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Officials: President, hi* "Worship tie 3£»jbt, Mr H. Davis; hon. treasurer, Mr W. H. Bobinson; ton. secretary, 2£r W. JJ, Amoe. ' " The Ashfeortoa Winter Show, which ■jrajs opened yesterday in the Arcade^ under the auspices of the Ashbnrtou Poultry, Pigeon and Canary Society, proved to be, so fax ac the majority of th« exhibits were concerned, a very creditable c display. In a good many of the claesea, '" bowerer, the entries were rather poor. s and there was a distinct falling-«jff s in the total number. The grand * total was 1012 3 compared with 1087 i i. last year. 1468 in 1912, 1433 in 1911. j and 1391 in 1910 i As was the case last year, the classes for foals, fat cattle, 5 and fat sbeep were omitted, the poultry 1 section showed a decrease of 145 entries, compared with last year, and it was noticeable that many classes failed I to attract a single entry. There wan a slight increase in the number of doge i shown, roots and garden produce . adi vanced from 99 k>l4o, but in nearly all the other sections there was a failingoff. The following is a comparative - table 1 , showing tho entries under the several headings at tho ehowe hold in 1912, 1913, and 1914 :— 1912 1913 1914 Foals ... .- . U - — Fat cattle ... ••• 6 — — Fat sheep ... ... 38 — — Itega .- .-. &1 46 50 Batter, hams and bacon 18 14 8 Fruit, honey and preeerves ... 33 13 12 Bread. scones and cakes 213 135 123 Eggs and dressed pooltry ... ... 11 7 U Grain and eeeds ... 45 £9 22 Roots and garden produce ... 230 99 1-18 School competitions ... 85 47 „ 37 Photographic section 40 13 .6 Needle and fancy work... — — 56 Poultry section ... 681 €84 539 Totals ... 1468 1087 1012 The most important arid attractive section of the Show was that devoted to poultry, and here there were many birds of a very excellent quality, indeed. The roots were inclined to be disappointing, ac the quality, in many cases, was hardly tip to the reputation of the district. The home produce eection was strongly supported by the ladies, and the cookery, the preeenree, and the new needlework section were very good. There was a good collection of dogs,-the exhlbi+a in the different clastee making themselves exceedingly prominent during the opening ceremony. The officials; of/the Socfety were comxnend&bly prompt in all their Arrangements, and the judging was carried out smartly, the results being known quite early in the afternoon. The Mayor, Mr Ihnria, in officially declaring the Show opon, said that it was the second occasion that tho Ashburton Poultry Society had held a Winter Show unijer its own control. He was sorry that there wee not a larger attendance at tho opening ceremony, but he heartily congratulated the Society on the excellent display made. The slight falling-off i» th*> number of the poultry oxhibitswae attributable-to the nearness of the big Show in Chriajchurch. The speaker concluded by officially declaring the Show open. Mr Nosworthy, M.P.. congratulated " the Society on its very successful