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To-day is tho anniversary of the death of tho Right Hon. R. J. Scddon. Tho Nurse Mauclo Camps acknowledge the receipt of 10s from H.A.D. and also 2s from tho eauw. Tho Westport Coal Company's outfut ior tho week was 14,1331 tons, 14 cuts. A Pros Association telegram states tihat a slight shock of earthquake was experienced at Wirllingion about iv p.m. yesterday. '"When wo get on to our second legs wo shall not want any Government protect ion," remarked a. member of the Fruitgrowers' Association on Satuiday night. The Union Company's tug Pilot sank ai her moorinjts at tho Queen's "\Yhari, Wellington, yesterday morning (statcu a I'ro&B Association telejiranij. j\ o cause, is at i>resell t assigi;td>. Tho Chairman of the Canterbury Fruitgrowers' Association at Saturday nights meeting: "If Tasmanian fruit is admitted free into New Zealand it will collar tho markets, and tho only thing left for us to do will bo to chop down our orchards aild go in for cowspnnking." Tin" sister in charge of St. Mary's Homo desires to acknowledge with thanks tho following gifts:—Clothing from Miss Tripp, -curtains and hares Mrs R. Hcaton Rhodes, duok IJjs Leg-Rot-t, games Mrs Hastings Bridge, magazines Public Library, bacon and pork (weekly) Mrs G. Andrews. Tho steamer Oroti ran on, to tho stono training wall yesterday while proceeding down tiho river in thiok fog (states a Wanganui Press Association telegram). Tho vessel was high and dry last evening, but it was not known then whether she had sustained any injury. Hopes were entertained of floating her off on the next tide. It is reported (says the Clutna "Leader") that the syndicate which recently acquired Clydievaje has offered a donation of £10,000 towards building the Balclutha-Tuapeka Mouth railway. In consequence of this offer a meeting of tho League is likely to be held soon, to urge upon the Govern*ment the acceptance of the offer atuj the necessity of the immediate construction of tho line. Superintendent Smith has received a cheque for one guinea from Mts J. McCready, as a recognition of the prompt it ndo of tho Brigade in extinguishing the fire which oceunred in Mr L. Biggins's shop in Victoria street on tho Prince of \Valoe's birthday. Mrs McCready's promisee adjoin Air Biggins's shop, and but for the timely assistance or tbo Brigade, hor property ■would have suffered extremely. Speaking at the meeting of the Canterbury Fruitgrowers' Association on Saturday evening, Mr W. A. Carpenter stated that at Governor's Bay he had gathered as fine grapes outside as he had ever grown under glass in England. They were bettor than the North Island grapes, and better even than the much-boomed South Australian fruit. There were -, thousands ■of acres on Banks Peninsula eminently suited for grape-growing. A gleam of sunshine oomes to Picton (says an -exchange) from a. casual remark in a letter recently received locally from a young man employed near one of the Government engineers' camps on the North Island Main Trunk railway. He says, inter alia* that the engineers expect that -work will be completed in that portion of the colony about tho middle of next year, and have alrnadv received official notice to prepare for a transfer to the South Island, where it is expected tho pushing on of the Main Truck Line with all speed will be the policy of the Government. Evidence of the severity of the thunder-storm experienced in the Waikato on the night of the 25th of May is to be scon on the farm of Mr J. Turbott (says the "Neiv Zealand Herald"). A fine tree growing in one of the paddocks was struck by lightning, and, although of a very hard and knotty nature, the branches and trunk were torn into shreds, and hurled in all directions. Pieces which a man is unable to lift wero carried a distance of two chains, while smaller portions were taken fully 203 yards away. Fortunately no live stock wero in the vicinity. The Waikouaiti railway station was "held up" "by a polled Anprua bull one day last week (says the "Palmerston Times"). It appeam that the bull escaped while being put oni board' a truck, and after scattering the bystanders the animal made direct for a train which was standing at the platform. Tho pa-siKMigers immediately took refugo in the while the railway officials fled in all directions, and for a couple of minutes the bull was in solo charge of the station and its environs. Eventually some cnttle experts came to the rescue, the hull was removed, and the train proceeded on its journey. At tho Arbitration Court at Palmerr.ton on Friday (says a Press telegram), tho President called the attention of the representatives of the Typographical Union to the fact that tho demands ma<!o on tho country employers were much greater than the Union had accepted in Wellington City, both in tho rate of pay and tho minimum output, and .asked if it was seriously suggested that the country employers should pay more. After some "discussiqn the- fUnion decided to reduce tho demand* to th*> Wellington agreement, namely. £3 IDs for day work and £3 lfis for ni<*ht work. Mr Pirani, for the employers, said that this reduced the difference between them considerably, and a compromise could probably bo arranged under certain conditions.

