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« The auction announcements of Pyne ami Go., I*al_cty and Co., Craddock, McCrostie Co., New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Macfarlano and Co., W. E. Simes and Co., Charles Clark, Conway Matson and Sons, Hansard and Co., National Mortgage and Agency Co., Farmers' Saleyards Co., E. G. Staveley and Co., Friedlander Bros., Devereux, King and Co.. and Tonks, Norton and Co. will be found on pages lo and 14 of this issue. At the anniversary services in connection with the Windsor Methodist Church' the Rev. L. M. Isitt preached to good congregations. On Good Friday tho annual tea meeting took place, when a large number sat down to tables provided by Mesdames Todhunter, Pankhurst, and Palk. After the tea a public, meeting was held, which was presided over by Mr .). A. Flesher. Musical items were given by Miss Reeso nnd the choir, and addresses appropriate to the occasion by the Rev. A. Ashcroft and Mr J. Voss. Messrs A. \V. Buxton. Ltd., and employees held a social in. the Caledonian Hall on Monday evening, 130 peoplo being present. Owing to the nature of their business the staff is very scattered, and tho object was to bring as many of them together as possible. Representatives camo from St. Andrews, Timaru, Tycho Flat, and other districts around Canterbury. The social proved such a great success that a similar function will bo held annually. Items were contributed by the following; '—Misses Edgington and Hussey, Messrs Pimm, Hussey, and Taylor, ' Masters Hussey and Edgiuton, and Pipe-Major Krskine, The Bishop of Auckland isnot ono of those who take a pessimistic view of the '.osition of religion 1 in regard to modern science. Speaking on Good Friday at St. Mary's Cathedral, he declared that the. scope of the unknown had increased rather than diminished in consequence of reoont investigation and research. "There is no need to be in the least frightened," said tho Bishop. "The blatant vaunting irreverence common in the nineteenth century has passed away, and, in this twentieth century, men are slow to assert, even with bated breath, that this or that 'cannot possibly be.' The whole trend or modern science is towards the Cross." > The paragraph which has been published to the effect that in connection -with the ballot for tbe Four Peaks runs it was stated that the Canterbury Land Board intended to exercise its discretionary power and allow only married applicants to go to the ballot, is erroneous. Mr R. Leckie, clerk to the Land Board, states that the mat. ter was never discussed by the; Board, and that no resolution restricting ap* plioants to married people was arrive*] at by the Board. He also points out that the section giving the' Board, discretionary i>ower in regaTd to what class of persons shall/be allowed to go to tbe ballot, is a section in the Land Act that does not apply to lands disposed of under the Land for Settlements Act. Rotorua was disturbed from its slumber on Sunday morning by a series of earthquakes considerably alarming the community. The town is very full jnst now of Easter trippers, as well as tho usual contingent of visitors from oversea. Among tho latter especially the shakes caused no small amount of consternation (telegraphs the correspondent of the "New Zealand Times"). The first disturbance occurred at a quarter past 3 o'clock, and was followed by others at frequent- intervals during tinnext half-hour. Altogether there were in those thirty troublous minutes twenty-six distinct tremours, of which eight wei-e of sufficient magnitude to give rise to apprehension. The guests in the varjous hotels and boardinghouses- were thoroughly aroused. Women congregated together as. if to gain mutual comfort from the sense of company, and men reassured the women as best they could. In some cases people dressed themselves and went out into the stireet. The disturbances ceased, however, at a quarter to four, though there was another slight shock at 7 o'clock. A meeting of the committee of the Society for the Protection of Women and Children was held last Thursday, the President, Mrs A. C. Sandsteiii. occupying the chair. The members present expressed their pleasure and gratification that Mrs A. C. Sandstein bad again accepted the presidency of the Society, and Mr D. N. Adams was thanked for undertaking the duties cf hon. treasurer for the ensuing yearThe sincere thanks of the committeo were tendered to Mr W. H. Zonch for having taken over the treasurership during the latter part of last year. A hearty welcome was extended to the new members of tho committee, Mesdames Burton, Wilson and Robertson. Mesdames Sandstein, Lissaman and Burton, and tho secretary Miss Early, were appointed the executive for t!e.> ensuing year. Mrs J. H. Fountain was appointed the Society's representative on the coal and blanket fund committee, and Mrs Lissaman was unpointed the Society's representative on the Benevolent Association's Executive and General Committee. Tho Haynes case was brought forward for discussion, and Mrs W. Wilson remarked that this case had now gone far beyond the scope of the Society, that ii was now a public matter, and "was receiving the earnest attention of several social and political societies, and that nothing short nf a full and impartial enquiry into all the circumstances of the case, with the production of til available witnesses, would satisfy the public. __ Twenty-five were dealt

Two sailors belonging to the steamer Woottnn were arrested at Lyttelton yesterday on a charge of desertion.

