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"Tho Press" will not be pu.bli.-hod tomorrow (Good Friday).

One of the vagaries of cable corlra wae referred to at a recent meeting of the Wanjjamii Borough Council by Councillor Battle, who .said he kmw a businws man wheoe coded l cablegram to England for some fencing wir« resulted, in his receiving a merry-go-round!

The annual meeting cf the. Canterbury No-Lieenae Council is to bo hell to-morrow in the Y.W.C.A. rooms, Gloucester street. The morning session begins at 10 o'clwk, and will be principally occupied with local " b'.isiwees. Papers and discissions on the, same will occupy tho afternoon and evening teesione.

A Prefls Association message states that a number of Dunedin consignees of United Stntee goods have received cablegrams notifying that on account of the 'breakdown ot tho Oceanic Company's service, American goods are being transhipped to Vancouver for shipment to New Zealand by tho Alley steamers- The next Alley vessel will not get away from Vancouver till April 28th.

An assault is alleged to have been perpetrated shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon by a man named Thornley on John Bridgman, i financial agent, llridgman was talking to Detective Bishop at the corner of Hereford and Colombo jstrectfi. when (so it is alleged) Tliornley cam<j up nnd insulted him. Bridgman retaliated with his fista. Thornley then knocked him down, hitting him on tho face, cutting open his cheek. Thornley was arreeted and taken to the police station.

A special meeting of tho Domestic Workers' Union was held in tho Trades' Hall on Wednesday. In tho absence of the president of the Union, Mr H. R. Rusoridge, president of the Ca.nterbury Trades and Labour Council, occupied the chair. The proposed conditions of labour were read and adopted by the Union, and it was agreed that a special meeting should be convened for the purpose of considering the method to bo adopted in conferring with the employers for the purpose of discussing tho proposed conditions of labour. iSeveral now members wore admitted.

With reference to the question of the control of traffic on tho New Brighton foreshore, Mr G. Mclntyre, formerly Mayor of New Brighton, informs ur that the foreehoro was vented eomo years ago in the borough when the difficulty first arose, .?nd the eastern boundary of the borough is therefore low watrr mark. By prcdanwitinn dated. January 2oth. 1898, and published in tlw> New Zealand 'liiizette, - ' February 3rd. ]Sf'B, the boundirire ot the Borough of New Brighton were* cxto low water fnark. This was drnw m response to a i>etition from tho Mayor ,md oxMincillr>rs cf the Borough, under the provisions of "The JlunicipaJ Corporations Act, 1836."

