The locally owned barque Rona, which is commanded by Captain W. Gordon, is to leavo Adelaide during the next few days for Edithhurg, where eh c ,wiU load, a cargo, of salt for Napier. "'• l •.■■■• Captain* Douglas, well known in Lyttelton as master of the barque Aldebaran, and later of the barque Banknelds, has taken charge of the barque Casablanca, in place of Captain Heaye, who has retired from the sw». • Captain ■H. Mephan brought the Kurow fron Newcastle to Lyttelton. Captain W. Hutchinga, late of the Kurow, is now in charge of the Waihora, which will - shortly bring a cargo of coal from Newcastle to New_ Zealand ports. On her way beck, from Akaroa yesterday aiternoon the Mararo* passed the Union Company's collier Kittawa, off East Head, about 0 p.m.. The Kittawa wee bonnd from Weetport to Timaru, with a cargo of coal. The Kittawa will arrive her* tomorrow or Thursday to finish discharging. The Blackball ; Coal Company's collier Petono arrived yesterday morning, with a cargo of cool from Greymoutb. The veesel will coal thf- New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Paparoa to-day, and. will. leere tonight on her return to Gi-eymouth. The Ctnterbury Steam Shipping Company'e scteoner Breeze arrived during the night with a carjjo of timber from Grcyroouth. After discharging, the Breeze will go into dock for survey 'and overhaul and afterwards go to Ormaru and Timaru to load fot Wellington, Nfpier, and -Gieborne. The steamer Waimoe is due b«ck here late to-night or early to-morrow morning , with a load of sheep from Crcixelles. The Corinna, which Arrived at Akaroa on Sunday, acted as tender for the Mararoa yesterday. She afterwards came on to Lyttelloti. and will fl»il thi« mx Wellington, Ifelson, New Plymouth, and Oiiehunga. Tn* Whangape is d\ie «t Btmbury to-day (i> loud jaxrah for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dur.edin.
It -is reported that the f mall barque lone, which left Newcastle on the Bth inst., for Bunbnry. will load, jarrah there for.» New Zealand port. It is reported that the large French barque Bosenet, 1957 ton*, is loading lumber at Portland. Oregon, for Dunedin. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Paparoa, which arrived in the atreem on Sunday night from Nelion, vrae berthed yesterday morning. The vessel will complete lop.din? and conlint? here, and will be a full ship when she sails finally on Thursday for Lordon. via, Afonto Video, Teneriffe, and Plymouth.
The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company* liner lonic is expected to arrive here to-
the remainder of her space, * cd "}" ** * full ship when ehe l*avw Lytte.ton on ThurJdw for West of port*. Tb" Federal-Hou-der-Shir* stewo CornM i° i, due here on Thursday from West of England ports, and will «H*"^ S to Dunedun to finish discharging. lire Cornell will take thelApnl Wmg •* Zealand ports for the West of I * l * , - „_. A largo steamer, bound north, paaeea LvtteHon Heads at 5 p.m. yesterday. "The Axapawa left Pnponga yesterday morning with a cargo of coal for Lyttelton, and will arrive here to-night. The Kaiapoi Shipping and Trading Company's et«amer KelraM armed, m theWai£akoriri river yesterday evening with * cartro of timber from K*rajne» fox Kaiapm. Tht schooner which entered the Head* l»te on Sunday night prenred to be tne J{ornin«r Light, with « cargo of *» ttb « J" , "* Waitapu. Th* Tcesel wmved in port at 12.40 a.m. yeeterday, aad bertlied *t tae Pl The well-known mow Whangaro*, now it Melbourne, has been chartered to load hardwood at Teanwnii. for • • Zealand After a long p*es»#« of TO daye from New York, the Austrian steauier Georpa emTett at Auckland yeeterday morning. The veseel has « larpe cargo of caee oi!e for the "Vacuum Oil Company to be landed »«■ Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelten and Dunedin. After disoharsrinff * he yt *?* x Jf 1 ' 1 L oad for London, under charter to the Aew £**- land Shipping . Compaay.
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 9
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