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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. SPEIRS, SAUNDERS AND CO. It. XL Speiri. R. L. Saunders, L. J. Wilkina. Q()fl ACRES. 900 ACRES ? * DEEP RICH SOIL, I Which will gTow 60 bushels wheat and 70 t bushels oate to acre. 1 The whole of the land is plougaable and ];<.. well to the run. It ia divided into 7 I paddocks, all well fenced, watered bj per--1 msnent streams and springs, and will carry I fhrep to the acre, beeidee fattening lambs and wethera. The Dui'dings comprise Near'y New House of 6 rooms -;iid conveniences, 7-stall stable, trapjiifl, granary drafting yards (for 1500 to : 2COO fhecp), etc. A Dairy Factory has recently been erected : not far from tile property, and this will : j considerably enhance the value of the land, j which i? only 1 mile from P.O. and 1J miles J from school. * Price only £10 15$ per acre. Terms arranged. SPEIRS. SAUNDERS and CO., , Sole Agents. II HO ACRES OF SHEEP AND CROP11UL PING LAND, WITH RICH RIVER FLATS. : RICH RIVER FLATS. IT is First-class Turnip Land, and grows excellent Oat Crops. CARRIES lj SHEEP EASILY. THE LAND is well watered, and is divided into 11 or 15 paddocks, all well fenced (wire tnd s'andard fencing) There ere several good plantations. A Dip is quite handy, and there are good drafting yards, 4-stall stable, woolI shed and granary, etc.. end a new 6-roomed j THK PROPERTY i« a few miles by pood J metalled roads from Railway and Foet Offict, ; and a New School will soon be within i mile of tht> property. PRICE :£9 'lSs per Acre. Liberal terms. SPEIRS. SAUNDERS and CO. £760. MERIVALE. £760. House of S roome. plastered. v/ , return" verandah, large dining-room, bathroom, and all the usual modern conveniences, tog-ether with a full J-ecre section, with a splendid parden. Prico only £760. SPEIRS, SAUNDERS and CO. CITY —Modern House of 7 roome, plastered, verandah with concrete floor, six fireplaces, wide hall, bathroom, excellent hot I water service, gas fittings, etc.. etc., and nice section, containing a-sphalt paths and well kept lawns and gnrdens. Price £1050. SPEIRS, SAUNDERS and CO. PAPANUI. 1 A ACRES of splendid land, of which about i-\J 2 acres ere in orchard in good bearing, and 7-roomed house, plastered, wiih verandah, bathroom, etc., etc. Aleo stable, fowlhouse, etc. Tho property is nicely situated, and the !end wiJI grow anything. Very cheap at £1300, the greater part of which may remain at 5 per cent. SPEIRS, SAUNDERS and CO. NEARLY 3 ACRES of excellent land, not far from tram, end within a short drive from the City. There are two paddocks (one in potatoes), a 4-acre orchard, and a sroomed house. The price for a quick rale is very low, and tho property can be sold on a email deposit. SPEIRS, SAUNDEKS and CO., Sole Agents. 1-ACRE, and nearly new House of 5 room,s 2 end conveniences, washhouse (copper and tubs), asphalt paths, nice lawn and garden and choice fruit trees. Price only £575. Texmi. SPEIES, SAUNDERS and CO. Sole Agents. ■PlC\ DEPOSi I T l° r n « w 5-roomed House, **. »vf plastered, bathroom, washhouso (o. and tubs), asphalt paths, nice lawn and garden. The situation is very pleasant, and property handy to car (3d section). Price £625. SPEIBS, SOUNDERS and CO. Sole Agents. .OAAK— SYDENHAM— i-uoe House of 4 rooms, verandah, detached washhouse, asphalt paths, tewer connection, etc. Tho lection is a full i-acre, has northern aspect, isS laid out in lawn and •"■»« and kitchen gardens, and has some fine fruit trees. Car passes the door. Just the place for *"" railway or tramway employee. SPEIRS, SAUNDERS and CO. Sole Agents. SPEIRS. SAT/NDERS AND CO.. 146 CASHEL STREET. Telephone 2885. C 6050-832 TT I* BOWKEB SON. W. Henley.) (H. W.. Hralop. LAND AGENTS, 348 COLOMBO STREET (Victoria square). Established 1879. CITY PROPERTY. ' CUT PROPERTY. LARGE PROSPECTIVE VALUE. pORNER SECTION, 28ft odd to Colombo v-/ etreet, 80 feet to cross street. This pro. perty, having a big prospective value, is for genuine eale, as the owner is shortly leaving New Zealand. IT IS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE. IT IS ON A MAIN STREET. • IT IS A CORNER SECTION. AND A BARGAIN AT £950. H. L. BOWKEK and SON, Sole Agents. MERIVALE. MERIVALE. £940. WESTON ROAD. WESTON ROAD. 1 ROOD 4 PERCHES, in lawn, flower, and vegetable garden, beautiful garden, in apple-pie order. New House of 6 large rooms, papered throughout, bathroom, hot and cold, "windmill and tank, large detached w. houee, tubs and copper, water laid on to garden, gas and fittings throughout house. Practically new house, and a gift at the money. ■ H. L. BOWKER and SON. /-IHEAP SECTIONS. RICCARTON—Division etreet, 80 feet frontage, close to car. £115. RICCARTON ROAD, cloeo fo Harakeko ! street —Full i-sere, fenced. £163. i KNOWLES STREET—Fine Section, 89 porches, chain frontage. £185. WESTON ROAD, northern aspect, fenced two sides—39 perches, chain frontage. £190. LINWOOD —Splendid subdivision, account iS. A. Redpath, Esq.. close to 2d section, charming view of hills, high sections, good roads. Easy terms and low prices. H. L. BOWKER and SON. HAVE you had a copy of our New Land Guide? Call in for one; it's free, and will save you pounds on the purchase of a property. H. L. BOWKER and SON, • LAND AGENTS. 2iß Colombo street. Victoria squire. Established 1879. — ■M-EW BRIGHTON. EXTRA GOOD SECXIONS. Richmond terrace —34 perches a&mgsid* Mr Sooble's house, £80. . George street- Next Miinion Hall. £35. Main road and Bernford street (tw» frontages)—i-acre, £185. Rodney street—33 perchee, £60. Lcnidale street—i-aer», £135. C. J. MARSHALL. - •» CATHEDKAL SQUARE. 1690 CHANCE OF A LIFETIME FOr"I NURSERYMAN. WE dan offer you within one mile of Cathedral square, as a going concern, a splendid up-to-date. Small Nursery with large stock, and great variety of buibe, pot plants, ferns, etc. Seven large glasshouses m perfect order. Good five-roomed dwen-ng-house with modern conveniences, and outbuildings. Good terms can be arranged with a suitable pvty, HANDOOCK and ENNIS. 237 Colombo etreet (opp. Mineon's).
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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993Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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