTED 2COO Ladies' and Geets' Urn breilas to Recover during Auguet;, reduced pnee Lethal*?'e, 64 Cathedral square T^T ANTED—1000 Shaves for~lsi*How? Got Yt your razors properly ground and set j nt Lethaby's. CI Cathedral square. LOSG9 ' wanted: TXTZ PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES for • ' Second-kand Kurniture If you wieh to dispose of yonr Furniture witbont the trouble of an Auction Sale, gir* v* a call. . UcKENZTE and "WILLIS, Auctioneer*. Ca'.hedril tquare (next Post , Offic*). ■ . 4525 MISCELLANEOUS. BOOKKEEPER, fully qualified, requires trndosir.cii'a booiis to lreen at night. Terms moderate.- Apiilti'Qualified," "Press." "' ' ' —' ——-*- - ©5 BV SINESS"GlrFwaL : te - board autTiodgiug Mar city. Apply •"Typietc," "Prcea." (>7 IP your orchard wants spraying send postcard to 32 Buckley's road, Litivood. 63 j CTACAXCIES Tot"Boarders, "Sholv W«ok. { '»1 handy to Sissm Grounds and Lodgw's Stables. 59 "\Vo3t bc.t. 02 "GOOD~VALUE OUK CHIEF ATTRACi TIOX." . GRAHAM, WILSON, AXD SAIELLIE. T ATEST Neckwear Peter Pur and C«---->-i turuo Collar::, all tile newest shapes in Laeo ar.d iluslin, Iβ fo 3a 6d each; eaiart Coloured B»ws in Velvet, Satin, and Popiin, lα, Iβ Sd each, Gra,baM,">Vi!cjon, and S:>*e.llie. FLOKAL Striped aud Plain Millinery ' Kih-1 bsna, all ths newest colourinsrs, )s 9d 1
U> 3s" lid yard; Velvet KibboM, all widths, in Black, and new .shades, including Saxo, Navy, Viettx Rc-se, Tangerine, and Cftiise. Moderate prkes. Graliani, Wileon, end Sniellis. Linen Hir.ii- -" kerchiefs, scolioixd and iaoe bard?"*,; 6>i to & lid each; Colo -red Border Hand- i kerchiela with embroidered initials, -l}d each Graham, Wilson, ar.d . Sj;:el!io. 1 VOUBTnTIfcT" WliitlHSaTin ""QuiftsTTSe 6d, JL , His 6d, 133 6d, to C7s lid; Double B?d Hcncycomb Quiits, !M 6tl. lls (x 3, 13e 6d, to 1G S 6d; Coloured A'hambra Quilts, 4s lid. Os Gα, Os Cd, ti> 15e 6i. Grahaic, Wileoc, and i Smcliia. . J SPECIAL Ptirchaae o: VThite Mercerised " Damask, 72ir. wide, Ca 6d, is Pd, 3s jard; "\"hito Damask Cloths, Cs lid, Ie Co, Jβ Co, fe 6(3 each. Gmhais, Wilson, end Smellie. STRIPS" and~Plein Xukc cTotii", 7t<j, "o?.<l, 101 d yard; Pasdora and Galatea, OJd, K»jd yard; Siripe Driiie, 10jd, Is (>Jd yard. GTaham, Wil«cn, and Saicllie. r PHE very latest colours and designs in -*- TToman Strip* Silks. <|d. « Zld yard: up-to-date desisrr.6 in Plait! Siilts, 4a lid and 3s lid ysrd; loin Black Pai'lctt* and Duch- «"«£« >routse!ir.c Siikfi. 5s lid. 0s lid. to ti 6d yawl_ Graham. Wilsois, acd Snsellie. IV , -IVY and Wl-.it? Stripe Ccatume Serge-:. •*■* Ss lid vara; Czei'.ii and Lustre, vritii plack ctripr, for Summer Costumes, 3i '■d, Zγ, lid .yard.' Grahamj U'ilion, aad b'mpliie. HEGULatTox - "c Sα, ,*s 3d; Aertex CeUular Shirte. 4s; Par.t.«. Ha 9d; Knicker Drawers, 2s ?4; Cream T-^: , .! Cricketing 100 Cd, lfe Cd. Grahin:, V.'jiroD, em Stnrllifl. MEN'S 'iVhitr "VTnsbia? Tennis H»t=, 2© f <i; Men's White Felt Tenuis Uets, 5a Cα; ilea's Tennis Shirt?, collars attached, in creaza, Twi'l white atrine ajid i-lxitc u:att c;oth, Ss cd. WCsoa, nad ME^l^ Bm j ner ~"vF^h : r _ 'sSTrfte, 4s sd, oe 6d, 7* 64, & c<l; Straw Boat, I* 8 ;. T «s, Sock*, Coilars, etc., £a »11 the :r«oioE»b!e styles and priced moderately. Srahaa, Wilaop, and SmeihV. G9n3-I55S> G°SSIP f or '*'G!7'~'* _ Hinte w«ekW Ffcshioft No.*«, an' , Readins fer Everybody, app«ar in ths "P*£? fjM Wom«o" in 'Satmday'* Edit-acj <»i "Tb«
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Press, Volume L, Issue 15116, 4 November 1914, Page 9
Word Count
1,166Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume L, Issue 15116, 4 November 1914, Page 9
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