It ii- tho intention of tno Xapior Borough Counril to apply for an-Ordor-in-Counril authorising the ins-tail] ation of electric 1 iehtins; and constniTition of a tramway in tliat town. According to a report prepared by Mr F. Black, tho mort Riiitabio route for a tnuiTway would be> from Hatting* street to Port Ahuriri. and a!.*> to the hospital, and from dive square to t'ho .railway station, with n contingent eorvico to Tarpdalo. The; approximate cost of construction was «rt doivn at £77,000 for traction, lighting iir.d po\v<>r. inclusive of the Taradalo pprvicn, and £ - 45.0(K) exclusive of that For .1 scheme only r-io e,<ti!mte wa* ' £12.500. The estimaf d r«v-ii;io in the second jvnr was £II.HOO, £7WO. and C33OD respectively, f >r the three rriving an approximate nor profit of £lGOf), £730, and £i'M) r.snoctiVO!V. Dr. Darid Starr Jordan, the distimnishod American sc> iiti.s;. who wifl .shortly v>«tit tbi- r-.'onv. '•-- prr.-i'lont of the 1/clam-t Stan for 4 Junior I' y, California. Thi is a Monrrhl I'li'ivr-Vsi-ty erect M to tho memory <n Lelond. St.-.nford .junior tho <!-.iy son .-t Mr Lelanrl Stanford. wl- > d : " 1 at t!o age. of IS ywis. Hono? thr> distinctive name <"f the. College. Tee University is -nt Palo Alto. California, and is >-.iirl *\ lie >! liL' v itMi!'y .sit:i:»**- J . Tho liiiiT.!in,2 was <vam;igod <!uriii!r th-f» farthqiiii'KP. l>:-t not K-ri<oiisly. I) r . Jordan hrs tn.k.n t* , ! ' 2Tf>;it'vt intrnxt in rJ-.'.r'tioii.Tl -movf-mf-nts. aixl is ,:f t!:o liighi'et anthorkio') of th" pro-xs-v.i dny <vn f---br«. j"7o Ji.ns written a nunilx-r raf srienUfis uorks. and lias travclkd extensively. H<\ ha.s ji;st coniplftod a largo monorraph on tho fis!if-s of Jopnn. another en tho fi>jTrfi of thf> Hau-.-iiiin Ivi!nii'!p; ami a third on tho fis'nos of Kainna. Ho intend,* to visit b.vth Australia and Xow Zoaliiirl. sprnding altogfthpr aHout t-.vo months in Anstralaxia. Dr. Jordan ha« frpfi'H'nt communication* \ V '*h Mr Kflcar R. "Waito, rurat-or of t!k> C'r.ntprhnry Mnscitm: witli Si" Hubert StoJit, ChU-f 3v.«Aici>. H is probable that Dr. JowVin His stay in NV-n- Zoaland vill Ik> «rfonipan:r;l en his trij-« liy Mr K. K. W'ait«>. who has T-rvn«ifWablV kn ivcf the fr-hes of this coiouy.

Tlio Ryeland rams wld at Ram Fair on Tuesday last aroirakl to bo the first of their kin<l submitted to-auc-tion in New ZtvJaml. These shwDivero bre<! by .Mr William Hay. *

Tlip steamer lonic, which sails fnr London to-<lay, carrying (says a Prc.-e Association telegram) a record total of :?08 from Now Zealand.

At the Wangruiui Police Court yeetenlay (says a Prrss Association messagp) six tobacconists and four storp-kr-opors were fiiifNl i'l each and costs for keeping their premiere open efter hours.

Tho residonre of ,A. G. Pi Ik ington, solicitor, at ReVuera, was vi«it«) (says nn Auckland Press Association telegram) by burjjlare on Monday night and robbed of a quantity of vnluablo jewellery and plate.

Some unca*in«-83 caused Jby thp n:»narrival of the French warship Zi>l<h» at Auckland lias be?n dissipated (eaye a Press Association telegram) by noire r< 1 ceived by cnblo of her arrival at No'i niei. i

A Prrre Aissoeiation statue tlwt at an a<ljotirntxl moetiiig held in Timaru last evening it was rosolved to set al>otit funds to provide a children's ward nt the Timaru Hospital as a memorial to the l;ite Mr fcJeddou, and if possible, v marble bust will bo placed in tho public library.

At tho Polico Court yesterday (s:»ye a Duiu'din Press Asociation tolograin) llolxrt Powell wye aentoiico*} to thrco months' impiiooument for assaulting lim ir.othor-in-lr.w, -Isabella Frasor, \*lio just previously had given ovul«>nce ajikiiiiit him lor his wilo in :•. maiutciiMc cat>v. David Barklay, :uias Jos. Thomson, wa.3 arreetfd nt Goorjjetown (says nn Oamnrii Prees Association message), as bf»ing ihv> m.-in eusppcte;! , of having attemptotl to commit an indecent act nt Wood ha ugh (DunodiiO in November, 1001. Ho «as remanded to Dunetliu.

A man named W. Cliinn was ci.9from Porirua on Saturday morning. Ho reacheri his home at Injilewood (says a l'rer.s ARMK'iation me)*>;ijie) on J-lo loft homo the K.iino iiicht. and h.'is not. been heard of fiiiir-p. Search partiri> have bren out continuously without, result.

