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\ *—— Tho revaluation of the borough ot Gisborne has just been completed by i th« Valuation Department (says a Press I Association message). Tho total ratei able valuation of tho borough, subject ito revision, by the Assessment Court, i I shows an increase of over a quarter cr i a million, and it- set down as follows:—- ! 111-. £1,337,351; 1911. £1.070,000; increase, fiti7,3sl. •■ The Act is a good one and it j nhonld be strictly administered." - etcarked the spokesman of a deputation t<i the -Minister for Labour at -ton on Friday in, reference to the tv- j spwtion of Macliinerj - Act. "It is a j good Act," rejoined Mr Laurcnson. I •' ,Tu«t thu other day 1 received a '<■- quest from the United States Consul tor full information in regard to our Act. Ho wrote that the number M accidents in New Zealand was to ■-phenomenally small that they recognised that thero must be soiutl provisions in. New Zealand that they had not in the United Statts." 1

Apart from th--> value cf its il'u>-1 trations a, , ., a permanent rewnl of what ha? happened. tho pictorial pages ( of our contemporary "Tho Weekly | Fre?s' : are on their publication an ■«- start reminder of tho n.cre- notable j events of the time. b 0 th-y pleasant ! or sad. A heron; , . of tho cap- I tain and one oi an engineer or the; Titanic, and of the b.arcjue Pisagm, j after its collision ~.\\".\\ tho Occam, j ?crvc to remind render-, ot two very j sad occurrences, and that ot the drcdr.e i Manchester. lwjn«j from L.;.-tie!to:i to I Sydney, records a vessel i\;.r w!i'.>o • safety, and the saieiy of her ofnoi:.. j and crow, there rrc Yμt slcndor hop*-*, j But the Mi!).i.<;< ~f brighter char.irter ; arc in the large majority, ami the lUt ; o! th< n: ;r, t'\> lone; to give here. T r - z-■ tinn in America i> shown in a tin-' j panorama <M th,-. American Derby. The ■ Baillio collection ot r-.c "Wei- ■ lingt'Mi forms anotlier good \ jiiid tbo highly iiiterestinc; \vo:id;iig at ' Leriie Hills yields a happy i>nd.\i ; group. On tho tront prsgo will Ut i found :\ leprodaction of the. memorial ; to bo erected in to Captain j Cook. The Port Iliiis tv the ot ; ChristchuiC.h. wkh an early capping '~i i snow, suggest the accuracy ot n ; nif te<iroli>f;iit"s prophecy cf '"an «x-; ceptionally .seven , winter," though] scarcely cl such a severe nature as th:;: I ♦•■sporionced in the North Atlantic. a» j depicted !>y the photographs ot a bo-u j engaged in the merchant service. Inj (ulimr there .ire pictures troni Marl-| borough and Auckland, of two impor-j taut additions lo tlm Canterbury! Museum, and of to ho seen at! , tho Ohristchurch Gardens which have j not hitherto been published. i It's an ill wind that blows no good, hence on Saturday it was noticed many of the kind owners .and fanuet.*, ] who come to iown by motor car. wore | seen travelling on tho tr-tins. and one \ of.thc-je, lor !ii and ianiily. took i out a fifty trip ticket, .as it lie in-i j tended to wait till the petrol resumed j its normal price. A Press Association message from Ekotahuna. states that- a now residence in course of erection for Mr Frank Robinson. Ffauuui, Mas struck by a j whirlwind and practically demolished. The roof was torn off, and portions carried a considerable distance away, while tho chimney was almost; razed to tho ground. The building was alnioH completed. On Saturday night Lieut. IJ. L. L.I Pennoll, R.N.. officer commanding the j British Antarctic .Expedition ship Terra' >*ova, left by tho Maori for "Wellington to confer with the Minister for Marint j CHou. G. Lanrcnson), and the Marino j Pepartnwnt authorities, with tbe object' jo! arranging for three- months' coastal : survey work to be done by the ship's ! officers and crow during the winter. I while the Terra Nova is laid up at Lyttolton. Lieut. Pcnnell will probably return to l.yltekon on Wednesday. Uis 1/ordship Bishop Gtrimes presided at a meeting of tho St. Patrick's Day j Celebration Committee, -when the bai-ance-slicet of the recent national t»ntertainnicnt was read and received. The liishap expresscxl. on behalf of the Sisters of Nazareth, his appreciation of the efforts made by so many friends of Nazareth House to ensure tin , .success Mhich all had been so pleased to see attained, a- very practical proof of .such being that a cheque fur .CIOO would lx> sent to the llov. Mother Superior for the benefit of the institution, as the net proceeds On Fij'idi'.v afternoon a dopntatio:i from tlie Ellesmerc A. and P. Association, consisting of the president (Mr J. Cuniijjrhnm), and M.cssr» K. (J. Hubbard. .1. Lockhcad, 11. Chauibrclain. .