There was a very satisfactory attendance at the Art' Gallery yt„terday, ] the pictures by English artists arousing special interest. Tho exhibition will be open again to-day from 10 a.m. ! The industrial census papers issued by the Labour Department are returnable to-day. A number have been received, but there ate a _veat many still to come. Applications for tiie regulation of factories are still beinir received by the Labour Department. Registration i.s be effected by April Ist in each year under a penalty of _.> a dny aftenvards. Several small shopke. pers who faib-1 to close on certain days when required to do so according to the agrevmont arrived at, are to be proc.■■ ded against by the Labour Departniein. In the obituary notice of the late Mr Isaac Wilson, which appeared iv yesterday's issue, it should have lieeu stated Hint he was connected with tin-firt-t Woollen Company, not Northern Company. The Sunday School;, I'liion held a successful conference at Blenheim at Easter time. Delegates were present represcntin_ 87 schools, 1(H).) teachers, and 10,000 'scholars. It is stated that a genuine offer of Is ■Id nor pound for this years boos was made in the Motueka district last week. In the early part of the season sales were made at Is Id ami 1* 2d per !b. "Everybody who goes into a library needs watching." remarked Mr C. Wilson. Parliamentary Librarian, at the Libraries' Conference in Wellington on Monday. "In fact," ho added, "some of the most respectable people are the most dangerous." A bonfire and fireworks display was held at Albany (in the Auckland district) on Saturday night in honour of tho Prime Minister (the Hon. T. Mackenzie) and the Hon. A. M. Myor». Tho novel function was largely attended and proved a great success. Nurse Maude acknowledges the foN lowing gifts:—Fruit from Mrs Free, Messrs B. Hen ton Rhodes, M.P., and Banks; jam from Mrs Thomas; clothing from Miss Picken, Mesdames Whitter, H. O. T). Meares, W. Helmore, Ludbrook, and Hitchens; and a donation from St. Saviour's Hibje Class. Mr P. G. Moffatt, secretary of tho Nelson Fruitgrowers' Association, hatreceived cable advice that part of the Ridley holdings (Nelson) apple shipment was sold at Vancouver at. from 8s to 10s. Growers will receive only moderate net figures. The balance is to be sold in London. Settlers at Kahuika (says the "Clutha Leader") are up in arms at the nonexpenditure of a £500 Government voto for widening and metalling the road between there and Caberfeidh. The ''Leader*' does not know who is to blame, but considers tho settlers havo good cause for their indignation. Tho road is feet deep in mud, and thero areholes that would bury a horse. And yet £500 was voted for making it six months ago! Tho Socialist Conference .-oncluded its sittings at Wellington yesterday. It was decided to appoint a paid national organising secretary for the Dominion, and to procure the services of prominent Socialist lecturers to tour tho country on propaganda work. Mr E. Howard, of Christchurch, was elected president, and tho aecrctarial work was left'in the hands of Mr F. R. Cooke, also of Christchurch. till tho appointment of a paid organising secretary is confirmed. Henry John Wellg, Thomas Henry Lett, and Robert Richardson wero charged at tho Auckland Felice Court yesterday with haying assaulted- Constable Oilills, in Grey street, at one o'clock yesterday morning. It was stated that the constable, was kicked over tho heart, and much knocked about. Ho is in tho hospital at present. Tho full extent of his injuries has not yet been ascertained. The accused were remanded till April 17th. " The incoming Vancouver mail arrived at Auckland by the Mnkura yesterday morning. She brought an exceptionally large mail from Europe, Canada, the United States, and the Islands. The southern portion is due in Christchurch to-morrow morning, Tho Marama sailed from Sydney on Monday, and will leave Auckland on Friday on her way to Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver. The outgoing 'mail closes at Christchurch at 4.15 p.m. today. A young roan promoted a sweep op the Ellersiie racecourse on Monday, oi\ the St, Geor_e Handicap, and induced quite a number of speculative clients to risk their half-crowns. Tlje money was to bo paid nut after the race at an appointed place, but when the holder of the ticket on the winning horse turned u_» to receive his money the young man was not to bo found. * Sttbr sequently the impromptu sweep promoter was arrested, and'at the Auckland Court yesterday ho was fined £10, in default two months in gaol. The Lyttelton Marine Band, will play the following programme of music on the rotunda at tlje Port this evenin_, commencing at eight o'clock: T--March, 'Trweli Springs" (Greenwood); waR&, •'Renta/' (Raymond); minuet, "Queen Anne" (Ord Hume); selection, "Moses in Egypt" iMeyerbeer); quickstep, "Tha Cornet" (Rimmer); intermenKo. ''Rainbow" ; cornet tripje-tonguing polka, "The Pro" (Ruleh), soloist, Bandsman E. Sullivan; waltz, "Song dAn» toinne" (Hume); march, "The Avenger" (Rininier). A resident of Avonside. who had been away on holiday with bis family on Easter Saturday found that his house had been burglariously entered and ransacked during his absence. A winflow natch had been forced, and an entrance effected. The thief had apparently confined himself to a search for money, and every Jittle receptacle or drawer that might contain coin was turned nut and investigated. The net result of his operations was probably only a few shillings. This sort of rob. hery is not an uncommon occurrence, and householders who have occasion tq leave their homes unguarded would bo. well advised not to leave their valuables open to a similar raidThe Easter services at the Beach Church, Now Brighton, were very largely attended. The Rev. 11. JonesMinor Canon at the Cathedral, took the 8 a.m. .service, at which there were no less than 70 communicants. The 11 a.m. set-vice was taken by the Rev. Otto EitzGerald, ot Avonside, when there was another large congregation, ■a it It a goodly r.upiber of communicants. Evensong was conducted by the Rev. P. Revel!, the church being again well filled. The choir gave .the anthem. "They Have Taken Away My Lord." The church was very prettily decorated with rod and white flowers, the altar table looking very beautiful with magnificent white flowers. At the conference of federated Catholic clubs in Wellington, the following motion was unanimously carried:—"Thai this conference expresw. its strong condemnation of the attitude of a section of the Socialist Party of violent hostility to his ('race Archbishop Redwood on account of his recently issued pastoral letter on Socialism —an attitude which displays a hostility towards tlio Church itself rather than a disagreement with the economic view, enunciated in the pastoral; and, further expresses the sympathy and pledges the loyal support of the federated Catholic rliibs throughout New Zealand to the Archbishop upder the attacks to which he has been subjected in consequence of

