The fortnightly meeting of the New Brighton, JijQmgK Cniin__. fold an
Wednesday night. The Mayor (Mr James Glanville) referred in sympathetic terms to the sudden death of Mr J Hayes, Mayor of W'oolston, who had resided in the borough for some considerable time, and on the motion of the Mayor, a resolution of sympathy with Mrs Hayes was pasised. The Mayor said that the Tramway Board would eventually lay the Burwood line to the Beach, though probably this would not be done at once. Before it would put tbe line down the Board ; would require the Council to remove the accumulation of sand at the beach end of Bowhill road. This would be an expensive matter if the work was-done at once, but a good deal of the sand would he shifted in time by tho wind. He suggested that the Works Committee should visit tho spot and bring up a report on the matter. In regard to the beach, the Mayor said that it appeared the Council had no jurisdiction over the foreshore of the beach, and any by-laws which the Council had passed in regard to it were ultra vires. it -was decided to write to the Minister of Marine asking for information in regard to tho Council's powers over the foreshore, and whether the Marine Department would assist in erecting notices and providing life-saving appliances. Mr Chas. Stevens wrote supplying particulars of his Wonderland property, which he had offered to the Council for £1200. The letter was received. An opinion from Mr T. W. Rowe as to tho Council's by-laws regarding bathing on the beach was laid on the table, and it was decided that a tost case should be taken by the police. Cr. Cooke gave notice to move that a new by-law be brought into force entitled the Residential Building Site By-law, in pursuanco of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1908, and the Pubic Health Act, 19C*3. The Town Clerk reported that permits for the ? f tw ° dwellings of the value ot £400 has been granted.
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13667, 25 February 1910, Page 4
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13667, 25 February 1910, Page 4
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