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f,jj H.Mu THE QUBBN. I THE MOST DESIRABLE CAR is the Car which fulfils in the best possible way every requirement of its owner. " Siddeley " Autocars are bailt to ensure Absoluts Reliability, and to jrive Perfect Satisfaction to the purchaser. They are noted for their Silence and Comfort. n« well as for Eas= of Running and I/r.v Cost of Upkeep. To afford a wide range of choice for varying purpose;, eight typss are oSered for ic,oi, x<: fo!iow3 : — HJ». Aon H.P. Ratin; Am J H.P. Ratiej tea HJ». fcrtfec <fef» io .. .. M 2■ t? (Standard) z$ 4. io - .. 34 4 40 (Cham Drire) 44 4 14 •- •■ 20 .i iS (TypedeLuxe) 25 4 4° .• •■ 4O 4 45 (Chain Drive) 51 6 An Iβ h.p. - frOOEt-ET " matt* an afcau;* «w-«t»? rw! Is RtrtaXUt/ TrW C*rWeliere»-»««»eta *»« tack, wmt eMafoea a Fir* Prte*. FOR HULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO J. S. HAWKES <SC »ote Agents) J Royal Garage - Next Mew Theatre Rcyal - GLOUCESTER ST., CHRISTCHURCH. j C3s° ; J I When you buy a gun, you -want a good gun —one that will bring the best H I results, and these are the kind stocked at Recce's. When you boy here, H I you know that whatever price you wish to pay, you will get the finest fa I gun that can be bought for your money—a gun which is thoroughly de- || I pendable, reliable in every part. We give some quotations here, but JU I invite your personal inspection of these guns. H I SYMOND'S GUNS, £4 and £4 15s. ; "Rabbit," £5 15s. ; "Keeper," /6 ios. ; "Farmer" ffl tk £7 ios. ; and the reliable pigeon gun " Ajax," £10 10s. In p CASHMORE'S HAMMER GUNS, from £8 ios. to £12 15s. H Eg CASHMOKE'S HAMMERLESS GUNS, from £15 15s. upwards. g I Postage paid to any address. Write for Catalogue , . tM I Colombo Street, Christchvrch. g -bhbbJ A CAMERA ? IT'B TIME afcain for th* Cnmer*. and onleu 70a ftlrc*dj h»T» a good »■• if■ ties ; for you to eoe oar thovring, for there* lots of pl<-a«nr«, and profit too, if yen waat it, in Ertry dt-«irable Kako of Camtra it stocked bj oa, axd it Hatten not ti whether you wi*h to buy an in<trna«nt at 10/- or JBIO, you will get tke beat powibl* Talee far your money here, becaaae we import direct froui the nanufacturen aad Mil on the manliest margin of profit. Horn are Bone price* and partieslara, bet eeme in and leek ■■■■■■■■■— z ! through <mr spleadid trtrak or Camera* and Photographic *nppli«*. 4>PUte Magaiine Caineraa. 8/6 10/6 and IS/8. ( mE *- pt *t« MagMiae Chum, with Beck Lerns, 16/6 »1/K * fl,,l Hsuad Camerae, 65/- and »»/-. B"derßon Camera*, i-Plate XI 10*. and X 8 Sβ. B,u:,de ™ on *«»"• i-Pl*te JBIO. Field Oanxara Seta, complete with X D.D. Slide*, Caae, Photographic Sundries. i Devol .pin- Dith ... ... ... 8d I Dith ... ... ... 6by 4, 10d, . aaHiBB l>iih „. ... ... *-Plate, 1/. DeTeloping Di*h ... ... ... rail Plate, 1/9 'f ripoc* ... ... 6/6 and 8/6 9/6. 10/6 aad IS/« Measnre Glauea ... In. 9d, 2or. 1/-, 4oz. 1/S Dark Lamp* ... ... 1/- 2/- 2/6 5/6 K/9 and 9/6 Trimmer*, }-P!at* 4/6, i-plate 6/-, and full plate 7/* G Developer Scaloida 1/3, and all other aundriei at eqnally q low rate*. I WALLACE fir* CO., Chemists and Photographic De&lera f HIGH STREET - - CHRISTCHURCH. i MUTUAL 1 PROVIDE N T SOCIETY. established 1849. B IK The Largest and Most Successful Mutual Life Assurance xs&m] Society in the British Empire. i DIAMOND JUBILEE YEAR, 1908. Q Half Assure your Life in this Great Society before the close of the yean, 1 and participate in the Annual Bonus which will then be declared. mm ■■<&■ The Directors with specially to runind the public, in view of the aUtemeaU and eomparieons mxdo bj competing institutionr, that no other Mutual Life Assurance WkM -*— Cempany transacting brisiiicss in Australasia either WW l^fcafi^^ OFFERS SUCH A LIBERAL CONTRACT , . J _V«-« MAKES 3UCH STRINCENT RESERVES TO MEET ITS LIABILITIES B y flaking man y OTItS WMre OR declares such LA ROE BONUSES, and that most tailors make one. we can NO OmCE IN THE WORLD CAN OFFER SUCH ADVANTAGES ' m^e Y ou a made-tO-yOUT-TO THE ASSURING PUBLIC AS THE AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL I measure EUREKA Suit IOT PKOViDENT SOCIETY. H about half what you usually ANNUAL INCOME EXCEEDS .. £2,925,000 I balanceINVESTED FUNDS .. £22,500,000 j EU ?r E Qm A «/ , - ITS CASH BONUSES DISTRIBUTED, nearly£l 3,000,000 I I Directora of the New Zealand Braneh-The Hon. Chxelks J. Johnstok, M.L.C I / SrtecfsatiSction^arantee'A (Chairman); A. D« Bxthe Bbandon. Esq (Deputy Chairman); the Hon. Edwabi. I 1 ?£u£ -fv 7 S?^!f, RHnwiiwoii. C.M.G.; Jonx Dosca-n, Esq.; J6»«h Josefh. Esq. I SP^S- 11 *.* 1111 "• S^ l * s " ■ ( No obligation on your part. EDWARD W. LOWE, Branch Office : 1/ ____-—-- -. Rmidest S£CK*iL*r. CUBTOM HOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. If TRIBE %Xt CO* Christchurch District Office: O. F. FRANCIS, IL 156 COLOMIO STREET CATHEDRAL SQUARE. Distbict SacaKTARV. 1/j (OPP. CONGREVE'S) . C 2730 Wf g^-^-^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CSMS
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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13073, 25 March 1908, Page 2
Word Count
815Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13073, 25 March 1908, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13073, 25 March 1908, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Press. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.