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The Famous Remedy -To* • ; \ P - "t*BH Cous:hs 9 Bronchitis, 3fl Pleurisy, Asthma & Consumption 1 BRONCHITIS and PNEUMONIA FNIUMONU and PLEURISY «tOWOHme_an«l j| Cure* by cur»- toy A Sever* I ZL*ZIZ?ZEVr * v< HEARNr* BRONCHITIS CUW- MCAKME , * SROMOMITIS OUMI Hturntrm » r -»"» After Ot»»er Tr**tn*«nt ttmm rail** After ether Trwitnmit had Fall**. After attaf TiMtmwt hU raHt* . -- - r Mr. W. G. Heirne. Dew: Sir.—From ■ Mrirt sen* . "dju'^t'- Seme month* age, *« Sy*W. '•*■««■ of duty I feel that I should publish the following «ute- j Prodene* ntTCee, o* Carr-etreet. Seeth Geelonf. la fr JL. a » C vere attack of laflueiira. and we* eeefi e««e meet, so that others nay know what te do when the _j, w nf the importance ol a per»on making it suite clear * {er ,t eut a week, at the «nal* , .*' , "" ™""_ awful fact is evident that , life Uin danger of being whTt UeatmS? waT. .ucce«f ul in curing a .erious aad tetter. Ie« «* and *_«<*•. *j»"g lost:—ln September, IM6,mj little girl, aged at that cerap ii C ated caw when tbe medicine, directions and treat- " as usua L But I got »PM» time 3 years, contracted Measles, and in the following men £ #f _ legally qualified doctor had failed, attt* M ™* t da _ I had a relapse, and terture* S2f J October was attacked by Bronchitis, Pneumonia and fellows:— ... what the doctor t«ld roc was P leur jfT "*, b !J"S|«£ I Corv-csiion of the Lunts. She was attended by a jj- ien> Hecry M'Kee. then aged t years, fcad be«n _. in {rem former in «y chest and eseaMere I tejally qualified doctor of high standing;, but his treat- attended ky a legally qualified doctor, who pronounced frichtful. and for four long weeks I C# ""?"L C " nient was not successful in arresting the profress of the him t# j, e tn Sering from Pneumonia. Pleurwy an* • b d un 4 er the care «f a weU-known Sya»«r »•«•*• iUn«i. On Saturdiy. the 2!st October. 1906. he ««d lt .p P , g e of the rasting of Urine. Under the doctor • ™£ v the Ume hi , medicine e»je »• but tereporary tliat her life was in dan-er—that there was very little treatment the child gradually got worse, and the doctor « . rf The | an)l i a< ?y <>f the ko»l (the Clwlaß^wgßrj hope for her. For eieht days and nights »he had been proneun ced the case hopeleis. He told roe that the i re »ided told mc of a medicine—Hearne. »rea«ttil ptoslraied by Cough, Pain and Fever, and was lying JT n ; ld could not H ve . At tbia stage I obtained from - j ren| yictorh. which had cured her Of aP— »»> Ute a statue, unconscious. At this stage I was per- Mr w G _ Hearne, Chemist, of Geelong. a bottle •* . f bronchitU and pains in the chert, end >«jK** st-sded by a friend to obtain Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Heafne'a Bronchitis Curei and RSYe it t* the child, ac- JJ tn _ it i di j M> an d, in thanks and fraMWJj with its auxiliary medicine for the Fever and Conges- eordini; to the directions which accompany each bottle tel; _ ou tliat> »{(„. tfc e secand boWe. my «•«!■ (ion of the Lunzs. as directed in the Catalojue of .fit The child improved after the second dote of hadceated- but what is raore as«.»nishing. tb« pains rrje Kedicine* which accompanies each bottle of the Bron- Heame's Bronchitis Cure. H» continued to Improve _i, ur ij, entirely left rae, and in about a week I w»« «M* rfiitis Cure. I gave the medicine as directed, and there each day f rom eac j, dose of Hearne , * Medicine alone, and • ttcnd , o my duties a* usual—Youni J ,, " I "**.-. , wae an improvement from the first dose of Hearne'* within three days he wa* free from th« Cough. Pr.ea- •" J. BKAl*** •> Bronchitis Cure. The improvement continued after monia and the Pleurisy, and the Urine was passing satis- Melbourne " P»* cl »" Office. MelheursM. each dose of the medicine. In a week she was perfectly factorily. He was out of bed at the eed of a week, ______ free from the Pneumonia. Congestion. Cough, Pain and completely recovered, and he is now in perfect health. ____— Fever, and was well, except that she was still weak. In ' PRUDENCE. M'KF.K, --»—«.___ m. IT VMM CASE. « fortnicht she was quite recovered, and is now in Carr-«treet, South Geelons. ?«»• 6. lwfc ASTHMA —* •« 18,,ne «-—»■— splendid health, and stronger than ever. Any person «-■ ' .. . •sking for information about this grand medicine caa ■ ■ - Pr*wt*u* TI •«tn»«nt Tmnwm* ie supplied by mc. or by »ny of my neighbours who have «»<*_•«■ luartAM "_Z _>_-*•__ * witnessed its wonderful effects. It absolutely snatched CONSUMPTIOnI. Owr«d l»y Thr— ■•«!••• *, child from an ear.y _. c ,„ toT^m H| . M A T«K PCice Station. Oeelon, East. Feb. 5. ,908. o#m V2?&Z? jS^5 • different treatments without benefit. I wisa «n*Bced to V 9 BRONCHITIS, Mr. __, A euftcror TSVe-r. .r A,.. " &£?*.2& Thoroucrhly Cured by Two Bottle* #f was not severe but it gradually got worse, andll became Thc mcd i c j ß e ,uhe cured mc, and 1 hare much pleaa_M Hoarn... Bronch.t.e Cure. njght^e.« » h 1908 , he s c Immediate Relief-Efrect Wonderful. casions there was blood in "psetorated matter. * ytTy welL New have the sligfate* retura ef the aath-w. , had been treated by a doctor who pronounced my ease r» * Mr. Hearne. Sir.—l was very ill with Influenit be consumption, and various other treatments had been -Hearne , * Medicine e-fed mc try -Mβ and Bronchitis. A friend of mine persuaded mc to try fried but without benefit. It wa* •«*""•«" t"* l * , bctn iu fferins for twenty-6TOrear». *»«-*? «*_» your Eronchitis Cure. The first dose gave mc irame-. heard of your Br«-.chttis Cure, and sent "S^"" 1 :?, Ume 1 had used almost every pateet medici_e esi the riiate relitf, and after taking the second bottle lam course of theme li.inr. When it arri- rf. I was too .11 «"■>= t includi_»_T PSthma inhaUtiene—«rlthe« C«2«f • thoroughly cured. Its effect on mc has been most to leave my h-A. but I wbw rr takn? enee. ana "J 1 /*" It was 8 Tears ago that th« cere wea efe«_J wonderful. lam 73 years of a-e. I trust you will (rradually improved. I»m gla U '••/<««« e *"° b, Hearne , * Medicine, and I new fee! etreof«r t-_k I make use of this utatemcnt by publishing it for the bene- lots of yoa ser. *-aye effected « 2L. f e l t Iβ! »««»—«» *»«. I feet •»**«*.- . Ct of humanity generally. Yours for whUk accept ray very lett th.nks.—Yeur. traWfolly, »iw «w ,««-» Q WISXMAW. - THOMAS g ee TH S H. v . etorifc WestellliU , I-I-. . *«"**' Y^ Beware of Imitations! The *r^.,»«« ofHEARNFs l?Z£££ unprincipled persons to make imitations, each callin ß his medicine " Bronchitis Cure, with' J JJ rt__T*l«_S -the unsuspecting and so ff ettin ff a sa!e for an Imitation which ha. none of the Bronchitis Cure has. Consequently it has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, and f t«M|t-«M ymu _ . in your own interests to be particular to ask for HEAtWE'S, and »cc that you set It. HEARNE'S BRONCHITISCURE, Small Size, 26; Lar ff e Size, 4/6, Sold by all Chemists and "edlclM Vμ**^ •»****» i Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geeloni., Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally. ; , NOTICE-Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. U does NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium whatever. It is c* fully beoefidal . J N.Z. BRANCH OFFI CE: *■_ fSfirSß&itiftg? ""JSSsfSJSSS*. WlLLg_gm ' V j