A very amusing evening's cntertnj.ntnen.fc was provided by th© Canterbury (V>!!(*ge. Dialectic Society on Saturday •:''.Tiiiirst. .when a mock trial was hold, the cawi'tried being one of breach of promise. A court homo was arranged in the College Hall, over which Mr A. {"5. Taylor presided as judge. flic ease set down for h-rvirinj wai "Xavnhoe v. Al.<iern-fJti Jone*.' , Tha details irero •worktxl out with much care and cvi<lene«» wiis adduced' on both eides by various witiiosses. tho plaintiff and defendant bein'4 ably represented by coun&oJ in t!w ]i€rporiß of college lair stu<ler.ts- After impas&iomxl addr'steA l«y tho reispectire counsel, and nn eloquent summing up by his Honour, tho jury «n found damages for tho plaintiff to tlio extent of £2000 lls 2i<i. Thcro was a largo audience, ivlk) appeared' to enjoy thorougljly tho cxcelleut cometly of tiftj ovoning.

*i Jsi_ Drainage Commission, in whidh tno Christdmrch City Council and eereral Jocal bodies are interested, opens ite sittings this morn in 3. A meeting of farmers nnd others interested will bo held at Rangiora tomorrow afternoon at tho North Canterbury Co-op. Stores with the object of resuscitating the Rangiora Branch of the Jt armors' Union. Tlio Napier Wharf Labourers' Union (says a Press Association telegram) has resolved to support Mr Slaters nonrnation as workers' reprosentative on the Arbitration Court. Twenty-four oasns aro set down for hearing by tho Arbitration Court at Napier. The statutory meeting of ratepayers to consider the proposal to rais? a (special loan for tho purpose- of constructing waterworks in St. Alban'e Ward wall be- held in fc»t. Matthew's Church schoolroom at 8 o'clock to•nJght. Tho English lecture-room at Canterbury College has for 6om© timo been too small for tho largo classes whiciii attend some, of the lectures. This lute resulted in orercrcnvding, but the Board lias now enlarged tho seating accommodation to meet tho growing demands made on it. At tho end of the financial year the l\>lnco Provident I'und stood' at £2D,l2<j. Tho creation, of the fund (.saje a Prose Association telegram fiom Wellington) has savod the Stutw £17,159, that being the amount which tlio Government would have had to find lor polioo rowing allowances. Tho colonial youth is nothing if not precocious (says a Napier paper). One day last week a small lad went into a bakers shop at the Port for a loaf of bread, and tendered 3d in payment. When informed tlint broad had that day advanced jd in price ho replied, "Well, give mc a loaf of yesterday, then." A Trees Association telegram from Hokitika stntes that during tho last four days tho Assessment Court has been engaged in revising Government vuluations in the Westland County. A feature of the proceeding* was the. fact that in one riding tho County Council entered 235 objections on tho ground that the valuations wore too low., and except in two instances tho objections wero successful. Tho total valuation of the riding in question was increased by about £27,500. The Jan© Douglas arrived off Hokitika on Friday morning from Westport with a cargo of coal. When she was getting over tho bar and coming round into tho mouth of tho river, tlio rudder was struck by a heavy sen which sent tho wheel flying, knocking Caplain Irvino down and severely injuring his wrist. Before tho mate had a chance to take tho helm, tho vessel grounded on tho North Spit. She is not in a bad position, and at night she shifted nearer the river. It was not thought there would bo any difficulty in getting her off on Saturuay night's tide. A Maori, writing to the Otaki paper, says:—"Tho Royal Commission has done good work. They have recommended the purchase of two blocks up the Wanganui, also tho Rangitoto block—all good land —: tho Ihmvaka block, containing 63,000 acres, at 7s 6d per acre, and tho ibest part of Rangitoto at £1 per acre. I must congratulate the Native Minister