The Waimakanri. Rakaia, Rangitsta, and Uaitaki rivers were reported clear' yesterday morning.

A company, with a capital of i'-'.i.OM. is being formed to develop a reputed ore area a few miles to tho north of Masterton.

If you are in tbo market- for a good second-hand motor car, you should V? lIS , lU °' "• (>;m ' ,n - ™" Ashburton. Ho has se\.--ral nearly new cars on his books. j> In these days oi keen competition. Uusine.-s people vie with .mc another ;n their efforts to win pub!,, support. In the Drapery and C.nthm.. business, it is generally reeognw-c! thai T. Armstrong and Co.. Ltd.. ate able to off.-;* tbe Christehurrh public exceptional nw ducement-s to buy at their store... In buying tor eas'n and .oiling |,-, r rash thi> firm are aide to sell atprices unapproai liable i.\ firms dnin-.r business on a credit basis. <J Baggage is a bonier at any time, v.: 4 doubly to during the Easter rush. To. cycapo all trouble, check your ha •:_■-. go through u<. We call "lor hacun.;.".. cheek on by rail or steamer, take ' -,t off. and deliver it at once. Oust -vsf. m X reliable, most helpful, inexpensive. The New /calami Express Company, Limited. $

Dainty Gift* for Easter Brides. Messrs Hastie. Bull, and Pickering, opposite Ballautyne's. are just now showing very charming, yet inexpensive, new goods in Art Silverware, Antique Copper and Bras<-, also .somo recent designs in Art Porcelain, inc.ud.ns dainty Tea lN'ls. et'\ o*_»l

Lewis and Anderson. 11- Cashel street W., advise that they have opened up their now season's sLick of Cartridges, including I'niversal. Clyde. Bonax, Aniberite. Bnllistit". etc. Enquiries invited, ti

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 14325, 10 April 1912, Page 8

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 14325, 10 April 1912, Page 8

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 14325, 10 April 1912, Page 8


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