■Hid \V. O. Reniiics (scereUiry), brou.'iht i under tin , notice of Mr .H. lleatcji i.Uhodes, M.P., thn mx'<l of a j at. the oiitr.nnei , to the iShow j Ground, where stoci; oould be unloaded i and where the public could alight from train* on show day. The deputation, accompanied Mr Rhodes to the Show Ground entrance, and after making t>n in.sjKKjtio;!, Mr Kliod: , ;; advised thorn to formally writo to liii.'i on the subject, when he vroidd be pleased to maJio rupresentalious to tiie Kailway Department. Mr Ja:;. Buckley. th(< well-known deer-stalker and guide, of Hawr-a Flat, has been out this season with Messrs Slomau, Moorhouse and Lucas in vhe Raknia Gore:;. 110 considers tho country the best be has seen for deer, the feed, especially tho bush and scrub, being much better than that in the Hunter district, in North Otago. Regarding tho herd ho is cf opinion that there are yet too few deer r or tho issue of sr> many licenses as w-eto granted this reason. In fact the fu'lv •/matured stag.} are so few in number 1 that ho recommends that there should be no stalking; allowed for the next two seasons. This would give the young stags a chance to develop their heads. He *aw a number of promi.siiv.; yoiuig stags, the horns being better grown than in the case of stags of •■ho same ago in Xorth Otago, but at tl;o same timo there were too many whose bay tines wore missing. lie, however, saw r.o actual malforms. though it wa.s reported that a poley stag had been seen. Mr Buckley leaves to-day for Hawea Fiat. A good story is going tho rounds reIctive to the petrol famine. A certain suburban tradesman keens a stock <f petrol which lir supplies to motorboats and passing motor-cars whoso supplies require replenishing. A few days ago, before the shortage of petrol 'eenran widely known, a motorist pulled up at his door and asked for. five cas'S of petrol. The fuel was instantly supplied. By wav nf thanks tho motorist then said: "I advise you to get 'it as much petrol as yon can. as there is going to be a shortage of it and prices are goin;: to rise.' Profiting by the motorist's advice, tho tradesman with visions of huce profits in Mis mind, hurried forth to town, but try j at', he would he could not obtain the* I precious fluid except at famine prices. ! Comforted by the knowledge that ! r j still had eleven cases in stock l-».----j turned back homo without, feeling j dispirited. Arrived back homo *h> j was met by his wife at the door her i face wreathed with smiles: ""(Jli j John." sho said. •' have had such I luck, a called v.'hil'' you were j ax*ay and bought up tho wholv of those j dwell cases of petrol," ; For .'ome time p. - :>t. to intense I ecnipetition in Auckland b'tuctn ff.oturers of aerat-ed waters for the hotel businet.;;. the pr'eiii ehr.rged to th" Trad': , liave been to low as to vii- ' reini'.r.frativo (says ;;n Auckland cor- > respondent /. Noho-iy !:aving b.Tie.'iU'd I from this cut-thror.x competition exj cept tiie tho aerated j v.-at«r manufacturers came to the coni elusion that il;e esisring statf! of things ! could not ijo continued. They :,vrv:d notici , I.non t\w hotel-keepers of a rise in price.-., of from 00 to 100 per cent.. and, moreover, intiir.attirl that a ebtirgo would be made for broken bottles. Tbe prics'S fixed were 1- I'd r**r d;;zeT) for ! f,ve-c<unco bottles, 2s for ten-ounce, and .":■. ?.d for 'ili-ounco bottles, and so on. The publicans regarded these demands as unreasonable, and suggested a conference, at which the hot-eJ-keoper.s insiited upon a reduction of prices. This was refused, and the publican;; solve?! the problem instantly by forming thr ni«.ki« into a company with n capita! of tKOOO. to i.coduce all the ; , o ft drijilw re'inircd bj" tlu< trad<\ They decided not to soil to outsider*, and thai only ;v fair prico should l)o rharged to the trade. The capital was subscribed in two days, and a factory will bo started immediately.

