Every year the gathering of the j North Canterbury Public Schjol children at Lancaster Park creates a lot t-.i interest. Before its advent it is awaited with some anxiety, and when it has passed, children, parents, and friends are pleased to see its salient features recorded in the illustrated of "The "Weekly Press." Our contemporary gives the subject a good deal of space this week, and tho engravings are excellent. A panorama of the massed display of the girls and boys shows how surely the numbers that take part in it are covering the park, and it also suggests the patience that must have been exercised by tho teachers in handling, their juvenile performers. The march past of the cadets, bright and lively snaps in tho children's races, the finishes- of several events, the winners of many of th© competitions, and a group of the officials, make up an attractive set of engravings of a most interesting gathering. To the settlers at Cheviot a very important matter was the authorisation of a bridge over th# Waiau, and next to that came tho ceremony of driving the first pile. This provided an opportunity for them to show their appreciation of the £rant, and that they effectively did so is noted by the page of pictures that "The Weekly Press" gives this week of the Hon. T. Mackenzie's visit to the district, when he effectively nave a Ministerial start to tho new bridge.. Among sporting people the innovation of a Sculling Handicap Which was held last week. on the Foxton course, was watched with an amount of interest that may bo exrectcd to be transferred to "The Weekfy Press" this week, as that journal devotes, several pages to the contest, the illustrations including the competitors in their boats, a group of them ready ( to compete, and picturesque scenes during the handicaps. The .hdldins of Agricultural Shows is not yet over, and our contemporary has some good pictures from Egmont and Nelson, and there are several of a widely different subject, the final shoot for the Pyne Medal by the Sprinsjstoh Gun Club. The monthly meeting of the Heathcote School.Committee was held on Friday, Mr Jas Weir presiding. . The roll showed an attendance of 124 children. The pupil teacher handed in her resignation, which was accepted with regret, and it was decided to apply, to. the Education Board for ah assistant mistress in her place. Final arrangements were made for the School Exhibition, to be held on the 17th and 18th instants, to raise funds to pay for the shelter sheds now being erected. The Hon. A. T. Ngata, with Mr T. Parata, M.P., and Mr Poynton, Public Trustee, had an interview with the Maoris of Ngaitahu, at Kaiapoi on Saturday, in reference to the agitation which is taking place in Greymouthfor the piirchaae of the Maori land. This, it is understood, is opposed by the Maori- at Tuahiwi and Canterbury pas. who are interested to the extent of receiving £3000 annually from the rents. After a long discussion on the subject, the Hon. Mr Ngata promised to place his report before Parliament. The usual weekly meeting of the Christchurch Catholic Club was heOd on Tuesday evening. Present—Mr J. R. Hayward. president, being in the chair, and about 30 members present. Six new members were elected, and fivs nominated for membership. After the princioal business had been disposed of the meeting adjourned to take part in"a musical evening arranged. Items were contributed by the following:--Mesdames Dobbin, Harrison, and _•. Evans, Misses Gardner, Remington and CressweW, Messrs F. Evans, Mamdonald; G. Hayward, T. O. Co-nell, Jr.hnston, F. Rowe and Barrett. The new service on the North line commencing to-day is not a strictly motor service. The car to boused _ a large second-class carriage ***bich was on view at the Christchurch Exhibition, and has a guard's brake van attached. The vehicle is fitted to be run by an electric motor, but in the meantime will be run by an engine of the X class. It starts daily from Rangiora at 7.42 a.m.. Kaiapoi 8.3, Belfast 8.18, Papanui 8.30, and arrives at tbe Christchurch station at 8.4-. The same train returns to Rangiora from the city, at 4.30, arriving at Rangiora at 5.32. The third of a series of social gatherings ~as held in tb- Papanui Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening, and proved an unqualified success. The Rev. D. D. Rodger occupied the chair, and the church was crowded. An excellent programme was provided, and