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A. Pollock, of Sydenham, grocer, has been adjudged bankrupt, and tho first mooting of creditors take* place on Monde? next.

The meeting of the Christchurch Domain Board yesterday was iictable for the expedition "with which a largo volume of important bueinees was transacted. At the dose of the meeting Mr W. J. Dunlop, one of the member*, congratulated the secretary, Mr E. J. Righton, upon the very excellent way in which the bueiness Itad been prepared for tho meeting.

To-morrow afternoon a direct mail ■loses hero for England, nnd by it il.ustratcd papers may bo posted for Id 3 ach, which applies with special force to "The Weekly Press," winch this R-cek presents an exceptional array of engravings, both on ordinary and special paper, and completes the set of pictures of the demolition of tho tallest features of tho late- Exhibition. Around the Wellington wharfs, and Opotiki, an historical settlement in tho Bay of Plenty, have provided the photographor with useful illustrations, those of the former depicting scenes daily enacted, and those of tho latter representing the town and environs at the present time. The issue has also a number of pictures that bring tho Now Zealandcr into touch with affairs abroad, notably those from Casa Blanca, Brookes and Wilding playing lawn tennis in England, tho Prince and Princess of Wales at the opening of the now wing of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London, tho Wanganui Old Boys' dinner in London, tho first British representative rifle team to visit Australia, and Lavington Park in Sussex, tho residence of tho owner of Noctuiform, a New Zealand-bred racehorse. Among the literary contents of tho number the series of articles by distinguished writers, "If I wero a*Millionaire" is suro to attract attention. Wo all of us think wo should enjoy the influence that goes with great wealth, and these papers will afford material for comparison with our fancies.

The Woollen "Workers' Urion, at a meeting at Kaiupoi on Sat m day, decided to vote for JMr J. A. McCullough as workers' representative «m the Arbitration Board.

Two prisoners—Harry Taylor, alias Alfred White, and Frank Edwards— escaped from llotorua prison on Sunday night. They are supposed to be making for Auckland.

At last night's City Council meeting the abattoir manager reported that duriug August th« following stock had boen slaughtered at the city abattoir: —Cattle 1053 (15 condemned), sheep 8147 (25 condemned), lambs 248 (2 condemned), pige 703 (2 condemned), calves 375 (4 condemned).

A well-attended meeting of the Christehurch Photographic bocicty was held last night, when an interesting demonstration on "How to MeJto Lantern Slides" was given by Mr T. G. Strange. Tho lecturer exhibited a number of elides, and explained tho different processes for obtaining tho most satisfactory results.

<At last night's meeting of tho City Council the City Surveyor reported, that during August the following building pormite had been granted:—lnner area 3 (valuo £3700), Central Ward , 14 (£0000), Sydenham Ward 17 (£12,050), St. Albans Ward 28 (£13.100), Liinvood Ward 14 (£GOSO), making a total of 70 permits, representing an aggregate valuo of buildings of £40,900.

tTho (Stoam trawler Nora Niven leaves Wellington to-morrow for tho Sounds, going first to tho north of Stephen's Island, if tho weather is favourable. If it is not, eho will go into Tasman Bay. It is proposed to thoroughly test tho West Coast grounds of tho South IsJand, after which experiments will be made along th© West Coast of the North Island. v-

Dr. A. G. Maitlaud, who is wellknown throughout New Zealand, ia starting his of dental surgery in association with Dγ PntchardJ ones of this City. Dr. Maitland is a prominent figure in several branches of athletics, having been captain of tho ltemuera Polo CJub in Auckland for four years, and also captain of tho Auckland Rowing Club for three years.

Discussing tho quesi.on of a site for a building in which io house the city organ at the City Council meeting last night, Cr. Cooper said there, should not b© the slightest difficulty aeMd hind. 'Take the Chester street Fire •Brigade station site," the speaker continued ; "we 'jumped' that. It i, not belong to us then, and' does not belong to us to-day. It should be easy enough to get a section."