Mr C. H- Hinman gr.vo n very in-tert-sting address last nipht in the £ Srottisir Society Hall on " The Oriiriu n of Life '* nhen tho hnll was airain woli j I: iiikd. H* will continue his kctU'v> ; every uiiht this week up to and in- i r . cluiiinv; Th:irsd3: _ . is At tho hearing of anneal to i:v> • ; Tramway Appeal IJoard l:«:ld at the i Magistrate's Court on Friday ln*t Mr j c j .Hirr.:n IluntfT. secretary of the Christ- £ 1 church Tramway Union, appeared '"or t j tli<> appellant not Mr M*. J. Hunter, ; I so:ic ltu ;-. c j Figures supplio-.l by tho Statistical ! J ! Department show that the net gain o* j . : population by arrivals over departures ' ; for the year emled 31st M;;rch. was I .3?;'!:, as against L'ii74 for the previous ' 'year. Totals wero: —101' J. arrivals | « I-to.O'iV. departures 37.-2 a*>. 1911, ar- ! i ! rivat 37.CM0. departures 35.37.". j ' : ,'.t .1 mcctinr; of tb n \ ■ I C:>!.ter!i!;rv WV-ineu' , - and Pol it i- \ , ' '-ill !/oa<;ne. b.< i<i last woe!;, the fellow- I , ;; V: - re-olutYin iv;:;. i-arrh-d unanimously: ; i — *'That- tl:e Canie:ou:y AVomcn's J?o- I 1 cia! and Political I.c.t'Mi , desires to ex- i' i pi\ -i »i its sympathy with Mr in ! j h'- eti'crts f<<r reforni, and w ill'help j I Jiiin l.y every means l:i its jw>wer." '■ j .A:- tOiowins the value of tho Auck- | i land ]*f>l>]i." Library. im-nlion i.- made ' 'in ;!;;■> report <-\ tlie !ihrar'.u;>, >Fr I , '. '; ' that 11)♦ • Cmiiii , <!>.>; j Kleuricu. who «:js touring the Pomin- j i<lll in .March lr. o t, i>aid a vi-■'.; ;■■> tho j \ library for the jr,:ri>c.,e r.i >;.!ila initiu j I information tii« laniiiuu,- i I places cf the early French r.avi *:it'>r.» I jin Now Zealand (yays the •' Herald "1. I Hi , \vus able to procure most of tho .; I inl'oriuation lie <!e:-ired from tho j : number of valualil" AdmiralU" chart;-; ; ' and maps, about contained in tho • j institution. • J Tho following extract from a lr-tU", - ---j rccvived at yetn.-ral lieadfitiarters. W«.-i-I linpton. iro.ii the W : ar 'Ofiice regard- | i itv_c th« oxaminaiion of oflicer.s ol :iie I New Zealand Staff Corps and lloyal i New Zealand Artillery, wlio sr.t for I pnuiiotion last Decernbor. aitnears in ] general orders: —"1 am to say that, j ! considering; this is the first examination held under the present system, the majority of the candidates are xo Jbe can-iratulated <>v the general reI suit, which compares most .favourably j with that for officers of the Regular J Army examiue:l in JCnalniid." j Our "Wellington eorrespondeut says | that word ha;; iv.n-n received by tho sec- j rctary of a Wellington invdcs_ uuiou i that Chinese have pocured premies in Christ'.-hurch Jor tho unrrose of inanufacturiny furniture. Furniture vi.ions ! throuchout the Dominion and employers of furniture workers are snid to bo up in arms about this, and they are j .mmbinins; to ask tho Minister for } Labour to take stops t<-> y.revent the Orientals opeuing in this business. It is said, al-o reports the "'Doouniou." I that Kuropeon laundry men and others j may join in the protestTho wireless station on ihe Tinikcri ] Hills, which will be open .soon, will- px--1 scs.s a two-kilowatt set, nnd a normal | rang? of 000 miles at night-time, but} I tho vhance.s are tliat it will have a i raivee oi 1200 miles under iavj ourablo conditions. Later on, it is I proposed to ''make tho station a five- ! kilowatt one. with a daylight ran 540 of I 509 miles and KWO at night, normally, but 120!) or l-liOO with good "htsti<s." Even it tho station could j»,et Sydney! occasionally, the '"jamming' , taouble caused by installntion.s near tho Ausralian Coast would yrcatiy intei'fero j with effective working. To conimunij cato with Sydney, then, wou!