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Messrs J. W. Bowles and H. McGloin have been nominated for tho vacancy on the Spreydon Borough Council. An election will be held on Wednesday next. Among Taupo fish stories is one of an English visitor who, having experienced tho advantage of a particular li'.hing ground., was disturbod one morning at fouling a Maori jn possession. The Englishman sent his vnfet to give the man a shilling as inducement to retire. The Maori promptly produced a florin and proliered it as stjlj greater inducement for the pakeha to g<> away and leave him in peace. A very pleasant social gathering was held on Thursday last iv the Oddfellows' Hall, Rollc-ston street Linwood, in connection with the Triple Liuk Social Club. There wa.s a good attendance of members and their friends. Songs were giveu by Mesdames Cumberland and Baxter, Messrs Bonn nnd Baxter, alto a recitation by Miss Towneud. Dancing was indulged in till midnight. "" Tho dispute between the Bootmakers' Federation aud the Boot Manufacturers" Association of New Zealand comes before the Conciliation Council in Auckland on Monday next. Mr '1. Hark- Giles, Conciliation Commii-vioner. will preside, nnd the assessors will be: —For the Association: Messrs W. McKinley 'Dunedin'. V. O'Brien fChristchurch', and W. Hodgson (Auckland); and for tbo Federation. Mesfcr.i S. C. Brown (Dunedin), J. Hutchison. (Wellington), and C. P. Barnes (Auckland). Mr W. Pryor will -'linear for thc employers, ami Mr G. *T Whiting for the employees. An authoritative statement from Geneva (states a cable message to the Sydney "Sun) says that the Swiss Nationarßani-, anticipating the possibility of an outbreak of war in Europe, has just finished printing £'l,i"00,OOU worth of 20-fr«nc war r.otos. The action taken is in accordance with the Swiss Federal law. which permits such an emergency circulation in extraordinary circumstances, and was also the result of a report from ono of the bank'c directors who recently made a careful investigation of the relations existing among the great Powers. The notes are not to bo issued Unless war is declared.

The rasmbors of tho Canterbury Baard havo been engaged the List few J days in inspecting various properties iv ] the Waimato district. A deputation front long-distanco tele- j phono subscribers pronoso to wait upon the Hon. H. G. Ell, at the Clarendon j Hotel, to protest against th* additional j charge of £1 per miie per annum over ; the three mile limit recently imposed, j Tlio steamer Warrimoo was fitted 1 with wireless telegraphing apparatus | while 1:1 Sydney, ami an operator will j join the vesper at Wellington, so that; trout this date sho will be equipped j with moans on the j lines of the Union Company's other intercolonial steamers. . The sub-committee of the Sydenham Clock Fund Executive met on Monday, and appointed J. T. forreste.r aud Co. a* officials to canvass the district for the j remaining £100 required to put up a £000 clock in the new P.O. buildings. Other matters wero dealt with, aud will b„ Ftiiunii-tid to a general meeting at a near da to. The Lyttelton Harbour Board has | received from Messi.-. W. .Simons and i Co., of Renfrew, builders of the dredge Canterbury, a beautifully executed model of tho vessel. The, mydel is built on the scale of iiu to tho foot, aud is , sft 3in in length. It is complete in \ every detail, and is a splendid example j of the model builders' craft. The j model has been placed in the Board's > Lyttelton ollici". No fresh developments in regard to the t-hcrtage of petrol are reported. A quieter tone prevails, and there is a growing impression that the present position will Lo relieved before any j really (serious eifects of the shortage j occur. A number or motorists are j carefully husbanding their &uppl:es. i i Some doctors ate using: their car:, only j to proceed to urgent cases, and are j ! patroiv* of tho city's electric fcrvice on their culinary rounds. j : .Mr C. 11. Ilinman a£:*in received an i i enthusiastic henrius; from a large ; I audience in the Scottish Society's Hall j i last night. During his addrc-s he j i spoko at some length -on the foundation of Solomon's Temple. Hi« wido ■ knowledge, gained through close obi f,ervatiou during his visit to the Holy | Land, enabled him to give a j very interesting account of the Temple area, the Mosque of Omar, j the foundation stones, and also tho | vast quarry, over half a milo long, j tinder the city of Jerusalem, from j which tho stones were taken. At- tho Dunedin .Police Court yester- ] day. before Mr Bartholomew, S.M.. I two brolhets- named James Alexander I i Greig aud Peter Henry Ureig. carters, j were charged with the vhrft of timber j valued at £-5, the property of -Hogg I and Co. Peter Greig ' was further j charged with the theft .of timber i valued at'£6l 17s, the property ci' ' [ Hogg and Co. Thc evidence for tho i prosecution was that accused leaded timber at the wharf, but instead of delivering it in and