Tho question of poaching is ratJier troubling the Oarterton anglers this year. It is stated that last year ono poacher took over 160 trout from neighbouring streams, with no other appliances than bis hands. The best of tho anglers, -with all tho up-to-date methods at their disposal, only took about half that number, and ths Incensed, fishers in the district behevo that the cause of their ill-luck was the successful poacher's action in taking nearly aill the trout.

The City Council received' a ehort report 'last evening from tho committee appointed, to consider tho question of erecting a crematorium im the city, The report stated that a large amount of information had been gathered, and tho committee considered that the time had arrived when a crematorium should be erected, aoid proposed to have plana prepared for a building to bo erected in Linwood Cemetery, at a cost of £5000. After the report had been read Cr. Allison asked permission to withdraw it. He explained that tho committee had received a letter from tho Health Department which had induced thorn to reconsider the matter, and they would probably bring in another report later. Tho report was accordingly withdrawn.

At yesterday's meeting of the Auckland Hospital and charitable Aid Board, a letter was read from Dr. Pitrdy (District Health Officer) urging that attention should Oβ given to the necessity for making adequate provision for the cure, and , treatment of patients suffering from tuberculosis. Ho pointed otrt (says a Press Association telegram) that at present there wore three cases of phthisis at Cambridge (Sanatorium, pronounced to be incurable, and that tho keening of theso And similar ?ases in the sanatorium prevented tho entrance of others more likely to bo benefited by the treatment. At tho same time there were at present in the district hospical other cases of phthisis, and it was generally conceded by all medical authorities that there wis a certain amount cf danger to other patiente in treating patients w tubercular lung disease in the same ward. Tho chairman remarked that the Board no doubt would hav«yto tako action in tho matter. Tho iwtter was referred to tho Hospital Committee, with instructions to confer with i)r Purdy and the Medical Committee, and report later to the board.

In the course of a discussion at the Christrhnreh Domain Board nu-etirur yesterday on an application by tho Officer Commanding tho Canterbury Volunteer District for the use of £ section of the Park for Defence purposre, strong exception was taken to the 'filching" propensities o c the Department. The chairman uMr H J Bewick) said it had been stated that the Defence Department had by come means deprived the City of the block of land upon which the present Defence offices and DriUnhed' and Police Buildings wnre erected. Mr H P Murray-Aynsley, a member of' the Board, Paul that he had sold that particular block on behalf of an'absentee many years ago to the Provincial fiovernmentj end it had been taken over by tho General Government Iho chairman said that if the Board handed over to the Defence Deportment the piece of the Park referred to they would bo twitted with it for ever. Another member said that if the present request were granted the Board would never know where the Defence Department would stop. The Board decided unanimously to refuse the applies; tion.

A sitting of the Supreme Conrt will The second terios of popular science lectures atCanterbury CollegJ S be given on Thursday «venin R . m m 0. C. I'arr wiU lecture on "The Science of Some Tilings of Everyday Life "

A Press Association telegram from Wellington states that WilH«m Lind Mitchell, solicitor, hto of Levin, end how in South Africa, has been suspended for cix months, on the motion of tho Wellington Low Society.

A speaker at the annual meeting of the Union Rowing Club last night urßetl that inter-club races should bol\eld during the coming season. The chairman pointed out that the matter was one for the Canterbury Rowing Association to deal with.

The last of the Exhibition Concert Hall was levelled with the ground yesterday, and tho debris is rapidly being cleared away. The t Fernery is now ready for falling, whilo tho task of removing tho skylights from tho Art Gallery (prior to demolition of the brickwork) is well advanced.

Oiir Dunedin correspondent telegraphs:—Tho number of applicants for admission to tho Consumption Sanatorium at the Rock and Pillar has beon co much in excess of tho present nccommodation that tho Hospital Board now find it necessary to erect a home of their own. They purpose inspecting another site at the Rock and Pillar.

The new blood drain from tho pithing pens at the Sockburn abattoirs was used for tho first time yoet©nd o " and «vns\vcred its purpose most admirably. It is understood that the Council has employed a man enocially for keeping the interior of tho slaughterhouse oloan. this innovation also beine muoh appreciatod by thoee engaged in tho institution.

