The i-wcnty-ninth Animal Show of the Waiuialo A. and P. Association was held at Wnimate. yesterday in i'ne weather and in the presence of :\ record number of people. Taken all round, the Show -was * vcr 5" S oo< * ono > draught horses Ix.ing ot special excellence. All tho officials worked hard to make tho Show a success, and this it undoubtedly was. A novel class in tho catalogue wns one* for tho cncoura£-.-uu-nt to acquire? a knowledge of the horx>. A horse Tins yeicct-ed on the Ground, and taken into thcriiiir. and the competitors, who wore given pencil and paper, had to write all they could couciTiiing this horse, both as j reminds its good and its bad points. I There were five competitors, and £6 was j yivfTi in prizes between the- three who wrro placed. Tho f<;liou - in£ is the prixc-hst :- - Sk<>cp— Messrs J. MrKtrehcr, "Woodland?, and K. MeLf-nan, Mohikaikot — English LeiccMcrs—Ham ovci IS montr.s : J. O'liourke 1. Border Loiresiers —Ka:n over i .10 mnntlis: J. iJovthwaito 3 and champion, ■J. O'Kourko -2. Do. IS to 30 months: J. \ I)owthwa:to 1. B. Y. "Whitnry 2. Do. up to jIS months: J. Dowthwaite 1, 2 ar.d *. Do. for ram not housed or covered: H- Kuddenk'.au 1 and 3, J. O'Rourke ~- Two rnrcs up to IS months: J. Dowthwaite 1. 2 a_nd .". Shorn ram: J. Dowthvraitc 1. Eve with lamb: J. Dowthwaito 1, J. O'Kourko 2. Two do.; J. Dowthwaito 1 and charupknt. Kwc up to 1? months: J. Do-.vthwaite 1, 2 and 3. Kwe up *o 18 months uot hr,;i«<-d or covered: B. F. Whitney 1, H. Rundenklau 0 ar.d .". Shorn two: J. Dowthwaite 1 and 2, J. O'Uourko 3. Two owes up to IS months: J. Dowthwaito 1. 2 ar.d 3. Crossbrcds—Three years with lambs: X. Francis 1 n.r.d 2. 'I'hrco ha'.fbred ewes with lambs: X. Francis 1 and -. Five two-tooth owes: JT. Frnncij j 1 and 2. Fat sheep—Five Down cro?s | v.-rtherf. .T. O'Rourko 1. Five> butchers' wethers: J. O'Rourke 1. Do. ewes: .V. Francis 1. Five h.ilfbred wethers suitable for-freezing: E. Richards 1, Executors A. Hayes 2. Fivn four-tooth wethers: Exceuiors A. Hayes 1. E. Richards 2. Five two-tooth ewes or wether;: X. Francis 1, S. R. Dickeon 2 a.nd .1. Five fat lamhs: S. R. Dick- ' son 1, Rnttray Bros. 2, A. Mnson 3. Five Down croFs milk lambs: P. Studholmo 1. Special for best freezing sheep: X. Francis. Lincoln?— Ram over IS months: J. O'Rourke 1 and champion. Do. up io 13 months, also ewe up to IS inontas, ar,d .'horn ewe: J. O'Rourke 1. Shropshires: J. O'Rourke took all the piir.es but three, B. F. Whitney taking second for ram up to IS months, second for ewe with lamb', and second for wo up to 18 month. Southdowns—Ram over 18 months: J. O'Rourke 1. Ewe with lnmb: P. Studhoime 1. Rorariey;—Ram over IS months: B. F. "Whitney 1 and champion. P. Studholmo 2. Do. up 1o IS month?: P. Studhoime 1. Ewe with lamb: P. Studhoime 1, champion a;id 2, B. F. Whitney 3. Ew* up to 38 month*: li i". Whitney 1, P. Stndholm* 2 and 3. CV.rriedalcs—Ram up to IS month? : B. F. 