It is understood that a syndicate has purchased Mr BaHantyne'e Ruapuna Estate, situated on the Upper Rangitata Plains.
The stags' heads that were on view in Mr J. H. Bond's offices are now to be seen in Messrs E. Recce and Sons' window in Colombo street, end are a sou roe of great attraction to those passing by. "Butter, mutton, potatoes, and flour are dearer in New Zealand, where we produce them, than in the English or _scotti_h markets," remarked Mr Hogg, M.HJR., at a meeting of the Wellington Benevolent Institution Trustees on Tuesday,.
Eight degrees of frost were *e«ietered at Anhburton yesterday moraine. An ejection to fiU a vacancy on the Woobton Borough Council will be held on Friday, October 6tfc. Nominations i will daw at noon on Friday, September 28th. - The Chamber of Commerce is aeeer- j taining from importers their opinion as to whether the present system of cartage from the railway should be continued, or whether they are in fa-T----our of the importers making their own arrangements. It is stated that the house of a resident in Mansfield avenue was entered on Tuesday evening during the occupier's temporary absence- and a sum of money stolen. A window had been left open and presumably it was through ttiie that entrance was effected. A large crowd gathered on the Ashburton railway platform yesterday afternoon, the special occasion being the arrival of the Salvation Army Austral Laesiee Band. They were welcomed by tie Mayor (Mr H. Davis) who briefly addressed them from the eotranoe platform. A conference took place yesterday afternoon on the question of Lyttelton drainage between the special committees set up by the Lyttelton HarboUT Board and the* Lyttelton Borough Council. The result of the conference will be presented to the next meetings of the Board and Council. Tho Young Women's Christian Association ere already in touch. witJi a number of girb of all classes, end are hoping to do good work in meeting and helping KtrangeTß during tlie time of the Exhibition. Their annual meeting takes place at their rooms in Gloucester street this evening, and the account of the work of the past year should be an interesting one. At a meeting of the Council of the New Zealand Institute of Journalists, held at Wellington, on Tuesday, it was decided iff nominate Mr O. W. Earle ("Evening Post') for the presidency for the ensuing year, the three branch chairmen (iSlemrs W. D. Lusty, Auckland "Herald"; W. H. Ataek. Press Association; and W. H. Graham, "The Preas," ChrisftehuTch) fox the vieepreeidemcy, ami Mr Toon L. Mills ("Evening Pos*") for the general secretaryship. A loop line is at present being constructed along Falsgrav© street, from the track leading into the Tramway Board's yard into the couth. end of the Board's "premises. This will enable rolling stock and waggons to bo drawn from the eouth-ond of the yard without interfering with the ttiaf* fio in the main yard. A temporary extension will also ba made to the Board's siding, for the purpose of getting away the construction maternal to bo used in the extensions shortly to be commenced. The annual meetinc of the Railway Amateur Athletic Club took place last evening; the president, Mr A. F. Wnitcombe. in the chair. The balance-sheet showed a highly eacocaefal eeason. Messrs Stubberneld and A. McDonald represented the club in the ohampionehipe, both gaining staadaid badges. Events throughout the eeaeon Jiad been. well patronised, members beine very kee« in connection therewith.. The ejection of officers for the coming season should serve to continue the good standard that the club has maintained! vn the pact. At a meeting of the committee of the Canterbury Chess Club on Tuesday, the president. Mr J. Spilk* presiding, Mr It. W. Black wae electefl a life membeT. A motion of sympathy wrth_ the Otago Chess dub was passed in vaev \omby the death of Dr. Heioeman, an i old member, and a fnequen* visitor to Chrietehureh. Mr M; 8. Stewart, lately arrived from England, h» consented to play simultaneously .cm Friday, 28Oi instant, when it k «xpeot«d over twenty boards will face him. The club have decided to hold *• eides' watch <m Tuesday,, October 2nd, ohen players are invited to be gira»ent>. The fcunedbi "Star" eftVS!