I LAST WEEK . . . LAST:WEi§j|j I, Our Gigantic Clearing; SpHlii I Motor Cars, Sundries! 1 .. and - Cyclef ||j|e £ Don't Jose tbe opportunity of a lifetime of/BecOTPJ>^|^;j^^^^ £ the most up-to-date Cars at your own pricevV; : :;--^^i^l&plS!^ \ . - Remember, we close down, on June 30th,'*e4 : ; *ftef^;^^?|^^^^ C - that date you will be too late to secure one. «tfvtil»i|?-|||^^^S # lovely Cars at such unheard-of T" c^, -- 1 7i^*^^*Bpp?i^KS 3 20 h.p. No finer selection in Christ;ch'weh'.te. i .cKoei%^;^|^^^^| I .. No Reasonable Offer will be Refused. C as we mean to clear our stocks/ r ..:^>^^jV^|i»|li|p^|^^^ £ ' open to receive .tenders 'for , the leaise;'of'.jo^lfint^llll^l^pffi premises, fittings and plant, particulars'of § be had from the Manager. •' ; / f : ; .?^^ ; l^#i||p^Ssp 1 Inglisßros., Manc^^^M TRUTHwh FOOTBALL CBMPEjjJIw i r , ! Time a a ■-, ~'; « v --fe4^ ■ A GUINEA A GUESS.. • ■ Money Prizes Every W€||tt| In order to heighten tk« interest in this muod'i Bafkgr . proprteton of " Truth " b*T* decided to offer weekly Prises ef £1 Iβ. aai wipectiToly to tbe persona making the First and Seeoni/BMt Mennle iiM««fa «l< resnlteof the Three Seam Rugby Football Matehee pkjei wUt Mm MMitwMMWSI Oaoterbnrj Rogby Football Uaiou during the preaeml mams. : ' ■• ' ■■T^;*.* t: {;f^ Any person v eligible to cemaete, imift wpJejtti e< Hw OawiaMamiak JhH*'"' L 'S'" Cempany. ' ' - • » "> '->- The Competitions for «ceh Seiordsy will alete en l»i mil—l TTiiiij mkhk *i '^ 10 o'clock. The entries wiii not bs opened till tae iMlnkn mm ewe, aai "w*i£&k X ~ ' >'" will be announced in the following Satsrday's " Tratk." . .- J ■ i^ It Costs Nothing to Compete. All that it is neeewary for competitors to do is to Cut «ut tiM SaaelaU Coupon appearing In ' ' '" \n thiiir selattir^~arrf forward them in csese<i envelope to the Pooteall Editor, •' Troth M OUte. THIS WEEK'S COMPETITION CLOSES PWBAV ftUQHT. at 1O o'olook. TKT IOUE LUCII