the following items were ren_-red: — Songs by Mesdames Graham and Jones, Misses Rogers and Bobbitt and Master Jamea Burgess, a duet by Misses Bobbitt and Morgan, recitations by Mrs Burgess. Misses Low and Barnard and J. Waiter, instrumental items, including cornet and trombone solos by Misses Harvey and Preston, and' Messrs Rogers, Cox, Freeman, and Greig. Accompaniments were played by M_ses Dransfietd, Morgan, Bobbitt, Preston, and Mr Jones. J. A. Clement, tbe new professional of the Christchurch Golf Club, end open champion of New Zealand, in a game on the Shirley links the week before last, played a remarkably fine round, covering the course in &o, details for the various holes being as follow: — Out. 453423543; in, 3434 3 4 4 4 4— total 66. This was a particularly fine performance, the bogey for the course being 78. Clement's score, it is pointed out, cannot be considered as a" record, the score to count tfor which having to be made in competition or stroke play. Nisbet's "Golf Year Book" lays it down that "the record score of a course is one made in a scoring competition, with the holes and tees in their proper medal position. A score made in a match by holes cr against bogey cannot be properly considered a recor<i score. In neither case is the player playing for a total score, but only to beat his opponent at successive holes. There is no score in match or bogey play, and no guarantee that the " course was at its proper length, and therefore there can be no record score' in these forms of the game."
The quarterly meeting of the Avon Licensing Committee was. to have been held on Saturday, but lapsed for want of a quorum. The meeting will accordingly be held at noon to-day. In celebration of the sDth anniversary of the foundation of the Province of Canterbury, a gathering of pilgrims is 10 be held at the residence of_ Mr John Anderson, Armagh street We6t, on Thursday, December 16th. On Thursday the annual excursion of the Southbridse school children waa held at Wainoni Park. On the same _oy the children of the Swannanoa school held a picnic at Cor-f-air Bay. Lyttelton, when the outing was greatly enjoyed by the children. Judging by the attendance at the Domain on" Sunday afternoon, the public thoroughly appreciate the action of the City Council in arranging for the bands "to play there. The Elite Band played a well selected progiamrao of sacred music, which was much enjoyed by those present. The Scottish method of observing the oath, by holding up tho right hand instead of "kissing the Book?' would appear to be growing in popularity among medical men, at least judging by the fact that three out of four doctors who gave evidence at the Arbitration Court on Saturday elected this .method of making tho affirmation. A Press Association telegram from Westport states that Mr Edward Travis. R.A.M., succeeded on Saturday night in regaining the championship of the world! in endurance in piano playing, beating the record recently put up by Mr J. S. Stirton, of Westport, by three minutes, the new Tecord being -0 hours aO minutes. Hospital Saturday in. Dunedin again proved very successful (says a Press A ssociation message). Last ye*"* the collectors made a special effort, and obtained £129-—a record for tho Dominion. On Saturday £678 in cash was received, and with various amounts to be added and collectionsto come in from some thirteen country districts, it is confidently expected to* raise tho total to over £1000. Regarding a paragraph, quoted from the "Otago Dairy Times," which appeared in "The Press" on Saturday relating to the terms of an alleged settlement of the impending litigation between the Otago Dock Trust and Messrs Scott Bros., the contractors, th-. latter state that no such basis of (settlement as that which appeared in Saturday's issue has emanated from them, and moreover it is .one to which they could not possibly agree. As last week's meeting of the Obristchurch Catholic Club, tho President (Mr J. R. Hayward) announeedi the sudden death of Mrs A. J. White. He moved:—'"That this meeting of members and friends of the Christdhurch Catholic Club desire to express their deepest regret and profound sympathy with the Misses White and family in the sad and irreparable losb they have sustained through the sudden death of their devoted mother." The motion was carried unanimously. At the last meeting of the Mandeville and Rangiora River Board, the