-~The matt* aging director of the Union Oompaay fr contemplating an innovation invdeootp tion for the new vesecla now undee» struction on, the company • idea is to,substitute for the omtn«y ornamental panelling in the decorative plan designs in accordance withthoee o! Maori carving*. The new <W*w will be contingent upon the P*» b "«£ of making suitable •"enißffnf 111 *--' 0 * one thing, there may be difficuk* vi securing the t«3ent necessary out the idea in » ?^ w with the boldrtese of the it fihould b* •dopted, the change,jepeciaTlv for New Zealanders, should invest the nSw boats with, a singularly appropriate charm. By special request the B**? 1 'At&tery Entertainers, and their frwsuh Woeited their ent«rtamm«nt in aid of X funds of ibe LvtWlton^Cagatty, Ward, in the Hall on Tuesday night.wlien there wj* a largeattendaiwe. The programme oomprl«d choruses and Woistaffe. Arnold, MrtcbeH, N'ohdeon, rnSrSmfth. Mrs Gilroom •»<* M »*f Rutland, Thomson,. Qook, F. H. Gvfford Cooper, Power and A. Jones, awt Stom by'the orchestra. "Turn Him Out" wae given direction of Mies Thorpe. Jto chawete™ hems taken by Mowes Thorpe and N. Coote and Messrs J. l>. n Jg**h m *i y<. A. Thompson, A. Jones. «'&«*««* boop*r. At the conclusion theMayor (Mr S. U. WebbV thanked Ihe perfoTmen and the audience. The vexed question of retail selling at -wholesale houees came before the Executive Committee of the WelUngton Shopkeepcrß , Association on Tuesday. Several letters -wore read from whole. Gale houses, in reply to lettem cent by the committee, generally expressing sympathy with the committee -in its endeavour to stop the practice, v but pointing out t-hat it was v«ry difficult to completely carry out their idea* on the subject. The chairman (Mr Herbert Seaton) eaid that (»veral •wholesale managers had epoken to him on tho enbiect. In every case they had promised to mmuniee the pxactice as much ac ponsiWe, and in> come cases tliey had nriroted circulars given out to managers of departmente and assistants stating that any breach of the ■rule against rotailing would render them li-aftle to ineUnt dismissal. 1 think it Has had a good effect already, ' said the chairman, in conclusion. At the Dunedin Police Court yesterday Percival John Hughes, styling himself "professor of herbalistic medicine, was charged witih receiving lite from ElUabeth IVipp on terms requiring.him to account for same, and failing to do bo. Hughes called .at complainant s place, and undertook that hi* medicine would do good to a woman who was suffering from consumption. After some negotiations, he agreed to supply medicine for five ehillinge, and wae given 10s. Hβ promised that the medicine and change would be delivered in three-quarters of an hour, but complninaut bad not seen him until ahe saw him in Court. For the defence, evidence was gnen by a widow tha£ the accused, who had been attending her, had called, and left a small parcel with an address on it, which she undertook would be delivered by her boy. Another child had got hold,, of the parcel, torn off the. address, and burnt it, and ut>3 wae unable to deliver it. She brought the parcel into Court. On being opened it was found to contain medicine. Hughee'e reason for bringing the woman the parcel, instead of delivering it, was. as he said, because he had been called to another patient. Mr Graham, 8.M., said he was quite satisfied there was no fraud, ana the ense would be dunuesed. It was a pity the police had not been told of tho nature of the evidence for the idcfonce.
