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"V. Merino. Fine Combing (judge, Mr James Eel.).—Ham, above 23 months: S.r Gco:ge Clifford I iiud champion, C. 11. Ensor 2 and vli c, James Stevenson he. Above 10 months and under 23 mouths: Sir Georpe Cl.fford 1, 2 ar.d reserve champion, C. n. Ensor v h c. Ur.drr 10 months: .Si. George Clifford 1 and 2. C. 11. Knsor v li c and h c. Two, under 16 months: C. 11. Ensor 1 and 2, James Stevenson v li c. Ewe, sbove 16 mouthe and under 28 months: Jamee Stevenson 1. 2, champion, and reserve champion. Under If. months: C. 11. Ensor 1 end 2, A. W. Rutherford, junr., v he. Two, under 16 months: C. H. Ensor 1 aud 2, James Stevenson v h c. Merino, Stiong Combing (judijc, Mr Adam Bell;. —Reni, abjvo 2S months: James Siovenson 1. 2, v h c, and champion, A. W. Rutherford, junr., h c Abovp 10 months ar.d under 28 months: A. W. ixutherford, juiit.. 1, 2. v h c, special and reserve champion. Under 16 months: James Stevenson 1, .Walter Macfarlano 2, v h c, and h c, «. W. Rutherford, junr.,'3. Two. under 1G months: W. W. McRae 1. James Stevenson 2, A. W. Kutherford, jmir., h c. Ewe, above 16 months and under OS months: A. W. Rntbcriord, jiinr., 1, 2. 3, h c, champion, reserve champion, and Olcrvmark Clip, Walter Maciarlone v h c, James Stevenson c. Under 1C n-.onths: E. B. Million 1, 2, and c, James Stevenson v hc,A. W. Rutherford, junr., h c. Two, under -16 'months: Waiter 1, E. B. Million 2 and h. c.

Kug:iish Leicester Rnn:.a (judge, Mr Charles (roulter): Ram. above iS months: R. and J. lleid's Ringmaster 1 and chamnion, Edwin Kelland 2 and h c. Above 16 "months And under 28 mouths: R. and J. Reid 1, 2, 3, c, special, and reserve chumpion, Edwin Jielland v h c, Canterbury Collego h c. Shorn: R. Heaton Rhodes 1 and 2, R. and J. Reid 3 and c. Under 1C months: David Archibald 1 and special, K. and J. Reid 2 and 3, Edwia Kelland vhc and c, Isaac And:cvv c. Shorn: C. M. Threlkcld 3, '2, »nd special, Edwin Kelland 3 and c. Two, under 16 months: C. 11. Threlkcld 1, R. and J, Reid 2 and v h c, Edwiu KeJJsnd c.

Etighsh Leicester Ewes (judfre, Jlr S. R. Xiancaster). —Ewe, above £3 months, vrith lamb: I{. Heaton J'hodcx 1, v h c, and champion, Canter'iun- Agricultural College 2, ArchilwW David 3, Edwin Kellaud c. Above Hi months and under 23 months, with lamb: 11. lleaion T?Jiodo.« I, 2, li c, und. :eserve chaiupion, Edwin Kellaud 3 and v li c, Andrew Isaac i>. Under 10 months: R. Heaton Rhodes 1, Andrew Isaac 2, R. and J. Reid 3, Canterbury Agricultural ColLeye vhc and h c. Shorn:" C. M. ThrelUeld 1, Edwin Kelland 2 and c, Canterbury Agricultural College 3, Andrew Isaac v h c and c. Two, under 1C months: Canterbury Agricultural College 1, R. and J. Reid 2, C. M. l'hrelkeld v h c. Kd'A-jn Holland c.

Border Leicester Raw.a (judge.. G. niiott), —Ram, <ibovc 28 monthe: Archibald David 1 and champion, Canterbury Agricultural College 2, John Little 3, John Douglas's Trastees v he, D. M. Sutherland h c. Abovo 16 months and under 28 months: David Archibald 1 and reserve champion, John Littlo 2 and 3, John Douglae's Trustees v h c. Shorn: Donald Gront 1, John Little 2, D. M. Sutherland ? h. c< Joseph Dowthwaito vhc and h c. Under 16 monthe: D. M. Sutherland 1 and 2, Josoph Dowthwcite 3, David Archibald v h c. John Little h c. Two shorn: D. If. Sutherland 1, David Archibald 2 and 3. John Little vh c. Two under 16 months: D. il. Sutherland. 1. 2, and 3, John Little v h c.

