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« _. The auction announcements of Conway Matson and Sons, jtfew Zealand Farmers' Co-op., Canterbury Fa-mi Co-op., C. A. Le_i arid, Co., Pyne and Co,, Friedlander Bros., Tonksj Norton and Co., Harris Bros., arid National Mortgage and Agency Company will te found on page li of this issue. Mr T: H. Davey, M.P., has informed Mr H. Hunter, secretary to tho Sj-den-ham Burgesses' Association, that he has f E laced the matter „of rebuilding" the ydenham Post Office before the Premier, who has proriiised an early reply. At a meeting of the Clutha Vailey Railway League Mr D. Stewart was •nrianiirioi—3y selected as a delegate to go io Wellington arid co-operate" with the delegation from the Tuapeka Sfouth League in urging noon Ministers the claims of tho Valley route. Our Dririedin .correspondent telegraphs that the settlers of Tuarieha Mouth and adjacerit districts are, it is prefnifed to give a guarantee 1 for a line as ar as the Mouth. It is understood that the" w_l-fcnerwri North Islaftd whaling Mm, Messrs Cdok Brosy, are about to establish a whaling station on the west coast of S—warfc Island, at Mason's Bay, which is conveniently situated for exploiting Fo--reaui Strait and the vicinity ot the Solatiders. In addition td securing oil And bale*n, it is proposed to -Utilise* many of the by-products. Oris novel prod—ct is to Be "preserved whale beef," "to be put tip iri tins. It is said to find a ready market in China arid Japan at fc periny a potirid. It is fttrther c6riteTirplated to convert the refuse into fertilising materials. At the meeting of the- Ashburton Borortgh Council on Monday night, Cr. D. Wood referred, po the iieed of an inipfbved trairi service so far as the morning arid evening trains to and frs_ Chfistchufbh were concerned. He thought a gdbd case could be made o\ii and. pressure" brought. to bear on the Railway Department if th© people of Ashburtdri acted in coneerfc with the people of Itakaia arid Mefchyeri. It was decided; oil Cf; Wptids's riidtidri,to write td tile Minister of Railways asking hirti to accelerate* the speect ofNtho . trairi service betwee— Ashburtda arid Ohristchiirch 6_ each Wednesday, say, by at least half an hour; A' Press Assdciation teldsrani frorii Masterton states that Mr Pownall, coliettor for tho hi the tecent liqrior case, where a fine -iras iiripesed" for keeping liquor for sale, states that he will probably test the point rdlse' him, that Masterf ton la riot a No-license as-the result of thd was never (published, and consequently the eleetorij had ho opportunity of objectirtg to any alleged; irregiilaritie-s withiri fourteell days, as rirovided for by the Act. It is contended that the electors'have still the right of objection if a re-count is published now, arid if the Licensing Committee refuse to sit, he will for a mandamus compelling them to do so* At the) fortnightly' meeting Of the New Brig_toii Borough Coflncil on Mobday night, an application for, perinissioh to erect an "ocean tvave" da the teach was granted Subject to certain conditions; Mr C. H. Black wrote expressing his surprise at. the report of the last Cduncil meeting, wherein it was staled that a lists of names of forty-tain© probable consiiriiefs of gas had been forwarded to the Christehrirch Gas Cdinpany, when the writer and many others to whom he had SDokeil had neve? been asked to put their names on tho listj although the Council promised to have tbe borough systematically canvassed. The Town Clerk said he had spent three days over the work, and a number of people were not at home, and others declined to nut in gas for tenants' use. Cr. Scoble said the proposal would probably fall through. Cr. Sellars suggested that another canvass should be made by the, in the evenings when the male portion of the Community would bo at home, and he offered to make one of the committee to do so. No action was and the letter was received. The Town Clerk reported that during tho last fortnight fortf building permits had beeri granted for dwellings to the total value of £1650—one at £159 and three at £500 each.