Show, which, on the whole, was a credit to the disiiric€"At:tlie"big Show ia ifliinedinj there were only 381 birds shown 4n the poultiry eectiop, while in AahburIbn they had no fewer than 417, which was very good, indeed. It certainly spoke volumes for the interest that was takom in poultry-raising in the district, and. Tursonallyi he was very pleased to notico that that was eb. ' ■ .: Mr T. Bullock added his congratulations to those of the previous and spoke words of praise for the manner in which all tho arrangements had been carried out by the committee. He would have liked to see an even larger display, slid be thought the farmers of the district should take a far keener interest in the Show. No opportunity j should be lost bjr farmers to leaifn ali they could about the scientific side or farming, for, with, the increase in the price of land, an increase which had not:Btqj»ped.yet, they would, need to know how to make the best of ©very penny expended. He commended . the "side-lines" in farming, such as ponl-try-raising, etc., to the eons, and particularly to the daughters, of farmers, for, properly" run, thero wae a * good deal of money to be iriaSe out of them. Hβ hoped tho Show would flourish, and 'that each succeeding one would he bet* •ler thai its predecessor. Mr W- H. Robinson moved a hearty, vote of thanks Messrs Bullock ana Matsbn; on behalf of the Society, for ittlowing the Arcade to ho used, and the vote was carried with acclamation, PRIZE LIS^. The following is tbe prize list, Hiotarraber <A enttiw in «acli claee being given in ■■ ■ ■ ■• -. >, ~ POULTSY SECTION. ..* ■■ ■ -V , -' \ ■.•GAME. ■ ' "■■■■•■■■ '' .' 1 JXodom Wedwred «r teewn.irt oock .(3): 5 B. S. I/ev«*«l** I, &. G. Criap?. Modem or biwn»-wd km Ji); E. G. Cnep 1, B. S. Levteaedge 3. Modem bUck-wd i or biown-t«d cockerel (1): E' 6- 1- s aiodern bl«ck-red or brown red pullet (a):. . s B.G. Cti»p 1, E. S. LeroreedK© 2. Ifodern ' j lets er pallet (l>: E. G. Ctiep 1. I Old Kdgli»h blfcck-red cook (4): T. E. Up- g too i, J. S. "Woods S, iSoeseville Poultry h Yaide 8. Old Enjiieh fcleck-reel ben (6): i 3. S. "Wood* I *ad 2. T. E. Upton 3. Old c E»sH«h Week-red pallet (8): T. E. Upton 1 *»d S. Old Ensrli»b oockerel, . «Ny oiher colour a): J. S- Woods 1. OW Enylieh q, pullet, »ay ether colour.(2): X. S; woode 1. V Tttdiaa cock or cockerel (1): J- "Wood* 1. n Ixsdiaa fees of pallet (2): J. StrinfleUow 1 p end 2. * EAMBtmas. - » Golden pencilled oock (6): H. A, IJoyd 1 U and 3, KoeerUle Poaltiy Yards 3. Go!de» p pencilled ben (7): H. A. Lloyd 1 end epecal, J Kcecville Poultry Yards 2, J. Tntty 3 »nd.c. g Golden pencilled cockerel (5): H. A. Lloyd » 1, B. Reddoo'iffo 3 mod 3. GoMen penci'Vd c pullet (6h R. Bcddcliffe I *nd S, ifcoeerdle p Pooltry Yards % IL A. Libya h c SUver A spangled cock" (4): W. Spencer 1, H. A. ti Lloyd 3 and 3. SiNer cpeigka sen (3): W. Spencer 1, H. A. Lloyd U end 3. SUver t: «rpt«e:led cockerel U): W. Speneet 1, H. A. a Lloyd 2 *nd S. Silver epangled pullet (2): f W. Spencer X, H. A. Lloyd 0.. ( * ANDALUSIANS. a Cbck (1): Roeeville Poultry Y*r3s h Hen e( (0): Rceevillo Poultry Yards 1 and 2, Pul- jj tot (2): Boseville Poultry Yards. 