on the able and honest way in which he purchased those blocks. Tho Native owners came forward nnd sold their land freoly. This purchase supports the Treaty of Waitangi, where it mentions that the Maoris could sell to the Government if they liked, but that th© Government should not confiscate. Mr H. W. 6tevonson, tho billiard champion, played two gaiace at tho Federal Clul» on Saturday might, with Mr J. C. Adams and Mr J. Williajns. The matches were for 500 up, and M r Stevenson conceded each player 250. Ho beat Mr Williams by 64, and Mr Adams by 216. Hie beet breaks Against Mr Williams wore 63, 48, 57, 55, and 159 (unfinished). Against Mr Adams his beet breaks wore 59 and 424, which is his Now Zealand record. Mr Steveneon played a top of table game, and scored most of liifi points with nureery cannon* along the", cushion. < > Afterwards, he gave a fine exhibition *of cradlo cannons. To-night, Mr Steveneon will pJay two games at tho Canterbury Club. ' * "Our teachers," 'said Mr J. C. Thomson, M.H.R., at the meeting .of tho Southland Education Board on Friday, "should be instructed to enter, up tho full names of their pupils on the examination certificates which are issued^ by them. An instance of the hardship n mistake may-occasion was brought to my notice not very long ago. A boy's name appeared on the certificate as 'Fred,' by which name ho was known to his companions, but his baptismal numo was 'Arthur John.' When he placed this certificate before a certain department he was practically charged with fraud." Tho Board at onco resolved (says - tho "Southland Times") to.instruct teachers to exercise care in swing the full and true names of pupils wero inscribed on certificates and registers. The unsightly appearance of several of the telegraph and telephone poke lately erecttSl in Auckland City wee referred to at the last meeting of the City Council (eaye the "New Zealand Herald.") The Mayor said that while the Council was doing its best to make Auckland ono of tho most beautiful of citica tho Government tvas really frustrating thoao aspirations by erecting these unsightly poles. He understood that in Wellington it was'proposed to put the wires -underground. The City Engineer (Mr Bush) said that tho Inspector of Telegraphs had lately informed him that it was proposed to place the ■wires underground in the principal streets of all the cities, a start to l>o made at Wellington. It was decided to communicate with the Government on tho subject. Speaking on Friday at'the ceremony in connection with the opening, of the Miramar North tramway extension, the Mayor (Mr C. J. Crawford) used Cr. Luke's scheme for tlio reclamation of a portion of Evans Bay an a peg whereon to hang an argument against rating on improved value, prefacing his remarks with the statement that ho did not expect them to bo unanimously agreed with. Hβ enid that he would eak Mr Luke what lie wanted with reclamation when there -was so much land at Miramar? Why was Cr. Luke crying out? It was ibecauso land valuation in Wellington had gone up so much that industries had been driven out. Tho cause of Mr Luke and others wenting to "get out" was taxation on unimproved valuoe. It was this system of rating that was driving industries out of tho city. Mr F. R. Flatman, M.H.R., is not lotting the matter of telephone communication between. South Canterbury and Ashburton rest. On Thursday; he sent the following letter to tho ActingMinister for Telegraphs:—"Dear sir, -—1 am in receipt of your letter of the 23rd ult., in which you state you regret that the application for connecting Geraldine and Ashburton by telephone cannot be enteitoined. I must confess I was somewhat astonished and disappointed at your reply. I now find that Temuka also requirPJt telephone, communication with Ashburton, and herewith I enclose a resolution passed by the Temuka Borough Council nt a meeting on the sth inst., which speaks for itself. Such being the case, I do not see how you can further refuse the irq«mt of the people of these two importnnt towns. I therefore trust yon «ill decide to have tlio work done as early as possible, and I assure you it will prove a Rreat boon to the biisi-. γ-ofs section of the community in o:ivh place, and no doubt will well repay the Department for the outlay incurred. ''

