WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS il Being diiect importers, are in a position to offer Watches and Jewellery of/ yllsl every description at prices which at once moans satisfaction to you. ••' 3iilj£i ENGAGEMENT AND DRESS RINGS. Ifl Wβ import our G«ms direct, and manufacture oar own Ring*, and the ' vwlli benefit of the large saving thus made is extended to our many Patrons, )irflfl Before deciding on your Ring, SEE OUH SPIERDID ASSQRTMEHT ||| and you cannot fail to be pleased. Every articloin our large and Tariff; *S|fflt stock ii guaranteed to be exactly as represented. .-.-'' I^||l NOTE. — Any article purchased from xv may be exchanged if desired. M. SANDSTEiN & SON NEXT BAULANTYNE'S. _ j||| Contributions from " Weekly Press M S Readers. . ;;||§t No. 14 ■ - - . ■■■■■w^Pi £5 FOR A NAME FOR THE N.Z. DREADNOUGHT The " Weekly Press " offers a PRIZE OF FIVE POUNDS for the w 1 Hon of a name for the " Dreadnoniht " which New Zealand is rivine to rtTf-SS??' Navy. Should the New Zealand Government choo« erne of the narow €' Competitors, the Prize vrill go to the first sender of that name- «522?J& ■-'$ therefere be numbered in the order of their despatch, as nearly as this caoS*»«? "" -S teined from the post-marks, and, otherwise, in the order of thetr receipt. ■% the Government choose a name not among those sent in for this ;-M Editor wfll award the Prite to the name he tbiaks the mort ttSToTthS' "»t submitted. . ' .T^vi./I^CtiS For Conditions of the Competition swP9l " THE WEEKLY PRESS." ||
WORMS. '■■" ' ' ♦ Every child suffers more or lees from those very troublesome parasitce vrhich infest tfie stomach and intestines, thread and stomach worms, which are the catise of much of the irritability, fretfnlness, nnd restlessness in children of all ages. Purgative have no effect upon worroe, they require a epecific remedy. -. . ml ".OEAO-SHOT* f4\ ■laaPEtfßaj Are a safe, sure, and reliable remedy, prepared in the form of a lolly, et{eoTual both with children md adults. A*, ls<6d (6 boxes 8s Gd), at all chemists, or, post free (un receipt of remittance) from tho W. H. Comstock Co., Ltd., Farish street, Wellington. 17
Page 4 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 4
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