Co.'s yard, | soid it to various people. Both accused reserved their defence, a»d wero j committed for trial. Bail was allowed. J A meeting of. members of the origiual I Canterbury volunteer companies eni rolled in the early 'GO's. and known as | tho Bluejumpers from their first unij fotin, was held yesterday afternoon in j Major Wolfe's office,. Oxford terrace, j t.j consider the question of celebrating | Queen Victoria's birthday by a fioriol jin the evening. .The attendance waa small, the o.'d roli of membership havj ing been greatly thinned by death j during the pa,;t few year.s. ' li was dej cided to place a wreath at tho foot of ! Queen Victoria's statue in Market square, and to hold the nsual social on the evening of the 24th .inst. . Committees were formed for the arrangement of details. It is feared by many peoplo that thc novelty of the Domain Fete. if. wear- ! ing od with thc consequent less patronage by thc public and fewer funds ior the upkeep of tho Gardens, etc. It is suggested that next yoar instead of a fet-e being held a battle jof flowers be held in the Gardens! on the samo lines as in Nice and other cities of Europe. Jn the evening the grounds could be lit i-.p with electric light, and a masquerade and carnival hold. Such affairs arc highly popular jn the Old World, and should, on ono ' j occasion, at least, if only for tho j novelty, provo a great success in! ! Christchurch. It is understood that ! particulars are. being </»toinprl now* ' from Frauc-o with regard to the holding of these festivals. Our Dunedin corresnondeut Olographs that Mr Haveiock Wilson, At.P.. president of the Federated Seamens t-nion of Great Britain, has eon~ i duded his visit to New Zealand, and licit on route for Home. Mr E. F. | Bell, who accompanied him through j the Dominion, stayed behind to address ! ono or two meetings in tho centres. .He will then proceed to Australia- to conduct a platform campaign: Mr j Wilson, in -view of the situation at* j -Wwne precipitated by tho wreck of the i titanic, decided to return iinmcdiateI Iv,. foreseeing turbulent, times ahead. He professed himself much impressed, with the conditions, industrial and otherwise, in the Dominion. He was also much struck with the contrast in seamen's conditions -which-'obtained in Australia nnd New i/eaiaw). "They enjoy largely hero tho same things that they are i'jrbthuj so strongly fori in tho Old Land," ho remarked/ Under the. able direction of Mr! "Voting, head gardener,- operations at! the gardens arc proceeding apace, and a | great number of shrubs arc now in the ! nunory for the purpose of being planted out .shortly. .Several flowering shrubs from France have been in the nursery about two mouths, and will bo transplanted this winter. They include a big collection of flowering cherries, lilac, copper beeches, and several now ncoas, a beautiiuj plant; there are no others in Christchurch, Mr Young and an assistant recently went to Hanmor and secured a large number of native plants from the hills around there. These are in the shade houso atpiesent, and will bo planted out in, about a mouth's tinj2. as soon as the ground- is. ready. Tiioy include, a good collection ot celmesias Mr Young lias a big collection of uraniums, fully 10,000, in i the greenhouse, and tbov will be ready for potting next year. Ho is also working up a big collection of Australian trees and shrubs, to be planted out next yoar in the proposed Australian section. This section, "which will consist of three or four acres adjoining tho native section, will be ploughed up shortly. Included in tho shrubs are acacias, casuarianf!3 (she-oak. a beautiful tree),- habeas, melalencas, „rnucnr'as, eal'itris, indjgofera. and eucalyptus (several vcrjeties). Tlnv annual meeting of tho Christchurch Photographic Society was held on tho. 6th inst.. aud was attended by Mr W. Hobinson (in the chair) nnd thirteen members. The report, which roj viewed the work of the past-, year, wa* read and adopted, as wa.s the balancesheal. Tho election of officers resulted ar follows:—Patron, Mr R- C- Bishop; president, "Sir W. Hobinson; rice-presi-j dents. Messrs Allingharn, Cluinipiou, and Webb; committee, 'Mctv.rp W. Bid, i L. L. Boot. K. Harding, F. E. Leigh, and W. J. Murphy; hon. secretary, Mr C. (■■ Ingall: hon. treasurer, Mr B. Harding. The Field-<lay Competition, held in Haglcy Park, resulted in a win for W. Robinson ._ Matters in connection with increasing the scope of the •"""aoiety's work and tho formation cf a beginners' .section were referred to the incoming committee for consideration, j Thf. medal* nnd.certificates for thr« past! year were presented to the winners, nnd ! Mr W. Robinson waa announced as the holder of the points' prize for the year, h;> having won more competitions "than I any other member. Vote? of thanks were passed to Mr E. Harding, tho re-i tiring secretary, and also to Mr Hcmus ; (hon. judge), who has dono yeoman service in assisting members by his criti* j cisais and awards.