•■ On July 30th, 19CS, when the producer gas plant was started at the pumping station, there were 0221 houses connected with the sewers. iiy the end ol September last the cf houses connected had increased to 7319. At the last meeting of the executivo committee ,jn connection with the. domain Fete, the secretary, Mr _. JRighton, was instructed to obtain information relative to the prospects o« selling commemorative buttons and postcard views of the Domain, and report at the nest meeting. Has there been a slump in gra_ophones and records, due to bad times. It seems like it (writes our Lcndcm corrrtr.'ondent under date of September 10th), for the directors of the Gramophone Compariv announce that the trading profit for the past financial year'is not sufficient to justify the payment of a bonus, while the interim quarterly dividend of 5 per cent, is lower than last year. Bishop Julius made the following reference to St. Luke's church in ,h ls Synodical address yesterday: — in© opening of this session will be long con- ; nected with the consecration of the statoh- and beautiful church of St. Luk©'in this city. The conception of such a costly work. and the consecration of the church, complete in every part, and absolutely free of debt, are duo, under the blessing of God, to the faith and devotion of the vicar, vestry, and people of St. Luke's. We heartily congratulate the Rev. W. W. Sedgwick on this noble reward of all his toil. Tho Commissioner of Taxes sued James Gower Chambers, m tho \\ ellington Magistrate's CoUrt_ yesterdavy for £20, being income tax of a sum of £375 made ty defendant as New Zealand representative for certain British traders. Defendant contended tbat neither directly nor nidirectlv had ho sold goods on which tho tax was sought to be levied, neither did ho hold any money for the firms concerned, nor a' power of attorney or authority to oay money on their behalf. The Magistrate held that the defendant was liable, and give judgment frr tho amonnt claimed, with four guineas costs. "1 never cease" to wonder at endurance of those who sit for ! oiig hours.during cmr debates, in thcr unwholesome golleries of this Synod Hall," said Bfehop Jfllin* in his synodical address yesterday. "The rapid' decay of th© building in which ita met for so many years will soon compel tre to look elsewhere for shelter. * Although we havo not been able as yet to avail ourselves of the bequest made by the late Sir John Hall for this purpose, I Am not without hope that it will be found possible ere long to build a Chapter "House at the east ene? of our Cathedral, of such .rA-o'porfcioiis as will entirely satisfy our recffiirem'eri'te, provide a central hall for church purposes, arid add greatly to the dignity arid beauty of the Cathedral." At last night's meeting of th« Drainage Board the engineer preseTited a re*p'ort on the application of the Beautifying Society to place a dam o_ the site of the lato Exhibition da„. He appended letter's which were received ' prior id the erection of afttf during tho existence of the Exhibition dam, and also a letter received from Dr. Symes since last meeting, all of which were adverse. Personally lie did not think the raising of tho river to a tec-derates extent* would materially affect matters .-fei far as this dffiiriage of the tlisttitft 3as concerned, hxtt there could bo no otibt that, os Dr. Syntes pointed out, it would terid to raws the levej of the: subsoil water, which was certainly not desirable. The engineer added tSiat he could not helo being.of opinion that should the Board sanction the erection of the" dam it would most probably involve it in legal difficulties. It wis resolved to take no action in the 1 matter. The monthly meeting of the I y.M.C.A. Board of Management was . held at the rooms oil Monday last. Present —Mr Salter (in the chair), the §cv. J. Mackenzie, Messrs A. W. eavanj T. C. Field/ 'It. Ffitchj W. • Goss, P. Heretis, A. Kave, W. Mason, J. Mitehell, J. I. Rbyds, J. Rodger, J. F. Roberts, arid the general secfetary. Apologies for absence were received from the Hon. G. J. Smith arid ! the Rev. H. Ptirchas. Eight new ; inerilbers were elected. The secretary fepofted .thafe absence from town, find the jiear approach of examinations, bad made it impossible for ffiftny of the canvassers to give even as