FUNERAL NOTICES. THE Funeral of the late Donald McLachlan will leave his late residence, 173 Huxiey etreet, Sydenham, on Tuesday, the 29th 'net., at 2.30 p.m., for the Sydenham Cemetery. .'. LAMB and SON. . 5835 1 rpHE Funeral of the lato Mrs William IJ- Streago will arrive at the Linwood 1 Cemetery This Day (Tuesday), 23th inst., at : 3.25 p.m. J. LAMB and SON. 5873 npHE Friends of Mr and Mrs C. J. •i- Morris are invited to attend the Funeral of their late daughter, Olive Mary, leaving Inchbonnie, Fendalton, This Day (Tuesday), at 12 Noon, for the Linwood Cemetery, arriving at 1 p.m. J. LAMB and SON. 5874 rpHE Friends of the lute Mrs Serah Niven J- era invited to attend her Funeral, which leave* her late residence, 41 Colombo etreet, St. Albans. for the Linwood Cemetery, on Wednesday, 30th inst., at 3.15 p.m. LANGFORD and RiflND. 5862 rpHE Friends of the late Abraham Parish JL are informed that hie Funeral will leave his Jate residence, 160 Linwood avenue, for 1 the'Linwood Cemetery on Thursday, 31«t ! inst., at 1.30 p.m. LANGFORD and RHIND. 5876 T LAMB A U l> a O > a, UNDERTAKERS And EUBALHERS. No. W LICHFIELD STREET. Telephone i 39. C 2353 /CHARLES SAJiUELS, CNDERTAK-KR, DURHAM STREET, opp. Trent Bros. Private* address, 26 Gladstone street, Sydenham. Telephone 90. ■80 yeare with H. Fuhrmann. C 4594 TiJCerOBB and E.EISJJ U (Late W. and H. Langford), j FUMEBAL FURNISHERS AND . I ..-•'. EMBALMERS. Iβ London street 'Phone 6W. I P.O. Box 623. • HERBERT LANOFURD, 16 London street. ■•.■; Richmond. 'Phone 688. JOHN RHIND. 48 Montreal strett Sydenham. 'Phone 1603;Tcwn Office, 227 Cashel *treet. 'Phone 813 G-iE O R.'G E B A R it E Ii L. AJND 2UBALIAKJICREMATIONS ARRANGED. ( Cffice and Private Residence, 53 Durham etreet, South. . { ■ ■ - Work*hop«, etc., 232 and 234 St. Atapb ■- . ■ "■ street. '■ .•''.'' TELEPHONE 721. TelegTams, Barrell. .Undertaker, ChriiV 04518 • .church. '■■- ..■ • • .:'. :""'■■ ■■■•" 3. -T XI £, ■ MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR, . 271 CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHUKCH. '. ■ , OppoMt* .King Edward ."Barracks! . Thf Oldest Established Firm in Chriatchnreh. . C 8948 W. Si DOIiI iP B. TjijDERTAKER AHO ; EUBALMKK. 41 DURHAM STBJEET. Telephone 193.' . .''".■ C46M rj. W. J- PAB S O "JX S. "' MONTJMENTAL MASOK. ' : ''■■'''■,' ■\.^KEyr--'kDDEaSBBi : . : .,.'', : <- ' 18 MANCHESTER STREET SOOTH; : Near Tezmisus HoteL ■ .Telephone 1203. :. ' C46SS HOTELS.. ~^ LEVIATHAN PRIVATE HOTEL/ ; MANCHESTER . STREET, Christchurch, IS now under the Management of MR and MRS T. R HUGHES, and is replete ■■ with everj modern improvement. . i Patrons will find, every home comfort. Tariff Moderate, Night Porter kept. Telegrams. promptly ..answered. . Telephone 747. ,5655 ■'. ■•;■■■. ■■:- £5. .:■.;■ : ": ' See the Conditione ot the NEW ZEALAND DREADNOUGHT On page 4 of this-iisue. ■ "The "Weekly "Press" offers Sα for the best, name for the N.Z. Dreadnought. if
Page 10 Advertisements Column 2
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 10
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