At the S.M Court ( My » e GwSHBB Press Association Keating, charged with being iVSIB ratf.S'Xr* " ! ***•?!■ A Napier Press Association says that McLachlan has duSkß tffl as v.'VHr.jsgr j*gs taro9 Mr C. Reginald Ford will lectotai'Jß "1-arthest South" for the last tiaZ&JM Christchurch at tlio St. Albany S&EtoH dist schoolroom on Thuwd.y 8 o clock. Iho lecture will U trated by 150 lino lantern TiewiTv^ifflH The takings at the Dunedin iSliow for tho four days, telegraph* ««£#» correspondent, were £903, as ■Sk&n>')W f*jO tor bet year. Tho crowd of try people who camo to town was largest ior years, a sure sign of wo*. ' Kwk penty among tho farming community] \\M Replying to deputations f&m. tal"Auckland Cremation Society (statei v ' J« Auckland Press Association telegrwaf'Hlf the Mayor said if £500 was RubscriSH by tho public tha. society would the Council would give effort to their •' ,5 P ooeires. Ho suggested they should submit a defiuite scheme showing wklfc ~; ' |. buildings are required. (hm A benefit oonoort is to be held in the ! '■ Sydenham Football Club's Hall, EUm -'",V - both street to-morrow night, under the 4 '- auspices of tho club, in aid of Mr T ''X * Cam, an old past membo r of the oluh'-" '" who has been indisposed for some con, , - siderablo le.ngth of time. A good v> V g: ammo has 1/een arranged in -which Uμ ?' ' f bydenhnm Preebytorian choir will utiit "i f with part songs and choruses. ,;' ; Two bovß, aged thirteen and anotW '$ \ aged twolve, came before Mr H. W '-■- Bishop. S.M., et a sitting of the ,ai I Juvenile Court on Saturday on ■ v '*' charge of stealing two eovoreigte, t\ boys hod onterod a Ivouee while S' : tho occupant was\ at homo, and •« taken tho money, which was lyine ' «■ in ono of tho rooms. Thoy mitted the offence. The older boy wu' : ' committed to St. Mary's Industrial"./ School, Nelson, and the younger to th* '; Burnham Industrial School. ,",: Thore was a e°°d attendance e|-.^ young men and wonwn at the Duifam--' ' fctroot Methodiisb lounc Men's CUa« '''- ■ yesterday afternoon to hear Mr J.'H.V; Marston on '"Tho xxumanity of Chnrt.? ' On Tlmreday next the younc men \, hoWuig an "At Home" in the <■' room to raise funde for a new carpet, '■'/; ' and so for the sale of ticiete has wwtt.f{ very eatdafactoTy. Next Sundny after*';*? , ' x noon Mr J. T. fo'nnui is to speak yx'*f * "Tho Gospel in St. Paul's Letter to :V > Philemon.' • y % ': With to-day's issue is a circular ' lating to Block, Beauue and Ce.'e .;>- ------special purt-lnaeo and bargain sale.; ft-.? f is worthy of ckxso inspection. 1 lino is showing a groat reduction «t'.£ tho ordinary prices. Do not fail, &'% h The Ellwrmero Gun Club'g \ Pigeon Match -takes ptaoe «t l*«to»'''i V on niursd*y, 13th June. ' ■ \ssk ?' It is understood that Mrs J.\,Moi>';i '< Ci-ostie haa dliaposed of liar farm' I Ellcsmere, consiet-ing of some 500 vsmm '; 'to JMr John Tusah of Datlington 6tttif3factory prioei Til* agente «m|: j Messre H. Metson and Co. A great demonstration of -\ advertised t*day by the D.I.C. Serines! ■- hundred pounds worth of fashioMMp 4 dress trimmings, fancy braids -.'••Is , - ?' galous, braided, sequined,, and "> gimps, motif and fancy silk im»rtktt|| ; aro offered ai a discount of 50 per ••HSf; < off marked prioes. A big these goods will be made in the windows and to-morrow - for tevon days the publio will bedWM#: exactly half the prices . to-dayYdisplay of trimmings. ?