much time to the canvass during the second week as they' had during the first, arid, ccmI sequently, something less than 500 i people had bete interviewed for the i whole fortnight, thus leavihg 18dti of j those originally listed still to be a.pI proac_ed. The sum of £812 19s had [ been premised to date, and it was' agreed that the canvass should ho cfin-> tinned until such time as the remainder | cif the sames on the list 3 had beeri dealt with. It was resolved that the briildirig: should be formally opened early in camber, providing sufficient money was ; in hand by that time. "We are pleased to see that at- last a vigorous movement has been commenced in Christchurch to raise funds for the purposo of enabling Professor Bickerton to pfdeeed to Europe to lay his theory cf partial impact before the scientific world" (says the Nelson "Colonist"). "F4w frien of science haves had less sympathy afid assistance from the (p—tple of their <Jwn country in biosecuting et £feal study than has Professor Bickerton. Years ago, wne'tl ho flKt atJvttiieed his theory, the Professor had few followers in New Z?alsnd, tut against much hostile criticism and ridichle he has defended and promulgated his hypothesis, and obtained from the most eminent seientiste in the Old Wdr|d recognition and encouragement which his own countrymen refused to give. Bishop Julius was probably not far from the truth when he said at Christchurch the other day that two hundred years hence a monuhieht would be erected ih Cathedral square itt honour of the discoverej* of the thebry of partial irhpadt. Hut, with thd Bishop, we trust that Now ZBalalidefs bf the present day will see to it that it could flot be said ivfth truth then that they would not raise enough money to send Prcfesaor Bickerton Home to advance liis theory in tlie scientific world." The monthly meeting of the Presbyterian Social Service Association was held ill St. Paul's schoolroom on Mon r day afternoon. Present—The Revs. J. Mackenzie, €}. Murray, and T. McDonald, Messrs T. T>. Boag, W. Gbss, J, I. Royds, C. W. Bitdd. 8. T. Cox, A. P. Campbell, J. McLecfi, J. Mitchell, and F. Rule, agent and secretary. An apology for absence was received from Mr D. Bates. The ageflt J s monthly report showed that a great deal of help was being given to neglected children in tho city, and that ftd child was being placed in any homo until tho agent was assured that it was suitable. In this work it was necessary to do a good deal of tactful visitation, and make ,ii— ny careful enquiries. The various chnritable institutions in the city were <being visited, comfort and cheer thus being brought to the inmates. In the interests of the Association, visits had been m«de to the following congregations within the Presbytery:—Glenturinel, Watldihgtdn, Springfield. Hanmer, Sydenham, and Hornby. After tfie treasurer's statefneilt had been read, which showed that the Association had a credit balance of £50 Is _1 in the ibank, Mr" Mackenzie read the report of the first six months that is to be submitted to the forthcoming General Assembly, which meets in Christchurch at the end of this month. During the month th<? agent helped six ad—ts and sixteen children-

An application.signed by sixty-eight of the Maoris of too Canterbury a is- s trkrfc has been forwarded to the Defence Minister asking for tho formation, of a '. 31aori mounted rifl© company. Ladies' Day in connection with the Canterbury Bowling Club has been ' fixed for Saturday next, at 2.30. The '■ presidont, Mr Storey, has issued a large number of invitations. < The Westport Coal Company baa de- ; j ciacd to make a new departure in opening a retail business in Welling- }?, Ul> tiJI no,v i3l ° Westport Coal Company has confinsd its operations in the Wellington market soleiv to the wholesalo trade. • Th % bo 7 P r&ac n*r and liis father continued their mksion last night at tho Primitive .Methodist Church, Sydenham. There was a good attendance, and much interest manifested in the ndurfcs, which was based on "The Drawing Power of Christ.' The mission will 5o continued tin's evening. The Municipal baths built on the Marine Parade by the Napier Borough ' Council, at a cost of between £6000 and £<CXX), were declared open last evening '■ .by the. Mayor, Mr J. Brcwn, ' M.P. who appeared in his cinchl robes ; for