■ ■ » ( HAMPIOXSHIP REGATTA. Th* Chainpionehip Regatta promote! hy \Yx> Cfcmt church Regatta Qhib. and h< Id at I>akc Forsrytli on Saturday, was ojmnently sateifactory «» far a- ,, tho. quality of th-o racing was concerned, iwt from t!>e view t>l the sj>frt,vt«r 'whi* 'tad availed hin.ecit" rf tlvo opportunity ! to on joy ii ploasuraUo «lay"s outing it •,a.s a riarco. From an <\ir!y Jiour on Saturday morning t!u» *ky w "<« over:art, ami it ivae apparent tint tho regatta would not Ik' carried through, in ■!ry ueatlur. Bel' , ) if the oxe'iiMon mm in loft .-it 9<-i'e!xk inierr:;i't'-:it i>lm\v••rs to <io-con<!, .-lml cni'itinuoil with mere or !<«*> til! ju*>t prior \r> starting time, whon rain set in ste.vliiv. Tlio Miiiill from which tin , *nt -<-t.ito:.s vn'»i(| the (-non heoaino \\<t ;iikl n'.n«My. and tills, toinmi;--! with the a•*■;•!!tv oi «>in;'«>rtjil 1 v i ■ \'.X,'V. niadi' tin- yatlionny ■anyt.hin,' i '■■';• enjinaUo. Tho li^htly-0 , .: , .*! ftmiiviitni*. wore similarly unfortunate, 'ht> !•!>;.!.- at tho ttartin:* jxiint and tho )-<ir.t coiiusiiiirg ;in extra jiircinit of water, ■while tlic eonipotiI). - iheinr.-elvtfc. v, <. re nouktil. Hilt they v< ore out. luoKtiy. U>r . championship !ioti< ur-. jmkl to sport.-»men title?) «« s thi'\ v.ok' , a little rain inatteie;; not. T.:iko Foi>ytli i'M'li w.'js in oxc* llont cciulirinn. tho water :it th<> cunmeiioonunt <.r,!y boiii£ ruffled liy the gout lout n? rippli :■=, whiih no <!o.ibt Hii.< in ;i i:ii;:>' ir.o.ibinc <!;io to tin , offevt- cf tlu* I'r.v. ;pfii, r Hut during tilt- ilfcici»)ii o; | i i:i' hi*, throe cvt'iitti it !>:'ouir.o iat!i. :• roujrli ;i;i(l choppy. Howi-vor, tlw-i>' ;i.s «in i-ntiio n' of wind, «iul this nu'.-lo i_";od racing j>i^-ib!p. Thi co-,;u>t« wen; ino-tjy of en oxcitiuji nattiro, <!'.<' (mi.slits <!'">. WVHi. »ho m on tin , champion t-c-ii'.'n, j wai- far and a\v:!y M^cniil , to 1 r< , <ippoititui lio t'l-comitor.<l ii th>' rao, awl bis win in tlii- event w;i« vriy eH.-y. thiri providing tlio only pio-c\.-t-io!i oi t!ie day. Tl-..« I"nion Boat Ci>>!> wn- to« jio<>l for thn rest <,[ the \\-l\ in the Chainjiion f< IM'.«, an:l re-.i<;e tlifir fii;-t uin in this ovc.nt. Tho B;oji]i<-inj fn ii , , who oecupie«l third prsition in tin. rari'. i:i tliis ••'•ijiinpiunship lae-t \<ar. Tho (il ilu> Chaiiitiion i)c.::b!o .S.'id!;-. was soivewhat mixed u;i owinp to tho Pipton ciHv, who Ikml ciisqunlitiH by t lit> starter, rowin aloni the c<-ar.-e in t'r. Nt of Ak.iron a.nd finishing alx'aa of thfl Pi ninisiila tarn. T ; io jndso. \i 1:.» n.'.t aware of th:.i iaet, jjhuefl flu :n fii-.t. Akaioa fO:>o.p<l. and" Tnion UiiM. On hie iK-ins informe-cl of the HTTsiristanrTs. tho Akaroa crew veto j>l;u-cd first, and it w:ia found that. (':iro wero fvoi'ond, as I'nion had only j odiiUKtivl tho event for half the je,»riwy. Tho third position was thru award- , .! to Btar. Ak.uoa had really no difficulty in br>»tm2 to second place poltors. Tho Maiden Fours fell to a scratch crew from Blenheim, wlioer* chiiK-o wa.s so littio va!u<-l wh. n tlK\y h it home that they coii'd only visii-Cliristclnii-dli; on to pay tlK'tr own fares. Aknrcn. had an oaey vitlorv in tho Cinnipn-i l'aii-s. Dit:/ly :iiul K-eaniflv p'il!iny nvet rcsclutf W. Bl 'nlieim. who on mo iii f o second place hul t-> Mil'.