\s*M It may not prove a paying ment colling good* at the Mosem Armetrong's sale eupVleenetJifc&l sued yesterday caused a booming IPfll-fl of.buyenj. . • * i! '4' k Wm To-d*y brine* an eweptiwid tunity for ladiee to obUin •«"*ri#lHg|; tor dress, at lee .price. ,-Thi» arieee dress «oods purcnai»;}lMt Mm M§ Boath and Company,. Ltd*; 14 «*s*-«!v? prise* a wide range el w* UMwaMwmjV tancy tarUn chooue •W'?wpee*;U*j|BJ' i many efiectivo colour co «? bi ?fs i The uiual price wwrid i yard, but while' they _j"*?. •Rico tiiem at only Vβ lUw.WW , Xn early call is •drunble thottgb. f.MBK' Ernest M. Sandstein,, li.U.U.A. (London), ophtbahmo dan, n»y be consulted on all «••*'!§s■§' defective eyesight remediable, 'J^K glares. SP^ ial^ R «f*i e " is! i? T, Hours. 9.80 to "Sflßfi Bultmg room*, Cartel atoeet W., Ballantyne'«. T«tophane. 897. r *$§■£ Ki«ht now ia the time to bargain. The specialPP r commencing to-dlay »t »1*ok» l,etW ™«.L and Co. affordb one <rf •**»■». , lt> SWt chances to cave monqr od season's fioode. Every item in the circular U ftmt it »»'« w Wi»|' to bo. The value ia tfaej*. I _DV.*flnL' fail to call to-diy, Many bupmMl, will bo eoaie to-mornwr. ■ The bt*y acenee enacted in High street and Victoria terday are aoooiMited for by tMMWj ing of Mow* T. Armstrong and OW^V , Winter ••Iβ. . ' . : ,^J|,! The boeb inag»ei»e •»wj^blUMdgM£ , New Zealand i» undoubtodly twWMffIKD number of the '"iTiad." _ It «»B*«j^af. inter alia, a number of tritty and fiSBR!'. minating articlee by the editor «• WQ9?> recent trip to Aimerk*. Bβ "•- i keen eenee of humour, ■W"g|H:< ently obserred ahrewdly and well. **§§■!£ Btrnplement contains amoapt ***J^«V 1 tihinge the oelebrated picAdraa of beautiful Mra Thaw, wEich «»i» *gmmd by the groat New York architect, *•*s«:' ford White, who wae •hot by young Pit4»bur« :\ mfllionwre. are aleo e»me fine reproductionj Canadian winbor #o*oe« f and pM*fHSm of "New York by Nighy ehootU« MKf lAchine lUpidto," *ndi "VmnxMoK' li.C." Tho June "lViad" wiU «WBf. repay porueeL _• ''qH% Patent*, Trademarks, P— Henry Hugh**, Patent A«anta, itWf Hereford itreet, Cariatolrareh. •Mm^K/I pateuts in all countries. Beliabl* jmK«!;, rioe on application. Telephone J^J§K;v Messrs Armstrong end Co., by ing their Winter sale thorongh m J*®m'' departmonte, instead of a Bi)ocinl item affair, strike the ryH^B chord, and pleaae the public. ,'; : ]^t' ; Mr J. D. Clarke, F.S.M.C, F. 1.0. (London), ing specialist, having returned undergoing a special oourse of tralS^K 1 . ing at the Northampton InstitewgK -, London, may now be consulted. fc 'P e ally-built testing rooms, fitted with est instruments for ■ighUtestittU|9& Charges moderate. Address: J. JK§JB| Clarke, 148 Colombo street S. Clarke and Co., jewellers). *i^K Better have no watch than one cc tinually wrong. Consult Konnctfc. 4h||B|. people's watchmaker. His • «re are good, correct and cheap. KMgHs nett will also test your eyemjght. <MW|B| fit you with epectacles. High ■t rM WK|§ next Excelsior Hotel. 'fffifll THE WORLD'S GftEATECT FK^' What ie the chief of tlio pests? An article iby Sir Shipley, Christ's College, Cambridge, SU BB°*?||||| that tho common house fly attaine injurious distinction. It is practicftWfeflHp c(«raopol'ta». ranging from flypr".» , sK ! New Zeatond, from the Capo to from Nova fccotia to tlio from Persia to Hong Kong. It 1* C *SMB! J rie*l ail over tho world in ships •"ggE? trains, ami seems to bo equally at «**!%9si« in the low latitudes of 'Finmark or*|!o the humid heat of vquatonai " r ***pMl Too disease* which flic* cenT«jr txt 9Wm! l