Border Leicester Ewes (jud;je, Mr J. J. McCrostio, junr.).—Ewe, above 23 months, with lamb: D. 11. Sutherland 1 and champion, Joseph Dowthwaito 2 and 3, John Little vhc, John PJoug-las's True tecs h c, James TJoea c. Abovyj 16 months and under 23 months, with lamb: John Little 1. v h c, and reserve champion. D. M. Sutherland 2 end 3, James Ross h c, Jolin Donsrlas'e Trustees c. Under 1G 7nonths: John Little 1, Joseph Dov.-thwaito 2, D. 11. Sutherland 3, h c, and c, Donald Grant v h c. Shorn: David Archibald 1 and he, D. M. Sutherland 2, 3, and v h c, John LitUo c. Two, tinder 16 monthe: Joseph Dowthwaito 1, D. Sutherland 2 3 v h c, ajid h c,- John Little 3 and c

Lincoln (judge, M"r C. Bishell). —Ram, abovo 28 monthe: Albert Withell 1, 2, and champion, Iv,Z. Australian Land Co. c. Above 16 months and under 28 months: Albert Witholl 1, h c, c, and reserve champion, X.Z. and Australian Land Co. 2 and v h c. Above G months and under 23 months: >v.Z. and Australian Land Co. 1 and 2. Under 16 months: Albert Withell I and 2, N.Z. and Australian Land Co. h c. Shorn. X.Z. and Australian Land Co. 1 and 2. Two, under 16 months: K.Z. and Australian Land Co. 1. Ewe, abovo 16 months, with lamb: .N.Z. and Australian Land Co 1 and champion, Albert Withell 2, v h c. and c. Under 1G months: K.Z. and Australian Land Co. 1. h c, and reserve champion, Albert Withell 2 and v h c. Shorn: N.Z. and Australian Land Co. 1, Albert Withell 2. Two, under 16 monLbe: X.Z. and Australian Land Co. 1.

Romnoy Harsh (judge, H. V. Fulton). —llam, above 35 months: Donald Grant 1, •2, champion, D. G. Wright v be, S. Ajidrow h c. Above 16 months and under 2S months: Donald Grant 1, '2, and cbanipian. S. Andrew vh c. Shorn: Donald Grant 1, S Andrew 2. Under 16 months: JtonaM Grant 1, S. Andrew 3 and 3, D. G. Wright v h c. Shorn: \Y. G. Lad brook 1. Donald Grant 2, Canterbury Agricultural College he. Two, under 16 months: S. Ax draw 1. "V". G. Ladorook 2. Donald Grant v h c. Ewe, above 16 months, with lamb: W. G. Ladbrook 1, 2, champion, and reserve champion, Canterbury Agricultural College v h c and h c. Under 16 months: Canterbury Agricultural Colkoi 1# Donald Grant 2 and vhc. W. G. Ladbrook 3. Shorn: W. G. Ladbrook 1 and 2, Canterbury Agricultural Gollepc v li c, S. Andrew h c. Two ewes: W. G. Ladbrook I, S. Andrew 2, Donald Grant v li c.

