The wet weather yesterday raormnß interfered with tho continuation ot play in the Canterbury Lawn Tennis Association's Easter tournament, and only a few games were decided. In the' afternoon, -when the weather cleared, play was resumed with vigour, and mood headway was made. The final "of the schoolboys' handicap was played, and the contestants— Hawley and Seay—cave an excellent exposition, of tennis. Hawtey won the first five games, but Seay then scored, and thereafter play was fairly equal, though the coolness of Hawley and the general accuracy of his play stood out prominently, and he eventually won, 9—6. To-day the tournament will be resumed (weather permitting), at 9 a.m. following are the results:— CHAMPIONSHIPS. Men's Singles—Third round: Goss b*«t Goaf rev, 6-2. 6-1; Bonnington beat Jeffrey, w.0.; Jennings bent Watchorn. 6-2, b-2; Jennings beat Bonnington, 6-4, 6-1. Men's Doubles—First round: Parsons and Watchorn beat Borrows and Roes. 6-8, 6-3, 6-4. Second round: Kiver and Goss beat Greenwood and Hobbs. 6-1, 6-0. Ladies' Singles—First round: Miss Finch beat Miss Cuthbert, 6-1. 6-1; Mias Butterworth beat Miss Scott, 6-2. 6-3. Ladies' Doubles —Second round: Mrs bora ant . Miss Scott beat Misses E. and A. Cox, 6-3 6-1. , _ Combined Doubles—Second round: Parsons and Miss Miles beat Styone und Miss Tayler 6-1 e- 3 ; Gosh and Miss BuUrwortb. beat E.J. Ross and Mies Cotton, 6-0, 6-1. HANDICAPS. Schoolboys' Singles—Final: A. K. Hawley (owe 15) beat G. Seay (scr). 9-6. Men's Singles (First Grade)— Third round: Watchorn (owe 15) beat G. L. Berry (rec. 3-6 15), 9-6; Greenwood (owe 3-6 15) beat Bonnington (owe 15 3-6), retired. Second round: Parsonson (scr) beat C. G. McKcllax (rec. 15 2-6) 9-6. Men's Singles (Second Grade)— Second round: W. S. Somerville (scr) beat T. E. Cook (rec. 15 2-6). 9-8; H. Cook (rec. 4-G 13) beat F. Brown (rec. 3-6 15). 9-8; J. Goss (rec. 30) beat Pritchard (rec. 3-6 15), 9-3; W. Goss, jun. (rec. IS 2-6) beat M. Somerville (rec. 15 2-G), 9-7; S. Atkinson (rec. 5-6 13) beat G. Seay (rec. 15 1-6), 9-6; H. Cooke (rec. 4-6 15) beat Brown (3-6 15), 9-8. Third round: A. K. Hawley (rec. 3-6 15) beat W. Goss, jun. (rec. 15 2-6), 9-7. Laaies' Handicap Singles (Firet Grade) — Second round: Mrs uerry (owe 15) beat Miss Bowron (rec. 15 3-6), 9-6. Ladies" Handicap Singes (Second Grade) —Second round: Miss Bishop (rec. 30) beat Miss Frankish (rec. 30). 9-7; Miss Goesett (rec 4-6 15) bent Miss E. Crichton (rec. 15), 9-8; Miss A. Menzies (rec. 4-6 15) beat Miss N. Menzies (rec. 4-6 15), 9-2.
Ladies' Handicap Doubles —Second ronnd: Misses E. and A. Cos (ser) beat Misses Frankish and Cotf-dery (rec. 80), 9-2; Misses Cuthbert and Luxton (rec 5-G 15) beat Mrs Ballantyne and Miss Loversey (scr), 9-6.
Combined (First Grade)— Second round: Berry and Mrs Berry (aer) beat E. J. Boss and Miss H. M. Cotton (roc. 2-6 15), 0-3; Bstllantyne and Miss A. Cox (rec. 15) beat W. E. Styche and Miss Tayler (rec. 15 2-6). 9-4. Third ronnd: Kaitland and Miss Campbell {rec. 15 2-6) beat Hay and Miss Souter (rec. 15), 9-7; Butterworth -and Miss Cotton (scr) beat Pcnn and Miss Good' man (owo 15), 9-8."
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 8
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