'i'iio l?ev. Dr. (iuinnrss. founder of tJm "Hcpious Boycnd" an<l uellknoxyn as :i preacliw and author, who is making; a prolonged stay in New 7m\laii<l, will proach in tho Oxford Terraco liiiptist- Church on iSunday night. Hβ will <>liver a lecture ehortly, of which particulars will bo adA-ertised later.

Tho Tramway Board's electric lic;ht near the Bank of Xtw Zealand buildings last, night, at about eight, and tho current -had to bo turned off at the powerhouse while repairs wore effected. Tho result wan ; that the whole service, wa-s brought to a ! standstill for fivo rainutce.

A statutory niooting»>jT>f tlio City Council was hold last night for th<> pur-poc-o of appointing the JJeputy-Mayor ami two Councillors to eign and certify to the corroctno.*; of the district electors' list for tho onsiiing year. Tho oloetors' list tfas duly signed and certified to.

Among the iimusemen'te provided for the excursioniete to Akaroa by tho Rotamaluina on Eaeter Monday will be a grand bizaar and ealo of work promoted with the object of liquidating the debt on tho new Convent at Akaroa. Thero will ako bo a football match on tho Recreation Ground, Akaroa v United Bays, during the afternoon.

The case of tho Tompleton Road Board v. William Bennett, for cutting graea on the roadside, without • permit, lias boon witlidrawTi. The case had boen adjonrnpd until yesterday for legal argument on tho question whether tho Road Board or tho Selwyn County Council has control over the portion of the load along tho edge of a waterrace.

Tho annual conference. of the Churches of Christ. South Wand dietrict, commences this evening with a Gospel meeting in tho chapel, Durham street. A targe number of delegates and vieitore will arrive to-day from the south. The conference will eit to-mor.-row and on .Saturday and Monday, and a public tea will bo held to-morrow' evening. A largo attendance of the public is anticipated at tho evening meetings.

The quarterly summoned meeting of the Queen's Own Lodge, No. 30, 1 , .A., was held on Monday night in the lodge room, Worcester street. P.M. Bro. J. Middloton presided in the unavoidable absence of Bro. B. Jones, W.M., through illness. Several important matters pertaiuing to dispensary and incidental levies were arranged. Bro. J. lianna was elected delegate-to tho F.S. Dispensary. . It was decided to hold a lodge social a montfh Prom date. Receipts amounted to about £80.

A lather unusual sight vraß witnessed at New Brighton last Monday afternoon, whem two porpoises wero seen sporting amongst the piles of the pier and playing sad havoc with tho lines of the herring fiahora. The porpoises approached within a few yarde of the water line. Evidently they were hltracted by t!h« shoale of herrings which have made their appearance along the coast lately.

An oleven-year-old boy waa charged at tho livenilo Court yesterday, before Mr V. G. Day, S.M., with stealing a bicycle. The Jad, jt appoarcd, had bVsn staying with, an undo, and made off with the bicycle, and rode it to DarfiHd, where he was arnwted by Constable Dillon. The Magistrate "aid he would not enter a. conviction, but would commit tho boy to St. Marys Industrial School, Nelson, as uncontrollable.

There was a' nirmbPT of oomplarmfa at the Addington ealeyards yesterday concerning the lat« hour at which stock trains arrived the night before, ami some of the- men did not get aw«y from tho yards till ' half-pact throe in the morning. T!x> principal ivas on tb« north lino, and it Jws Iwrn snjr.jrMt'od that a second "train klioiiUl nin oti Tiifsdays in tho busy s»>6Fon. and pick up stock at all ifm staiioKK this si<le of Waipara, and ullo.v tlio C'ulvrrden train to bring on tho st<jck frem the northern district.

