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The ninth annual sports meeting, held at Lancaster Park yesterday, m continuation of the series of contests j making up the New Zealand L'niver- j sity Tournament presented several | notable features. For the nrst time since the tournament was inaugurated nine years ago, one college, Auckland University College, failed to secure a single point in the championship event*, and the weakness of the northern representatives seems to bo. more proi.xiuieea than ever. Two new records were also established, the time for the 220 yds Hat being reduced from 23 tf~nh sec. put up by W. H. Moves (Canterbury College) in 1904, to 23 *2-sth sec, recorded bj- H. (hue (Canterbury College.) yesterday and that tor the 100 yds flat from 10 2-oth sec, previously standing to the credit of R. Hay (Auckland University College) to 10 1-lOth sec. the time achieved by R. Opie (Canterbury College). The shorter flat races and the ' hurdle events were all done in good ! times, but tho other performances wero only moderate. The form shown by tho Canterbury College representatives was. in the main, much superior to that <>t thn other competitors, no fewer than nine events beina; won by Canterbury College men. The result was to jp'c the College a large majority of points ever the other affiliated colleges, and thus to secure to the College the possession of tho championship shield for tho coming year. Of the 39 points possible, Canterbury College scored 19. Victoria Collect (Wellington) 11. and Otago University 9, Canterbury College seeurinc 10 wins, nine firsts and a spcortd: Victoria College nine wins, two fh-!=is aTi-1 seven seconds; and Otago University' s"ven vins. two firpt nnrt five seconds. Tht? ground wns soft. Tho unexpectedly britht afternoon brought out a fair attendance of spectators, mostly students and friends. Details of the different events are as follow : — Putting 161b Weight Championship. Present champion, G. S. Collius (C.C.). University record, 35ft 7iin, H. Stowe, 1933—\\. Grace (C.C.), 3lit 2in, 1; C. V. Baigsnt (0.U.), •tm B*in, 2; W. H. Wills (A.U.C.). 29it sin. 3 11. C. Gudex (C.C.) and J. Wilson (V.C.) blso competed. Ono Mile Flat iormer cViampioa, L. A. Dougall (C.C.). University recoru, 4min. 3(ssec, L. A. Dougall (C.C-), 1310-L A. Dougail (C.C.), 1; T. Kigg (V.G. , 2 T. M. Haelett (0.U.). D. S. Smith (V-C.), and C. S. Thomas (C.C.) also started. Higi? liii for the first lap, Dougall rwnnin.3 ReconJ At tho end of the first !u;i Smith dropped out, and Thomas follov.-r 1 half a lop later. Dougall made tho pace, and drawir.g away from Rißg, won by two yards. Time, 4min 37 l-sth aec. " ~ ■ 220yd3 Flat Championship. Former champion R. Opio (C.C). University record. 23 3-sth sec, W. H. Moyes (CO. UiOl-R. Opie (C.C), 1; A. T. Duncan (V.C), 2;L.11. Mtßrido (0.U.), 3. X. R. Jacobscn (A.U.C.), O J. Reid (0.U.). F. W. Schramm (C.C), and G. S. Strack (V.C.) also competed. Opio trok the lead at an early stage of the race, 'and won by ten yards. Time, 23 2-stn sec, a new record. , Long Jump Championship. Former enampiou Her. F. Rands (0.U.). University record 21ft llin, C. M. Gilray (0.U.). 10C7----,T N. Millard (0.U.), 20ft lin, 1; C». S. Mackenzie (C.C), 19lt 6in, 2; A. H. Bo ? le (V.C.) left lljin, 3. W. Alexander (OX.), P. J. Macnamara (V.C), J. B. Reynolds (A.U.C.). R. Young (CO, -and W. H. Davy (A.U.C.) eleo competed. 120vds Hurdles Championship. Former champion, A. H. Bogle (VC.) Bc*t, 17 l-sth sec, T. N. Holmden (V.C ), 1307 University standard. 17»ec— I irst heat: A. H. Borlo (V.C.), 1; R. Low'dale (C.C), 2. J. K. Millard (0.U.) also parted, 17 4-sth Fee. Second heat: W. C. Harlej (CO l; C. H. Strack (V.C). 2. Time, A H ilogle (V.C), 2; C. H. Strack (V.C), 3. K'Lonidale (C.C.) also started. Lonsdale, whose course had previously been encroached !on by another competitor fell at the fourth hurdfo from tho finish. Harlcy and Bogle were- together at tho last hurdle, but the farmer wee the quicker away, and won by a