Th© Durham stroet Methodist Young Men's Class on Sunday received a visit from the Young Ladies' Bible Close**;, the parlour being filled to ite utmost capacity. A solo was sun* by Miss Shentoa, after which a ruost interesting paper was read by Miss Newton, entitled "Biblo Class Mombens , Rceponsibilitie*." A lively dweussion followed, members of both classes taking part.

On Saturday last about twenty South Canterbury teaohors went by train and drag to tJifl "Waihao Downs district, south of Waimato, for tho purpose of studying tho counti-y there, from a geological point of view. Mr W. Wilson, 8.50., ono of the lecturers at the Timaru Technical School, accompanied tho teachers, and explained to thorn tho various marine formations, ne well as everything of interest from a goological standpoint.

The mettor of tho Coklstream Reserve was mentioned to tho Premier at Wellington yesterday morning by a deputation from tlio Ashburton High School Board. Mr Flatman eskeu whether it would be possible to dovolo some of tho revenue from tho reserve to tho purposes of tho Board. Mr Fowlds replied .that the position was clear. Tho Coldstream Reserve was a University reserve, and must be dovotod to University purposes only.

According to a produce merchant in Masterton, eggs are now very mu6h more plentiful in the Maet*rton district than! r |bey have been for • many years. also of opinion that eggs would'be fairly*' cheap' all. t ,this yottr, for the reason thai there were not the large supplies going to Christchurch as was the caee -when the Exhibition was in progress. Last year this had; the, effect of keeping up the price of eggs'in the Wairerapa, district. ' , .

There- is at present on view in Fieher's window, High etreet, a largo punch-bowl, on which is painted apenimons of New Zealand scenery; Tho artist, Mrs Cross, liae been most successful with what is understood to be tho bteeest piece of china painting yet achieved in New Zealand, end with considerable efcill haa - overcome the difficulty of throwing back tho mountains into the distance) when by the curve of tho . bowl they ;-.V?ould come forward. ; "_, '■ ..■'.. <■

"When are* you likely to make another rajd on the 'two-up' schools ?'■ aekod c "New Zealand Times" reporter -of Chief-Detective McGrath on Sunday evening. "Well," said tho officer, "I don't quite know. You soe, it is no part of tho duty of the police to build up two-up schools, just so that they should have the pleasure of raiding them, and ac a matter of fact there isn't such a thing in Wellington at the present moment. Wove cleaned the wnole lot of them out."

A clause in the report of the Works Committee, presented at the City Council meeting laat evening suggested that the attention of the local members of the House of Representatives should bn drawn to the provision, of The Publio Works Act which provides for the compulsory widening of existing roads without compelling owner* to contribute towarde the cost. At the present time it wijl cost the Council £1885 to widen roads' in the Fishcrton and Merirale estates. The Council adopted the recommendation. ;'

A Royal Commiesion is to sit in Timaru this week to consider whether or not the Borough of Wai mate should 1h? included in the Timaru Harbour District. The Commission will consist of Mr Justice Chapman (chairman), Mr A. Kaye, commissioner appointed by the Timaru Harbour Board, and Mr Lees, commissioner appointed by the Waimnte Borough. Council. Mr Hotking, K.C., and Mr W. Hamilton will a-nponr for the Waimato Borough, and Mr Solomon, K.C., nnd Mr W. E. Kinnerney for the Tintaru Harbour Board.

A special meeting of the Lyttelton Harbour Board wee held yesterday afternoon. Present—Messrs G. Laurenson, M.H.R. (chairman), R. Moore, J. Richardson, C. Cook, J. R. Webb, W. McMillan, W. Dunlop, P. Waymouth, P. Graham, G. 6cott, H. Quane, and Hon. G. J. Smith. An offer for the purchase of the tuff Lyttelton was received from a northern firm, and, after consideration, it was accepted. Delivery is to be given as soon as possible after the arrival of the new tv« Canterbury, now on her way From Melbourne, and expected at Lyttelton to-day or to-morrow.