1 »nd 2. f c ANCONAa ■ <1 Hen (5): B. Pearee 1, 3 »nd 3. - Cockerel « (3): B. Pearce 1, V. xiedwell 3, A. .W. Mβ- a NJdrel 3. Pullet («: B. Pe*rco and epeoW, V. Bedwell 3, T. Wade 4. LEGHORNS. h WWte cock (!):'g. H. Cower 1, E. A. « Veitci t White ben (8): G. H. Cowwr 1, g B. A. Veitcii 5 *nd 3. White cockerell*): r G- H. Career I wd 8, B. A. Velteh S. TShite 6V pulle* (5): G. H. Coraer 1, 2 and 3. -rown M o»ck {«: 3. S- Betten I. B. P*rkin % W. Is Ctooimea 3. Browa hen (6): B. Parkin B 1, special vA 2, J. H- Betten ». 4. E. i. iWwi & Browa oockerel »>: W- Hβ]. B ir«U l, tp*ci*l «nd 2, 3. H- Bettea S. (4 Brown ptdtet (S): E. Pwkin 1 «nd % B. 6 Bteebene 8. W. Goodnaa h o. BUck eeek P (1)7 J. Allan 1. Bbck hen fl&: B. Peeoe l< X, J. Allwi 3. Black oocketel (4): X Allen B 1, 9 »nd 8, C. B Towy c xtl»ck pullet (S): P J. Allan 1,.t»0 epeci»to end 3, C. B. Towy w 3 and aC. Bnfl. or cinn«inon cook (l>: P. E Jleeeent 1." Buff er cinnamon ben (1): F. HesMnt 1. Bufi or cinnamon cockerel (1): F. Me«ent 1. ■ Bnff or cumuaoo pollel <1): V. UauMit X. -Boeecomb cock or cockerel H

( a- : S' T- L Bceecomh ben or poll ,l' ? Vk ' x ' 3 «od 8. Hen or pull« acy other colour (X): J. Allan 1. MIXOKCAS. a. I m t, ?^S! l,<a>: W " TnUeeh.l, R. Loi and <4): - W ' IWlaejl 1, 5, PLYMOUTH EOCKS. rtP^fj so f k fl>: Mrs G. W. Wateon Barred ben (2): jfc* g. W. Wefem 1 and Ca)s ilre G. W. Wafaon 1 « 3. Barred pallet (l>: Mm G. W. Watron White cock (i\: Mrs W. Pait-rson 1. 0 end WfcfU hen (l>: Mr. W. W. Pattereon White cock*-el «5; Mm W. W. Patterson 3. and a. n \Thite pnltet (t): Mrs W. W. Pa tezwn 1, 2, 3, and 4. DORKIXGS. M?,m °$^ t « ! "« 3; V. Langdon X. s«a Pallet C 2): W. Langdoa I ud i WYAXDOTIES. Silver cock £2). R. D. JoJin»ioo 1 and Sirer cockerel (J): R. D. 1 and Silra pullet (i); K. D . Johnston 1. epeci; 2 and 3. White cock (1): D. H. Ed?»r White hen (2): H. F. Hubert 1, D. H. Ed* 2 WMt* cockerel (4): H. F. Herbert 1, 1 H. gdgar 2, 3, and 4. WHte pull-t (Si: .1 F. Herbert l, eoecial, end -1, D. 6. Ed* 2 and 3. P»rtr-d<*e cock (4): H A. LVwd a and 3. Partridge hen io): Mm W. V Patterson J and special. H. A. Lloyd 2, *"«<• Partridge cockerel (l): H A. LToj 1. Pa-trdsre pullet "3): Mrs' W "VT Paite Km' l> H. A. I/oTcl 2. ORPIVGTOKS. B1«/>k cock (3): E C. BaW 1 a"d e'-wra Ho»«Tille Paltry Yard* 2 and 3 B'a'-k h« g>'• Roeeville Pt«!try Yorde 1 and 2. Mr ; H. Batten 3. Black cockerol (V: T. Lov< day 1 and 2, E. C. B*W 3. Buff nr cinm mon cock (2): Fniwville p-uUnr Yarda 1, C Remold* 2. Bi>ff or cinnamon h»n '2); vile Poultry Ya-de 1, siwia! and °. Bu or cinnan-.on cockerel m-, a 1, ! and 3. Buff or cinnamon rullet {3): G. R*i ™ !d *'. 2, a-d 3. ■WHvfo eofk or co-k-r' (9): BoMvilte Prnltry YaMs J HI WMt hen or pullet (*): Eoseville Poultry Yard 1, tptcia.l, 2 and 3. Sea (4): T. 1 2. 3, and 4. BR/HMJS. Cock or oocke-o'. (1): Mre W. W. Pettei eon 1. Hen vr pullet (2): Mrs W. W. Pal tewon 1 and 2. NOVICE CLASSES. Cock or cockerel, any purebr-d ran>tv (5) •i B ack!