'Whirney 1. J. O'Rourke 2. Ewe with lamb: J. O'Rourke 1, J. B. "Whitney 2. Eto up to 13 months: B. F. Whitney" 1. J. O'Rourke 2 and 3Draueht Horses—(Judges, Mr J. Patrick, Outram, and Mr I. Wylie, Sefton)—Champion stallion: H. Saunder's Major Stewart. Chumpum mare: Mr G. Harvey's Princ<rS3 Rose. Entire, 4yrs and over: H. Saundcrs's Major Stewart 1, A. Dalglcish's Royal Derby 2 A. and J. Weir's Agitator .1. Three-year-old entire: H. Saunders 1, A. and J. Weir 2. Do. two-year-old: .T. O'Brien 1, J. Scolt 2. J. A. Dunbnr 3. Yearling colt: J. A. Duubai 1, M. B. Peck 2, Fleming Bros. .1. Blood mare, in foal: A. Brown 1, A. Rattray, sen. 2. Bay mare: D. Mclntosh 1, A. Rattrny, sen. 2 and 3. Three-year-old filiy: G. Harvey 1, P. W. Borrio 2. J. Leen 3. Two-year-old filly: A. Dalgleish 1, W. A. Dnnbar 2. I'cttrling filly: H. Saunders 1, Executors A. Hayes 2, Hogan and Son 3. Two-year-old, by Gnjthland: J. Northcote 1. Yearling, by same horse: J. A. Dnnbar 1. Yearling by Kanfurly Yet: T. Huston 1. Yearling by Lord Ranfurly: Executors A. Hayes 1. Hogan and Son 2. Yearling colt, by Major Stewart: D. Mclntosh 1. Do., ally: H. Saunders 1, E. J. Adams 2. Entire, with three of his progeny: A. DaJfrleish 1. Gelding, four-year-old: J. C. Faulkner 1, A. Brown 2, "W. Hawke 3. Do., three-year-old: H. Allnut 1. Do., two-year-old: J. T. Hay 1. Team of threo horses, in da-ily work: W. Hawko 1, R. White 2. Pair mares, in daily work: P. W. Borrie 1, J. Bruce, 2. Pair geldings, in daily work: J. C. Faulkner 1, V. Hawke 2, R. White 3. Spring dray horso up to 25cwt.: J. C. Faulkner 1,-J. Luck 2, \V\ Cochrane 3. Best -walking: draught: P. W. Borne 1, D. Mclntosh 2. Thoroughbreds.—(Judge, Mr J. O'Brien) — Exitiro of three years and upwards: L. Ihync's Cnetashore 1. Entiiro colt: E. AHurst 1. Brood mure: C. Hansen 1. Colt or filly: E. A. Hansen. Hackneys (judge, Mr J.'O'Brieu): Stallion of threo years and upwards: D. Rainey's Belle Vui 1, W. Brown'ff Block Wilkcs 2. Carnage stallion: J King's Lord Vanderbilt 1. Two-year-old filly or griding: M. Foley 1, M. O'Shea 2. Frosor and McLeod 3. Yearling: P. J. Wain 1 and special, Williams 2, .T. Dcnch 3. Brood mare: E. B. Harrison 1' F. Westphall 2, T. Maginesfl 3. Fifteen-stone hack: A. S. Ehvorihy 1, .1. C. Faulkner 2, J. Meehan ."!. Thirteon-stone hack: H. Ehvorthy 1, P. J Manning 2, P. Ehvorthy 3. Eleven-stone Lack: C McLachlan 1. B. "F. Whitney 2, H. Elworthy 3. Pair bupgy horses: C. McLachUn 1, E. C. D'Auvergrne 2. Single bugcy horse: C. McLachlan 1, H. Saunders 2, M. Tregonning 3. Dog-cart horse: J. C Faulkner 1, Meyers and Jones 2, F. A. Macdonald 3. Tandem team: C. McLachlan 1. Lady's hack: C. MclraebJan 1, B. F. Whitney 2, P. Ehvorthy 3. Troop horse: P. J. Manr.iiig 1, E. Leonard 2, P. Hendry 3. Cobs and ponies.—{Judge, Mr A. S .Orbell) — Cob, 14 to 15 hands : A. Brown 1, J. Cochrane 2, Mrs J. Doavthwaite 3. Harries?! cob: J. Cochrane, t, A. Brown 'J, M. O'Shea Ji. Pony entire: McLaufihlin's Master Robbins 1. Pony, 13 to 1-1 hands: Mrs M. Croucher 1. A. Mre 2, P. Reilly 3. Do., 12 to 13 hands: Mrs M. Croucher'l, W. Hawke 2, G. F. Richardson 3. Pony up to 12 hands: W. Dowthwaito 1. H.Eden 2, G.Nical 3, W. R. Menzies h c. Pair of pocics:Mrs Croucher 1, E. B. Harrieon 2. Pcnv trot: V. Myers 1, H. D. Strffen3 2, W. Menri-es 3. Walking mafch, about half a mile—Light horse, 15 hands or over, ambiiiiE not allowed: J. Luck's Jack 1. W. Cochrane , * Hilda 2. Working turnouts—Farmers' turnout up to 10.