fc-tfuthdovrn (judge. Mr W. Ginibleii).— above 23 months: G. Gardner's Babrahsm Crown 1, 2, champion and reserve chempion. Abore 36 nioniba r.nd tird?r 23 months: J. B. Roid 1, G. E. Rhcdc-s 2 ond v h c Shorn: G. E. Rhodes 1 and v h c, H. A. Knight 2. Under 16 months: G. E. ltbod«3 1 and '2. Canterbury Agricultural College 3, v b c, ar.d ho. Shorn: Johns Bros. 1 and 2, G. E. Rhodes 3 ond v h c, Canterbury Agricultural College li c. Two, under 1C*: Johns Bros. 1 and 2. Southdown Brettfara' Society's silver enp for best ram under 16 months, and by imp'ri'd Tttm: G. E. Eh/xtes 1. Mr J. Dean's prze best ram under 1C months, r.ct h<ms«i. clothed, or shorn: Canterbury Agricultural Collssre. Eyre, above 1C months, with iamb: G. E. Rbcdes X and clunrjiion, Canterbury Agricultural College 2, 3, v he, and reserve ciampion. Under 16 months: Canterbury Agricultural Collepe 1 and v li c, G. E. Rhode* 2, Johns Bros. 3. Shorn: Canterbury Ajsrricultursd Co".le~» 1 and 2, Johns Bros, v h c. Two, urdcr 16 months: Jcbns liros. I, Canterbury AgT'caltural College 2, Thomas Dovrling v h c, H. A. Knight h c. Shropshire (judge, Mr D. iiiuho'.'a'-d). — Bam, above 25 months, Leonard Whit- 1, 2. v h c. and ciainpxn, Rupert Parry h c. Above Iβ moEths and tinder 2S months: Leonard White 1, 2. 3, v h c, and reserve cii3'v.p:oE, Rupert Parry h c, Sir George Clifi'rd c. Sbom: Sir George Clifford 1 m<l 1. Whit* v h c tr.d h c. Under 15 months: Leonard White 3, 2, 3, aad h c Rupert Parry v h c and c. Shorn: Sir George Clifford 1 asd 2, Leonard White 3*h c and c, Caaterbury Agricultural College V b c Two, under. 16 months: Leonard White 1 B>c<3 2. Sir George Clifford «■ h c, Pnpcrt Parry h c. Ewe, under 16 mentis, lamb:. Leonard White 12, v h c. 9 nd champion, . Sir George Clifford h . c, Cant-rburv Asricniturai College c. Lcocr S?V« champion, Sir George Clifiora 2,

Bam. above :G months-: Isaac 1. Under io months: Isaac Andrew 1 and 2. Shorn: Isiac Andrew 1 and 2. Ewe, sbove 16 montbf, with iamb: Isjsc Andrew 1. L'rdor 16 month*: Isaac Ar.drcv 1, C, ar.ct vhc. Sho:r.: liaac Andrew 1 nrd 2. Cormd-w-; Ram* (judge. Mr E. A. Weld).— Ha si abova 23 months: Leonard Whit* 1. -• i c 'c, ur.d charayior-, C. U. ard v h' c. Above Iβ months and nnder •-> inontLs: Le«:- ; ard 1. h c, sp-rcial, and rcwrve,cn, C. H. Ensor 2 »»d -, .icon St'in"£eil-ow c. Sliorit: Leonard 1. — v h <•. and hr. Ur.dtr 16 month* j_ John Stringfiillou- 1. 2; ar.d c, Leonard White <"*, v h c ?.r.d h c. Shorn: lxcnard Whlto 1, 2, .".. and h c. T-.vo, iir.dcr 1C» Le-orard White 1, i, vhc. and <:. H-5" Ease: 3, John Stri'jsrfeucw h c. Corrirdale Ewea (j"djre, Mr 1). J. K.