-i 618 ERNEST BHACRXETON. WASHINGTON,' March 27. President Taft received Sir Ernest Uekleton at ihe White Bouse. BATTLESHIP FLEET. k «ir £****» battleship m &c& wfl rsßt the Mediterranean in > ««wbtr, and tlwn proceed to Cuba. ■ SHIPPING AGENT FINED. wffb the agent for the • HollandAjwmeaa rteamahip line at New Fork, «?*«• atnriad in Norembw for nojgji tf the intestate laws, admitted "wnug rebatw, and was fined 3000 dollar* on each of three count*. AN INTERESTING DISCOVERY AC r X PA *IB. March 27.' Bheaß ? opnt^n ß «ome magnificent vases, bowls, and bracelet. 2 tend to be fro* S^^SfcS, : • POISONOUS FISH. ,- ST. PETERSBURG, Mirch 27 Jror> an itinerant salesman AN ASTRONOMEII MURDEHBD deceived Maroh 59tb, M.ao »,n,) An »X WNMS - "wile , • •ii^T ß, * 1 * m esaenger, visited and
TIGHTENING THE BONDS. • MELBOURNE, March 28. have been completed «* sending a contingent of Australian ™s to tour England. The lads leave °«3Ujlßth. x THE AUSTRALIAN NAVY. £ ADELAIDE, March 28. !' n*****' , "* 1 ?" 5 ® men of the Australian I -I™? 1 Bri « t * de hmre •■fled for England *o brine; out the Australian destroyers. | v A BOXING MATCH. $' BRISBANE, March 28. During an open air boxing match some seat* collapsed, and five men seriously hurt. [ INTER-STATE BOWLING. (Received March 28th, 10.10 p.w.) SYDNEY, March 28. Queensland defeated Victoria, at Dowls, winning the rubber. They secured the deciding game by a point.
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 7
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