SUFFERED FOUR TEARS FROM BACKACHE AND DISEASED "SO "WEAK I COULD NOT ATTEND TO MY HOUSEHOLD DUTIEST" "I have been a. sufferer for the past four years from backache and diseased kidneys," writes Mrs L. Hodgson, 210 Crown street, Darlinchurst, NS W "and althouch I tried all the advertised medicines for my ailments nothing seemed to do mc any good, and as I gradually grew wore e I had my fears that I would eventually be a victim of Bnc&t s disease. I also suffered from dizziness, and my eyes were very sore The pam m roy back was so severe that I was really bent with it mv appeiate was completely gone, and I was always ailing, and so weak that I could not attend to my household duties. TV,',' 1 foaHy tri«d Dr. Sheldon's Gin Pills with beneficial results, for after having taken them for a very short period the J*ain from which I had been so long suffering completely disappeared, a speedy cure beinc effected. I can highly recommend Dr. Sheldon's Gin Pills to anyone suffering as I did." For Backache and all kidney troubles use Dr. Shelton's Gin Pills. Price Is6d and SJs 6d. Obtainable everywhere- 4
WHAT « .11 want to-a*y i, . x,*! fo<>a -»»i article «t • lew price, aot » tiioddy v th»t it d«ur »t any prict. Wβ are Hijthclms Tailor*, and turn ont only tbe~er* b«t work AT LOW PRICES. A w fc2 range of all the rery newest in Smtiayg, Fancy etc, unequalled anywhere ,t ute price. BXJITB FBOM U 4a. Give as a eaU, a&a see for yenwelt A%o a fine selection of all tie latert in Hat*, Shirte, Tie*. Fancy Sac. exchuirTdt Rgss, and at price* to taxi all J. HENDERSON and CO., High-clau Tailors rmd Mercers, Bayal Ezceanc* BniUings, WOBCSSXEB STREET. Ciii*tdmron. CCDU
Page 5 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 5
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