-se).— Ewe. above 2S ii'.onths, vrith larcb: Leorniro White 1. v h c. h c, and chasspion, **■'£• and Australian .Land Co. 2, John Ss'.rinsfei'.ow 3 ard c. Abov* 16 month* and under 23 months, Y.ith lamb: 1. v li c, c, ar.d ".oserve champion, N.I-, and VuftvaHan Co. 2. Jyhn Strir,gfil!ow_ 3 and h c Under 16 months: Leonard White 1 and c, C. H. Enwr 2 and 3, John Stnnet.A\ov v It c at-d h c. Shorr.: Leonard White 1. 2 and h c, C. H. Ensor V,. John StriusfeHow v h c. T--vo. under 16 months: Leonard White 1, 2, and h c, C. H. Enyor 0 and v h <•. Halfbred (j;irljre, Mr A. J- llurrayi.— B b)vc 28 monthf.: Leonard Wh'tc 1, '-', vh c hr, ard champion. Above 16 months ana under 23 months : Leonard White 1, -, « c ' a'ld reserve chsmnioti. Shorn: Lfonerd Whito 1, 2, :.nd h c. Urxler 1C months: Leonurd White 1 ar.d 2. Sir George Clifford v h c. Shorn • Leonard Wbi'.e 1, 2. «wi c Ewe, above 1C months, with l«mb: Leonard WhY 1. 2, champion, ar.d rercrve cli'Ji!ip:on. A W. lUUhoTford v h c i>i:d c. Under K> months: Ltosiard White 1. 2. und h c. Two, uiKK- l<s niciith?: Leonard White 1 aud 2. Fat Sheen.—Throe merino wtthers: ilcClellar.d iircs. 1, Wa't«r Macfarlane Throe purebred Down, Uycland or Dorset Horn wethers, above 1C month? and under 23 months: i\ Bull 1 and 2. Under 1C nioniiw: F. Bull 1 and 2. Tliree shortwooll«d wethers, Dcru, J'.yelarid, or Dorset Hcni cro : ?, a!>ovo 1G liiontiis and under 23 month?: McOUand Broa. 1, F. Bull 2 and v h <•• J- Brooks h c and c. Unrior 16 months: AY. J. Clinton 1 and 2, McClelknd B.oi. v h c, J. Brooks h «.■ and c. Tliroo short-woolkd cwta, Down, RyeJand, or Dorspt Horn McClelland Bros. Three lon'j-won'lcd wethers, above 1G months ond under -2S months: McClelland lircr.. 1, W. J. Cimt-m 0. Under 1G months: W. J. Clinton 1, McClelland Bros. 2, W. B. Clarkson v h c. Thrt-e Corrifdplo halfbrcd wethers' ahnvo 16 months: W. J. Clinton 1, Park's True tee* 2. Under 16 months: W. J. Ciinton 1, M'Clolland Bros. 2. Three wether?, eiiifatilo {or froztn weight 1301b: McClel'.and Brre. 1 and 2, J. Brooks v h c and c, W. J. Clinton he. ]n Oie wool, wr;>ht UOlb: O. E. Rhe<k* 1, J. Brooks 2, McClelland Br«. v h c, W. J. Clinton h c. Threo ewo or wether long-woollcd lambs: McCicl'iind Bros. 1, John Br>atty 2. Tliree «?wes or wether?, sliort- wool led lamta- J. Stapleton I, McClelland Bros. 2, W. B. Clii'keon v h c, John Beatty h c. Prizes.—Canterbury Froren Mont ' Cr>:np?.ny s pririo for pen of throe sheep suit- ' ab'M for frozen infat trade: J. Grig" 1, Jopeph Brooks 2. Mr L. G. Gardiner'^prw fer pen or thro..? lambs: J. Stapleton 1, McCWland Bro=. 2.