£100 Reward \ for any dentist practising in Christcbnrch to-day who cih prove that he is the Origij_ nator of Painless Dentistry. We are thiT * wlW^^^M?'^ city's best and largest dental concern* \SBhX w « K™ o a GUARANTEE OF SA.TISWg ffi'PwLhJ '■ FACTI O N WITH ALL WORIt We are the only really Painless Dentists in this city, because we control the only Tftth Wlthcot Plates, £2 l>. absolutely painless process. »■—••■ We are the only dentists in Christchorch to-day using this process. - It is the only preparation recommended by-. physicians all over the world. We pull more teeth positively painlessly than all other dentists. Try one and be convinced. OUR REFERENCES are ■ « hundreds of satisfied patients. We are not hrre to day and gone to-morrow. ■ Our nearly two years' successful practice in the same location is proof of our - I ' ability to fulfil these claims. * ■ ■ We make our best Sets of Teeth from £$ 3s. If s the very beet plate ■ that can be made and. fitted with our Patent Doable Suction, which positively I, stops dropping down. . - I Our prices are the lowest for good work. Only specialists employed, I Bridge-work, all pure gold and guarsnteed for ten years, 30/-, and |]M.a I tooth. The best bridge-work made in Christchurch at any price. Soud gold I , Crowns from 30/-, guaranteed. This is the only office we have, and we devote ■ *\ all onr attention to it. We have no agent or branch office, so beware of im- [' postore. Get our estimates, compare them with others, and be convinced. ■ ' ■ IBITISH DENTAL PARLOURS, If Make an Appointment. Attendant. E. BALLIN, MauMger.'. IKGLIS , BUILDINGS - - CORNKR HIGH AND CASHEL STREETS. >B^

THE GUINEA POEM 1 A CHEQTTE for £1 Iβ ha* been teat to A the irriter of this Twae, Mr G. M., G*> lonray. Alexandra S.:— " 'Tis washing day my darting; Don't call; I'm in distress." But ha called, and left some SAPON, Now tbiy share the one address! ynS A. GOTNEAI Priie Poem publitbca tvery Sitordij. B«st oripinil four liortlin# advt. Ttrie kbont " SAPON " -rria* week. SAPON wrapper must be enclosed. Address — " SAPOX " (Oatmeal) Wathiss Powder), P.O. Box eSS, Woilir^ton. If vonr Groc«r do«i -not, stock Sapoa, p'.c«se MBd hie naat* sad nJdrees.

MAKES SORE LUNGS WELL. Dr. Sheldon's New Discovery for Congas, Colde, and Consumption ie the nvo*t wonderful disoorory in medical science of th» 20th century. It is the result of over 20 years' chemical research of one of America's most prominent physicians, Dr. E. M. Sheldon, a graduate of the New York City and BoUovue University. No sufferer from lung* troubles can afford not to try this remedy. Price- Iβ 6d and 3s. Obtainable everywhere. 7

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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13159, 4 July 1908, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13159, 4 July 1908, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13159, 4 July 1908, Page 3


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