Two lady cyclists came into viokait' collision m Manchester <>ir*,jt b«SGloticester street corner, ctrlv V«t£_ day atternoou. and both wjr c " )"..„ one on tho foot somewhat scrioiijy, ' The amouiit received for *„!« e > eggs m connection with the Vt*"il~Ponltry Club's last cpprlaviag coinno? tions totalled £407 .5s :ki.°fhe P <£. ot lodder and meat to prodnc tv? eggs amounted to £IG3 Ir _.J. """" T .T,' K " A r ri - monthly pr*..--s , n ,w I-tihtr Pou.try Club', ■ petition was won by the UoreMonSi Poultry Co.. btlveratream, Mr 1\ \V Hawke (Papanui) being .vcv:d, and i" L. Kent third. The Christchurch Poultry, and Canary Ciub has dc'iniU'lv fixof th* dates for ha.din£ its annual show f QV August 15th, 16th, and 17th—Grand National week—and elected Mr J }\ Hemsworth, the well-known Svdaw fancier aud judge, to adjudicate uj k number of the classes iv tl.e pou'trv section. The Titanic disaster is havin*- an influence on boat drill in Wcl.uvton'h-r hour (telegraphs our lesterday .six boats belonging to tho New Zealand Shipping Co.'s sU-aaw Rimhiue were o» tho water manned br memb--Ts of the ship's company, inclmj. ing cooks and stewards, who "were «!i« dergoing instruction in boat drill. The old wooden building in Ifore. lord street, opposite tho tinted St r . vice Hotel, which is now being down to mako way for a p'<*tun>7 theatre, approached yesterday ite, fija'stJges of demolition. Chutuuys, «yj]n anl partitions wore pulled down with great rapidity, and tho operations-ijj the building breakers woro watch«d with close interest by a large ctw«J of spectators from tlio opposite path. It is boliewd, writes a correspondotit, that Mr Herbert i>." Wanleil, who'x*ccntly died in Wel.ington and was np. painted a Justice of the Peace in eitliir IBst> or 1857, is nearly tho last Mir. vivor of those on tbo of the Peace at that time, Mr i wards Judge C. D. R. Wsnh Vai gazetted a J.P. on. May loth, 18-57, when Mr (now Sir Charles) How en was appointed and the latter is the vetoraa Justice- of tho Peace for the Canterbury Province. There was a large attendance cf members at tho ordinary meet ing of tbo Women's Christian Temperance "Union I yesterday afternoon; The Prcsidt-flt, I Airs Colo, was in the chair. Tho subI ject for the afternoon was ''How bost j to work deptrtmonts.'! A motion wesj carried inetitutuig a roll at every vom%; j iug. Tho Evanselistic departtnetit's j work was placed oefore tho meeting by I Airs David McKee. "Work umutjsr young peoplo" was freely discussed, qpd I the importance of having a matron on | board, steamers in charge of yonus ! women immigrants was urged by Jira i Wise. '""'". A dev>utation wiited upon the Afoyor (Mr H. Holland) yesterdiiy, asking "urn if ho could do anything in tho direction of having the strwt lamps lighted on cloudy moonlight nights, which at times wero a« dark as woo.riloss nights. Air Holland, in reply, pointed out that according to its contract tho <»as Company wero not compelled to light the ■ami..*. ou nights when the moon w a.-» Rupu-*i.-*d to ho shining. In any case v would b* a difficult matter, for the cumpmy to turn out its fstaif of lamplightcis, a* short notico to light the tiiy lamp* should an ospocted moon'ight night turn out cloudy and dark, and he did nut think tho*company- would consider it » ivutsonable thing to he asked to do tlia>, With an ol(*ctr*c lighting srltenip, haw* ever, tho lamps could bo lit up with M trouble wbonavor wanted, and the diilieultv mentioned by tho deputation wouU he -dono away with. In tho Oxford terrace Baptist school* loom last evening, the Roy. A. Nort_reoently appointed organiser for the Baptist Church Uflioti of New ZcaHud and the Baptist Missionary Society. $<1< drcssod a meeting over which the Uer, R. S. Oray .presided. . 