At the Invercergill Magistrate's Court yesterday morning, Mr Stout, counsol for Martin Campbell, applied for i rehearing of a ©a6O in "which hie client was fined £2 for assisting in tho sole of liquor in the Awarua district, and Mr McCarthy, fi.M., refused Tho facts (says a Press Association telegram) ere that Frank Cotttts was convicted by tho Magistrate for selling drink without a license, and on appeal to tho Supreme Court the conviction was quashed. Campbell, for nrsistin'j; Coutts, did not appeal, but paid tho fine, end counsel held that tho principal offence not having been proved, the Magistrate should grant a rehearing, but, 38 before stated, he refused.

An application for permission to transport an old building from ono locality to another wae brought before tho City Council last craning. The inspector reported that tho building was "in fairly good order," but this did not satisfy the Mayor. Hβ submitted that tho Council should not permit oW buildings to be carted about, as they might poesiblv Ie so placed as to depreciate tho value of another man's property. A building to be removed should b© in more than "fairly good order"—it ahould be' al>fiolirteiy good, and beyond all suspicion." Ho moved that the request bo declined. Tlio Council, however, referred the application to the Hy-lawe Commit too to be dealt with.

The Aslibnrton^il>Sl|S^^B •vero on the Bench. • •^3s£§«|^| is ashore n f ew l»ara Heads, topbrte thS?JBIH ago n panel ©f « door w«u'*|22fllgH about 2ft long and newly tuttfiEHH Apparently it W been iv t&fS&IH I* " ** i *• Tho Dunedin Navnls Baud (says a • Press Association i j i ****n> dornd the uniforms and inwqSSSffH want ot discipline is the eauirwililE S wan p robebl ° .Police Inspector GilH« vice from Rakaia yesterday tftSSHH to tho effort that tho bodv-eflSBHi maturely-born infent had been «2«raiß an hotel outhouse there. Atri2&HH the chiM hsd Wn bom a&mTfflie days. The jwlico nro Ouking;ij|^^M Tlie approach of tho and P. Association's MetN)iX3|H Show, to bo hold oh Nwembwißll rth, and Bth, is indicated by iSiBIH that tho (schedule will bo course of a or •&. The tetMißiilS has been busily engaged for past in compiling the work is almost completed. ' ;^w|Blwß A special mooting of of tho Oenterbury A<x?linva.titdßElHi ciety will be held at 8 |).nSS9 row, vhen amongst the buiitZSiHf be dealt -n-ith will be tbo-falBSBl motion, of which notice jim by Mr Lavory:—"Tliat the niMIBH passed at the last held Council, prohibiting Aron between the HosniUl brUwj&Hj the Fi tzgora Id a venue* bridge. * WWhI ecinded, and that the portion AMM river indicated be reecrred for |nHjl

Tho resolution arrived «t*WH IH Anglers' Club at tlioir annual'rMWawH last week with reference' gazetted regulation limiting IH catch to twenty trout, or'''hot ' ; ri fflffl than 2011) of trout, will hti TinmifliaWflß at tho apwifll minting of the AcaUiallM tisation Society tnr*S«U Tho position regarding this rogaMSB (No. Iβ of the general rcgulatioaiSfH cently gazetted) is put clwlr-fjlfM tclog ram which has boon reoeivMwfgHH Mr Goorgo AHport, Secretary'<«, MB Marino Department, who 'iocnl regulations con bo wede'Mijfll Exoollonoy' the Governor'for yoii'l ij|H trict, to take the plnce of lGof the General Regulatioi)g,!J|||HH Allport requests tho society to. fag ifiHjH a draft of tho regulation they >jj iwH gazetted to tako the place of JRj MBjjH lion 16. Tho question whether/nKHH worm fishing is permissible Gouoral Regulations has not yCTfJjjjlflw Fashion ie accountable <*<$IMHH for over-ohangiug stylo*. is no oxoeption. Large spring a,n<Leununcr drcM MttaHyHrafl mohairs, taffetas, prunella BpaMKmM ans, also summer costume TilotfajjMHH Ik> scon at Black, Ueattio In tho art of designing dretaßtlßKß costumes Miss Lawrepee cxofU.'?,-J|MM ai<e smart, and every <JBtail' should l>o. Dp no risk *K**PP°fWMHB by waiting, but place your oHtagjjflHHH Moderate charge*. . ■, v ; .^^^| A special shipment -of Iβ now on view at tho smartest of delaines aad floral deeigre, •., effcetire "woteu" d«Uinee« blouam and robot in linen*, muelin*, in .many now be secured et t"° popular prices.. ..■ ~ >|-ma^^H Now that ih*"' ohnngoable, it ie *lway» know what it is going to be; the total nainfalTand the bee been in different parts try. ' A choice assortment gauges, baronietert, Be thennometore, end other, etramentt is to be aeen .itJMH Proctor's. Oouliet*' Optician,' street, Cnriiichurch, «nd ai been priced rery low.' there k necessity for anyone to be Inepection inrited. » ;^; A $ij^B In other worde, be cure you jget a Benici* W. Baaaett and Co., 23 MH 111* «y«nghi of given .more attention! J" e> of young peiwona who quent headatbea,'blurring of etc., are victims of ' e !r* > can be remedied by glaftMftt ing of children* «;■» caHU for care, jt*ct, sud skill. Tia* 'WH aeurod by oonaulting Clarke, D.8.0.A., ¥£M.G. t (Undon), lately returnefl altar going a special course or Telephone 2321. Sigjit-teet-injg 148 Colombo street o. < -' >' iffl^H