TTio annual inrpting of tlio Canterbury Kennel C'!ub was held Inst evening. Mr S. H. Ciraicw prided, and tliero ms a k«oiI attendanre of members, iho report and balaiu-e-shcot v.oro adr-ptrd, and the following offiwre eYcted :—Proi-idrn-t: Mr Patrick Cami>J>f!l; vico-prjt-sident: Mi«dames "W. O'Hr.van and H- 0. Jfc', Drs. C. K. Thomas and IJ. Mwirhoiisp, Messrs G. B. Alex, lioylf. Hentoti Rhodes aix'l J. F. liiK'hanan ; bon. surßmn : Mr H. iS. Kyle; lion, nu.litor: R. 0. Duncan; hon. tr^i«nr<T: Mr »S. H. f!raves; nn<l hon. M'cietary: Mr Andrew Duncan.

Tii r< deputation of tlie Kaiapoi Manna! and Technical As-orjatioii, f{. Monro. G. A. Elk-ii, a::<l W. I). J>f:ui, v;iitr'l o?i t!i" M«ioii"li Council oil TiH'wJay cvn.'iiu-g; to ss-U t?iait a sit«> fin th«- tratßc l)ri<les' HpprouoJi, iK'jir tho Firr Ilritjsdo St;ition, l>" N't ;i-if!" t-ir a (>'iil' l in: , c for iw of ((k> ela.**' ,, *. It flsr. (;iatf<l th" l'!Wno;it : «»n D'partnK-nt v.nuld I'lvrt t!i n i, ,- :i site was toiind. 'ill" A'.s->ci:ition frit rsMirocl tlmt n suiu!»l<» on :i cv'n'tr:'! siti* wonlrl ris'ilt in i r, , . v -!:mhI Ikmiip takon in tlio dasM's. Thp .Mayo:- (Mr Hl.-u-k----wll) s:iid tltr , Coiinoil was in •-yrp; l iy wilit t! , " Jn virw f>! tli.' « ■•:- pc.'t<d Fi:i' Horrd l>iin<c i.yv j>o»i:t"''!. t lif t)Ur.4i<)ii tii l:iv. i|iii;-.i li:i'' W(>:il(l I" , v,!iiitf<l for t'l ' Itri'j'iW■■''■> r;--f|iiir<'}p<'ii'is i\onlf! lijiv- , t.i l> • fic-if!. •]. ami liosv fur thf C'oiin.-i! ,i:i! 1 ■ t »mi> p:irt of a ifvrvr for •■'■<• t.o!>riu-.-il F'liool. T'io C-ouiicil «iiii!'l ciiikler these poiutfc, and jjirt- aa eai'ljr rfply.