The Musical Union repeated "St,' . Paul" at His Majesty's Theatre las; night, when there was a largo audience Tho Otago footballers, accon* ■' panied by the local men, thirty • in all, left Wanganui yesterday morning oh a two days' trip up tho Wauganni river. His Honour Mr-Justice Cooper will hold a short criminal sitting of tho Supreme Court at 10.30 o'clock this morning, when Raywood Moueley and Mary Hawkins will come up for sentence. Subsequently his Honour will eit in banco, when the following comb wall be heard:—Justices of the Peace Act re Sheehan (Mr Donnelly and Mr Kolleston) t Brown, appeal from the Stipendiary Magistrate's decision; Magistrate's Court Act. re Brown and others (Mr Wynn-Williams) v Official Assignee; in the estate of Urquhart and Clegs Condon (Mr Hoban) r Ryan end another, originating sum- ~' mone. A conference between delegates from the Sydney University football team, and tho Canterbury College Football ' Club was held last evening to ascertain whether it was possible to arrange an annual match, between tho Sydney and New Zealand universities. The main • difficulty was found to be in connection V with the vacations. It was decided, • after discussion, to bring the matter before the committee and professors - α-nd arrange, if possible, for standardising the vacations, and if that could not be dome, to arrange matters a> ' that a match, would mean the lose of ac »' Kttle time as possible for members of - the New Zealand team from any of the .'■ colleges in tie colony. The scarcity of school teachers w*e emphasised at yesterdays meeting of the "' North Canterbury Education Board, i when it was reported that no applica- 0. tione had been received for appoint- '\ mente as master at Ellcemere (£l6O % salwy and £20 -rent), and as mistress " r? lat Huruniri. The chairman (Mr D. Buddo, M.H.R.) said the same lack of. teachers was noticeable all over the '''•* colony, and spoke of tho increased /a emoluments and the advantages of the 7' f fl superannuation scheme that were- now -"/> available. Their only hope lay in the »% expectation that the training college* now in operation would in time to %% come overtake • the deficiency, .and rescue the profession from its present , condition oi marked numerical weak;>3® : nese. *3S Two picture dealers were before Mr C. C. Kettle, S.M., at tWfi Auckland Police" Court _y«ftefday on %isk charge of selling pictures of an indeoeai'j*! nature, vim., "Psyche's Bath" and*! "Psyche at Nature's Mirror." The fondants pleaded not guilty. They aoVSI mitted the sales, but Get up tho defe|M»?i|j that they were not indecent Considerable discussion aroeo as , Vhtotiher 5 thceo were piofcu'tos vriUdttgljl should be sold indiscriminately, aftdj|| witnesses for the defence, when aeked||| for their opinion, all said that tiwyji| did not see where harm could Mr Kettle said ho would like to hsgrpfl further evidence of a ropreeentatir*Pf§ character in order to help him in hkjf|| opinion, and lie adjourned the case fot|||| a fortnight in order that thie might ,b»f§|| The indifference of the farming rounity even to matters direqjtJy afj|i footing their interests was GtroncA|||i| commented upon by a member of tftej|j§ Farmers' Union at the meeting of tmil North Canterbury .Executive yeet*tfii day. Thie gentleman, quoting a case wi§§| point, etatod that of the many farnenli cited before the Arbitration Court byfll the Threshing Machine EmployeeMu Union, not one proposed to appear. Hejjil had therefore attended and urged wfce@B| he oould from the point of view of thnw farmer, and the result was 'that m|h award more consistent with what wM§l| right and just as between the partMHffl was given by the Court. Another mttiifflH ber stated that had it not been for tMraH I action of the previous speaker ens would have had to carry out -taggM next season's threshing under very fcilijH pensive conditions.. ,_ Imß A former resident of Masrtertoif (MJBH R. Smith), who settled in San FrajjHß adtoo aboat,two months ago, w rit«e.»H hie parent* as folkrwe:—"There, in'M r boom in the carpentering trade ImmH 'Enough carpenters cannot be' The -wages are from four to five ilnH|mW I per day. A San. Franoieoo worth 4e. Brioklayera and plesteaMH get y&rtia dolWs (2to) per day. Ws'hHß fifteen dollan t> month here lor a hmnHH and our meak cost us from 95 oeatftlmgH Id) upnrards. It coets us, wmmJMM •bout 90to per week to lire. , uftione ue very strong ijere; sxHMiHfl hss to join tbem -whether one waattljHH or not. Otherwise one cenno*get im|fflH It ootrte from twenty dollaw uywianls|iiNM join a onion. There k • <*ritt(sfl some kind every week, ajid * Jasmlgfl j nearly erejy day. Tho and theatres are open all dsyt^^MHJ i fart, Sunday never reaches this ']*£fl9 of the wor)d. Ssa FrsJHiso»,,as hilly, sad a terribly doirty phostStitimß in dn sooount of the hilk abo«fc. Ido not car* for the ph«wMH intend to return to M—teitoji-'.