-wt, S. Bird 1, W, Fisher 2, J. Dcnch 3. Spring cart horses, up to 12cwt: S. Laird 1, A. t>. Ehvorthy 2, P. D. Hoaro 3. Tradesman' turnout: W. Bariord 1, F. Luudon 2, Bennett and Don .1. Cattle— Messrs . J. Mitchell, Oamaru. and A. Gillies, Hampton';—Shorthorn?—Cow in milk: P. J. Csllaphan 1. M. and A. Cochrnno 2. Dry cow: Meyers and .Tones 1. Two-year-old heifer: Ales. Cochraro 1, Meyers and Jone? 2- Ayrshires —Three-year-old bull: M. and A. Cochrane 1. Yearling bull: M. and A. Cochrane- 1 nrul champion and 2. Cow in milk: 7,. Cousins 1 ar.d chamninn. M. and A. Cochrane 2. Dry cow: Z. Cousins 1. Jt. nnd A. Cochrane. 2. Yearling h*ifer: M. and A. Cochrane I. Jersey."—-Threfsyear-o'.d bull: F. Lundon 1 and champion. Cow in milk: F. Lundon 1 and champion: H. Hertslet 2. Dry cow: H. Hertslet I. Alex. Cochrane 2. Ycarlintr h»ifer: F. Lundon 1 and 2. Any breed dairy cow for persons owuincr ovrr fen acres: P. J. Cn,l!aphan 1, champion and 2, M. and A. Cochrane. 3. Do. up to ten acres: J. Atwill 1, M. J. Barnard 2. Fat e>tock—One fat bullock: P. J. 1. F. Lundon 2, Meyers and Jones -3. Fat hc-ifer: Mover?, ar.d" Jones 1 and 2, F. Lundon :i. Pair fat bullocks sr.d pair fat heifers: Mcvers and Jones 1. Dairy Procure.—(Jiidse. Mr R. R. Bowie, Timanrt—2lbs frr.'h biitter: Mrs Crnis 1, Mrs | A .McDowell 2, Mrs H. Saunder? 3, M:s» B. Belcher v h c nr.d c Fancy butter: Miss B. Belcher 1 and 2. iMbs powdered butter: Mrs A. McDowell 1, Mrs H. Saunders 2, Mr.. J. Williams 3. 121b)! salt butter: Mrs J. Williams 1. Mrs J. Craig 2. Smoked bacon: Mr-? J. Entborno 1, Fr»ser and McLecd 2. Do. un!"moked : Meyers and Jones 1. Mrs J. j Ealhorne 2. Hums. smoVcd: Mcveri and I Jones 1. J. Dench 2. Do. unsmokwl: Meyerr I and Jones 1, Mrs J. Ealhorne 2. Ilc:r.c-m.ido 1 bread: M:«s B. Belcher 1, Mr? C. Ennia 2. j Do., open only to country rciden's: Mrs T. Pnio 3. Mrs C. Ennis 2. Oatmeal cake?, prirdlo scones, and oven scones: M:.3 tiBelcher. Oven scones, open only to country rc-.-idrnte: Mrs T. Prue 1. Pi;;-.—iJiid?e, Mr D. Lindfsy, Morvt-ni— j Bf-rk'fhirM—Sow ever 12 inon:h«": F. T. Wa!l".re 1. .7. H. Peck 2. Sow with litter—V*. Ste.vart J. L.irpc black ?i?=—l\ T. Wn;U.t 1, J, ,S. l't-r.k 2. Any other brr/yl :F. T. V:s".*r<i 1, ,J. S. Peck 2. S'ner-p •— r.l;id?'\ Mr K. McL'-nnn:. '■— : Sii'.-jo*.h-ha:i-ed mllie J. Dench 1. \\wr.h-h.-.irrd oiHc: Mr.-- I). Kirby I- Besrdcti coliio: E. HtcKe« 1. Hun:err.—Jumpin , ' hr.n'.cr Tip if; list: li. Elwonhy"> Ir,-.nbar.; 1. P. Kl-r.irthy's Li bony 2. E. B. Harrison's Ma'iheua .'•!. Hunter up to ll.t- II .Elworth- , - Duniop 1. B. K. j AVh tnoy's Xsratirn 2. D. J. Blair's Cimevievo I 3. Hunter owned ;ind rid'.ien by member <sf the Waimate Hunt: G. S. Byerp"s Unc-sTorn j I. E. B. Harrison's Maiiboui 2. L. Harrr.itor.'s Tlhema 3.
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13881, 4 November 1910, Page 8
Word Count
1,677WAIMATE SHOW. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13881, 4 November 1910, Page 8
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