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PUBLIC NOTICES. GROCERY VALUES 1 \JOIE THE PRICES. SUGAR. ' Best No. 1 A Sugar, 2Jd lb. Best No. 1 A Sugar, 9a for bag a€lb». FLOUR, 00&lb sacks. 225. - ICOlb bog«, 11s 9i 5011) bags, 6s. 251b bags, 3s lid. GERSTENA. lOd. OATINA, lOd. 9D FIRST PRIZES FOR HAMS AND BACON. Ist Prize Sides. 7*d per lb. Ist Prize Rashers, 8d per lb. Ordinary Rasbere, Cd per lb. TEA! TEA! OUR SPECIAL TEA AT Is 3d IS GOOD. KINCAID'S G.I.C. C49T3-SSO - ; ~ WANTEDS. "|TtTANTED 2 Unfurnished Rooms, Cit>- or VV Suburbe. Apply "Immediate, , "Pre?s" Office. 1852 XXTANTED—You oan become more valuVV able to your employer and earn a salary by learning , to Write Advertisements through the Page-Davis School. Send for freo r-rospectns "B." X.Z. Rep., Jas. Rodger, 131 x Cashel street. '. C 4679-1431-3 TXTANTED. large consumers of Meat to VV study their interests and call at Dixon's Branch Shop, Manchester street, near Tuam street . 4Jj*3 ■t\7"ANTED, Gentlemen give your wives, VV eistcrs or sweethoarte a Gold or Sil-ver-mounted Umbrella. Largest variety »t L,ethaby"s, Manufacturers, 64 Cathedral square/ C 4669-1447 KNOWN—There is gold in the VV. mountains; there's silver in the mines; and they all belong to you, brother Bill, if you will only smoke MARSUMA Cigarettes. ' CSOB9 WANTED, good judges to call' and s«. the display of Prime Quality Meat at Dixon's Branch Shop", Manchester street, near Tuam street. 4743 W _ ANTED, Ladies give your huebands, brothers, or sweethearts, a Gold or Silver-mounted Umbrella. Largest variety at Lethaby's, 64 Cathedral wquare. C 4669-1447 ~%Xr ANTED KNOWN—How to keep your vision and sight clear m as to be able to look ahead: Smoke MARSUMA Cigarettes. CSQB9 WANTED 1 WANTED 1 WANTED 1 WANTED I WANTED! WANTED I GRASP THIS—We pay the very highest price for Second-hand Furniture, m any quantity, and PAY SPOT CASH. The on* firm for generous treatment is McKENZIE and WILLIS. AUCTIONEERS, Cathedral tquar* (next Post Office). C4419-J796 "TiyANTED KNOWN—If you feel husky in the throat and how to get rid of it: emoke MARSUMA Virginian Cigarettes. C 5089 "~ MISCELLANEOUS. npHE Special "Page for Women in SaturX day's editions of "THe Evening News appeals to everyone. A bright home magazine. ISS PHIPPS has made a SPECIAL WINTER PURCHASE in Ladies' Woven Nightdresses, 6e 6d; Combinations, 2s lid; Vests, Hid; Spencer, Is 3d; Wool Knickers, 4s 6d; Calico and Flannelette Combinations, 3s lid; Nightdresses, 3a 9d. MEN'S Cycling - Gloves are nhovra in a splendid variety at Graham, Wilson, and Smellie'e. In Astrachan 2s lid and 5s 6d. Lined Kid Gloves 6s 6d. Fur lined Kid Gloves 8s 6d pair. . _- MEN'S Pyjames, warm winter makoe, cost only 7s sd, 10s 6d, and 13e 6d, at Graham, Wilson, and Smellie's. All-wool unshrinkable Pyjamas 19s 6d pair. See these fine sleeping-suit values now. EN'S Night Caps are procurable at Graham. Wilson, and Smellie'e at Iβ and Is 3d each. A splendid line of Men's Lambswool Hoee, plain or .ribbed, is ehown h«e at 2s 63 pair. ' Eif'S Cape for this season in new shapes j and fabrics are selling at 2s 9d," 3e 6d, and 4s 6d at Graham, Wilson, and Smellie's. Motor Cape with fur lined flaps 5s 6d. C 4703 SPRING BLOSSOM PILLS" Cure Liver Complaints and Indigestion, etc. Aro purely herbal, sugar-coated, email pilN, small dose,, email price.