(SPECIAI. TO "TJir. rRE3S."> "WELLINGTON. November 13. UAILW AY EMTLO Vlito PitlYlLlvGl*?Roplviug to a question by Mr Kusseil, Mr Hemes said the conditions of employment -in Ifoo Government railway service are under the classification'system. The classification cannot bo altered except !>>' Act ot 1 arliament. The adoption ot district ratos would rcqmrp a now Act, a>iu,_ n adopted, would create dissatisfaction throughout the service. It would undoubtedly cause dissension among the men. Men who were employed in districts where lower award rates a:yj conditions <>;' employment, were m ops-ration would dc.-ire to obtain transfers to those districts; where more favourable rates and conditions of employment were in force. The Department could not satisfactorily carry on its operations under Mich circumstances. The. schedule of the Government Railways Act fixes the rates of pay that are commensurate with the services performed by the various classes of workrrcn employed by the Department. The Government is of opinion that the rates of r>ay and the conditions ruling in the rnilwnv service are reasonable, and, taken all round, compare favourably with outside rates as fixed by Arbitration awards. Furthermore, members in the emoloy of the Railway Department are granted free passes for themselves and their wives and families when travelling on annual leave. If required, one ticket per week at quarter rates is issued to them and their wives. "When residing out of town they may obtain .season tickets at rjunrter rates to enable them to travel to and from their employment. SLOT TF.LEPHONES. A cheap way of filling "Hansard" ami gaining publicity seems to bo to ask a question .about a slot telephone. This week of the questions addressed to the Postniaster-Genor.il seven deal with tho subject of "slot telephones." Mr Witty and Mr EL lead with two each, and Messrs Laurenson. "Wilford. and Atnioro have one ouch to their credit. In Mr Ell's case the remarkable seems to have happened, for apparently bnvinc exl}.ftn*torl the poscihilitieß of ChristcTmtvh, b*» devotes himself now to the need's of Wellington. Mr W'tH* aslcd for vnrious telephones i>n the Ferdn'+on and Rioetirton district I *, lint the Minister stnted in renlv tint more thieklv T>opulnt"'l districts required attontio" first. Reports were Ur-incc obtnirio'l upon the q, '' f es of the T?ierartr"i r.-v'lwny Uiwr Rioearton, S'K-kburn. «»vl noar t.Vie Riccnrtnn rneorourse, a"' l full oonsKVr.T+ion -would b*» s"ven to the renlies. Mr Lrinrenson receive! an nssiirnnce th»»fc the of ,i"«tnllatimi* at TTeatheoto Vn.'lov «ml Pnmnor would receive n+tention when the in-, stritTPon+s arrived.
Mr G. M. Thomson asked tho Minister of Public Works whether he would defer tho submission of tenders for tho'now Parliament Buildings to the Tenders Board until the relative merits of tho principal buildins: stones had been adequately considered. Tho Hon. W. Fraser, in reply, said that a committee of experts was at prosent considering the host c'ass of building ptono which should be used for the new Parliament Buildings.
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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14823, 14 November 1913, Page 14
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488POLITICAL NOTES. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14823, 14 November 1913, Page 14
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