>j|MH Mr V. G. JHj.BM., dc«k>iih v i9| bonnese at the Ly+telton Court yesterday. " Henry and Andrew Cogle were charged wjJKIH having hoen drunk «nd disorderly' *t4sH coccert held in the. Oddfelkme , 9«wß on Tuesday aight. The oh'srgM| against both men wss dwroiimrt, , Aalfl drew Cogle w«e then charged,-wttii bUpH ing resaried Coostebl* Mshooey, plesded "Not guilty." Q*etsMo iBsM honey stated th«t he arrested GqvmM who rasMibed him fay lying oa'.JigH gionnd end clinging to s> fence. wMbBB ness had to obtsin. the sssistsnoß of menrof -war'e-mea in order to get OsmMß to tho station, The Magistrate MguH that there had been, w> resiatsneo W*mßM In the meaning of the Act, sad ,&Hfflß missed the chorge. Hehiy BamramK wan charged with baring asesulted Onß|l| stable Mafaoney while engaged in. tjBB execution of hie duty. The oonatsMM stated that while engaged in takidH Cogle to tie lock-up, Bamford had oeflH up behind him and struck hhn >on back of the neck. Accused denied IiHB ing assaulted the constable. The MaJKIB trate held that there had been u«l sault, and fined accused 40*, wrtfctlKH alternative of a fortnight*' impnsMaß The wife of a working man.MMH the Wellington "Post" from Petojrf|||H| picturesque aooonnt of her axperisajHU Jn trying to find a house at a able rent in Wellington, where ~M§9| husband works, and «t pnaent boswigHl as the trains do not ht in with' IJaB hours. In six daye she » n *P ec forty-eight houses, the rentals of , v nm«H ranged from 14e to 27s 6d a some of these the high rent was .liMaW obstacle, but many of them were'»f)HH fit to live in. One pJac© in Te AlmH offered at 14e a week—"a nice homsjgMp five rooms for a family"-—oonteins numeraMe families living in the walM|H the back door has bagging nailed ••jjgß round,.there are two tube and a per oontaifling foul matWr, bits ' jWaH kerosene tine are nailed all over tlgjgj I floor, the walls are filthy, and there JBM a stairway, 2Jft to 3ft wide, leading 1M garrets in the roof called .rooms. yBMB the yard nighteoil is lying about where.- Some housos in Newtown *P|H in almost as bad a state. many cities ehe has yisit«d, the oWMM respondent ffives ■Wellwupon the ps«M for dirt. In Adelaide such plsccS;*jJ she describes would have been TUH ?J|BB by a health doctor, and poseibry MjgM proved out of exietenoe. anxiously awaiting the P™'™?K<jsgm come workers' homes m Welhngtoßjn meanwhile, she aske, i< Wfc«ns ia.?"f ?JW epector? Iβ he a dummy?" If ie such an officer, she undertakes S»M point out a number of places urgently require his-attention; if she is ready to «ct.herself, at a reflMH| neration that would be trifling "Wm compared with tho benefits that wojagajsj reeult from a cleanin** no of the ?3HB|
Enquiries aro being recervedl in Thames from America with regard to tho working of a ciimebar claim. It is stated that soro_- experiments conducted proved *o satisfactory that attention is to lw paid to the development of eligible properties. D. Holland, a Hamilton hotelkeepor, and his wife, were yesterday fined £5 and £2 respectively, for supplying natives with whiskey for consumption off the premises. Hod the costs not been so hoavy tho Magistrate intimated ho would have inflicted heavier penalties. When asked at tho Burnham enquiry yesterday whether she considered the manager had the interest of tho boys at heart, a lady who was giving evidence said that she of the opinion that Mr Archey did his host. She added, "No one is perfect,'' on which Mr Bishop remarked, "Oh, no; oven I'm not perfect, I know." A novelty at tho Addington Salcyards vo.wtorday was a line of purebred and half bred Highland oattlo, bred by Mr G. H. Rhodes, of Claromont, Timaru. Their ages ranged from one year to nearly three years. They were in their long winter coat« and somewhat lew im condition, but they attracted much attention from thow interested in cattle. Six of the purebred* were bought by Mr R. S. Abraham, of Paliner_ton North. A husband who applied to the Court yesterday to have his wife made the subject of a prohibition order, alleged that she had been away from home since August last, and had been imbibing somewhat freely. When put in the witness box sho stoutly denied the accusation, and backed it up with the assertion, "I'm not known to tho police." "Well a prohibition order would do you no harm," suggested the solicitor who made application. "Not the slightest," was the nonchalant reply, but she added defiantly, "I can get it all the same." "A German married to a Spanish woman" is one of tho latest enquirers about the conditions of life in New Zealand, says tho "Post." Ho is at present living in Madrid, where his eye met mi, advertisement in a paper omphasiflifflgthc virtues of Greater Britain, wwith _ viow to convincing the authorities that he would be a desirable immigrant, he submits that he can speak Gorman, Spanish, French and English fluently. The last mail from San Francisco brought a large number of letters from settlers in the United States, Canada, and oven South America.
