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AUCTIONS CRADDOCK, SrCROSTIE COMPANY pRADIXJCK, McCROSTIE COM.PANY, AUCTIONEERS, TAIXATORS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, Corner of Cashei end ilacctestei streets. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAT EVENINGS, Our Offices are open from ".3& p.muntil 9 p-m. OUTDOOR SALES CONDUCTED AT A MINIMUH COST. AUCTION SALES OF PROPERTIES HELD IN OUR CENTRAL ROOMS EVEItY SATURDAY, at 12 NOON. Corner of Cashei and Manchester streets. » BEST PAET OF WALTHAM. HOUSE of 8 rooms, pantry, scullery, bathroom, wo&lihouse, copper, tubs, tiled grates and hearths, h. and c. service, Venetian blinds, gas, cupboards, ehod, etc., etc., good verindab, glass ends, i-acre and 9 perches of land. In fact a perfect home. Price wa« iSOO, now reduced to £650 foT a few days only.. Fol. 607 CUADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Corner of Cashei and Manchester etreete. L.I.P. SPEEYDON, CLOSE TO COLOMBO ROAD. £300. £300. £300. HOUSE of 4 rooms; pantry, scullery, waehhoußO, copper, tubs, workshop, outbuildings, conveniences, gas ami littings, etc.; i-acre of land. Fol. o-o . CRADDOCK, McCKOSTIE CO., Corner of Cashei and Manchester streets. CITY RESIDENCE. WE have been instructed to cell by prjvato treaty o very fine two-atorey Residence in the West End, adjacent to the Gardens, Museum, Colleges, etc. Ihe house consists of 9 fine roome, cepacioua entrance hall, pantry, storeroom, bathroom, washhouse with copper Mid sink. The house has every possible convenience end is beautifully papered and decorated throughout, handsome tiled gratee and merble mantels, is well fitted with cupboards, wardrobes and dresser, spacious landing and balcony, conservatory, 2-stall fte-ble and motor shed. Tho land comprisbs a. full J-acre, tastefully laid out, planted with, ehrubs and fruit trees, asphalt paths, sower connections, two artesian wells, double and single entrance. It is in fact a. perfect home for a family, and being situated within three minutes of Cathedral equare, presents a grand opportunity to any business man in search of a. property of this description. Coll for cards to view and price at the office of the Sole Agents. Fol. 116 CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Corner Caabcl and Manchester streets. ST. ALBANS. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC TRAM. NEW BUNGALOW of 4 large roome, ell offices, and every modern convenience, washhoueo, tubs, high pressure supply, sewer connections, section SO x 118. PRICE ONLY £515. CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Fol. "722 Agents. FISHEHTON ESTATE, BECKENHAM. A Grand Section at the above ridiculously low figure. Owner having left the district. CRADDOCK, McCKOSTIE CO., Fol. 99 Agents. PRICE _£SSS. - ST. ALBANS. £50 DEPOSIT, BALANCE AS RENT. Practically New House of 5 roome, pantry, scullery, weshhouse and tubs, bath, lavatory basin, h. and c. eervico, gas fittings, Venetian blinds,.: picture rails, tiled hearths and grates, verandah with French doors, casement windows, transom lights, five fireplaces, high foundations, nicely laid out garden, well finished and up-to-date in every particular. Fol. 722 CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Agents, Corner of Ceehel and Manchester streets. £300. BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. Ii» the Estate of the lete Mr Wm. Shaw. TWO-STOREY BRICK HOUSE, 5 roome, scullery, washhouse, coal shed, pantry, plastered and papered, foiir fires,, fitted with cupboards, etc. FORTH STREET, RICHMOND. . . .■« Fol. 456 CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Agents. RICCARTON. L.I.P. RICCARTON. ■jA ACRES and. 15 perches land, houso of J-l/i . 8 rooms, plastered and papered, pantry, ecullery, bathroom, washhouse, copper and tube, loose-box, 2-stall stable, traphouse, dray shed, cow-bails, fowlhousca, loft, harness room, also oott&go of 4 roome, etc., good'orchard. Price £900. Fol. 510 CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Agents. £295. £295 A GREAT BARGAIN. HOUSE, of 3 rooms, ecullery, workshop, stable, traphouse • and outbuildings, over i-acre. Linwood extension. The very place for a carrier or cabman. Easy terms. Fol. 255 CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Agenta, Corner of Cashei and Manchester streets. £900. «* PAPANUI. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE of 6 rooms, offices, every convenience, ' decorated and papered, finished thoroughly in ev*ry detail; half an acre in lovely garden and orchard. Too large for present owner. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call for taxds to view." Fol. 431 CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Corner of Caehel and Manchester streets. NORTH OPAWA. HOUSE of 4 rooms, plastered and papered, two chimneys, 42inch passage, wardrobe in bedroom, kitchen, pantry, and bathroom, water laid on inside to bath and copper, verandah with extended ends and glazed, 57{ perches of land all well fenced and laid out in orcliard, etc., -400 gal. tank, concrete foundations, fowl runs and house, wood «hed, workshop, lined and papered, siie 12 x 7-6, 10-5" to ridge. Fol. 832 £535. £535. CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Agents, Corner of Caehel acd Manchester streets. SACRIFICE. SACRIFICE. NEARLY 8 ACRES OF SPLENDID LAND. I'APANUI." PAPANUI. CLOSE TO TRAM, RAILWAY, ETC. THIS fir.c block is for sale at an absurdly low prioo, as owner muit realise. At £130 per acre, a perfect bargain. Goreniirent valuation. £150 per acre. Mutt .be sold by and of month. . I"ol. 93 v CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Corner «f Caehel «ad Manchester street*. CSO62
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
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802Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
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