3lr North dajt with tho wonc being done by tho to*> tists of the Dominion in Eastern Ben« gal, whero m two districts for t»inc« they were solely responsible thcyo vera ];1,000,000 of people; tho hospital Vorjf at Chandpur, ufidcr Dr. Pettit, andat Rrahminbaria. where the Rev % if, Tackle liad charge, nnd Miss lk'ikipfi' sale, now in tho Dominion on furloKjlli attended to tho <lii>l*ensary. Ia ths latter institution -15,000 patients r,Wfi dealt with in the pr*"vions year. touched upon the Home Mission w?fft j-joini*; forward here, particularly in ij# Ncaih. an'c" urged greater interest ijjfi greater.-libofolity. €£ Tbo TOonithly meeting of St. Alarthjl Bti?geESo3' Association ws hrld on Mgndjiv, Mr, C. S. 'Howell prcsicjing. The roport of tho Tramway Board upon tho extension of the tramway to i?t, Alartin?, via "■ Colpmbo street, Vtcidfc worth fitroefc, Waitliam road, and \\i|son's road to tin* {pot of the wIIb new White's road, wa s read, also the prw« deot's report thereon:, Th> prcsuienj was of opinion that instead of tho d*ficjt foreshadowed by the Hoard thm would be a surplus of about CMM p« annum. It was decided to epprovd d Schemo A, and to bo represented at tW next Roard meeting It was bMU-s* tUni the City Council and tW H-MtUiw County Council had thn mottcr' .«! widenmg Wilson's road awl the &&w of-a footbridge Iwttveen <he tst. Martic* and Fisherton districts under cor-BiaeW tion. v It was decided to commUJyWt with the Postmnstor-Geucral e» m question of tho delivery ot po&tal wattp: twice a day. *$ Some time ago tbo Govemniant'ffi d-.;rcd a number of.ferroconcrete pijw bpyca from tlie 'Sow Zealand Ferro-Cflij erote $trUctur?il and Kngincering {&. of Auckland. Boxea to tha nuraber:ff fourteen aro now completed. them, <i double-sized box, har* hcen'fw to Wellington /or ertction nt Provision is wade for postingpapers in this box as well as fa'OTg Tho other boxes are at present in tm Auckland yards of the company, for/fife Gtmctions have not yet been j from the Gpv-srmneut c? io tMtrttfe posed destination. Th© order bad v&k given as an experiment, auc" Jt.?# hetm intended to .distribute tl>j be??4'i| t]m four chief centres "of the Doa*inl® It is undorstood now, however. thirteen boj-fs will all be placed in HTk ous. parts of the city of AucklaniJ ?*_? subnrbs. Jt is claimed that th« tWy are practically overlsfeting. /.i' An exceedingly hard caso under-W immigrants restriction law was brougft* to light on the arrival of tho at Wellington yesterday from eywwt Airs Noruh. WjlHajn*, aged <*l whose husband diod many yeprs 9#jH came to New Zeaand some five jesw IIF from Johannesburg, ou a visit tfl ivm' tires. For a timo sho stayed *K*#z telton, but family differences. W *J!< to taljo up her residence for WlV:'months with the Sisters of *h« f*7& Auckland. Subsequently she "j I "***J?*', AVanganui. Hor daughter in Jcbti»F*7 ■here having written offcn«S M ther a home, Airs Willioms J' 6 i se l*S'. to pay lier passage back to WW-' Africa. Accordingly the Irft WfilW!; ton for Svdncy by the 3lanf^%. alraut threo wcekd ago. On ow-jfi'l' Sydney. Afrs Williams informed a Imp Zealand Times'*.reporter, the tho Marathon—fiho ha<l U,oko<\thr<m\ Cook's Agency—osked her; if affiWg had Kuaranteed tin* rccjuisite *-%£&-. her maintenance on landing **Er.* ban. No ono had done mj. c* l passage money had been paid. WSS, could reply was that her &»& would fdve her a homo in Jvj** l %&, burg. That was not ««%'«}» "fSE shipping company- 'Mrs « , "i ,a _*|i_S ordered back to New Zealand, mm rived in Wdlingtou tically destitute, and with go (says a PrcJSjS Association Tho passengers by the r l« a Si3| lieved her temporary W.rrußig. of a subscription raised for flcr>»_,j|| voyage from Sydney- "'-'^Jsl