<l really j require a station with a special wave ( length, and .•mother one for tho daily work. It is to note that the Ilutel Australia Station, Sydney, 'baa lu-urd Wellington's screral times lately. The new Minister lor Railways is a fioll'er, and h-.* is a much keener and better player than is .Sir Joseph Ward (say* our Wellinirton correspondent). ! H-l: ha.- a. pretty' strenuous time just now, with three'of the bigyest Dopart--1 ments of State, on his shoulders, but tho week-end J.;; , !)ev.illy sees him out On the Wellin>rton polf liiiks. On (Saturday ho 1 suco-'edod in winning tho Wellington 1 Goli Club's clock competition of the season, with a net score of SO.- Wel- . Hngton yolfers are now hoping that they . will yet a moro expeditious train service. Mr Mwrs himseli prefers his own motor-car to tho very inefficient train service on this line, and in this he shows his wisdom, for on tho .soventoen-mile run from the links to SVellinpcton, or vico versa, he invariably leaves bis own trains far behind. This fact, of course, cannot havo escaped tbo notice of tho new Minister for Railways, and ko tho colfers. who contribute over a thousand pounds a year to the railway revenue, are living 1:1 hope. Delegates from various branches of tho Farmers' Union in South Canterbury held a conference on Saturday at Timani, with tho local M.P.'s, tho Hon. T. ltuxton, Messrs Craigio and .Smith, and tho Hon. J. Anstey, M.L.C., conoemins matters affecting farming interests. After hearing the delegates, tho members expressed approval of their demands (says a. Press Association telegram). These were, the urgent need for increased supply of railway trucks, tho desirability of holding defence camps at somo other season than harvest and threshing time, that- an experimental farm bo established in South Canterbury, lx'side the railway, in a place* that visitors from both North and South could reach and return the same day, farm being preI ferablo to the experimental plot system, us there would be someone always theru to show and explain experiments, . lastly, the pressing need for immigration'of farm help, l>oth indoor and outdoor. A meeting, of the Teachers' lastitutoj at on Saturday, attended by j most of tho principal head-teach*tk, , dealt vigorously with certain matters j which were characterised as gross in- j justice.", to the profession (says a Press j Association .telegram). l*-ome of theso were due to the multiplication of simill schools, which increased the total cost !of education, while ensuring only smal! salaries, inefficient teaching, and unattractive conditions iV-r both teachers ' and pupils. Tho remedy for this cause !of evil was centralisation by convoy- ! auco, which, it was stated, had proved j:i success in Canada and Victoria. Three hundred small schools were: stated to have b<v>n closed in the latter h»tato. It -was ,-~aid to be a disgrace to the I country that educated teachers were ! asked to 'j.i> into tlie l>ack-b!ock:i for Sf'O a yi.-ar. and a motion was pnssed that th' , minimum for Knle teachers should be £1-50. It was decided to ' start an active crusade for betterment Iby direct aprval to .Ministers and j ' members of Parliament. The extension <>! the main line of railway \Y"llinnt<>n to Mirnmar. a sulfiirb on the coar-t nep,r Cook Strait, has been mooted (says our "Wcliingt:;u correspondent) At present tho line runs to Te Aro, and sea reel v pnyq ior j J (be proverbial nxle grease. This extenr ; tion was .1 ]-.