-=titi;t." C. IF* jriltin for JO. T. Hc.'zclim at the 1; <?t monient, and performance -w-as a i'itrliiv'f. nh'o *-:io. Tho Kx'-iKiK'ii Senior v.hirh bioiight tliP K«g:.+ t:i to a close, IT -■ Incrd a hattSp royal betwoon Blon'lpim and (yantorbiry. A liun3r©d vo'<ls from homo Canterbury seiCTiiw! to be able to ivith---tand tli« cliallengc of thn jio'rtliern crew, but aftor a desperate race they succumbed! % tyro fept. Tho wi.ns achieved by tho <liffor#nirliiljs 'mid tlio am: nuts rf prize mrmoy ivnn nro ac folloxrs:—Un ; on (WangnnniT) oro first, one third. £50: Akarca. four firsts, one second. £13: tlirr-o fin-t■<. ono sor^n<l ; £41 : Canterbury, two firsts, two eoc.ondft, X::? 2: "Fif'ton. or* foyonl. £10; T'nacn (■Christeliurch). one first, thirds. f.l~ : Stir, (in thro-f thirvl». £-")-. Christcluirdi, two f<o- {' 1 : Cure, rue pororul, €2: T'njrti fXapWV mo Ficrotul £2; Tjvftoltnn.. two thinls; Oamaru, one thiM ; Port ono tliertT. Tho fnilfrtvhiz aro tho results:— lifaifTpn nnub!c SctiUs (in Apsooiation clink"r»); <ir.°t £7. «»ror<l f2: otip mile—Aknrniv B"titin? Club (E. Woodil! bow, T. Cements rtr. O. Hpmminewny coxl.l : CbriftchurcTi Armtour Ron-iiir Club iA. Mafiott bow. S. Mooro Btr. cmt). 2: Star Raniin? Ghib ..I. Kf-r«l»I«> \>o:v, R. jr. Brewer plr. E. P.nrkpriri'rr cnx}, H. Blenheim TI.C, Avon nr., X.C.. Otarro 8.C.. LvttrHon R.C.. and Cnion R.C. (Chrifrf church) n!w> stnrtcd. Wh<in thp crowa pstup into vipw Aknroa, and Cliri«tclinrrh Amairur« ■wor? prominent, wi'.h Avon ns their rpsrept uttoncinnts. Chri»tcliiirch Amat»-iirß 'hr-t in the front nVuf a mill , from home, If.'lmvrd l>y SUr aid This order was maint»inpW till a Jiundrwl ynrds from home. Ftar and Aknrrwv commercorl It put in thoir rlnim. the formpr. a hundred yflrds fro'n honir. liavinp thf losd. But Inoy were not Rblr 1o witrmtanfl thp rr»ppc'.ive cballcnpps rf Ak.iroa and ChriFtrhurcli Amnt-curn. (ho Akarca rrcw penrinp the po--t t"- 0 Tert ahead of AmatPiirit by excpption;i!!y r i"P rowing. A siiuilrr rlistanre hack camp Star. Champion Four* (in V>ret end b<»et bont'); £.if>. prcond X 10; two m'lrs--Union Isoat Clvi). fD. C rl.v hew. ,7. CrPP.n 2. ('. Drowr 3. \V. Slinrrw ftr. O. Ui>Hry roxl.'i; T'irton n-">wir.r Club (H. how. A. 7'rrano 2. A. Jnckpon X C. Tcrcrto ctr. ('•. C-iirh r"il, ": ■n l "nl:riii K-.«inE» Cl-.i'-. M. If. M-rrimn bow). W. J. fiirlii-: 2. K. T. Hrg.-lun r,. J. Ur. ,T!>ck«on Mr. O. I.uck* cox>. 3. Cnnt.Tbnn- 7J.C. r.irt Chahnpr> R.C.. WpitfTnr.ta R.C.. ' Tivrr«ir?iil X.C.. R.C.. ChiiMrhiirch Apiatonr X.C.. end Wanranui R C al«o «tart"d. CRnfprlmrv. Waitematn. ridon. ard B ! <-rV.