Scourincr IV z«, 191.1 (W"iso!cy Shearing: Mnchine Company's Cup)-Chas. Goultcr i. ScoiiriTs? Priw. Wll 'ilrssrs Petersen's trophy)—w aIU-r Macfarlanc 1.

CATTLE Shorthorns (judge?, Messrs 17. Hay and Jsmes M. Baxter). —Bu.l. any epe: Cantorbury Agricultural College's Broadhoak's Stiunp 1 aud champion, J. A. Scott 2, Arinur Chamberlain ;i, Riccortou Estate h c. Throe yenrh: Arthur Chamberlain 1 and 2. Two year*: Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and reserve champion, W. B. CunnJngkani 2. Riccarton Estate- 1 and 3, Arthur Chamberlain 2 and c, W. 31. Scoon v h c, Canterbury Agricultural h c. Calf: W. B. Cunningham J, Fiederick Frampton 2 and vh c, D. G. Wright 3. Cow or heifer, any age: C. M. Threlkeld's Inglcwood Pink I "and champion, Canterbury Agricultural Coll-ogc 2 and reserve champion, Frederick Frtimpton 3, llicearton Estate v h c and h c. Heifer, 3 years: Hight Bros. I, C. it. Thr«l----ki.-'::l 2. Two years: Kiccarton Estate 1 and 2, Canterbury ApriculturaJ Collcso »• Yearling: Kiccarion Estate 1, C. 11. Throlkeld 2. Calf: Cflnt?rl)!try Agricultural College 1, C. M. Thrcke'fl 2. " Bull, tvith three progeny: lliocnrton E-slatc 1, Cant-orbTiry Agncn.tural Coilesr.! '-. Cow, with two progeny: Canterbury "Agricultural College 1 and 2. Two yoarling heifers: C. j[. Tlireljceld J, Cantcrburv Collefrc 2. Shorthorn Milking CutCc.—New Z«alcud Farmers' Co-operative Associat.on's pr>.o for yearlins bill 1 , beet calculated v> get dairy itcck: IX G. Wright 1 ar.d 2, Canterbury A"ripu!tural College 3. Cow or heifer: Ktcnirtoji Estate 1, ' Hi?ht Bros. 2, Arthur Chamber'.aiu 3. Heifer, three years: Arthur ChamlwrUiin 1 and -2. H<H-eford Cattle (judges, Messrs R. Hay a.r.d lames,M. Baxter).—Cow or heiler": D. D. Marfnrianc 1 und 2. Aberdeen Arfrus.—Bull, any John Dnuglts*3 Trust.-cs 1 and 2. Red Polled Cattle (judges, Messrs D. Sinclair and P. Ireland). Bull, any age: R. Heaton Rhodes 1, 2, and v h c. Yearling: Ti. Hcaton Khodea 1 and 2. Cw or hoifox, any age, ir. milk cr to calvo within six months: R. Hcaton Rhodee 1, 2, and v h c. Yearling heifer: B. H«ttton Rhodes 1 and 2. Jersey (judges, Mess:3 R. F. Cornwall and W. H. Booth).—Bull, any age: H. E. B. Watson's Lord Twylish, 1 and champion, J. Fleming 2, F. E. Hely«r v h c. Two years: W. H. Weir and reserve champion, H. E. B. Watson 2. Icarliag: H. E. B. Watson 1, Davidson ilillar 2, F. E. Hcllyor v h c, H. E. Peryman c. Cow or heifer, any age, in calf or t-Q caJve irithin cis months: W. II Weir 1, H. E. B. Watson 2 and v h c. In mi".k: H. E. IS. Watson 1, 2, v h c, h c, and reserve champion. Heifer, three years: H. E. B. ; Watson's Twylish'e Solid Gold 1 and champion. Two years, or in milk: H. E B Watson 1, C. E. Hams 2. In calf, or to calve: W. H. Weir 1. H. E. B. Watson 2. Yearling: H. E. B. Watson 1, 2, v h c, and h c, W. 11. Weir 3. Cow, with two progeny. H. E. B. Watson 1 and 2, W. H. Weir h c. Two yoarling heifers: H. E. B. v«ateon 1 •d n F. E. Hellyer h c. «