<ilit.'(.'al one. carried out by tlifi wishes of the late Mr Scddon, and any day iin-1 <-v*-ry day trains can be seen lumberiiig .iloug some of ti» main with varreiy any passengers in th-.'Ui. TiuTf i-- an oxceiieiit tram s-rr-vi'." to tl.--.-i , parts, arul the unnecessary train >« ivico < au-i ■. ir.uch inwinv<-njcsic-t» and a 10.-s of many thousands of pounds Ito the country. 'J'he Chamber of Commerce has already decided .that tho line is ujiu«'<--'sv:iry and fJiould l>o pulled up. and that seems v> be the opinion ot the most people. Now. liowe.vf r. .a nun'J'or cf |>ooplp v, bo have ; in and adja<«»»t suburbs ar«\ agitating for the extension of the rail« ay. ami have asked the Minister for Kailways t-o further thoir project. All thai Mr Myers would say, however, was that he would got Departmental Information on the subject."

On -Saturday Detectives Mel/cod Snow ttrrcstfd a man 0:1 a charge "of as?au!t and robbery the amount taken .15. On Saturday Detective McLccd ntrested a ycuth on a chargo of baring stolon a motor-cycle, the property of M r *. Mw.rcs. in the mouth of Apr:l, lfflj, ""Local Industrie;. Meek" crime- to an end on Saturday.' Thf* week has bttn a most successful one. and. Hceoidra- , to oxhih.Jors, has boon the weans ot °iy. stilling into tho mind of ihf Cbri<.f» ch;;r< ii public a patriot :V ic.-olvo ti> purchase for tho iuum , only: Xciv 2** a. lard made goods in to im. ;ortod. The Rualiino, which arrived at Weilingion on Thursday night, brought 3c?! 1 passengers, of whom !VJG t'i.jj) adults and 6" children) were in the third-class.-Tho number included S2 ass:,-tod inviajgnints, a mom; whom were ;« d-uncs-tics. Tho latter eaiu<> out undor chargo of a matron, lr.oM u\ tK-n tv>ing engaged hel'nro arrival. Mr Haveloek "Wilson, Genoral President of the National Soamcn's Vnioa of Great IVitain. describes ..\ov ZcaUad "' as a most delightful country. ai:d |, 0 is enthusiastic in hi* praiso m the Dt>miironand its people, i lwooftcu heard it described as 'God's «>v, n <io>j c . try. , ■' ho said, "and from what 1 htvo seen of Now Zealand and tho coeditions under which it-- people live, I < say that that U-nrn is well appUcji."* -r An Auckland messngo Mates flm I .1 N. lti-n. aged L'l years, and KoVt Pi.uncry, ayed l< years, were am-iVil or. Friday on a charge of t'Tft of a h steward's portmanteau, containing articles to the value of £tf, aboard 0-Z i Aoraugi. in Wellington yosterdny ueofc. Pomory was employed on lliV boat, 1 wliiltj Kigg was an hotel porter. lK»ci i disappeared after the theft, bat «ci& ! traced to Auckland. They wore tin's morning remanded to appear at Wellington. With tho object ot giving a clnnee in life- to boys Iving reared iii nhjcvtiou» able .surroundings, the Wellington Diocesan authorities have opened a j home at tho Ixmer IJntt. ' The hinldI ing consists of six rooms, with nearly an aero of land attached, and has boon leased with tho right of purchase. Tbctv is accommodation for vijht boys. Though at present the honie" has only one iuvenilo inmate, tho official open- ! inir ceremony took place on iMtutday ! iiftoruoon, in tho presence of a fairly j ]ar{;o assemblage. j Tho record kept by the Auckland gistrar of births, marriages, and deaths shows a largo increase in the number of marriages celebrated ?;o far this year, compared with thr> cnrrespondhi~ 1 months of lust year, and tho year boI fore. During the four months just j ended, thcro have been celebrated orej ! 