Surveyor reported that notice had been served' on the occupiers of lands fronting the river Cam to cut and clear overhs ngins trees. The notice had been complied with in some cases. There was no tender received for widening Bays rood drain from the river to the concrete culvert, and the Board resolved to leave the matter to the Snrveyor to accept a suitable offer. Accounta amounting to £35 5s were passed for payment. A very pleasing ceremony was "held on Saturday afternoon on the New Brighton Pier, when the Mayor of New Brighton (Mr James Glanville) made a presentation to the two young men, Messrs A. H. Owles and H. S. jffitehie, who were instrumental in rescuing the little boy Chidgey from drowning off! the Pier on Sunday afti-rnoon-of the 14th of November. In appreciation of the successful efforts of the reteuers, the camners of New Brighton got up a shilling subscription, with the result that their committee were enaoled to purchase two handsome mementos of the occasion. The committee of ihs fiorticultural Society met on Saturday evening, Mr A. R. Ragg presiding. The entries for the Rose Show, to be opened; in thAlexandra Hall to-morrow, were reported to be satisfactory as regards number. Applications'for tabling apace totalled 320 ft, and a telegram was receive*; from a North Island exhibitor asking that sixty superficial feet should be reserved for him. From tbe entries received it is apparent that there will be keen compatition in, the classes devoted to roses. Several. new membera were elected. The City and Suburban Burgesses' Association recently communicated with the City Council and the Drainage Board relative to the removal of _i bank which has formed on the riverbed near the Hospital bridge. At the last meeting of the Association a letter. was received from the Engineer to the Drainage Board, stating that the interference with the riverbed would. Cause the water to sink to the shingle. An opinion was expressed at the meeting that though that might be the case, it was. probable that the loss would be of short duration, and that the river flow would soon form an impervious bottom as the water races had done. Our Dunedin correspondent telegraphs that matrons of private hospitals who were interviewed on the Hospital* and Charitable Institutions Bill, agreed that Miss Thurston, of Christchurch had put the case exactly. An eight-hour system in privaw hospitals would be quite out of the question as matters i stood, and if the law was enforced the proprietors would not be able to make' a , living. It would greatly increase the expenses of private hospitals, and,, in the long run, the public would be the sufferers. -Many people could not, afford to pay more than they did at present, and) it distinctly unfair to tax them further. The Queen of the Oak Lodge of Druidesses held its meeting in the Orange Hall on Friday, December 3rd, The Worthy A.D., Sa. J. Saddler, presiding over a large attendance' of mrmbere. The balance-sheet was received and adopted, the auditors expressing great satisfaction at the progress of the lodge. The following officers were installed by the Worthy D.P.. Bro. Ives, assisted by P.A. Bro. Barnes, of the Pioneer Lodge:—A.D., Sis. M. Smith; V.A., Sis. E. Orr; secretary, Sis. R. Frith; treasurer, S !S . W. Carnie; M. secu-taxy. Sis. E. Large; 1.G., Sis. E. Turner; 0.G., Sis. K. Smith; A.D.B.'s, Sis. M. Saddler and Sis. E. Bosher; V.A.B.'e, Sis. F. Chatterly and Sis. S. Williams. A deputation is to wait on the Waipara Road Board at its meeting at 2 p.m. to-day, to present a petition which has been largely signed by ratepayers, auctioneers, motorists, and others interested in the erection of a bridge over the Waipara. The petitioners ask the Road Board to consent t»o the bridge being built, and state that the Amuri County Council and «_e Kowai Road Board are anxious to contribute towards the cost of the bridge, and, with the Road Board's consent, they would pat up the bridge straigntway., Mr A. Todd, who got up the petition, states that Mr G. B. Starky, who has been moving in the matter of raisirig funds for a temporary bridge over the Waipara. proposes, with the consent of those who have contributed, or have promised to contribute, to hand over the funds he has in hand and the contributions promised, to the local 'bodies mentioned in the event of tne ; Waipa/a Road Board giving its consent jto the erection of the bridge.