<<ini wrrr the firct to move at the Mart, quirkly fo!lo«-«l br Avon. This wr>» «ho ordor nt the h;'M distance, where B'ot-hrim showed cut jnrt in front cf Union (Wansnnui) and Pir'on. thp lost two nientionrd lißvin? improved their positions in the !a=t hftlf mile. A rr»nt finish »« witnessed v.iien rearing the *-nt Union had too much for thpir opponent*, ""d paswrt the po.t a pood lenprth ahced with Bienheim a Icnjlh and'a quarter to the bad O 'chan.pi'on Double SculU (hi bwt end boptM. on* mile and a half; first pri/o £12. Forord prize £-'-Akaro» Boatir-a Club [(~ V.'olch bow. J. Wood ill fir). 1 : Cure Boating Club IC. Temnleton b.w. F. Barr;"* str). -2-, Star Boatinp Club (A. T. B.T.dai! bow A. P. Iviviield 3. Union Kowine Club (Ghrif-t----(hurth) Union Boating- Club (WeJijanui). Cla«n Rowin" Club. n.n<i Blenheim Kowinjr Club al.«o rtarted. In thi? race, to tkeir latfl arrival at tho po«t. «h<> I ictoii crow were i.ot allowed to start. They rowel the (l l? tancc however, and l>ared the Akaroa crew, ivl-o establi.-htd » pubManha! lead ha,f a mil* , from home. They mamt»i?w?d their Kdvnr.fice and the post about ihrce lengths ahead of Cure, who ,ed .Star by alxiut two length. ... Jh;ri»n Keuri« in Ave.<-i»tien rnnkcr.-l. on« mile- Ui pr ; r.o f»J. Cyd f-.'-Blenheim Kowine C'mb 'A. Norsrovo lx-w. A. NorpT-v----■2 G. C. (Jriffiih- 3. M-:M.-.n -troke. &. V"" 1 / <r-x\ 1 ; Cf.t.tcrbury l:..w:i".p C;Ut> :K H. bow, J. L. C. Mc-rion -1 S. J,u:ht!.ayl .;. F. W. SuckirL- -tr. V/. Kra--r <vx;. ■; Lvtteltnn IXovir.u Club ;K. T?:-.f'e h-v. .. McC-rmick 2. D. Barufvrd X h. f.illsrd f.r. h. Cotfey coxi. A. (-''•'•"i l ■Chr,sUhurc(.;. ChrNtf hurcii Ama.t<Mir=. »-;d ''oiiiaru a.-" .'.artfd. Lytto'iton col r.wey fir«t. followfl by Cnntrrburv. '.v;"h Ur.ion .y.i;-; t. r.'...v blOiin.l. but b-frre th» ba'f '-.-• " v ' ' reached both flic.-c crews had rvcrhai: :-<l hyttelton. The Bler.h-ir: rr'«- :,:c, .a::.- ;- ---a\v»v. ar.ti srot >ad.!i: pr.f.:!:'■[ . I (■::•■.:• JjuM'rowin- Th.- -rrt-T conli-.uH » bare i.-ui-th. Lv.'.f »' r jt.-t bfat ( hr:rtchurch Ai:u:.'i;r< :cf tbird V-i"- f0 - , Yo.iihV n.ub- tciiis ■.--: A ■■''<;:••''■ clir.kcrV. oi.,> !•;,•■-. I- , , pnae i - " 2-' I £-,- K< -v.. ,- C.i:> - r . A. !>• u."--h,»- <i S. CcilvT.s .<r. J. J'c-rte:- c ). 1 . fhri'iehurth Aii-a'->••:: Kew!) .- Club \ x IVaunior.t lm*. K. Kyar :tr.. (J-ay ia J: Ui.iof: Row:-,' Ci'jb •fhr.--'.. fiurrii. <<-. Arnold bow, T. Booth str.. J. SuMvan ccx>. S. Lytteltor. Akama. and Star aj« j'ar?»»l. After ik ?oo<! sUrt CanUsrburr tc-k Hie .rail. foilowed by Union. Akarca, arid Amateurs in that order. At about us:. di'tance Christchurch Amateurn pu« in f-Hio vigorous »trok«»». and gradually dre-.v pwt Akaioe and Uninc. Tin?}- iuikd. hewev.-r. to reach C*.nterb;jry. who won by » tT.v'.h Union rying three lengths away third, aid Akarea c:c.«« tin fourth. Youths' Fours -'in Association clinners'. ore mile; l»t prize £10 >r.d £2-C«r ; t7rm:rr Rowing Club \K. K. Fitwr '*w, T. U. Pot •■• J. S. ColljTji 3 L. A. Ouu?»U »tr.. J. Porter ccxi. 1; Star Boating Cub (K. D.