eSOydt Flat Championship. Former champion? Ii- A. Dougall (C.C.). Umvc-rerty decora 2min 3 l-sth sec, A. S. Henderson (V.C.), (V.C.), 2; N. R. Jacobsen (A.U.C.), 3 C. \. Mart*" ThomeS led for the first lap, then champion H. Hamilton Wilson (V.C) 98ft 3in, 1; V Rjjtherfcrd $IW;79KWin,.2. A. J. Wigley (C.C.) and .iC Hamilton (O U.) also competed 230yde -Flat Open Handicap-F. Cook, 3vdV 1- W. li. Peterson, scr, 2; B. Gallapher (lTd behind ecr), 3 Xhese were <ho only starters. Time, 25 2-6 th sec. 1000 yds Flat Open H«n£cap-N. Golde- - SS, V: i 80y<U ebo started.. A good wee and a fine finish. Time, 2min 22 2-ath Be i6ova« Flat Championship. Former chamiTr (Inii (CO. University record, sec Second heat: L, H. Mcßnde (O.TL) 1. F <C.C.) 2 R. B.Tyrer(V.a) 3 Won by inchee. Time. 10 4-ath_ecc. Final- BOoie (C.C.) 1. L.. H. Mcßndc §U> 2 0 J- K«a (0.U.) 3. Opie again i«d the field, and won easily by cix yards. ; ihe« w a9 a very close contest for »econd place. Time, 10 1-lOth sec, a new record. Mile "Walk Championship.. Former champion. H. Hamilton (O.ISX Best performance 7min 21 2-sth sec H.- Hamilton_(OLU 1909. ' University standard, 7mm Twvneham (CO 1. G. M. Cleghorn (V.C.) IE K. Webb (C.C.) 3. A. Hamilton (OV) also started. Hamilton, after beinsr cautioned/ was disqualified m .the second lap Ho was then ft lon K way in the lead, and continued in the race till the finish Twvnehiim was following at tho time and wMdns in good style he won by about Thirty g vard S g Time. 7min 33 1-Sth see Hieh Jump Charomonship. rentier d,SSU A V• Brookfield g.Uj . Uversity record. sft 6im. C. F. D. /.ook (CO 190G—A. W. Urookfieia (0.U.), oft 3?in 1; N. Millard (0.U.), sft 3in 2. W. Oraie (C.C), P. J- Macnamara. (7.C.). and, A G Marshall (A.XJ.C.) also competed '4-lOyds Flat Championship. Former chamnion R Onic (C.C). University record, 51 2 sth kc W H Movea .0.C.). 1903-H. O pi o «J.C.)T A. W. Brookfield (O.U) 2, G S. Mackenzie.(C.C.) 3. From a good sUrt Opie rapidly distanced Brookließ, arid won by about seron. yards. Time. Si 3-sth sec. Ono Mile Flat Open Handicap—B. P. Murray, 95vds. 1; C. Puph. ecr, 2; >. Goldebury.-esyds. 3. C. H Flanagan 130yde al«o atarted. Won by a foot after a nne finish, a similar distance separating the second md third men. Time, 4mm io 3-sth Three Miles Flat Chamoionship. Former champion, T. Kigg (V.C).. Beat performtrace, ISmin 66*ec. T. Rigg (V.C). 1303University standard. lSmin SOsec—T. Rißg IXC.) 1 D. S. Smith (V.C) 2. T. M. Haslett (0.U.l 3. D. F. Bauchop (C.C.) and C. Malthua '(C.C.) al»o started. Bauchoo dropped out dnrincr the fourth lap, and Malthus who had fallen a 'ong way in the rear. Tetired shortly afterwards, in the 'a«t lap Rigc came awny »nd won by twenty ynrds. Time, 16min 13sec. 44Ovds Hurdles Chammonship. Former chamoion. A. H. Bople (V.C.). UniveMrty record 61 2-sth sec. A. S. Henderson t\ X.) S. (C.C.I 1. A. H. Bogle (TC) 2 A. "W. BrsokfieJd (O.C). W. C. ITarley (C.Ci, and C. H. Strack (Y.C.) also Hsrted. Brookfie'd ana Strack fell at «he first hnrdle. The two placed men and HaTley were close together towards the finish, but Mackenzie cleared ihe last hurdle Srst. and -won by throe yards. Hnrley finicbed second, bet was disqualified for knocking cyer the last hurdle. Time. 6:3 l-3th sec. 4-tOyds Fat Ot>en Har.dica.p—W. "L. PaterRon. 6vd«. 1: E. Williams. 20yds. 2; C. Ps!£h. "liyds. 3. Won by three yards, iluie, 53 4-sth "sec. Belay Race, oni» mile—Canterbury Coll»pe (G. S." Mackenzie. R. Opie. L. A. Doijg«H arid C. S. Thomas) 1. Otw?o University <L. H. llcßridc. A. W. Brookfield, Tt. Reid md T. M. Haslett) 2. Auckland university md Victoria also competed. Time, 3min 42 l-sth ice.
Tn;r-of-War —First ronnd: Victoria College beat Auckland "University College. Second round: University be*t Canterburr College. Final: Ot»go University beat "Victoria College.
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 9
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1,349ANNUAL SPORTS. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 9
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ANNUAL SPORTS. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 9
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