ARTIFICIAL TWILIGHT. This unhappy state of affairs can easily be remedied. Minson's 13s 6d Incandescent Burner can be put on your lamp, and- burns less oil than the burner you are using. 4
■ Your friends alw»ys appreciate an artistic photograph of yourself, especially co when you go to H. H. CLIFFORD, Art Photographer, Studio: 171 Cashel 6
Easter Ready-to- Wears At Hollander's you'll find a fine selection of Costumesof the very latest cut, long coats, stylish materials at from 31/- to 5 guineas. 300 to choose from. Also new styies in long coats in tweeds, and cloth's, from 19/6 to 3 guineas. All alterations to fit the figure free. It's ■worth your while to come in and look round now. H. HOLLANDER, 183 COLOMBO ST., Pbooe 2J54. Opposite Gty Cab Stand.
Cc. b v h i. a a • 'Phone Ho. 1670. (Lβte J. Cltgg>. largest Manufacturer e( PEAIiS AKD GO-CAKTS IN NEW ZE&JUA.SD. HIGHEST AWARDS WHEREVEB EXHIBITED. Pi*»i» ca!l «uidf inspect, or writ* tot liiU3:rated Catalc-spia, AddrMs: J7B HIGH STEEEI C4iji lOppotii* Jfcught, BaluiarJ
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 5
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