At the Juvenile Court on Satrnjifl day morning, a charge ""lTail3pf_n two boys of breaking wiadam* -SrPPJ dismissed, Fir* small girls, «i«w|ffi mother was addicted to were committed to the Receiving Home to be brought up' the Church of England faith. father waa ordered to pay 3s per for the support of each child. ypb A very valuable collection of from Antarctica has been presented the Auckland Museum by Shackleton, through Professor of Sydney. The collection in«lu_w_easr_| thirteen rocks from the shore* of _& Si Mnrdo Sound, where the «_"p.-S!£«jl. wintered, and among other -P-c__Maa-% ■re samples of pumice from Monti Erebus, and fungus peat. ' _\ The executive body of the Auckhuk) $£ No-license party carried" urmriunouJy £$ resolutions of warm approval of solutions passed by the Wellington "§£ vention, demanding separate papers on the issues of No-license **£. *s8 Dominion prohibition, and "rpri*n"a_ **_ unabated confidence in the leaders «P*l the party, and the belief that action would prove of great vela* *,-_*« l the near future. TN2a At the next meeting of the Committee of the Canterbury tural and Pastoral Association, Mr J-*sg_ D. Hall will move:—"That the mitt-ec take steps to arrange a ca__t*£§il enco with the A. and P. Association: '_\ Farmers' Union, meat exporters, agents, and freezing companies, for tfc'„s! purpose of discussing, and, if arranging some method of tfS the meat export trade." *^^» The election by the Member* of _>"_k3j-§ liament (Legislative Council and Bo**?**! of Representatives), and by the bers of registered Agricultural jaj&'g; Pastoral Associations throughout uSL_k-j terbury district, of one member **&_jjj_f§ the Board' of Governors of ___h»l_cS__-_ lege. takes place to-day. *jj_ffi__jj__~ candidates are:—On the franchise, Hon. E. C. J. Stevens *_ffnln Mr J. Witkell; A. and P. CommruSlp representation, Messrs T. Sterick__B||f' A laudable effort to brighten- -ti_MII lives of tho children in the vuiS|9f oharitable institutions and the Honiu__i at Christmas time has been c_____r2mfi!jß very successfully in ©jnnection .■meM& the Masonic Lodges in the Bro. Baldwin, with an emoty __>_a&'_i_* has visited the various lodges out a suggestion made at a !of the Board of Enquiry, and hIf'BMKWB able to collect a T-spectab-e for the object. This will be e_J»i3sll|§ in purchasing toys, etc., for .__ JajjM|j|j|fl_ dren, and will no doubt rn*n|r ~h>pp(MsP_i to many little hearts during ing festive season. '-'"'•• *~l___i Christmas Cookery.—Nsw pii__ig§fl_| boilers, mixing bowls, stirrers ■Bi~__j whips, new cake tins, pattv-p____ • "*fßPw pipes, jelly moulds, and eveTv convenience for the kitchen. -—-Slflfi Bull, and Pickering (opposite ''Bdspifil Messrs Fountain removed from Colombo street WMtlila Warden's, Cashel street: Dentistry in all its branchea; i-a_.'l_fi|m| rate; all work guaranteed. ;•[^f^SfiM For their Annual 6_nmer Sate/a^^a made unusual reductions in. line-lißw___ cannot do without; trousers, stance, in strong tweeds,-; are _net___H-i prioed l —3e lld, 4s lld, fit' 3d tern and wear they have the besttrousers in' the cHy*\ _::'■;•_-- ...'