and 2, a. K. ileiiyer n c. • Guernsey (judges, Messrs R. F. Cornwall and W. 11. Booth).—Bull, any age: George Gould I.' Yearling: H. S. S. Kyle 1. George Gould 2. Cow or lieifer, any ago, m milk: George Gould 1, 2. and h c. Yearling heifer: George Gould 1, H. S. S. Kylo 2. Ayrshire ■ (judges, M«ers D. Sinclair ana P. Ireland).—Bull, any age: James irews General df Hc-.bsrt, 1 and champion, .John Pa-lane 2 and reserve champion, Arcluba.d Gillies v h c, W. J. Jenkins h c, John Parlano c. Two years: W. J. Jenkins 1, James Frew 2, Mrs "A. E. Read v t c. Yearling: John Parlane 1 and 2, \V. J. Jenkins h c. -Cow or heifer, any age, iv calf: John i"arlane 1. 2, and v h c, W. J. Jenkins h c. In milk: John Parian* 1, 2, and reserve champion. Heifer, three years: Archjba.d GillieVs Beseio of Tovmhead 1 and champion, John Parlane 2 and v h c. Two years, m milk: Archibald Gillies 1, W. J. Jenkins 2. In calf: John Parlane 1 and 2. }<* rh ?Sj V. J. Jenkins 1, John Pnr.ano 2 and 3, James Frew v he. Cow: John Parlane, 1. Two yearling heifers: John Parlane 1, Jamos Frew 2. _ f, Hohtcin Friesian (judges, Mesers R. I. Cornwall and W. H. Booth).—Bu J, any age: A F. Stocker 1, T. H. Ovcrton 2, K. Coiee 3. Yearling: T. H. Overton 1.. Cow or heifer, any age, in milk: John Gngg 1, A. Messrs E. Hay and James M Baxter).—Bui:, any age: J. Cmgg 1. Cow or heifer, ajiy ago: J. Grigs 1. Fat Cattle (judges. Messrs 1. «• sw" and F. W. Fairer) —Bullock, any ngc: Kiccarton Estate 1, Richard Marten 2. lour years: McClelland Bros. 1, J. E. Ferguson «> Steer, three years: J. E. Ferguson 1 ar.d •>' Two yeirs: J. E. Ferguson 1 and 2. Cow, any cgc: T. S. J. Doherty 1, Arthur Chamlxrlain 2, Canterbury Agricultural ColIcse v h c. Cow or heifer, four yeare: J. E" Ferguson 1. Heifer, three yeans: Arthur Chamberlain 1. Two years: Arthur C'r.amhorlahi 1. Teal calf, eisht weeks, and for butcher'e purposes: Jamee Stapleton 1, Artimr Chamberlain 2. HORSES. Draught 'judges, Messrs l<. Kennedy and Peter Martin). —Entire horse: Jaincs Patrick's .Daron Bold 1 and champion, J. Boag 2 end reserve champion, .v.. and W. G. ifcIntosh 3, D. McLure v h c. Threo years: Donald Macdonald 1, Lill and "Weatenra 2, S.dney Smith 0. James Patrick v h c, T. and A- Carruthers h c, H. Saucders c. Two years: . Jamos Patrick 2, Jatucs Wyllic 2 and 3, H. Heaton Rhodes v h c, Peter Shearer h c, W. J. Jenkins c Mare, in foal: James Patrick's ilaggi* Yotag 1, v h c, and champion, A. and Vt. GiUandeie 2. With ioal: E. E. Jenkins 1. FiLy, three vcars: Jamee Patrick 1 and reserve champion, James Wyllie 2, R. J. Sparks 3, J. Grii-g vhc, he, and c. Gelding, ihreeyears: J. C. Faulkner 1, J. D. "WyHie 2. Filly, two yeare: David Ryan I, Jainca Patrick 2, J. D. WyUie S wid v h c, T. Daris h c, \V. J. Taylor c. Yearling, co'.t or gelding: James Patrick 1, J. D. Ws-liio 2 and v h c, D. McL-are 3, E. Hale h c, J. Boas c. Yeariirg, filly: J. D. Wyllio I,~R. J. Sparks 2, J. Boag 3 and c, Lill and Westenra v h c, Peter Shearer h c. Gelding, any age: Riccarton Eetato 1, J. C. P'aulkner 2. " Dry mare: A. McLean 1, J. Grigg 2, R, Hecton Khodes v h c. Entire horse, with progeny: J. Patrick 1, J. Boag 2. Pair of re.dings: J. C. Faulkner 1. Pair of mar«;T J. Patrick 1. J. Grigg 2, Peter Shearer v h c. Four-horec team dry nicrc3 o- g«lding»: J. Grigg 1. Foui snares or fiil£«: J- Patrick 1, J. Grigg j2- Four of the progeny of one stalijor;: J. Patrick 1, J Gγ!'*" , 2. Heavy'draught: E. Euddcck J.ed D. Miliar

