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KAWAKAWA HUK!:LKS. of 2M wvs; scoond 35 soys, «nd tUirtl 15 eovs from etakf About two nt^M. - ?o s t J iii D b ouglas ' s " !k » 2. g Hydrant, g 4 Maidi list 31b (W. Fletcher), 3 Gold Bird lOst <5Jb ,Mur'e,-h), ar.d * Aoransi foVt Sib (H. Telfordi niso -Mrted KSi-Si STe^hlThi^^-bone stake One miie and three-quarters. 3 G Green's eh f Windage, by_Euroc-Iydon-Sant. Katanna. i 6 - J ic£ d ?.rt2i ß Merry = 2 . w J. Douglas's b g lljrt 3 1 Whimper 9st 13lb (J. Lyford). - Nightmare Qst (S. Abbott), and 5 *iimitangx 9st, car. 9st Sib (H. Futcher) also Bt.rted (Winner trained by C. Windage led all the way. and won easily by three lengths. Himitangi feM. Time, 3min 32 2-sth sec. „, FEILDING CUP, of 500 boys; second <o govs, and third 25 soys from stake. Une rai.'c' and a half. 2. W. Mcßeth's b m Crucinella, by San Francisco —Charente, Syrs, 9st slb (i. Pritchard) I 3 G H. Gibson's eh g Coronetted; 4yrs, 7sl Blb •• ■• (F. Coleman) 2 7. D. Koakes's b g Koran. Syrs 7st 71b (H. liatten) 3 4 Sandstream 9at 4lb (E. Lowe), 1 Milan Bst 12'b (A. Oliver), 8 Parable Bst 21b (J. Kemp), 5 Bourrasque 7st 12lb (W. Price), 10 To Puia 7st 41b (Ayres), 9 Adria 7st 21b (W. D 6 Upland 7st (J. Eva), and 11 Marton 6st 7lb (McDonald) also started. (Winner trained by M. Gardner.) Koran led around tho home turn, but at the distance was passed by Cmcinella *nd Coronetted, CnicinelJa winning easily by tw.) lengths; a length uetween second and third. Time, 2min 33 2-sth sec. ONEPUH'I HACK WELTER, of 100 eovs; second 20 boys, and third 10 soys from stake. About one mile. 1. A. Jackson's b g John, by Cuirassier —Mataraatabarakeke, 4yrs, 9st 3lb (F. Coleman) 1 3. Lance Wood's b f Utoaine, 4yrs, Bst lib .. •• .. (W. Price) 2 5. W. C. Vincent's m m Royal Maid, syrs, Bst lib .. .. •■ (F. Cress) 3 2 Liquid Air 9st lib (A. Oliver), 7 Chase Mab 9st (T. Pritchard), 4 Waitoto 9st Blb (J Lyford), 11 Kimmerian Bst 21b (G. Lee), 6 San Lass 7st 12lb (E. Lowe), 8 Rangikapua 7st lllb (J. McDonald), 12 Stevens 7st lllb, car. 7st 13lb (A. Ncale), 8 Embrocation (W. Ayres), and 10 Epsom Downs 7st lllb (C. Price) also started. (Winner trained by owner.) Won easily by a couple of lengths. Time, lmin 47 2-sth sec. HALCOMBE WELTER, of 200 eovs; second 35 eovs, and third 15 s<vrs from stake. Seven furlongs. 5. A Alexander's b g Goodwin Park, by Sylvia Park—Vivat, 4yrs, Bst 71b (A. Oliver) 1 1 G Clareburt's b m Lady Menschikoff, 4yrs, Bst 13lb .. (C. Clareburt) 2 4. W. J. Vincent's blk f Passive, 4yrs, 7st 121b .. •■ .. (F. Cress) 3 8 Nyland Sst 10lb (T. Pritchard), 2 Flingot Bst 81b (W. Ayres), 6 Redwing Sst (F. Coleman), 8 Captain Bell 7st lllb Price), and 7 Afterthought 7st lllb (E. Lowe) also started. (Winner trained by F. Tilley.) Won by half a length, same between eecond and third. Time, lmin 29 4-sth sec. ONGA HACK HANDICAP, of 100 sove; second 20 soys, md third 10 soy« from stake. About five furlongs. 4. R A. McDonald's eh g. Ascalon, by Conqueror—Kokirikori, 4yrs, 6et 101b (R. McDonald) 1 3 P. W. Sarsfield's eh g Royal Marine, 3yrs, 9st .. ■■ (T. Pritchard) 2 1. G. F. Moore's b g Beacon, 6yrs, 7st 41b .. .. .. (F. Coleman) 3 2 Lady Doris Bst 4lb (A. Oliver), 9 Genuine 8»t 31b (W. Price). 5 Lady Moutoa 7st 9]b (E. Lowe), 7 Blond 6st 13lb (J. McDonald), 8 Leolanter 6st 13lb {W. Ayrca), end 6 St. Kildare 6«t lllb (I. Eva) also started. • (Winner trained by owner.) Won easily by * length, Beacon, close up, third. Time, lmin 7sec.SECOND DAY'S ACCEPTANCES. DENBIGH STAKES, of 200 soys; six furlongs—North East 9st 12lb, Lord Soult 9st 91b Hermia 6st 9lb. St. Bill 6st 9lb, True Shot 7st I3lb, Myland 7st Blb, Mon Ami 7st 31b Red Ring 6st 9lb. AWAHURI iIAGK WELTER, of 100 eovs; one mile and a distance—John * lOst 101b. Strathmoira lOet lib, Bismaik 9st 6lb, Liquid Air Bst 10lb San Lass 7st 121b, 7st 91b, Plantation 7st 7lb, Embrocation 7at 71b KIMBOLTON HURDLES, of 150 eovs; onb'milo and three-quarters—Maku list, Maidi lOst lllb, Oryx lOst 91b,. Gold Bird 9st. OROUA HACK HURDLES, of 100 soys; one mile »nd a half—Pikopo list 101b. Goldbir.l list lib, Whimper lOst, Chase Mab 9st 121b Koheroa 9st- 7lb, Merry Lawn Ost 61b, Nightmare 9st 2lb. Ranter 9st. EASTER HANDICAP, of 300 soy«; one mil's and a quarter—Crucinella 9at 131b. Sandstitam Bst 131b, Milan Bst 9lb, Coronetted 7st lllb Para-blo 7st 9lb, Koran 7st 9lb, Lady Menschikoff 7st Blb, Adria 7st lib, Te Pni* 7st, Golden Eagle 6st 91b. • REWA HACK HANDICAP, of 100 nove; six furlongs—Toanga 9«t 91b, Golden Loop 9st 31b, Royal Marine Bst 121b, Guiding Step 7st Olb, Ascalon 81b, Mdree 7st Sib, Koucon 7st 51b Royal Maid'7st 21b, St. Kilda'j 6st 131b, Leolanter 6at 12lb, Nukuhau 63* lOlb. Repeat 6«t 10lb. MAKINO WELTER, of 150 eovs; about one mile—Coronetted 9at 61b, Bourraiquo 9st 81b, Ptrable 9st 31b, Goodwin Park 9st lib. Hydrant Bst 21b, Marton 7st 41b, Passive 7st 121b, Capt. Bell 7st 10lb, x»>edwing 7st 9tb, Afterthought 7st 71b.
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 8
Word Count
885Untitled Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 8
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Untitled Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 8
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