Gn t' • ."-"t -*■-. lii'ci" run, hish up ir. th 1 I-i'" <'"'' l Go-f"- Ij ' :: " a 5 a™-te-nt r:. It< u> i-"« numerous. Mr Wrr o** a* ' v i Henderson recently fii.t lo:;'- iv- ■■> vi- 1 d :y. Th" \«ii.~ "* " cifetiou of one n -„ib»r t.. i 7. • >' G.a::o University . (i,„ \, / .id 1 diversity teonato 1 M.IM.-* •"■ -i». Marshall 01, •Mi-Glu*. " ' !'• ■ °' 1 - Dr. ). Al!«r'I-.. - v l"' •j nu ~i d ( r\ Mithemum aud r-u.-i. ** ''" i - * ••! 1 in the Alc-x.iu-(Ji.-'Ri"' \* . . •" d wii", be epen al d-' *■--< ii irysanthtmums prj v! '\ 1 1- iif ' n uy whibt the fi'i.i .. l i- -"• "He i *■•' oik *' i complaints --otr Xtcr ' ip. r -ol.citor in t l -c« Jl.tri--.' \'.c f-i'>i --'-rrday: "Prink o„ T Mil' ' H ,r -ai.lo which we it jcerd t. ' " "t *■'"'"' suggested that :', „l p- rw " "■" " Sl t'" 0 "-" as vc '"> ,'npreixu re .n> '■> indeed. j- ( , t ;- ( r .i' i'■> «f th-" '-'unren.e ,_-. , t Ni , • i i.ieh begin on M iid.i*-. i'• rlu "' l ,jI i-'iises set 6«-i "l„ "'/i i": ' " '•< •" il record. 1. r ,"'1 • 1 iiu-orc.-* c?..s"S .in. 1 1,, v '|, t . i , '' d ' l r, clor-e till lo-ci-1 1 > f .ist"!. i• i Dminage Boanl ~., j»,, ,o ' ' j-> 1..1 Io;:n of £7GOO j„ ', -1 n.j tl "c to the l>, j.i ... dI. od dfrUHcts. A vI! '. i v I 1 '* ' : ' c ' sp:-.-i:.l area i'7,,.fd ! '" i > f n on Thursday, .11 'V i '■ A-i \ ' .' '' tr! cram states that IV I'.n > ' "' -i. l iii ol the lands enmIvi i ' th <> „l i j. ,'Mvo has been j -r.h 1 l>v f) <lc '-iii-Count-il tor tv< i . m ii ine order has Ik-imi ' m*dc " it. :•/", of the Native l„rui A 1 Iv ' i , »ill bt,> gazetted to d i !r p> 'I o Moinno.t otiier tl" li"' i' v i li (.'rov.Ti. Spi , • , i i t ■ .te lion. J,in:tf> 3lcflf.. a"' "i li.i _. I. vlilit ti.iid:—'"l (in l Mi V ikm au wf.s ono oi the •■ ~-»i -■ i>• -.1 i jiii«: r r>: scientious men . . ttat '' '"•«•. b-d iv tlio politics or V" /.''w nl He lad a ructt tin- .. ' i ■ ■ '. ' de'.jre to do the n;dit th iij; < i < i ij ctcaiiion." l'n< A:'».i ' )/i (jtiit, ai the result; of t>'*i L'' l ' • ' t.Kon the parties' to tho A.i X i t ..-..liitiis' dispute, has : jih -ti» -> i ' k uilai to those madj n t'M .■"■.■u'h, i m i.ij'tmg galvauiviug as en .V.c iin i u.duiirj. The Court derlired t<» ii»-« .d» in , the Bat J. i Tho Pji£"ii-' Boaid has boon pro?*- j riiiifj: its tv "tioiLs 'i Auckjaucl du--- J I ny; the t(->\ dns aud to-day its i ' u.Wiibe.? «dl Ica\o tor Roiorua in j pro r to vi-Mt the trie-planting fanv i .it Waiotioa. W.ukeria reform*- I t'iry caoi-i, oud tin it'omiatory pri?o'i ' 11 tmtreci ot ftict.on at Tokamii, j le A"rricuu i The ' ciKtudU ' ramp at Tcmplcton | tJ/ hiMi: op 10-da*. in the morning { P':n lull he ]) u , kid, and tho camp! I f'.-otmd civic d, and iv the afternoon! | i <.■ Imopo wll match irto town. Last t'iere v.. ro the usual celebrations, | Ij'it there; m .s instead of a camp fire a ■ , fi'ivit iii tin h'g place provided by i 1 nmn.i'" m.ui|uei\s into one. For ' '.II ceiiu '.ted Ibe outing has been aph'i.ant one, and it will bo worth '. r.-itr'uv thn lad-, anno in town to . i'>ntr.)s' tl iir apneardiico and their : 'ir-\ 'uth what it was when t'le-, 1 it n.r.y doio ago. Ttir ir.-.Tiber for Riccartou (Mr Geo. Nut.-) ias ie*o.