Monday, the ordinary weSIS'SMB << .V Council vW ll( £ CTmW&MmWmn follov.-,n B - Monday Wpcoiol service* will lx> *, »./* " A 9aHI Cimtehurch CathedraonfittmWlH 11. Shore. At 4 in **»• ■ | w, , .t-i;S will conduct n chi dr^vJ2i 8 - !,0p «S m'«K will Mlow at slo!*7H; .**Bfe gainer* Ca ntot a. «&*&*•,?JMft'f?uill bo given by tho chdr Crnwfi »«^-. ! 'l: troni and after SntK &h**f ? '■ Bnrwood oars will from 2SI3 M,d ■*& from Dalgcty » Si?" Saturd V. it**^. CotncS l^" 1 a *? tin 8 of tlii'QSfe vouucu last evening, the ru^ff; the following bo a committee iS?M : power to arrango for of the Exhibition Wn! Md 8 }«X the tame to. and reWt n Hu, .Major's SSSStJiB Puty-Mavor; Dr. Brad.haw*adMSlt J. A. frosty A. Kay*, SjW* Deputy-Mayor „ d' ho did mTJr*, ■■ matter of urgency. The men lart niunod in the rcaolutiMt '■ iho matter at their fingered./' lS ; thouftW, th« amber, of pronasw}, with the assistance oftH : , gentlemen, wouiU bo sufficient iJtt£\\with tho question of the was necessary that this mMmTL%2S?J be dealt with at onee t bream* <fiSS '-l hibition would be «losod ia atont^'• fortnight, and it wag therefor*i&k'\i ■Mc to deal with the queatKttS :i Ho therefore brought the rwolttSaV ' forward a« «no of urgency. The j*W- ,' tion was agreel! to. ;i>'' Major. Long, who has con* UllaS* colony on behalf of tho Imperial i*s&* authorities to enquire as to the«3fcs& ability or otherwise of New ZeajSfl tinned meats as food for the aSfe went .South, yesterday. He nrriv«ilts&Timaru at 4 o'clock yesterday tUmWi noon, and left a few minutes Uterjtfll Fairlic, in which district ho will ■iffllf Easter, visiting Mount Cook, if '$Em permits. Major Long v "crorotitaJaTOf by Dr. Koakefl, Government v " f iiui. He, will probably inspet*Hjßffii Paroora and Smithficki Froexinf WJmWm on Tuesday next, and will in. ■iFSmEI', liability .return to Christchurch, lafajtlfi proceeding (South. In rohvttsftSli with a Press representative at wMaHoli "Major liong said that ho hod bo«ilii|Kfavourably impressed with Ner*wH& land, from what be had wen of far, and though ho had a of -work to do hero, he hoped to good deal more of the colony b«#*i»!l left on his return journey, la rini urn to his apecial mission here, he «ek| -would die quite safe to assume P| report to tho Home fcnthoritiea Vftf \M bo of a natttrei faTourabl© to tbtfuUl It had ibeen complained thl(4ltfl past the contracts for preeemo,JM w for the Army had been too liftrtPwjffi he believed that > n future tracts would be lot. and if M|i9 land desired to participate la tMltHl felt confident that shoVould lilM Easter Holiday*. Trf-day Company's drapery etoro will W'JajMm till 6 for display and,eale of.anH clafia holiday novelties. AH V>^^^H| To-dey (Thursday) StraD«o pany's premise* will be open itU;f|in| but will be closed on. Friday, and *fIHB on Monday, for the Easter &olklarM9H| The ratepayers in the ManditnHH| and Itangiora lload District, who IHH| not yet paid their rates for this nHH &r--> reminded tJibt Saturday be the last opportunity they wilaHwi of doftTg so