(PKESB ASSOCIATION TELEOEAM.) HAWERA, March 38. The Patea Racing Club's Easter Meeting to-day Vas very successful, being favoured Toddy, Drudgery, Lantern, Marutoa, and The Leader were scratched. FOTNG HANDICAP of 85 so vs; six fur-longs-MuJga Bill, Bat 9lb. 1; Valentme, 9st. 2: Ambergris, Bst 61b, 3. Maori Rifle and Whata were scratched. FARMERS' PLATE, of 53 soys; about one mile—Queen's Prize 1. Firaumea 2, Bon Cyr 3. Patrobus, St. Venton, and Rarotonga were srratched. EASTER HANDICAP, of 100 eovs; one mile and three furlongs—£>ismarck, Sst, i; Paul, Sst 121b, 2; The Leader, Bst 2lb, 3. Silva and Tsushima trere scratched. Bismarck took command two furlongs from home, and won by two lengths. KAKARAMEA STAKES, of 65 sove; weight-for-age; about four furlongs—Ngajirunamu 1, Contralto % Kinekorangi 3. The Native, Stewardess, Ngaturi, and Clemane. ■were scratcned. BOROUGH STAKES HANDICAP, of k5 eovs; seven furlongs—Royal Youngster, 7<rt 1; Starboard, 9st, 2; Sandy Paut 7st 121b. 3. Shining Star, I'hc -Keaver, and Lora Lea were scratched. ALTON HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of
Newport, 3ft 13lb, 2; Feu de Joie, 9»t slb, 3. Al! started. FINAL STAKES, of 55 eeve; weight Bst 71b; four furlongs and a half—Valentine J, Contralto 2, Ambergris 3. Katipo, Idolatress, Timothy, Kiaroa, Lady Mars, Langshan, Xgatun, Old Maid, Silver Spur. Clemsein, Sylphin, and Soult— lota gelding also started.
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 8
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