• hSri orv > noc«ll,/«n<l there » " Iwto *»PP«e that the fly suf- ' ™ inconveni-nce from actniff as IffteSclo which transfers the d.scnao " Qitlr a Tho mouth ports of the fly C X P iiZh with tho floa StreiumiltinK pkißiio- hwisji I>r. Martin's commission puts tho clue if ™/the sole, responsibility of plague carrier on tho flea. It ,!i«*minat« Solera and inflammatory ophthalmia, oe well os enteric, a., many cases in the Sp»nwh-Amcricun and .South African vnrs prowl. * molly fifrcry largely responsible- for that nfection of milk which is one of the v principal causes of infantile mortality. A LONG TENURE. An illustration of extraordinary length of teiniro is nfforde<l l>y tho oconpatkm of Hill House, near Stoke ! Gabriel, Devonshire, by tho Churchward family (says tho '•■Standard"). Entering upon possession in tho fifteenth century, they have hold it from generation to gent-ration without a break for over 4M yeans. By the erection of n etained-glasfl window in the narish church tho present owner of Hill House, Mr Frederick Churchward, has commomorated the four hundred ami twonty-eocorud anniversary of his family's entering into po6b«*ioni of tho ' . eatate. MR. STEAD AND WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Mr W. T. Stead, who was announced to speak before tho Harvard Union on a recent evening, learned that the rules of the union iorbndo tho pregonce of women. Mr Steed rebelled ttgoinst this dictum, and said ho had rules of Jits own, one of which whs not togpoak at meetings from which women •nero excluded. The University autlioritiee accordingly suspended tho gncient rule. Mr iStead, replying to a request from Toronto, to speak at a peeco meeting, wired, "No ladies, no , tjtead." CIVILISATION IN MONTENEGRO. There Iβ no doubt that Montenegro make* rapid progress in tho "outward , " polish of civilisation (says an exchange). Tho' Montenegrin mothode are sometimes curious. They combine often the sublime with the ridiculous. Xte Abolition of capital puiuieliiment in * rough country, whero human life is not worth moro than a Hixponco, ia quite sublime But what aro we to gay to the next etep of the now Liberal Government, which seriously engages four Italian dressmakers to oomo to ' the capital of Montenegro to teaoh Montenegrin girte how to sow European arkirts and bloueceP Tlio Signorine aro very popular with everybody, ■ and dressmaking ia raised into tho front raak of fine arte in Cottinjo. Their popularity is increased by their prettinces and by their love of <lanotng. Thoso last qualities decided the ' officers' oorps in tho capital to invite them to a ball which they gave at the Zeteki Dom (< Everything wont well until tho Brigadier Vukotich, a giant who weiglia twenty stone (weighed officially on the State's weighing machine), took it into his head that he would like to learn waltzing from ono of the pretty Italian' dressmakers. She . -wan willing to tench him, as he was en'(?or to learn; but after a few steps thn giant pupil unluckily trod, with all hie twenty atono weight, on the foot ' of hie charming teaoher, and tho poor yoUng woman faintod, and had! to be carrion home half dead. Tho sympathy of tho gallant officers wrwl the polished diplomatic attaches was so groat with thn poor dressmaker that tho ball camie tn an abrupt aitid nwlunolioly conclution. t ' WINDOW DISPLAY TO-DAY. W« are making a special window display,'of Cycles, Cycle Accessories, Tjm, Uleo Motor Accessories. Tho jroodi #re nil marked ia plain figures, ''S and the prices aro certainly.the lowest ,^j", ia the' City for genuine and •• well $jy known brands of goods. Cyclists "by, enould inepfect our windows to-day, as *■■'. wo aro cutting prices, and now is the " ' opportunity to duv a high-claee Eng- \ lish bicycle, the Beeston Huinber, at <• cwt prioe. Wβ are showing in the " window baitgains in secondhand ;" oicyclos, ana are still prepared tp sell . a good secondhand bfcyclo with a de- •' posit of £1 and payments of £1 per month. Adams, Ltd., late Adame k Star Cycle Company, 138 *nd 140 '' High street, Chrietchurch. 21

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12826, 10 June 1907, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12826, 10 June 1907, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12826, 10 June 1907, Page 6


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