\t:d a letter from a'< liar al,o w.., M.nt; to Itota Boa Island i ' fri treum.nt. I'iu-i writer speaks in J t.-rt.! 1 . c-t t'.o i.atnicst praiso of the ! nani'iiDU-i t, i\ihth v in tho hands of tic -njvatjon Aim> Ino manager, he v a veiy capable and popular iii-jii. ,'ii;d the trentnmnt of thc inniates .'" VKiy gene roue and fair. They aro in.pi, at Miitnblo occupations, and tho v. .rl; coual be adf.<|uateiy described as ■•mr;e cSercise." Xho writer odds that, h ■ i-> "'geitiug on very ujcely." I In the course of conversation with a j , x, r *'"fr" rt *T yesterday, the Mayor I •Mr il. Holland) eak\ that the electric ' current from the Lake Coleridge supply l fhonld be nvai..abl» by the end of lUBj, j , and an uiilimifcW supply woujrl bo I fitvaihblc Ibe hr&t installation would ( rrovide 10,000 horse power, and that :<:u.d be increased us tbo demand in.He thought it raijdit lie ad- - v!«ahh' to employ canvassers to necpr-'■ta-n wh,o would want current, and then the Htrwts. where tbo prospective ou*. [toniprc- uero could be roticulafed in I jK-adin.\s_ for the advent of tho aupplv. I j (;.TOn at fcliy comparatively high rate of | . .'"j ).h:v unit electricity wa.s cheaper than. , ifcnf, at os <V 1 a tliousancl feet, and tbo I of the coming into operation of . Use Lake Cccridgo scljenra would bo - in thought to. roduco the price of gas. ; /.;' Afi adjourned meeting of creditors ih ! >tli9 ostftta of James Bennett, thresh- ' tng jnachijio proprietor, Ashlev, wa,s • helcl ycstcr:i4iv afternoon. Tho bfficial i : ; Assignee sairj thnt eince last meeting ; i:, Mr. T. W. Stringer, .Iv.C, had ex- j awmwl'lnth. Bcinnett and his wife, and ho considered that the money .£2.14, I paid over to -Mrs Bennett, was an illegal preference, and nlro that the ! "ill of t.ab given to her was void ns I ■" f?Rir.?t tho Bankruptcy Act and Chat- ', ; .M 1& Seourity. Act. Tho Assignee stated That both, bankrupt an( J his wife <h- i r.!L*tl certain clairag for wages. After ! •o-ue discussion on this mutter and on ' ■■•Mrs Bomiptt's claim,.it was resolved '< 'that the Awignee, without prejudice. '. mako an to Mrs Bennett that, ahe rofcuiu thj stock hi»:d under p bill of vde, valued at £80, and also £101 out . «f th.i moiiCT recoived from her bus- 1 biinrl tliFon«u Mr Brown, ft total of , 5i i "7- K> to hand over to the t w UiUbb. of £$\.\ paid to h«r. " }

A, deputation from the Canterbury I nuigrowcr*,' , Association will wait «•'-«» tlm ![-*». ■.;,. M. Myers to-day, J"im tbo rcviwst that the railway rat.i •■ir tJ;o cnr.iago of fruit c*ses should <ii rcJifeJ. .The fruitgrowers com■plar.i thn lybut tho high railway *">te.j ;:i*J the di;..t\~nce they are from lie sa-.imiJU, the fry it Wees 310 cestui" t„'>ui tenpenee sach.'and they """il;,' set nothing back for that exf 3 "*. 1 * J^ 5 BFi'anscment at present ••*• tnat the ease:* nro carried free for a ol 100 mites, and practically •yen- centre except tbe local one beneinn '-V T . ''"'angormnt, bein? within .-' .. • the rum-ills serving them, in- t 11'Ktrbnj-ch growers, however. p*v« io ] jirocint*.-t_*ir boxes from a -rc-tcr i.istiince, and cpnEsciuentlv are l.*nali*cd to tbe CMcut of the railway r.aus ip to within a comparative!v r-«cnt penod the cases wore carried . '«». and it i_ the hope of tho deputnV, concession will bo re--2Z ii \i Xv will ba introduced by Mr Geo. Witty, M.P. What the coming 0 f the Chines , orker in tbe furniture trade meant ._ to tnropc-ins engaged in the iadust-v* ' il. V c _ ona tru - veiu * s a --;° "*as iHu*- , - iMterl by an anecuoto a local work.v tow n --Prp<s'- reporter .vest erd*<*. 