without the tho 10 per cent- penalty. . .jIH With to-day'e 'Tress" StrK, VWSmm\ Company issue two most. »UiWWHi illustrated ciroulara, one dejKTi|*jnHH| Ladies' Ftushionable • Furs, •M > ;»HH oblner new top garments for. !MlH| wear for autumn and. while ,the other is doroted te" i fafliW|| ing and ready-to-wear hata, boots, and ottier sooda tfifiHH designed for tlio near season 4 * These novelties ara aU rery w«S jjtfJPW The P.I.C. wiah it miWb kwmmWmnm. the warehouse will remain open fjjulHfl to-day. A special display «f P|HH| novelties will be made in, »U-.iMWBH|I Paterson's Assigned BbwklMM' !■ day at Blaok, Seattle and is an opportunity to secure iWIpMH winter drapery at prLoea. Every line ia caraprising general drapery, simply walk out of our fixtures fltgHßj prioes quoted. See oureiroul*|.'/^3^ More awards. Ladies who.JßaMßwl will cordially endorse the opimjaJaMll the experts who declare that the «VfnHH| for Merit certainly goes to thos*.'«MK|l three-quarter and full-length ; ImMH| Swing-back Coats, and Gibson-Girl styles now being showsJaßi Beath and Co., Ltd., in their Cagl street windowa and showrooms; vgMHH prices on these range from v MfMsm 20s 6d, and they will certainly tcMH| inspection. Pop in and examin* ttHH closely. They will bear the c ' oa l^^ Holiday Novelties of •wy tion are now showing at <»* jP^ftsill The latest ideaa in Model asm KPOajml about Hats, the smartest of "*w»'«f|l Wear Jackets, Costumes, dainty fashions in Lace and euk wfUJJMi wear aro to be noted in the WSHHI "Fashionable Department*.'' JHM| are reminded that the PJ.C. ■main open all day on Thursday »|1« Saturday next. " ,^'^ggfl The smartest of Easter now being displayed at tha V"£gSH Autumn novelties embrace ma Wj*B||j liant ideas in imported pictur*-lffjff| smart fashions in a capital selection of knockakmt in st-rvieeablo twooda and wfei*Jßi dainty eeleL.ion of children's tolUwjWjj now to hand is particularly pw*glßi Visiters to Christchuroh are < Hd HH invited to inspect the display. ."jWB I Patent*, IVademaxka, P^»7 m Henry Hughes, Patent. AK&.'WaTHereford street, Chrurtchurcb, mJHW patents in all countries. vios on application. '^ e ' o l* ol, *^^fflm' Trie Road to Health. Paved witbijgfl|| digestion. Jiragg's Vegetable Invaluable lor indigestion, d fevers, etc. IViwder 2*, 4«, fis; Is, 2s. 4«. All Chemists, Br, l**» more strwt, London, Eng. "iSffl Do I require spcrtaolesP ' only be ** x Y&J?fmWs"m tested ; each eye should ately. If you nc-ed snectaclss «*£**£ J. Jt. Procter, 180 High »treeV GbMW church, who ba« tlie J optical good* and artificiall ey«>H»W| colony. Your eyes tested £rat W | spectacles not supplied onl«« "^f^ "lo'cnre rheumatism, A I lumbano you must treat the MM. f; ? ator.* and chemists at 2ft 6d ana Give it a tiial. - , i *;.. M-STIIALIANS AT \ ...tndinn Ithoil. K ft-h-lars are +Zm inz dMinrtHW at Oxford W * B jJJpW tial:BH wr). Mr WiKrrd ***** *»„ of Mr Justin Barton, one «ltj| H',.,ir, Scholars from N>* S w Sffl Wak.. has. wo 1.-am by cable, lg«H the Viucrwa Law botomMtug, *w*m