the first tj;n<». Tho baths ii3ve seat- ' mg accommodation for Soo' spectators, ' but nearly 2000 were admitted Inst i niqlit and hundreds failed to obtain admittance. < _i A ,^f esß -Association telegram from Blenheim states that arrangements are being completed for the Jubilee eele- : brat ions to be hcid during the first week in November, commencing with a thanksgiving service on October 31st, and including the agricultural show, band contest, old identities' banquet, : children s fete, Sounds excursion, etc. Large crowds of visiters are expected, including, the Governor and Ministers and members of Parliament. In the course of his address at the Diocesan conversazione last night the Rev. E. K. Mules told a story of the schoolmaster at Broken River who had , given a. history lesson 6u the- pilgrim fathers and who had got liis pupils to write an essay on tho subject afterwards. One of the essayists had written : —''The pilgrim fathers left tho Church of England to seek for" God." ' "I think," commented tho speaker, "that, that boy had a grand imagination which ought to be cultivated." An award was given by the Compensation Court at Wellington yesterday afternoon in a claim by tho Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Compahy Ltd. against the* Railway Department for £3399 for land taken iri coftfiectiorwith the widening of tho Sutt railway at Petone. Tho award of the Court was unanimous that the respondent (tho Minister for Railways) should forthwith take steps at his own expense to iiavo re-vested iri the claimant tho land claimed to bo restored to the claimant, andj that he pay £1300 in satisfaction of tho e!aitoanfc"£ claim. To-morrow will bo Trafalgar Day, find the Mayor requests citissens to fly their flags in celebration of the day. In the morning tho flagstaff and railings around the memorial statrio in Victoria square will ho decorated by met—bars of .the Navy League, and a set of flags representing Nelson's famous signal will bo displayed. In the afternoon a lecture to school children will bet given by the Rev. _. Eliot Chambers, and 'in the evening a Trafalgar. Day concert and picture exhibition will be given in His Majesty's Theatre. eluded in. the films will be one representing the death of Nelson. According to a telegram in the Melbourne; "Age," iri the course of sorhe remarks on tho finances of tho 1 Church of England in the Rifrerina, at a meet—jj of parishioners last week, Bishop Anderson said it was a scandal arid a disgrace that clergymen were riot properly supported. During 12 .years _c had been compelled to spe"«d £400 a year above his income for th 4 privilege of being Bishow of Riverina. HG did hot believe that if lie resigned they cSrald got the position filled. If the tieopJe' could not pay a church official tho church bugnt to put up its shutters and close; Tho adjourned. cjtiatteriy meeting of the St. Albans Methodist Circuit i*_t helri- in the Rugby street schooircoi- <riv Monday evening, the Rev. W. A. Sinclair presiding. The chairman having stated that it was riot yet certain that ho would be able to accept the Itivilaticm he had received to enter■'. ttpoii another sphere of work, the itiewhg decided to Isavo the questlori of ihiriisterial appointment open until th& next quarterly meeting. The matter of the appointment of a second agent "for the circtiifc was left in the hands of tho Cpaftifeneo. ' . It was' arranged' to held the next quarterly meeting iii the new . church at Edgeivdre road* At Monday iiiglit's meeting of the New Brighton Borough Council the) Mayor <Mr James Glanville) said that strong representations should be made to'the head df fthe Valuation Department as to the dilatory manner in which the valuation of the borough had been made and completed by th».Department, ©wing to the dekiy the Council would be unable to send dut thp rate notices until about the? middle of November, arid in consequence a large overdraft at the bank would be required to carry on the work of the Cduncil until the rates dame in. Amorigst the claims on. the Council passed that evening was one for interest payable to the Government, and the Council would havo io increase their overdraft to meet this claim owing to tho delay of the Department in torriplctirig the -valuation. At last night's tiieetiftg of the Drainage