.; ;; -i„ShI Silver Charm Seta, for dings at Is 9d, 2b fid, 8a set; at '"I*______ and Anderson's,' Ironmonger, Cashel street.- ■ '^;*||H_9 Being suitably attired". 'adds, .."SJfjfp—l large measure, to '■ the holiday outing. Probably effective part of a lady's hat, and ladies desiring;'i-to>*iiiß_BHH their best -are.'invited some of the D.I.C. Holiday HMjiflßffl twill are Hats suitable for all '<**&g_____WM Bonnet-shape Motor Hats etc., at lis 9d: Riutic, other Trimmed Hats, from 10a f|fi_B_B| TkJeabk Galatea Hata ones, from 4a lld; Hats for' <_Udi«n at .*l-<3s__ • Summer' Sale •-' Sacri-ces . *&jMJ!_M strong's, Limited. ___es' .trimmed' b*t», lOs 6d, 12s -d;__yi_fß|__l is. 6d, iV-d*. *i^tei*iiM lld; sailor hate, fld; Ja*fa:M*fe^ili__^ Sicnio' hate, la 6d. epartments __r$M flartnett Milking Oil Engin**, Machines, ' are _♦ mscbinw ia New %WMi_p"K______l 'aj-d price* for jQmmrnm*aWm tioM, McCl*Ua__ arfH«^f«U' v «B« Cashel atraet, C3__U_*_t*;-^;^-'--^M Q. B. and O. Tl»-^f-irft_^__W__[_|M 'and chaapaa* ffl ,B 4^i l s^ l _|_2_____l Chriatmaa and New^"m_*s2___<______ friends across the a** •» :4*»: 'sß*_______\_\ laud Express Co.* *. m_mi.: tariff for door to door farvica..; :- , 'jjjglM MR ftARRY Mr Harry oomedian, who »'^*y>,^_|S| :m H_| favourite at' London» *P|^*»lß__J halls, has left America (writea xm 'l* J 'pondent of •^ : Sydn«y;l!WOT_|_|M graph")-'" W_fle _Mr : ' »**Mmm States ha : _!wb-bIT- : ''»Wi_^S[^B Kr s day-than. «s by i-dividrual H___?*__m__ for a 'seaaon. '-*i^»i^»__^_Sl_______l -jnontha is »ome*U*'.^w^_^«_s___________| week. Of all _-atr-_J_<mgacerneirte ar*S»g^ exaggerated, but ..A, » '?*!*__??_________ liatyear ■ it-paid. V_ •4S_f^_-lj___i American thousand, toa BB&**»&~mMaM p«_at_u'- for! a breach ::q%.«_t,|g____i without W-tich ia» 7 W *^___^_____[ Atlantip Lauder is a Sootch methods are hte ow_v • sim West of little *pto**___.!_________ the Bimplest of' styles. .'T '_mi_W______[ is in his big iwtrw. _^-_______S___M and diaket. ■ 1-^'*_"S____| aricThaars this flootdi alwut hi* las* awl his<* fl _9f^_____| feels stronger and c }^_ t _\*!_ l J______[ of heart. You buy They are along the oH often weak, and hpp-K*» ■& m J3_W___ Like the «n«c. ways of Mr Lauder's ■(^■ m read them, and ™ a _^' , 'J___3_______\ cheapness of the ""«»« m , and the ominous o_nft «**!_* J____m__\ You sit in a great m^_\__ M i___MM with cigar smoke and SUM *__*____M men and women. Laoaer *j_3_f!______l sings the songs you ™_ r *__¥s_____M_ And on the sudden yon forget and the smoke and the ir *^____M_\ and drunken metre. L_ud«*_ta-g™| with the touch ** th * CT "*' W T____F London falls behind. fragrant. Yon are out m _f______M skies, back into childhood; circles are reformed; you w^ n and cry under the spell of this MSBI mairician; you thmk of * roa J i _ I S_2___W and wivh they were W _J_*_£*|s____l Then you go out mto tte ab*ent-mindedly, and taJta risks among the crowd. -;!il____
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Press, Volume V, Issue 13598, 6 December 1909, Page 6
Word Count
3,146NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume V, Issue 13598, 6 December 1909, Page 6
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