<r 1 and special, P. W. Tlvoinas '. M»e K. E. Hinldtia 3. Hen or pellet, an puwbred rai-ty (3h F Tfaomaa 1. C. W Kidwll 3, Mre X. P. Boot 3. BANTAMS. Modern Game, black-red or broirn-r«d cod or cockerel (3): S. Trrell Baxter 1, R. aw j>. Wood a and 3. Modern Game, blacks or brotrn-red hen or pvl'tt U): S. Tyrol ■Baxter 1, S. ElLott 2, R. and D. "Wood 3 M.dern Game, hen orpuH«l'l): S Tyrwll Baxter L Mrdern Game, pile cocl or cocke-el (2): S, Tyrcll Baxter 1 ard 3 B!ack rosecomb cock (1): D. H. Edgar 1 Black roeecomV hen (1): D. H. 1 Black ro«comb cockerel (2)t Mrs C. M Orbell 1, D. H. 2. Black rosecomi pu'lefc (*): D. H. EdTai 1, 3, and b. c, MTa C. M. Orbell 2. Cock or cockerel, any variety (1): D. H. E"d"ar 1. H«u or pull't any other variety (i): D. H. Edgar, 1, 3 and & DL'CKS. Ayleehury drako (1): TV. Langdoa 1 Aykebury duck (1): W. Langdon 1. P«kir drake <i): J. Stringfellow 1, special, 2 anc 3. Pekin drck (4): J. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Indian Runner drr ke (4): P. H Broom 1 and special, P. Rundlft 3 asd 8 Mm B. Steart 4. Indan R-nner dnck (l>: P Bundle t. Drake, any other variety (1); W. Lasgdoa 1. GEESE. Gander (3): W. Langdoa 1 asd special, E Goes 3, J. R Begg S. Goose (1): J. R B«ggr I. UTILITY (3LASSES. White Leghorn «ock (6): W. Searlc 1. G B. Thomas 2, J. 'l'uUy 3. White Leghorn ben (6): B, W. Ha\rke 1, W. Seari* 2, G, B. Thomae a White Leghorn cockerel (9): W. Soarlo I, H. V. JTohniibß 2, R. IV Hawke 3. Leghorn (12): V, P. Boot I, 3, and c, B. W. Hawke 2. Lesfaon cock or odckerel, any other colour (2): W, Anderson 1, J. Bladder 2. Leghorn hen oj pullet, any other colour (i): J. Blackl«r 3 and 3, W. Anderson 2. Minorca cock oi cockerel (2): H. A. Lloyd 1. Minorca hen oj pullet (i): W. Tulloch 1 and 2, H. A. Lloyd 3. Hamburg oock or cockerel (<)- H. A. Lloyd 1. Hamburc hen or pullet W'• H. A. Lloyd 1 aid 2, J. Tatty 8. Plymouth Rook, oock or occkerel (S): W. Soarlc 1 »nd 3. Plymouth Rock, ben or "pullet (3)T F. H, Broom 1, W. Searle 2 andf 8. Silver Wyantlotto cock (2): H. A. Lloyd I, P. W Thomtm 3. Silver Wyandotto hen (3): H. A. jloyd 1, J. Slringfellow 2 and 3. Silvei Wyandotte cockerel (5) :* P. W. Thomai 1, W. Searle 2. H. A. Lloyd 3. Silver Wyandotte pullet (8): H. A. LW 1, W. Searle 2, P. W. Thoroae 8. B. W. Hawfce c. Wyandotte cock or cockerel, any other colour (5): D. H. Ed"arJU.C. R. Tovey 2, H. A. Lloyd v S. . Wyaudotte hen or pullet, snv other colcrar (6): C. B. Tovey J.-.D. H. Edaw % H. A. L'.oyd 3. Orpis«(on- cock or cockerel, any other colour. (6): - F. Broom I and -2, R- Reddeolifle 3. Oriincrton' Wn or pTulI-t, any other oolerar (3): T. Breeie 3, R. Reddeclifto 2 *nd 3. .'.,.. BELLING CLASSES. . Dorkrny, Houdsuv Plymouth Rock, Cochin, or Brahma dock or cockerel (8): Mrs W. W. Pattoxeon 1, 2, and 3. Barking, Houdan, fiytttouth Rock, Cochin, or Biafama, ben or pellet 0): Mrs W- W. P«*tereon 1, 3, and 8. Langshan or Orpington, cock or cockerel (1): B. Beddediffe 1. Wyandoite oock or cockerel («: W. Armstrong' I, D. H. Edgar 3, P. W. Thome* 8, J.