100 moro marriages than dining an equal period last year. It would appear, also, that tho registrar is growing more popular, I*4 ,' J having been so performed this yean a,<! I against 81) for tho. snnio period' list J year. ~ I The Dune-din Council ChamW was ulkxly- ou. .Friday night, on I the occasion of the eighth annual' meeting of tho Otaco branch of tlio Xjivy Lc.-iiiiio. Mr IT-irking, K.G., Dean Fitchctt and Dr. Colqiihoun eivly mado appropriate speeches. The soext- ,- tary rej)ortcd that there n:\s a financial membership of -] 17 member-., jnd' an associates' and school inemhcrMi'p ! of 1311. The income was over I'MO." Tho Otago branch is ihe largest, ■ numerically and linancially, in tho V»- • minion. Mir James Allen, M.1., was elected president. A. well-attended mooting' of tin; com* mittce of tho Christdiurdi Trial Club was held on Saturday. Mr 11. M. D. 'Morton, chninnan, presiding. A largo amount of detail matters ni connection with tho coming trials were.' arranged. It was reported that Messis, J. Baikintyno and Co. had given .1 handsomo cup for tho .Huut.iv. ay claw, in places of the cup won outright last year. The Shwp Commit 100 reportedthat the requisite number of merino - vothers for tho trials had been purchased from Mr W.-W. Meltao, Glens of Tokoa, who wo 11 Id kindly grazethora , till they were required. The GrouoJ." Coramittco arningod to meet on tlio L, ground on Friday, May 17th, to Bute tho necessary arrangements. ■ ■ When 11.M.5. Ruahino, whichorrirod at Wellington on Thursday front wp* don, was approaching Beacliy Head, en. route to Plymouth, her possonget* wero afforded a. somewhat unusufti . sight, A largo 1\ and 0. mnil steamer was observed in a sinking coMditioDrand flying signals of .distress. tpon rottinc closer to tho sinking vessel, improved to bo tho R.M.S. Oceann, "outward bound for Bombay. . feho bad been in collision with the German saiJin« fillip Pisagua. Tho Ocean a s passengers wero then being tron;.hipped to 0110 of the Newhaven and Dieppe cross. Channel steamers, and two other vcv wls wero also standing by. After standing by for nearly nu hour. thft« Ruahino continueel oil her voyage to Plymouth. ■' , A strike on a small ficalo ha 3 caused ■ somo embarrassment to tho manage-, ment of tho Auckland Amateur ,- Oneratio Society's season at H« \ Majesty's Theatro (cays tho "New Zealand Herald")- Only two ushers and ; two fe'Dalo ticket-sellers Irom the per-,; manent staff of the theatro wero csf ■ "afiod for the season, and on Mono*? - eveiiiu-T a disanreemont occurred of-- ,- tween'ono of tho society's officers and - ono of the ushers. Feeling jusiifaed by his gric%-ance that ho was entitled W make some active protest, ilif uslirr persuaded the other four members ot tbo theatro staff to "down tools, awthey all were, at their own request,, r.nid off at tho close of tbo perioriJK ance. Their places wero filled on Wednesday, and on that evening nil tM front "of tho houso staff consisted « ! amateurs. ; j iSomctimes tho Maoii displays more j slimiu-'-ss than tho pakeha .with whom ' J ho comes in contact. At a plnro called I Sfangakahia, to tho north of Auck- ! land, n contractor who was working ft kauri bush on tho upper reachb? of thft • rivor discovered some Maoris digging ■ £u!ii within