1, Jam**. l#itt;-f 2. H. A. Boyle v h c. "Mare or filly: James Little I and h c, E. K. Jexkins 2, P<»t«>r Shearer v ti c. PIGS. Berks-hire 'judges, M<?s*rs E. d'Am-crpne .•ind W. WzlLO.—Boar, acy a**: W. 11. Sicv«:s 1, Sucnysid* MraisJ Hospital 2 r.nd v n c. tTnder 1-2 months: Sunsys£de Mesv»l Hcspit-ai J, John Hadley 2. Under C> months: Sunsysidc Hospital 1 .tnu 2, C. Br ice v b c. Breeding raw; Siuinyskle ii«nt»! Hospital l, C. Bri'ee. 2 and v b c. Sow and iitver: W. H. Stcpljorw 1. John Had'cy 2. C. Brie-e ;!. Sow. under 12 months: W. li. Stephens I and «. T. A. C. Peurte 2, SaniiTfido Mental Hwprtai r h c and h c, C. i!r:ce c. Under ci months: W. H. St-ephers I. 1,. Muschausp 2, Frank Rowo v h c, C. Brice b c and c. Large Bluett (Devots)—Boar, any acre: John iloiw ]. n. O. Cos 2. Under G'nsor'hj: T. A. C. Pearee I and c, H. O. Cf. 0. Sow, any .-vge: H. O. Cos. ) and •;. \orkshirt>—Boar, any age- Su*"ny=:-Jc Mratil Hospital 1 and 2. C. Bries c. Urdcr 12 months: C. Brie* 1 and 2, Suanyide Mcnta. Hosnitol v h c. L'cder 6 months: Mental Hospital 1 and 2. C. ! Lrice v h c. Broedin;; «ow. So::-nv'•!']« Mental HuspiUl i an< i ->, Son- mxl litter: John HadVy 1, Mental U<wni t:t l _ Sμ, undor 12 njonthis: Surnvside Mentai, Hcspjtal 1 and 2 T C Bri.v v h c. Under t> months: SnnTiys:do Mental Hosnital 1 a"d h c. C. Brice 2. Tamwor:b—Boar : Harry Stuart 1. Sow. any a?o: Harry Stuart !. . t-'ow and J ••.(«-: Harry Stuart I and 2. Porkors and liaconew—Tlirco weight l!01b: Harry Stuart 1. Smniv-iuc Mfiitiil licvfspitn! 2. Weight 12310- IJj"r Stuart 1. C. Brico 2. Three 9O0!h: Hurry Rtuart 1 and 1. o, Si.nnvs-d-Montal Hospita! 2. 3401b: Hirr- Smart 1, C. lirioe 2. DArHY PRODUCE. Bntt<?r (judge, Mr S. Clayton).—Frofii. :cr table: Ccnierbim- Central : i-« Dairy Co. 1, Tai Tapn Dairy Co. 2, Canterbury Uairy Co. c. Kit {or export: Canterbury Central Co-opcrativn Dairy Co. 1. Canterbury Co. 2, Tai Tapu Dairy Co. c. Fwsh, in pats: Canterbury Central Cooivcrativo DuLrj- Co. 1, Tai Xdpu Dairy Co. 2, Canterbury Dairy Co. <>. Butter, tor farmers cniv (jr.dree, F W. Pitrcv and .lohn Henry;.—F T e?h ■ Xfrs Edivard Fell 1. Mrs W. If. Jamireon 2. Miss Apmcs McDouelJ 3, Mrs M. McDowell v *i c, Mrs 11. E. "Worrall li c. Swaraled: Mra 11. 11. Btisch 1, Mice ircDowell 2, Mrs J. Flcm-r.R 3. Mrs M. McDowell v h c, Mm Wii!. JamicKosi h c. Fancy: K. BcJchcr I and 2 In rolls: H H. Buseh 1., Mrs M. McDowoll 2. Miss A<nies afoDowell 3, Mrs \V. Symo v h c. Mrs .T. Flcminsr h c. Xovsce: Mips AVomall !, Mrs John Beatty 2. ChcGso (judge. Government gredc-r).—Ex-port: Okaiu'e Bay Dairy Fueton- Co. 1, be lion's Bay Go-operative Dairy Co. 2. Farmer-, only (judges. Messrs I.W. Piercy and John Henry).—.lamer! Wrip-bt 1 and 2. I "Wlio!© milk soft mild: Canterbury Centra! Co-operative. Dairy Co. 1, James Wright, junr.,'2. Cream cheese, open: Canterbury Central Co-operative Dairy Co. 1. B~nev (jtid<T<»*, Messrs A. Ireland and \7. A S-'llifant). —Extracted, in 21b bottles: Mrs John Beattv 1. Barrett and Bray 2. Four lib boxes: Barrett and Brny 1. Granniet^d: I?«rrett nnc! Bray 1. In bar frames: Barrett and Bray 1. Bepewax: "\V. J. Pnrr«?tt - 1. E?gs (judses, Ui3S Ronnie and Hiss Stevoneon). —On© dozen, tvhitr: Itwa M. Sheate 1, W. J. Parrott 2. C. K. 