-Btringfellow 4. Wyandotterben or pnllet (6): D. H. Edgar 1, Mrs W. W. Patterson i 2,. 3, and 4. Minorca ooek oar cockerel (1): B. iow« 1, Minorca ien or pallet (2): W. Tullooh land 2. Lephozo, Campine, Andalueian, at Ancoaa, cock or cockerel (6)- W. Goodman 1 and special, G. B. Thomas 2, V. P. Boot 3, T. Breeze 4; Leghorn, Campino, Andaltmian, or Ancoa», hen op_pnllet-(8):-.V..P. Boot 1, G. B. Tiwmee 2. Hambnrgv cock or cockerel (1): LA. Lloyd 1. Hamburg hen or pallet (1): H. A. Lloyd 1. • ■-' BANTAMS. v (Selling Claeeea). «' C^.ok^ r .eoekewl, - any othor variety (2): 0. R, T»v«y a, Mies C. M. Orbell 2. DUCKS. (Selling Classes). Peiin or Ayleebury drake (1): W. Lanyo el" Draltt, ' *w>7 °*h«r variety <l): Mre i>. otttftrt 1. . PIGEONS. Dragoott Chequered, cock or hen (1): D. H. tdjar 1. Dragoon, cock or hen. any olfcer ooloui (l) : D H. Edgar 1. White Janten (1): H A. JJasey 1. Short-faced oirobler, any other variety, ringed (1): G. White L, Longfac«d, cleen-legged, blaok Tumbler, cock or hen (2): H: A.Me«,y l S?T vf JfWiSfaced, dcan-Jegged, Black I «wzey 1 and 2. Loagfaccd, c ean-le»ed, red I Trmbier,. cock or ben (2): H. ATMawT 1 aad Longfaoed, clean-fcggcd, . yellow Tumbler, cock or hen (2): H. A. Mwy 1 2. Longfaoed cJean-le R ged, yellow XTimbler, oock or hem. ringed t2h HA' Maeey 1 and 2. \ i a. a. ■ FLYING HOMER CLASSES •! Cock or hen, 800 mi'ee or over (2); S Trrell Baxter 1, W. I. Seark> 2. Cbci or hen om mfle-U): W. I. Searle 1. Cook £ & $ ,ttJee, ringed (1): L. Templefeij 1. Cock or hon, 60 milefl, ringed (3): 8. Tyrell Bwter 1 l<. Templefon 2. Cock or hen. -meet like!*' fi»r (2): L. Templeton 1. Cock or hen, moot Wccly flier, ringed (4): W. I. Seerie 1 K. Huir 9, L. Templeton 3. Cock or hen, claaa (1): H. A. Maiey 1. —iiog CANARIES AND CAGE BIRDS. Korwich, plainhead, yellow, cle*:, noncolour fed (5): M. Baker 1, 3, and b c, P J Watte 3. Norwich, plambead, yellow, ticked non-colour fed (1): F. J. Watte L «orw; ce ' plaiahead, buff, clear, non-colour fed (6): M Baker 1, 2, and v ho, F. J. Watte 3 Norwich, plainhead, tnff, non-colour ted ft): M. Batex 1. i. J. Watts 3. Norwich p'-atahcod, variegated, non-oolonr fed (3): F' J. Watte 2. Noiwich, pleinßead, buff,. variegated, non-colour fed (3): M. Baker 1 and 2. Norwich, pla.nh«ad, yellow, clear <a ticied, colour fed (1): A. B- Pengelly L Norwich, plainhead, yello*, variegittd, cohnr fed (1): A. R. Pengelly 1. Yorkshire, buff, clear xw ticked,- non-oo.oar fed (X): F. J. Watte 1. Novice Claeeee.— Norwjcb, yellow, dear or ticked (2): A. R. Pengelly 1. G. o. Thomaa 3. Norwich, yellow, variajated (1): A. R. Pengelly I. Norwich, huff, clear or ticked (4); A. R. Pengelly 1, G. B. Tho-mae 3, Mm H. C. Orbell 3 and c SeVing Class.—Canary, any variety, matched, for breeding, price sot exceeding £2 (1): M. Biker 1. Canary, any va.