- 6d and Is. Everywhere. C 2879 HOLMES and SONS, LTD., have now Removed into their New Buildings, '20 and 122' High street, near Armstrong's. They are now showing a large variety cf Sideboards and Overmantel*, which will be sold cheap at 120 and 122 High street. C 4671 LAND WANTED. BONA FIDE PROSPECTIVE BUYERS for small farms near City, from 5 to 20 acres. Owners of euch wanting to sell, call or communicate at once with HANDCOCK and ENNIS, 227 Colombo street (opp. Minson'e.) 'Phone 2382. 649 T ADIES, insist on your Grocer sending you Champion Egg Powder, the real substitute for eggs. . C 5302 POCKET Knives, plain ngruree. all on view on counter. You will discover better value at Minson's. C 2957-10"! OLMES and SONS, LTD.. 120 and .'.22 High street, near Armstrong's, are now showing a large variety of Linoleums, Lace .Curtains, White Satin finish Quilts, Hearthrugs, Carpet Squares, etc., at their new buildings, 120 and 122 High street, near Armstrong's. " C 4671 "CPRING BLOSSOM PILLS" cure Liver (j Complaints and Indigestion, etc . Are purely herbal, sugar-coated, small pilla, ■mall dose, small price. 6d and It. Everywhere. CSS7I WRINGERS, 10, 13 and 14-inca, w*od~or iron frames. Best value at Mincon's. Family Soalesand Weights. Sβ 9d. . C29g7-1873 T ADIES insist on your Grocer sending you J—' ~ Varniehine, the brilliant polish jfor tan boots and linoloums, easiest, quickest, brightest, 6d per tin. C 5303 THINNER Knives, likewise T*i Knives, J-r ■ real' cutters, non-parting handles; ro unknown makers. Biggest value at Minsop'a. . C 2957-1071 FANCY Enam. Mugs, Children's Pictures, etc.. Sd, 64d, 8d each, extraordinary value. See our 3d Blue Enam. Mug. Minxon's. C 2957-1689 "TXT ANTED KNOWN—Coming to the front only on account of its quaIity—MARSUMA Cigarettes. C 5069 OLMES and SONS, LTD., Bedstead Manufacturers and House Furnishers, are now opened in their n«w buildings, i_o and 122 High street, near Armstrong's. Without exception the finest disnlay of Bedsteada in the City. Holmes and Sons, Ltd., 120 and 123 High street. C 4671 BOARDINGHOUSE, be« socaiity in Christchurch, West End, 12 rooms, well and filly furnished throughout, everything up-to-date, threo minutes from G.P.0., Museum and Gardeiu. TEe house is always full, and is offered an a going concern. Price reasonable. . Full particulars from HANDCOCK and ENNIS, C533S 227 Colombo street (opp. Minson's). lANO Tar Salej £30, practically new, splendid instrument, brilliant and rich tone, iron frame, latest check action, overstrung, etc., in handsome walnut case. Owner leaving. Immediate. 52 Worcester street. City. C 4454-194 *yHE Public are invited to Inspect our Special Line of Trimmed Millinery for 12s Cd at NICHOLSON and CO.'S. LADIES, insist on your Grocer sending you Champion Custard Powder, simply delicious with etewed and bottled fruits, puddings, etc., 6d per tin. C 5302 TWO very choice Antique Bedroom Suites, enamelled Pal* Blua, with Tester Bedsteads draped is Art Cretonnes, are now em Ti.w at J. M. Mitchell's Furniture Manufacturer, 19 Colombo straat, City. C44ii HOLMES and SONS. LTu.. 120 and 122 High street, ia the place for Wire Ji*ttressea; their celebrated 4-ply full Bbc only 16s 3d. . C 4671 BLOO2IIXE is a pam* "taking" remedy. Ail the difference between haying painful corn.?, and not caving" them, ia 6d, the price of "Bloomine Corn Cure." Sold everywhere. ' 02378 T ADIES, insist on your Grocer sending you Champion Egg Powder, the real substitute for eggs. C 5302
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 10
Word Count
1,107Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 10
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