In the epnng time of *h« the weather is w> changeable certain, cold* ere not only tracted, but extremely difficult off. This being so, ». speedy remedy i« consequence* are to be ay Chrietchurch people know frog* experience the power -of "**Sffl|H Cough Elixir to speedily cor* <M— atd colde of even the eevereet Wallace's Coufih Elixir ie *> bpMHH because it permanently bronchial tubes and , diseased muoue membrane, yjiwiMHl really the cause of the trooW»a«MHl price for this reliable medioio* ||BH| and 2e per bottle, «nd may jfj— tamed from most ohemkt* ua WiUMB and.Co., Chemiets, High ' etwe **^^Hffl It is important that nwthei* |AmHhl know about Eukol, the ,iMwr>»l!iWH paste, and ccc that their it daily. To enjoy perfect dren and ad tike aliko mu*t h>?*Jfl|H| teeth, and the beet prescryatire.*f!9BH to science is Eakol, for it kill* iMgHnl

jurioiu germs in tho month, - cause decay, and removes colouring tartar which cute tatd/JHs ivory of the teeth. Tho price is tube. Wallace and Co., Chemfct»»j|ls Passers-by in Caehel street g?t ffi/M an advance glimpse of tho now styles in Boath ond Co.'c big *'»Mfia| at present. This comprises 0 'VWBfJBM showing of many new and c n*M«n| costume effects, pretty blouses bloiiw* materials, lovely a number of dainty items fancy goods section. The tout is extromely pleasing, and will *W<|ra| pay n brief inspection, IjOok ft *-*F'^^

To farmers and 6fcationholdere. - A«reS| Robcv Oil Engine for siiiinlicityi J obility, finish, workmanship, bM .ISSffll equal. Your ehearing shea <»n fitted up -all complete. All • B i*Jjlaß| guaranteed. Write for prices forwhole outfit. H. McClellend, ■ f*ssH| Ceshel etroct, Christchurch. . ",.f|^S Better have no iratclj than tinuaily wrong. Conault_Konnett. ,WMM people'e watchmaker. Hie lllß *JJ™| ers are good, ooruwt and * heB JP'A*3SiH nett will al«o teat your e/JFW'JjSmm fit you with epectacJce. nigfl • next Excelsior Hotel. u!rrtisH Mr Ernest M. Sandstein. D.S.O.A. (London), OphthalmiouinH cian. may be consulted on a I """JgjSyfl fective Eyesight remediable %JFSgjM ConeultinK room*, toshal "'"^.SjSffl fl? SSS2TA. .%&»«■ Ices invisible gkesw. y - v , }MM

Lnts -183-Herelurd >trtei KJ&Wcc Hatch. .No fees.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12905, 10 September 1907, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12905, 10 September 1907, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12905, 10 September 1907, Page 6


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