--.ety, matched for breeding, price not exceeding £1 10s (l>: M. Baker X. Canary, any variety, matched for breeding, price not exceeding £1 (3); Mns H. C. Orbeil 1, M. Baker 2. JUVENILE CLASS. (Exhibitors -nnder IT years of age.) Dorking, Langehan,- Plymouth Rock, Orpmgtoo. Cochin, BreJrme, or Wyaodott«, cock <» cockerel (2): BL Campbell 1, Mjje P. Smitb, 2. Dorking, Langshan, . Plymouth Rock, Orpington, Cochin, Brahma, or WyandoMe, hen or pullet (1): Mies P. Smth. 1.. Miaorca, Hoodan, Leghorn, Andalueian, Htm- !»»?, Polish Game, cock or cockerel (5): C. Boshell 1. A. Del!o*r % K. Campbell 3 and *- Mioatca, Hoodan, Leebom, Andalsriaa. H*aburf, Poli«J» or Game, bee or pallet M>: A. Deilow i, H. Christiau % Wm P. Bmiih. s. Pwr Baniame, any variety (s>: P- Orr 1, Mise C. M. Orbell 2, L. Temple*TO 9, I. Hart 4.C»nery, mny variety (5): «»« D. Elliott 1, C. Buehell % H. L'ovd 8. Piwon, any variety (5): D. Tyrell Baxter 1 wpd-8. F. Mowat a. Pair dovee a): R. aud D- Wosd 1. WINTER SHOW SECTIOX. POGS. Rongh-coated collie (8): B. Kingefoid'e Hone I and special, W. Hamilton 2. Smooth-

coated colli* (7): W. Tom's Loy I and special. C. MeConechks's Ned 2. Bearded colli* (7): K. Gould's Darkie 1 and special, T. W. Dodds'e Rough 2, C. Doig 3. Fox terrier (6): A. T. Emersofi'e Maiiland Rich 1 wsd special, H. A. Lloyd 2. Betr. J. B. BurBob 3, H. Pflbrow'e Jfisa Brlgge v h c Scotch terTier (2): D. ConaeH'e Kobin Adair 1 and eprcial, C. C. Roberta's Mick 2. Irish terrier (7): C: Braanigin'a Larry Doolan 1 end special, B. Stoddart 2, J. Lyeapht 3. Cocker Spanid (5): W. K. Cow's Milford Dodger 1 »nd special, Mrs A. K. Fleming's Kori 2, Mrs W. H. Amoa'e Darltie 3. Retriever (1): S. Cassey'e Lion 1. Purebred dog, any other variety (7): J. Allan's Nellie 1 and special, W. A. Milled Caeey 2, G. B. Silcock's Biddy 3 BUTTEB. Farmers' wparxtor butter {2): Mies A. Suttie 1_ Fanners' non-separator butter (2): M:<re A. Suttie 1. Salt butter (3): Mis* A Suttie 1, Miss K. Small 2. HAMS. Unsmoked ham, fanners' cured (I): E. Gass X. FBDIT, HONEY AND PBESEBVES. Furit—Applea (2): Mrs H. Margrctte 1, H. M. Buehell 2 Honey—Honey in comb (2): T. Cavill 1, Hiss A. Suttie 2. Extracted honey (6): Mise A. Suttie 1, H Re»d 2, T- Carill S. Preserves.—Collection fruits (1): Mrs W. Adams 1. Collective pickles (1): Mias A. McDowell 1. BBEAn, SCONES, AND CAKES. Homo-mu-de bread (6): Mice A. McDowell 1 and epeciuL Jlae It. Msv 2, Mice X--Small v h c. /iome-niade eoones, without butter (7): Mies A McDowell 1 and special, Mrs A. Lill 2, Mias E. Lill 3. Home-made fancy sconce (4): Miss A. McDowell 1, M-β n Clucas 2. Girdle econee-(3): Miss A. Mc- \ Dtrrell l, ilre C. Campbell 2. Fruit cake, not iced (5): Miss M. Dkon 1, Mrs J. Dison 2. Seed cake [3): Misa A. McDowell 1: Mis* L. Dorm 2. Madeira cake <l): Mrs W. Mc-C'u-g 1. plain gingerbread cake (i): Miss A.' McDowell 1, Mie W. Harris 2. Spongecake U)- Mrs D. Clucaa 1. Oat cake (3): Mrs A. McDowell 1. Mrs W. McClurg a Shortbread «3). Mife A. McDowell 1. Mr* Vf. McClurc 2, Mis- C. Campbell 3, Miss K. iTackeon v b c ASHDURTON TPTTTNICAL SCHOOL CIASSFti. High School.