~ff Hth Tirinm finmi fnf TniuiiaiiiMgfel • First Mortgage »t Lowest Sums to suit Borrowers. Also, flsaSSgS Inveetment on Second Mortgaxtj' on Easy Terms.- JOBJiSTON?HQ3I<s3i£ JOYCE, Solicitors, GloncesW; ■ MONEY' To;Ußm^>;i l fessS *rttuvU •. ■. . -at lowttt cttrraßtjaUs, alat J* Money on -Approved 'Second $$£ ' JZASD and W& ■" Solicitors. Hcrsfdrd : (omL '! : "'".>§ . Christckurch, I<eesto>;sad'Scothhadta. -'I^ ONEY £500,' «00, AW, andnolkiTeMU^^ First Mortgagt, also B^w-eßesi-.MI/fltebii.^r Mortgage. / -. .. ■■ -' & <■ -<&f^mW rfeWJ TMTONEY TO any kind ef'aseeiiti'yy^%^^'^^fiffl| T HAVE UONBY 9 of SMimtT, , boa _ 410 || XTTE hn VAEIoWfiUIiS rf » " . from-flOO.to XIOOO and- irp»jtfi(^»|™ Investment on FJ3JST and SECOifD JCOH|P GAGES ol Fraahold Lands, Town or 4301 toy, at Current"-Rates' of Inters*! ~ ..a:*- y S jdpPENBERGER, FRAKK3andRtrS l !CEB, I a Solicitors, 198 Herelord.atiw* ?. 9 (Above Cba». Clark, Aaetwiml.) jMm, " ; - I TTTE \xi* «000, «000 r Vf -tot mvestment on appwwd »s«raii^| ■/ ; ' - Cs4B9 "■ C^rrislohnTA'aod'.B^ :;'■■'■ : £lb,Ooi gS S9S^ FBOM. TEN POXJKDS'WsW^e^S Or is SUMS SUITABIjII >.JBOEBpTjrfia^^ LOANS GRANTED fat Xfxti $*a^OM can b« BenaJd by WesWv,.MontUy >; ';i^ Qtmrttrly » ijurtftleMMitit *■ 1 s^i<gß| T*rm« en appHotion tn -; F. C; RAPHaEL,.,/;!^ ContT QlouessUr aad Wm OES your Machine P«dpte,*^;^®ffl Then get ose ibat won't VS Co., agents for the inoomparea* *;JWa*gj Hg The great that "Quality eryoy to-day is their sterling ho the accuracy of ithe perfection detail, the undouftfei 1 satisfaction they giw|l wear, and . . • *<MM Last, but not feas&49ijm indisputable fact *'* Quality for Quality, t|||i are infinitely the value for Cash able in New Zealand Wg! Sac Suits from £4 48. w^n ZcdlotM 265-7 HI6H STREET, CHRIBTCI»*|
Page 10 Advertisements Column 8
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 10
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