90 wis- m Melbourne then' and w\i uneaip..»ye.!. JU nnplicd iv .nv.iy Piaefts tor work, but without success, h« came to a dealer who "J-' 1 a M-Jcbuprd to be polished. Tiep .Ui-H' h. iiL-dcd the work he made his i . j,'*"' r '". v ' rw s :n -d nu'oi'.'d a pouil t|*r tlie jr,b. The dealer culled upfr '.iirs t.i ;i Chi unman who camo down, '"•in hi> m',- nvcr T ] l( , article, anci nuotoa ie>-ji .ihiUinps nnd sis-pence, -is ;' Pnce. "' Yen m-c how it is," e ni I : 'ie enipln.MT. "I bate Chinamen l.nt "•■y buMnc-v, -vill nnt let- mc tako a ■J" hit" man\ oiler when it is twelve-«h:l----i ''np ami sixpence higher than 'in ■Miatio's." I",i:t the worker ended ty •aying ii;„t hn wns given tho work iv if-i *" :I ' - ' ' ! "-? : " ( "',v because be was a mar.. Later, he said, things pproved vt rv much owing to care.-ul '"bisiati-jii. Tbo order that r,:t cabuiet-raaking work done by Chin- ,c - *honld bo labelled to that effect hid * had excellent effect as racial foeli"i_ ; i had -made Australians sunnart th'iir - own colour.

C-.usci-I-.r-W. H. Ccoper will ha a candidate for a r-er.t on the Tramr.rtv Board at the coming elections. Messrs James William Bowles and Hush McGloia have been nominated for the position of councillors represent- ' ing tho wetl vara or. t"._ Sprovdon ••Jxtrough Council. Tho Public Works D-_i.artni_.nt has I accepted the tt_nd?r of Mr* Charles C:u----j vert for additions nnd -.Iterations to ! the Deaf Muter,' Institute at Sumner. : 'Iho tender was for £ZUS si. j At tho Juvenile- Court, before Mr T. j !A. B. Bnjley, S.M., yesterday morning. { ; a lad. fourteen years of age, was con- ■ vietcd aud di.-cliarged in; having j j cycled at night without a light. ; ', A a Auckland message- advises that | 'the Auckland Musician:;' ■Union has! been resistort-d under tho Arbitration . Act. The demands are very similar to ! i tlioso ol" tbe Wellington Union. j I At tbe annual rrvxiting of the Nelson' ' Poultry A*--icciutiou. -,t was decided to ! scced.; from tiie -*■'. ii'.h Island Associa- | tim, mainly on the ground that the ! community bad no interests with the JM.uihi.rn portion of the island. Owing, • hoi- evrr. to th_> difficult;.'.; of ncnj atf.iiat.d associations, the Nelson Asso- ! nation has now decided to remain • affiliated to the South Island Associa- , tic.!!. ; Mr G. I? Good was presented on Ttu.-'b-.v eveuiii'j hy a deputation with a mi:.."roii. ly feigned request to consent 'to nomination as v candidate for the '<:oi.,i.ig Tramway Board election. The petition was signed by t_K__o in tl.. Mib-ijfiitra! district. namely, _-.. ■Albar.-s Christchurch and .Sydenham. ■ M.v Good thanked the deputation and j-tated bo would consider the request aud give hte reply, in conjunction with the -\vd__ih.-n. Burgosr.o_' : Association's request of a similar, nature, in the of tho next few A persistent rumour has gained curr._acy in the city to the effect that tho well-known Sydney firm cf Anthauy Ueidjrii and Co. were to stro-t business in Christchurch in a largo building tt ;be erected at the corner of Colombo '■ si root and Cathedral square ji'&t.oj. po- ■ site Broailway'i,. Enquiries mado trom ; a rehab? source, however, went to .'bow th.>. there is no truth in thc rumour. Tho owners of tho leasehold are. certainly about to erect a large three-storied building en tbe site, but i t.'io building is to bo let to different | tenant:, whc> arc local people. A large* I portion of tho building is already disj VT'.