Haoon bow, L. A. M.rchwit 3, A. B. Bwwet >. F. Turnbali rtr.. U. Both»m:*r cox). 2. Oam»ru Bo»tirg Clnb (VC. McCcmbe bow, R. H. HinWey i i>. W«tl» 3. J. Smiifc *tr.. K. Crtngh cox .3. Avoc. tr.wn tChrittchurch). Ly-.K'.to-., »n<i Chn*uburrh Amßteurj also "started. Canterbury lod a.l tho aav. ar.d were follow**! by Star and Oam»ni. That order was n.air.tainid nr.til th» i«m»b when alter a great *tni?g!» Cfciiterburr won by two fe t. Oamaru finished two ler^bs Juoior'ii'onh:* Scu'.U (in Association riir.h-----cr-t. 010 inik'; Ist pru<> £1. *<• &t —t'iiyn ! Howir.~ Cub ;Chn«t4'hurchi if.. O'BrN-r. br*. ; T. Kpr f-.T. J. S\i'!tvan reX'. !; Akai.-» Ueatins f.ui» :K. Woodiil bow. T. Ciomeot* Mr. O. M-:nm:rj;«-ay c-r»'. 2, Lyf.fJlcn Kowir.<; t".-.b J- Cs-Jftvir. U-w. A. Fcuton str.. (J. tar. [c\\ 3. Cbrij-tchurth AmatPurK. Wi-i-n-t. -. IKoihi-im. OJoro Aver., md Star »!-.. .'nrt.-d. fr.ion Ret a sußht advar.tapo kt iivrt .-tart, ar.d led :<>r \hc z\er.ifT portion <•[ thi* d:*;anrr. Axaroa Uicr; top !<«d. ),'.' la:'.id t" mair.-uin it &sa.r,?t l*nio*i. who. row.r; j',- at th« fiiiiph. won by B '.•!:,tii. l.yf.t ton. by a ';»:? effort, sc.-utsml ihril p!soc. <.'baiiir.:-!i Ti<rs ,ir. boat ard bc«t Ijoi;*V i-.'.- u\.'.f r-r.ii » ball- l?t pntc £12. lid £2Akarva Moat:".,' (.' i.h iL Ik>w. M. C. Kftn-ov sir. . t . H.'ei:h.-'ra Kowirg Club \C. T. H.sViim l«»w. .1. M. Jarkson str. 1 . i; l"r,o,- Cai'o ,\Var;,;ar.uii <D. Cat-Vy l..o«". W. Shaipo >;r.i. o. .V.-rtb-Ki.d Hoat-t-.'Z Cub iDur-d.t!.. L'artcrburv R.C . Cbn>tjvhi:rih Amateur 11C J'icton Boa'.ir.g Cub. I*tiio:: Kow:: ,' Cub. and Cure Boating Chib ,»:>o Cuitcrbury a:id I'icton trnjk tl;<> Lin!. th> cnliii water ne-ar tho riiorp c;v;U<; Ibom at: advai;tajc. About Uio mile I»o.-t Ahr-i.-.a. v.b>> wore lying htiidy. bcgai: to afi.iino i-i.iiMu.-ir.d. but almost imnifdiaiely Uler.ln-im !);•.•»!'. to make t!u>.r prcs-err? fe!t. Howvc:. Akaxoa wero not to be boater., uiid s,u:.i:ii: in tir:o sty-e beat baily liy :\\ 0 lengths l":iior. Warijaruil third ii' i'.T.Kth away, fel'owod by Port Chaltner?, wii" Jiiuhfd fast in tlie la.«t quarter or .. j tiii'.c. I .1 m.irr l'iiiirs ij i\ A«ocintio;i clir.ker- 1 r: c i nu.'e and ii half: 1-. prize i'lo. 2ud £".'>—B>:i- i Ik'-ui l!o«i',- ( !ub ;C. Costo.llo bi-w. A. Tliiim:w-ii -J T. Hcff.-r :!. X. Jordan str., O. Luc-3» cox,. 1; Star xJoatinif Club iK. J..!iii-to:; in*.-. li. S. liarrnsv 2. W. J. BucS>y ::. U". O. WJkiiiH i: ..|r.. 11. Botliamley eox'i. J; Hi.winp ill. Maiulieid hew. K. O'Brit* 2. T. Ker :t. 11. Malioncy ftr.. J. b'uiiivati coi). 