Ids sphere of inflttoacc-, They had evidently struck a rich patchHo 'ordered thorn off, but they refused. • so ho went away and rctiirned almosi , immediately with all his bnshmca armed with sticks nnd axes, and drove them away, and then blocked tho on\f truck that gavo access to that particular spot. "His idea was to dig the himself later on. Tho Maoris not 'to bo Iwaten cut a track for so T * r *j miles through tho bush and approach™ j tho spot covertly from the bade, and m ;v very short time got away with orrr a ton of good i;iidi. What those irate bushmeii said when they discovered ho* they had bf'en euchred would scarcely J bear repeating. A meeting of t}io Crc.-bo Kindw- ,- jrarten Association was held at tn* V.M.C.A. rooms on \\\<lnebdar, AprJ 2-llh, .Mrs Mortou prciidiug. ™'«* Hull, of the. St. Albans Kindergarten - i iSchoul, in her report, stattd that the . I nujthors had been of aisistaW* U> her at tlie harvest festival, an! n»» expressed their appreciation ot i toe school. It. was reportwl that a niotiiets meetin« liad Iwn held at FhiHp^w^ l ' ai-d between thirty and foity mothers worts prt.sent, Archdeacon linftf &J}*T t a vcrj" intcfretiinn; add res>:. Mr ««»• Inspector of Schools, Wcrllinston, ca fl speni tho morning of April Ist at t«« school, and had expressed wtisfactwV with all ho taw. H« luiJ visile ■ Sydenham school the same day, alrj fliilogiafd tho methods .md fW?** <'(|iiipm..-nt of tbo school. jvniarKijW particularly on tho and a r.ppearancc of the cbildron. Dr. AY :> der.son expressed approval of thw oi traininp the Association bad a<J«> ■ ■ e<\. Mrs Lansford and >1 ivs ■■yl .wero appointed visiting msixctoi* tho . ;'■ tMjT

'•'■ The North Canterbury Education ■■ BoarU Twa instituted a. Saturday mornSc cookinc «l«ss tor school tonohcrs. wiii romnunc: at tho formal SchM'i on Mny SSth. '■'■•■■ Jurlcins from tke ontrits received, 4W irmt'aad vegetable classes wul ho "ft V.-.-T1 represented at the Canterbury Hortirdtuml Society * Chrysanthemum and Fruit Shew in the Alexandra Hnll next We-incMlay and Thursday. Tho results 0! thr fourth night's piny in till Christchnrfh Friendly Societies Carol Assorint.on «"" i la / .,, fn,, °V s : T (•nWs Own 1*?. City or Chnstchurch r>• "Hibernians 10. Ivy of Linwond la; Thistio of lh.. i'orcst 17, Oak ot fcydonham 'JO: Anchor '22, IJ. ]t freely rumoured on Thursday that a'r.trifce wa« ■''* l }»\ <■•*" 'Meat- IMoiw. It is- staf-u that M.Bio non-unionists had boon when jneiul>or» of iho Union wcro id o. Deiocfttes from the men interviewed tho in whoso department tho troulf* was. and a settlement was c-ffoctwl. 'Pilot arc v.-jll b<> compulsory at the r,r.rt uf Auckl.'tJKl o:i nnd ai't<-r Oc-'on-r Ist. Tho U:ir!>our Boards n«v.v 1,./.!;, iv. csta-Misliinc the .system (md •jovcrninx l{ -'- Jii'plicition. having bi-rii ilulv npj.'rovcfl .md ;;'!vrrtiscil. was formally a..10i.t«:"l u-itbout dissent at si . -jxrinl r::p?tinj4 of Iho IJonrd on •UVdncsilny attr-rnoon. Tfio cstimntoil population of the Dominion oa -March .'Ust was 1.()31,o!"X), :m inriv'iH' of COfM since tiio of tho yoar. Tho increaso inndo up by an excess of births m-rr deaths of '-l-'ofi. .-mil nn excess of nrnvn's ovi r dr-nartnros of Ifi.'t-?. Last month ?M>~> rursnns arnVfd from over- ■.<, w nri'l l'J72 persons took thfir dcjiart'ir-'.'