'Harris v I- r. Olfc dozen, tinted: Mrs X. Bell .1. Duck egKs: Mrs John Bcaity. BREAD AND SCOXES. Broad, Sooncs, and Cakes (judgM, Miss Ronnie and Miss S'ovchfoh). —Leaf ci horuewado b: cad: Mrs D. Hamnton 1, Miss J. Maedonald 2 and .1, Mrs W.'fiyuie 1, Mm J. Yatcs 5. Six ovrn «-ones: Mm R. E Wornall 1, K. Belcher % Miss J. Maedonald and K. E. Donuld 3, K. Belcher v he, Mra .7. Hiohards li c. Six wholc-moal -scones: K. Bcicher I and 2. Mrs M. I , ], iionnott 3, Mrs John Beatty v li c, Miss M. AY. Vc« h c. Sis scones: K. Belcher 1 ard 2 Mra J. Richards S, Mrs R. E. Wornall v li c. Mrs W. Syme h c. Home-made frnit cake: Mre E. E. Wornail 1 and 2, Mr J. Borrfc'dt vhc,Mr J. Anderson he. M - s J. Yates c. Hand-made spoitp& cake: Mrs J. BorirfoMt 1, Mrs l<. L. Cooper 2, Miss Griffiths v h c, Mra \V, Syme li c. UrcFsed Poultry llisn Rencio and Misa D. Stevenson). —One pair ducks: Aira D. Hampton 1. One pair fowls: Mra D. Hampton 1. Cured and Preserved Meats (judges, Messrs F. "W. Piercy and John HcnrvV—Hams, smoked: Ivincaid's, Ltd. 1 and 2. Hams, uneraoked: New Zealand Farmers' Co-opcrntive Association 1, Ltd. 2. Bacon, two flitches, unsmoked: Kincaid's, Ltd. 1 and 2. Bacon, two rolls, unsmoked: Kincaid'a, Ltd. 1 and 2. Ono bam and one fl'lclj, smokod (farmers only): G. Browrf 1, H. O. Cox 2. TJnsmoked: G. Brown 1, 11.. O. Cox 2. Lard: ICew Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association 1 and 2. SEEDS. Mr D. McLaren.—Red clover, or cow frraes: Natioral Jfortgapo and Afrency Co.. Ltd., 1, G. T. Smith 2. White clover: National ?florts?ajj«< and Agency Co., Ltd., 1, Ailam McPherson h o. NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURES. Exhibits in Permanent Buildinps Mcsera J. Gray ai:d T W. .Adams).—Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export Co., v li c. Exhibits in tents: C. J. Williamson, pcrmnhulators and invalid chaire, v li c; Ch: istchurch Meat Co., Ltd., moat extracts, preserved meats, and fertilisers, v h c; A. Wiggins, lamb skin rugs, v b c: H. Hepburn and Son.«, "Kapai" ranges, silver medal; Scott Broa., Ltd., cooking rangoa and mantelpieces, silver medal; B-isooc and Co., Ltd., mant-9-ipieo«3. tiled fireplaces, etc., h c; Maddren Bros., rooe, twines, and fibres, t'jc; Wellington Woollen Co., silver modal; Payntcr and Hamilton, Ltd., figured rimii doore, etc., silver medal. SHEARING COMPETITION , . Machine (judsos, Mese:s Angns . Caimton and A. Shirley.Thomson).—TP. L. Campboll 1, 11. G. Watson 2, James Harris. 3, Allan Albert v h c. Blade (judges, Messrs C. O. T. Rutherford and K. Murchison): J. Cr.wood 1, Oscar Miles 1, C. R. Johnston 3, J. Rickeiby v h c. .TUSIPIXCr EVENTS. Maiden Hunters: A. and W. Gillanders'e Weotwood (ridden by J. Selby) 1, W. O. Berrymau's Misty Morn (ridden by owner) 2, R. H. Bennett'e Sherpspur (ridden by J. Selby) 3. There -were ten entries. The display was but a mode-ate one. Best jumper, steer>!«chaße style: J. IT. Sclby'a Clarence 1, Thoe. Hobbe's Ka-\va 2, Leonard Parkinson's Nancy 3.

Pony iuinp'n** (ridor under 17 years of ag-e) : Sir George Clifford's Little Jim 1, A. M. Robertson's Eobiu 2, Jlrs H. Boyle's Lily 3,

Pony jumping (rider under 15 rears of age): M:s A. F. Mooro's Palaney 1, Port Arthur 2, Sir Goorgo CliSord's Litt'.o Jim rhc.

Special prize, ponr under H hands 2 iuclics: Sir George Clifford's Littlo Jim 1.

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Bibliographic details

Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14823, 14 November 1913, Page 13

Word Count

PRIZE LIST. SHEEP. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14823, 14 November 1913, Page 13

PRIZE LIST. SHEEP. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14823, 14 November 1913, Page 13


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