—Sponge sandwich (12): E. P—cv I. T Cowsn 2. M. McCallum 3, M. Sparow v h c, M. K»rr h c Biscuits (7). E. Percy 1, B. Crocke 1, M. W. tiers 3. Girdle econes (S): R. Crooks 1 # E. Emerson 2, T Cowan S, M. Kejr v n c. Primary School*.—Ginspf-rbread (8): I. Sumeer 1, M. Bule % L. Irving: 3, F. Hancoi v li c. Sau«age :olle (0): Q. Beird 1, D Humphreys 2, M. Rule 3, G. Matthews x b c. Sconce (14): T. Crooks 1, G. Matthews 2, B. Jeff* 3, M. Smart v h c. DRESSED POULTRY AND EGGS. Pair dressed fowls (4): W. L&ngdon 1, Miss E. Goes 2. Mies Rose Gote 3. Pair dressed ducka (3): Miss hoee Goes 1, Misa Edith 2, "W. Langdon 3. Hen eggs, white (1): Mica B. Gose.l. Hen eggs, tinted (2): I. A. Lloyd 1, W. Langdon 2. Duck eggs («): F. Broom 1, Miß3 A. Suttio 2. GBAIN, SEEDS, ETC. TVheatr—White Tuscan (1): W. J. Jloara 1. Red Tuscan (1): W. J. Mosca 1. Pearl (4): H. Watte 1 and 2, W. J. Mosee 3. Oate—Danish (2): W. J. Mosee 1 and 2. Duns 12): W, J. Mosee 1 and 2. Gaxtons (1): W. J. Moees 1 and 2. Oate, any other variety (4): TV. Langdon 1, G. Campbell 2 and 3. Grass Seed: Perennial ryegrass <l): T. Buckley 1. Italian ryegrass (i): W. J. Moses 1. Bed clover (2): W. J. Moaee 1 end POTATOES, ROOTS, ETC. Potatoes—Kidneys (2): J. Dixon I. tTp-tc-Dates (5): W. Carroll 1, Mre W. Aehton 2, A. Curtis 3. Potatoes, any other variety (7): J. Holland 1, F. Clark 2 and 3- Six potatoes, any Variety (2): F. Clark 1 and Turnips—Swedes (10): J. , Bland, mnr., 1 »nd 2, F. Clark 8, it. Watts v i» c. Im■erial Green Gk>bo (6). A. L. Clarke 1, v. Oakley 2, A. Curtis 3. Turnips, any whitefleshed variety (4): W. J. Mosee 1 and 2 Mangels—Yellow Globe mangels (11): J. ! Dixon. 1, H. Watte 2, J. Holland 3, G. H. Soott v h c. Long red mangels (7): G. Hyde 1 and 2, A. h. Clarke 3. Golden Tankard mangels (4): Executors E. Small 1, J. Dixon 2. Golden Globe mangels (4): Executors E. Small 17-J. Dixon 2. Heaviest mangel (5): Mice Suttie (40!b) 1. Carrote^—Red carrots (6): F. Clarke I, H. Wetts 2 and 3. White carrots (5): Woods Bros 1 and 2, A. L. Clarke 3.,Y«1}0w carwta (8): Woods Broe. 1 and S, J. Dixon 2. Heaviest carrot (5): A. Clarko 1. GABDEN PRODUCE. Giant onions (3): L. Wilson 1, A. O. Pilfcrow 2. Brown Spanish onioae (3): J. Bixon 1, L. Wilson 2. ' Beet (5): W. J. Mosea J and 2, H. A. Lloyd 3. Parenipe (7): H. A. Lloyd 1, Executors E. Small 2, W. J. Moats 3. Vegetable marrows (10): H. A. Lloyd 1, W. J. Moses 2, F. Clarke 2 and v h c. Pumpkins (3): W. J. 'Mowwl. ■ Cooking Cabbage (1): F. Clarke l. Pxumhead Savoye (3): H. A. Lloyd 1 and 2. Celery (2) : L. Wilson 1, H M. Bushel! 2. Carrots (9): F. Clarke I.W. J. Moees 2 and v h c. Turnipe (3): H. A. Lloyd J, W. J. Moms 2. Leeks (5): L. Wilsoa 1, Executors E. Small 2. -

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Press, Volume L, Issue 14993, 13 June 1914, Page 15

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ASHBURTON WINTER SHOW. Press, Volume L, Issue 14993, 13 June 1914, Page 15

ASHBURTON WINTER SHOW. Press, Volume L, Issue 14993, 13 June 1914, Page 15


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