. A very i;<vn demand for ploughs is b'jinj; lifri> (toicijraph.s our Dnno'iin corre.ipondfnt), ami a loading Inral t\rm c;f manufacturers is finding difficulty in kwping paco with its orders. " Tin , n:oii in the blanksniith dohnvo bad to work # overtime, nri'l on Satiinhiy afternoons in tho endo.ivoiir to kcfp up with tho ordors. From Febrnnry 2-3 th. 1011, to Fobnt,irr L'Sth, 1012, thi*. firm has disposed of" no forer than IGOO ploughs. "Whnn you think of millinory think of This firm have a great reputation for hoadwear at lo«- prices. A visit, to their showrooms will you. G C.'ookitif; by Kiwtricity.—A demons . tration will be held in tho Catlona Tea Rooms, Cashol street, on Thiireday, May 9th, ai, 8 p.m.. with "Tricity" cookers, now being shown in Mcs-srs Strange and Company's window. Turnbuit ami Jones, Ltd., Cashol street.' G •Wβ would remind our readers that; the Special Sale of tho assigned stock of TV. Scales and Co. is now in full swing. Messrs Armstrongs, Ltd-, the pureha«>cr.-3 ftf the nbovo j.tock ronort. record busiaesa, and urge intending buyers to visit tboir stores early in order to avoid disappointment. G '. Protect your furniture from injury by employing us to remove* it. Onr hands nro adopt and careful, and our panlechnieons rainproof, dustproof, commodious. Risk of damage is thus avoided under our system, which is nlwnys cheapest iv the end- Tho N.Z. Express Compact, Ltd. . G ''Xeithcr workmen nor fools can work without Tools! ,, For Local Industries Week wo aro making a special display of machine and hand tools for metal and wood-working. All the latest ideas. Hastie, Bull, and Pickering, opposite Ballantync's. G Shooting season 1912. Reliable guns of British make by Papo, Bonehill, Cogswell, and Harrison, Wingfield etc., from £4 10s to £30. Single barrel p;uns from 35ft. Tin nnd pneumatic decoys ammunition in all leading brands/ special prico for quantities. Lewis and Anderson, 112 Cashel street, >. . ■■:... ° MiNJniT^itJM. A coalowner's wifo was engaging a - jnaid (says the "Liverpool Post") and tho applicant for tho position seemed hat is factory mi'far'as appearances a>nd roforom-o Avcre concerned. Tbo mistress, .nboufc to appoint tho damsel, said: "By tho Mfiy, what is your name " "Miunio, J mum,'' fihe replied. "Oh, go away,' , .vjid the conlowners wife, "and never *cfc mc see you hero any more. ,, I CUTTING OX MASTERS. A most amusing system of betting been dmcorored at. tho boys , ro'.lego in Rostov on tho Don (says tho St.. Petersburg correspondent of the "Daily Kspress"). A race used to tako place at tho luncheon hour, when at the ftret sound of tho boll professors -would dash off for their hats aud coats and hurry out of the building. They -were iiot aware, however, that they were being backed against each other by the, boys as to which of them would bo tho fust to pass the iron gate- of tho college. Tbo result was that while some -ot_tho students feasted lavishly at, the neighbouring cako shop others torleited their modest luncheou money and remained hungry for the rost of the day. A misdemeanour on tho part of ono of the youths brought the practice to the pars of the authorities. No hud tried to delay one of the "runners" by removing his hat and coat from hi's usual peg. and wa.s being severely chastised for the deed when the headwaster arrived on the scene, and forced from him a full explanation.

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14347, 6 May 1912, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14347, 6 May 1912, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14347, 6 May 1912, Page 6


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