-od of, and negotiations are now ,in progress for the of the rclnemder. Pcssossion of thc site will be j obtained on July Ist, and tenders for ■ tho new building will bo called for | shortly alter that date. i Cooking by Electricity.—A denionsj tration ivill be held in the Caden.t Tea j R00m... Ci.shel street, on Thursday, j May 9th, at § p.m., with "Tricity' | cookers, now being shown in Messrs i iStrange and Company's window. Turni bull aud Jones, Ltd., Cashel street. G Protect your furniture from injury .by employing us to romovo it. Our j hands aro adept and careful, nnd cur j pantechnicons rainproof, dustprooi, ■ commodious. Risk of damage is thus avoided under our system, which is ; always cheapest iv ths end Tho N.Z. Express Company, Ltd. ( 3 When r.oving, employ J. M. Heywood and Co.. Ltd., as they employ none but careful men to handle your furniture. Tbey havo three largo pan- ! technif-on-, so that no job is tco large ior small for. them to undertake. '2 ! Good health for *?.. If yonrson or ; daughter js" sickly, low-spirited, or . lacking apnotite, get tbe;'-i .Berry's I Quinine and Iron Tonic, the unfailing health tonic. Only 2s. Ono. Berry, Colombo etreet. -1 It is a mistaken idea with manj people, to put otf wearing spectacles as long as possible when ti:_y require thc-m. They strain their oy.*s more and moro, and irreparable barn, can be done, which glasses, in somo .cases, ( navcr entirely overcomes. For epec- , tacles, consult John R. Prouder, Oculists- Optician, 'JOG High street, ! Christchmxh. 7 ** OBSOLESCENCE OF STEAMSHIPS. The motor sh : n ficlandic, a Danish pa_...ongoi* vessel of 7000 tone, lately 16ft Londoii on her puiid-.n trip, and iho very latest 110 V..4, by wireless, is. that up to tho proßcn. her engines have | •worked admirably (writes tht> London | correspondent of the ''Sydney Morning i Herald" under date of March LW.h). 1 Sho hud. 28 hours of very bad weather > in tlio Bay of Biscay, md wc-nfc through !it satisfactorily. At thc Institution |of Naval Architoct., Sir "Mave-s ; Samuel, the leading authority on oil _>up*.|v hi England, _aid that he and his Volli-oguea, as thc owner:* of a fleet iof _..m<} VU, wero un thoroughly , convinced that oil engine* going jto supplant steam engines that they luul tr.ndo up their imnds that they would never buikj another steam-driven ship. There *,y_M a smaller niotor .ship atloat before the Relandia, the VulI canus, cf 1000 tons-.. Tho eonsumpI tion of oil by the Vulcanns was only \\.s p'jr cent, of tho consumption of i coal that -would lißvu been ueenscary i to drive her by steam. It took eighteen I months or two; year., to build an oil- ; driven ship in England at present. ■ There would be no need to scrap steamships on Bteam becoming obsolete, Sir Marcus Samuel _aid, fiinco steamships could bo adapted for ths Diesel engine. j Thc figures relating". to thcso oil-driven ships Jtro *o extraordinary that it is ; impossible to bolievo that they can re-. 1 main for long in the experimental i ctugo. For oxample, the Selaac'ia j stows her fuel in I.<m* double bottom > ' awl J'«,t she is to carry enough ; for a journey of aQ,OO_) miles. Revetw ing from full speed ahead to full speed astern can bo carried out in 20-seconds. ; Her oil consumption is less than 10001b iun hour. It is announced that tho : Great Central Railway ifi experimentI ing with oil-driven conches, I capable of running 10 milts an hour.

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14350, 9 May 1912, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14350, 9 May 1912, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14350, 9 May 1912, Page 6