kighd lr-y;8.1 honour to 1-e gaine*i at Oxford. This pri?." layt. v<-ar uas «<»i by Mr J. C. V. Ix h.;v.\. tii-- lir-t "\ wt<iri:ia l'«he-!'■•■■ sHic.lar, a,i i ii th" j i<fi«;:i.<i yi iii , it whs (11' vc i- tl liv ar.-'. tier limb. rgrad::.r.'.'. <>i tie . K i' ■in:')-. '■<■■ In> TfJ'ji'y, Mr s l.'u.ii\att. Tin; vALrsc ok motou cajis. Di-< -in; 4 th- u-i-.nir.'.vs <;i' n-.ocor-CArs nt a.t iiifjiici K(.:if!y at Waruinglid. a tioc-tor m!o;-n.<d t ; io (o;<:i ; 'f that t!;j.t mom !:<• had 11 av.flU-J in his ni<-:<-r-c;ir at a <.. "J i;iii< s »v liour to ..sin a I'.itient i; > J'-.d •*'"■ : " (i-jilv !;e !i Mi /.('■! v, itii a atiH-'A. The'cori.ner -iwir;:< !. tb*- - .\;tni-* lie lift! Utter Iμ- iiir-i'ii to vuiai in sai<i. -■-•' iep</rter« vveio in th ,, io<m:i. If tin.- iliK'i-ir had v d>i»ii en ins ji,uv:,«'y he «;■; noi- know that t::e law w<,nl'i ,-iiy he w:s ,];:>.. ii< i ill »av:ii;; one l:tn ,il th i <•<; :!!.•«' «»t amrtiier. The <: (.•■...-r :<-;»,i»d ti-it li ,, hardly s'ip;.(r.,c;l it v.onid ba.aMe lv.n,Kr.v II- Iliul a'.\.i\-i loil.:-i :i i..•;!'/;ciir of [rr..'c if-:- a hor c. d a hor.Mj li!<>;.'- it> it w.-.s piiyr.i!!> done t". r , ''• iii"i.i.-, v. itli a u:<.t u'-iar one evil Id paicli ii. up an;l a <i on cues way rejuK-iij;. VICTORY FOi: IMIMU'>>IONISTS. A niiid f-";i-at ion lia.s l»r<>ii cjnised in iirtistic cirf!i« (.-.■:ivs Ih<- I'j;ri> corn- ,- spoildent of the ■" JJ; i i i.%- 'i'(-!( graph) by the dfci-iiiii 01 .'!. l)iija!il:i!-|{rjiTi:i;etz. I'lider-Si-cn-tary of Slate tir I , ', n< Ait ;. fur Uie 11 a ti> (i rot a by Kdoiiard M.anet, t!;i- i.civ ci.'-i )ii:-. L artist, ironi the L:iv: srl.ii;..; to ;;:-• .\lli~eiim Ol the Lniivie. !t i, tl-.f IK-, time that a pictlire oi the inmr: ■■•: i.isii-. school is givri) ::<ini! M in t> the L--ii\i ■. Tho prineijiliM ot' the ir,.;n< -.i.ii.i'.i; have never h-'eii allow-<l b;. tin l ;.ii;- nlers lor da."-!, art. .'•11:1 c yrjirs a;. >. ii it had been proixi'-'d '" |'!:ie a pamting by an irnpresMoni-i in tin- Louvre, 1 In , re v.inilii have lire;i a v i .I'lit priiti«t by ill-, niiijorli.v i>t Krrivli printer... u-Jm» lire fuiibfiil to tra-j:. 1 .1. (it art. .Manet at, th<» l/oiivre would niisrd a wtonn in iill the Hindi >s. To-day scarcely 11 uord is taid iilmiit i.. The picture in k. .iivii as the O!y:>.>l>ia. and a >H!i!e woman reclining on a ci.itcM, with a v.i -:re.-'; ;:t her fc-r-r. It "in< <>t the !•■■< ,1 iliarncteristic puiritinys <.f .'l.ui-t, nii-l i> 'vpifiil of hi=i«ty|e. It., i rr; n *:"«•«■ nii'iks the nfhVial tri'iii'ph of t!i" :ni;>res-i>ii!Ht inethud us all ui-'knowledyid .< >< hool of art. SALE OF SECO.VD-HAND THCYCLFS. \W are riiniunt; ;i big side ot ne<«>rnlhaiid bifj'cle.--. \\'n hive i'H) iti.'ichineN roiuly for sale. We are prepared to sell below oost prifs. , for rash, and in tact 110 renfcoimhlo offer will Ik> refu.-e(l. AYe ;ir" deU-rniiinyl to clear our *toek, and rfi'or to sell on t-'rins <luiing tiie. side. Depoeite il. weekly p.iyinents of .V. Kvery si'cnnrl-haiKl bicycle for sale has bren'carefuily overhnuhvl, re-rnamelled, slid re-|>lalwl. nn<l wo can guarantee that every maehino jr in prrte<t order. Only a iiig firm em afford to overhaul nil the fi:y:on<l-han<l bicyd-K taken in [jart payment'for new hieyilew. Call and ingpect our sunk of la<li(»" and gent's second-hand bityclea. Ltd., lato Afiarns i"itiir Cvclo C-iy., 1;W and 140 High i;lie«.-t. and lUS Coloihlk> strtpj, next Uroadway's. 12 Tlin busineM promises of Adam*, Ltd., will be r!(W(l for the. Easter Holiilaye from Friday U> Monday invlufiivo. 4

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12764, 28 March 1907, Page 6

Word Count

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12764, 28 March 1907, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12764, 28 March 1907, Page 6


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