PUBLIC NOTICES WOOD BROTHERS. LIMITED. j MILLERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. CASH BUYERS WHEAT. OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, AND ALL FARM PRODUCE. HAVE on hand stocks of " GARTONT* llesccemtod Seeds. TURNIPS, SWEDES. MANGOLDS, RAPE, ETC. Are now prepared to book orders for CORN~S.i.CKS for next, season. WOOD BROTHERS, LIMITED, 110 CashcJ street, Opposite N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association. F2553 THE CANTERBURY | (N.Z.) SEED CO., LIMITED. Arc Buyers cf COCKSFOOT, RYEGRASS, and BARLEY. C3468F AT O I R AND C 0., X CASIIEL STREET, ARE CASH BUYERS OF WHEAT OATS '.MILLING) OATS (FEED). ALL KINDS OF FAItM PRODUCE. MOIR AND CO. C3481F I AM a CASH BUYER of POTATOES, ONIONS, CHAFF. OATH, WHEAT, etc. ISAAC KOniNSON, Giai." Merchant, 130 Cathel street. WANTEDOATS, CHAFF, OAT SHEAVES, EARLY POTATOES. rp WREAKS, 99 MANCHESTER STREET. 3752F CANTERBURY ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY. RANGER FOR NORTH CANTERBURY. A PPLICATIONS are invited for the po«i--c\ tion of Ranger for the above Society in the North Canterbury District. Full particulars can be obtained from the underlined at 145 Hereford stroet. Applications close on auesday, 31st March. E. J. RIGHTON, 6823 Secretary. an ADVANCED JUNIOR for Merchant's Office. Apply, enclosing testimonials, to 1330F BOX 85. Chrisichurch. TTf E. S I M E S, * LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. 174 HEREFORD STREET (next Benk N.Z.) THREE GENUINE BARGAINS. £12.t0—BEALEY AVENUE—i-acre, plastered , ntxT: x>. Residonce 6 large rooms, bay windows, verandah, sewer, pantry, scullery, bathroom, lavatory, h. art] c, waehhoupo m<l copper, jpl?>idid appointments throughout, esphadt paths. Must be sold. leaving. A gift. Fol. GS3 £550—CITY. 5 mimitos from P.O.—Choice Suction and House of 6 rooms, pd.:*ct, bay wind.wa, verandah, waphhousa and copper, asplwli paths. L.T.T. A sacrifice at the prioe. Fol. 78 £<XX)—RICCARTON—2* Acres, now Modern Rendenoe, 7 pies-lond toouis, tiled pretes, pantry, scultery, bathroom, levatori.', h. and c. service windmill and tank?, waphhousc end copper, stables, 2 traphouaes, outbuildings, orchard (with 5 acres £1200). Al position. Fol. 370 ST. ALBANS ESTATE—Magnificent Buildin? Allotments. A few still available *t reduced prices in order to wind up the estate. eSCBF W. E. SIMES, Sole Agent. RETURNS OF LAND AND INCOME WiH shortly be called for by the Department. OWNERS of Land and Traders are warned that in tbe evcirt cf non-compliance with the provi-nons of the Act, th«y render themselves iw»bU> to a substantial fine. They oan be relieved of ail trouble., and hay« th n ir Rsturne excttmtely mtvdo by confultins Mr R. HEPWORTH, who. vrae for wany years connected with the Land and lu-oom-e tax I>eparimcnt. Correspondence conducted with the Departmcret. DEFAULT ASSESSMENTS adjusted. All Business strictly confidential. NOTE ADDRESS: RAYMOND HEPWOUTH, Lend and Income Tax Expert, Somerset Bu:!dir.~s (Undler Kaye and Carter!, Hereford street, Christchurch. LICENSING NOTICES. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I FANNY SCHULTIIT.IS, cf Christchtrrch ' Hotelkoepcr, be;r.? the holder of a Publican's License in respect oi the hoiiFc and premises situate- in Tuam street. Christchurch, am! k:.'-v.-n as the -WHITE SWAN HOTEL," (I" hereby she notice that I desire to obtain. iu:d will at the. next Licensing Mpotii:<j. to bo hoiden at Christchurch on the friirth 'lay of Jiuie N<xt, apnly fOT a- Transfer of the f.iid Lieer-so fr. m myse'.f to GKORGE HOLT, my appointee. Dated the sixth day rf March. IMS. FANNY SCHULTHEIS. LANE and NEAVK, Solicitors. Chris-tchurch. teO9 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I GEORGE PENTECOST PAYNE, of C'hrirtchurch, beinjj the ho;<ler of a Publican'? License in respect of the honwj nrwl premises situate at street, Christchujch, and known ac the"EM--11 RE HOTEL," (k> hereby give notice that I desire to ob-.ain, and will at the iwyrt Meeting to be ho'don at Christchurch, on tbe fourth day c$ June. 13fS. ftoply for a Transfer of the f-aid from myself to OR'n>N GUTHKIE BIIAULEY, my appointee. Dated the sixteenth day of March, 1!K». * G. P. PAYNE. LANE a.n<l N'EAVE. Solicitor«. Christchiirch. iCSIO BANKRUPTCY NOTICES, U IN BANKRCTTCY.—In the Supreme Court, holder, at Chri-rtoburcL. NOTICE is herehy ei ven that SARAH AN>' JACOB, cf Briir?V road. MarrbloDd. wmm this day adjndg«»l bankrupt; and I herebf summon a. iu«*tir« of creditors, to be holdew n' my office, on TUESDAY, the 31»t day o-f March. 19OS, <it 2 o'clock. V G. L. GREENWOODv J Officn»l ■*****%* J. 34tihMMci, 1906. _ \^M
Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13073, 25 March 1908, Page 1
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