Board, a letter was received L-otn Dr. Symes who, in referring to the recerit developments that had taken place in regard to the sejitic tank system, suggested that Mr Chithbe-rt, the Board's engineer, while on hi- proposed visit to the Home Country, should be given extra time in order that he might visit Germartj to inspect soiiio of ihe new septic tanks there. The writer paid a high complihaeht to Mr CutHbert's wisdom and decision in adopting the present system of sewer ventilation without intercepting chambers, at a period in the history of sanitation > when tho intercepting chartfbers were enforced by the local government bylaws. Mr Cuthbert was entitled to very great credit for his bold innovation, and the writer thought they might look for further improvements as the result of Mr Cuthbert's visit to the Old World. The Jotter was received. "What strange folk wo ChUrch of England poopl© are!'' said Bishop Julius in his Synddical address yesterday. "We have great institutions for waifs and straj's in London afld elsewhere, doing a magnificent work. Our people care nothing for itj and —_d their money to Dr. Barnardo's Homes. We have an excellent body of deaconeases in this diocese, quiet, ' humble women, living the simplest of lives, Visiting ar.d relieving the sick and needy, helping tho fallen, teaching, looking after the children, doing a variety of honest work which is worthy of our best support. We take no interest in them, we leave them crowded in a house unfit for a temporary shelter, and wo put our money into a Roman Catholic Nazareth House. Do ndt think that I grudge for a single moment the help that my people may give to that or any other good work, or that I fail to recognise the noble efforts which are made by Roman Catholics and others for the relief of distress. Only, I say that there are no women doing better work than our deaconesses, and that their usefulness, as their numbers, can be thrice extended, if church-people will see to it that the institutions of their own Church are properly maintained, befdre they look fUrth- afieW."

The local Post -Office advises; —Berne states that comrnQnication with Tangier and Mogadof is. interrupted. Telegrams for Mogador are being expedited by post from Casiiblanca. ' The area that wili. be available for ' settlement purposes* in the Orari Gorge- * stetion, it-centlv acquiretl by tho Go- 1 vernment, 13 *2",000 acres, which in- « eludes a certain amount of Crown i lands, which will -be attached fo the 1 estate proper. On theDi_vt«n Grange, which arrived j in Auckland from Liverpool yesterday "; morning, were 64 passengers,, including ; 4S steerage. Tko_ great majority are ( farmers with capital, and they aro j eager to take up" land. 30 , for Auckland, and the balanco for Wei- ' lington. At tho Magistrates Court at Blenheim yesterday, a youth named Frederick Rose was charged with stealing, in Nelson, a bicycle belonging te Ernest J Wood. He was sentenced to three . months. The accused is already scry- , ing a similar sentence on two charges , of theft at Blenheim. , A petition in favour of forming a Rabbit Board for Poverty Bay had, up to Saturday morning -lest, beta. signed by 335 stock-owners. The number of signatures required in order to i make the petition operative is 347, but * i 4-, was anticipated that the full number ; would be obtained before the week ; closed. The district staff of tho Sr. John Ambulance Brigadtf have completed the annual inspection of all the divisions of the brigade in the district. Tho Chief Surgeon. Dr. P. C. Fenwick, and the Honorary Surgeon, Dr. Crawshaw, have completed the annual re-examination of tne New Zealand railway corps and of the Kaiapoi division. The Christ-church Division of the St. John . Ambulance? Briijade (Nursing Division) met in the brigade rooms on Monday night. Third Nursing Officer Miss Ada Julius was in charge, assisted by Fourth Nursirig ©incer Miss Swanson. The division were instructed in roller bandaging and first aid treatment for-fractures. About 35 were prosent. A man named Claude Rotter was charged at the Police Court, "Paintorston North, on Monday, with being sr idle and disorderly person. Better swore that he owned a trotting horse | and had £40 in the Pest Office Savings | Bank. The case was promptly adjourned, and enquiries made, and