3. Canterbury, Cbri.-tehurch Amateurs. Lyttelton. Invert ariji'.l. Lytto.ton No. 2. ard Avon al?-o start. <1. From v good de.-pakk tho trows mvii,! air. Ed a fa:r!v exer. lir.v. which tho 81-'iilioiui I" at whs the lir. t to break. I'l.ion •■CJiri'tcharchi ;ir.d Star (cWo'-.-r-d. BViilu-im imvr.tsiivd their advantage, at tho poFt were ltd yards ahead of Star, who pasted Union (|ur;i:s; tho latt La -f niilr. Champion Seuils -in best and best boat*), one m:!o a haJf; 1-t jirizo £10. Jnd £'i 2— H.t a ]3fHt:ii:: Clnb •<'•. Welch). 1, Ur.ior. Kowing Club (Xnpier) i,C. 11. roll), >; Star ( .ub (;. 11.' i-'clii. 3. Canterbury ■A. S. Ual-dv-Johnftoiie!. Invercarsrill (K. S ferry). Star (A. T. Berdall). Avon (\V. SamueL-., Christchttrch At-'ateurs (P. J. Mc F.i;;iv\ and rftar ;C. K. JJowland) a:so st ai tilt. Welch wa? r.Tomir.ent from tho sittit. and when tho miit pod waa had thi> rae« ."iiiely ir his keepir.ff. and ev< .ltuitlly \voii by liXl yard.-. Poll jUnion) «,«i 1»_ ya.riß ahead of" »!1 oi.d the rest cf '.he field finished in a prooossion. Kxhibition Stiuor Pours un best ond best eno niiw.i ai.d a half: Ist prizo £12, ■2nd l':t; open to any crew, except winner* and' eecondj ol Champion Fours—B!?nlioiin 1.0v.ii.1; Llub (J .11. Morrisen bnw. \V. .7. (Jirlins '.'. K. T. llep R lun 3. J. M. Jack-on sir.. C. Luraa cox). 1; Canterbury Kou'ln? Cub (11. K. }» bow. H. Avers 2, J. S. Guthrie 3, K. C. Little str.. J. "Porter • c<ir.), 'J; Port Rnwins? Club (li. .Tores bow. .). tilersanv 2, V. 3. A. McDonald str., A. Kmitli cox). ". Ir.vorrrarpil!, Union (Christchurch i. Christchurch Amateurs. Lyttelton. and Wanganui also storlod. A heavy nii«t bung over the !ako when this over.t 'was d.Midrd. and it wa« not ti'. the la.«t half mile that tho crown could bn seen. Canterbury then appeared to have thn advantat.fl of Blenheim, who were sciillinp: rtronply." Union (Christchurch). Port Cha!mprs. and Wait?mat» bciiif,- next. T W o hundred yards (rom hoin« Canterbury were still in thfi bad. but Blenheim era<h'.a!ly cot on terms with them, and won by a foot. Port Chalmers finished two ler.jrths away. Union and Waitcmata were next in order.
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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12731, 18 February 1907, Page 3
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2,202AQUATICS. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12731, 18 February 1907, Page 3
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