the statements were found to be false. As a result lletter goes to gaol for three months, and incidentally awaits trial for perjury. W r hsn dealing with breaches of prohibition orders yesterday, Mr Haselderi, S.M., said: —"I am going to suggest that instead of issuing prohibition orders, persons who desire to drink should have rt license. Ariyoiie who can produce a license would be supplied." He pointed out that prohibition orders were apparently getting more in number than the persons who desired to drink. "Of course, I don't say it would work,"; he added, "but"l thirik it would work better than the present system." A meeting of ratepayers was held in the Rawhiti tea-rooms at Dallington on Monday evening, to consider a proposal te extend Gsyhurst street to the New; Brighton road,, and ao connect with the Burwcod tramline. Captain Marciel, who was in the chair, pointed- out the' neoessity for some such arrangement..-'iff the suburb was going to progress;; Mr Lee jJtbpesed that a loan of £1000 should be raised, iri order that the worts might be carried out. This was secondr; cd by Mr Dixey, arid supported byMessrs Lawrence and Andrews. Mr MulhoUand-.depreeated burdening the ratepayers any further, and advocated the widening tip of Mc_ tat trey's wad at a cost of £200/ Mr Walters (chairman of the Avon Road 1 . Board); oXl7l—ned the positibri of the Board, in the itaatter. The motion was carried. Hats for the Races, Paris Modes,; also Blouses. Now open at rooms next Bank" of -New Zealan-. P. Preriidegast- -■■ ■ ■'' ' ~-■■. '-"''.:.'■ ••■■.'.'■ '•' .■-. , & Antique Copper "Novelties at Hastie, Bull arid ftakering's. Fhbto- frames at Is, Is Bd, ; ls 6d, 2s, 2s fid, 3sf,.rip te 10s 6d'. Hot-water jiigs at ss, 6s, 7s 6d, 9s, up to 255. Spirit kettles, gongs, crumb trays arid'bfiishas, traysj earidlesticks, etc., of unique design. On view opposite Ballariiyne's. . : 4 Ihe stores of Measr's Arnistrong* and Co. are very full of life. Tho. steady influx of new goods,. all marked at prices paradoxical-rprice"§_ that > appeal and command—aro making their busy stores busier daily. 4 ;Messrs Fountain Bfsa., Dentists, have renioved from Coloiribo street to oyer Wardell's, Cashel . street. Painless Dentistry in all its'brafich—j fees moderate j all work guaranteed. . ,; 6 The '-mi—.fora of th© Sniririer ]_ Gfolf \ Cliib ate advised that Lewis and. An* derson,' Cashel street, have good stoteks" of Rubbet-—tfdd Ballsi froiri la 3d* ; e«tch.' '.-'•' : . : "'■ &'■ ■ ,A suit fitting like Messrs Armstrong's "Perfect,'* made' te iaeas-re, createsa f«you"rable imj/ression, arid gives yon the appearance of prosperity that may be" worth hundreds te you. i Orie of. its superior features is the excellence of linings 6nd iriteriot •worfemariship, c*_jirig it : to-fit to-day arid held its shajpte right through. .4 dret particulate about Milking Plants front W* Biissfett- and Co., 23 Manohestjjjr stretrt». , ' 0 Our Annual Show will shortly be npbn us, and doubtless hundreds of ■t'isiters will be pouring in, but nopo will be so heartily welcomed as I_y White. 4 Hartiiett MilkijiM Machines, Robey Oii Engines, Woboley Shearing Machines, are the three - leading maehiuGß\in New Zealand. Particulars arid prices for Complete Installations. McClelland and Anderson, 224 Cashel street Christchurch. t5 Q B. and. C. The quickest, best, and cheapest triediurri fdr seridirig Christmas and New Year mementos to friends the sea is tl_■ New Zealand Express Co.'s service. Reduced tariff for door to door service! 4 Gcod wearing washing suits for. .sturdy boys at the D.I.C. These are in «U the new" washing materials which are so much sought after by economical mothers this weath6r. There id certairily nfethihg. better for the little follows for holiday wear; Striped drill washing blouses, in man-o'-war and other styles, from 3s 6d; Arran suits in flannel-or. cotton, washing materials, from 15s 6d; white drill kniciers, from _i lid, and other summer needs for txjys. equally moderate iri price, at the J>J.C. ' 4

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13558, 20 October 1909, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13558, 20 October 1909, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13558, 20 October 1909, Page 6


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