* Yesterday was tho firs* /«*ay of 'the Jewish New Year SGG7, and the celebration of the solemn and high festivals, beginning at the New Year, was commenced at tho Synagogue last ovening by means of special holy day services, which wwre conducted by the Rev. I. A. Bernstein j in the presence of a large congregation. Tho services will he continued from 8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. to-day. To-day is tho first also of the Ton Days of Penitence, which will end with the special Day of Atonement on September 20th. The New Year festival is also called the Day of Memorial, and the Day of the Sound of the Trumpet, and during the service last evening tho Biblical instrument, named "Shoufor," made of ram's horn, was used.
To have oluded the search of strenuous postal authorities for thirty years is surely an uncommon feat, fluch n thing haa, however, actually happened. A letter was despatched nearly thirty years ago to Captain William Sponce, of the ship Rio Logo, now at Dunedin, hy hie sister, then * young girl living in Dumbarton. Scotland, ra March, 1877, and was addressed to the care of the master of the v<?BJtel in which her brother was then serving as an officer, to be called for at the prat offioe, Singapore. It was never delivered to Captain iSpeno©, nnd a few weeks ago his sister, who now resides in Aberdeen, waa surprised by the return of the long-forgotten missive. Postage to the amount of 14d was on the unclaimed letter, that cum being necessary in those days to carry it half round the 1, world. The Robey Improved Suction Gae Plant* have no equal. For particulars apply to H. McClelland, 284 Oashol street, Chrietckiroh; ftole representative. 6 The D.1.C., Ohristdrarcli, he-re received further importations of Exhlbition novelties, chiefly from Paris, Berlin 1 , nnd London, which consist of exquisite blouses, daintiest millinery, lovtsly gowns, neh ostrich boas, eupertb eunshades, luxurious thing a irevelry of art—which is tastefully aoTftnged in their epacaorie tshaxrfoonw. Tho undertaking to cater elaborately lor the Exhibition excels in variety aid good taste ehown, ajnd followers of fashion <will be copying the "emart folk" of London end the Continent by selecting tiieur requirements at this warehouse. 11 Our suite will please you just as long' as you wear them. We have now opened up our new spring and summer i suitings. Our tailor-made suits are built with s painstaking care which insures perfect fit, retention of shape, latest styles, and our prices oannot be beaten elsewhere. See our patterns and place your order at once. Black, Beattie and Go. 6 Importers can save time and money by handing their documents to N.Z. Express Co., Ltd., for clearance through customs. All transactions treated as strictly confidential. 11 Always consult Henry Hughes for patents, as all instructions in connection with same are completed on tho spot, 183 Hereford street. 1263 You are invited to call and inspect first shipments of new season drapery, mercery, model millinery, etc., now •bowing by Messrs Beath and Company. In view of tho Exhibition season, this firm have ordered very largely from all the principal centres of fashion; tho values promise to excel anything shown in the past, arid should meet with ready sale. Customers should place their dressmaking and tailoring orders early to avoid disappointment. Remember, we can, and will, give satisfaction. 12 If you have tho faintest suspicion that your eyes are not just right, if they bother you in any way, its beet to have them examined at once. Do not go to the average optician or spectacle seller, for he is unable to distinguish between optical defects and diseases, but consult John R. Proctor. 180 High street, Christchurch, who will give you a thorough examination, free of charge. 2145 Mr E. A. Earp, consulting optician by examination, may be consulted daily at F. T. Pannell and Co., Cathedral sqnare. Hours, 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Artificial light used. Consultation free. Moderate prices. 14 The Road to Health. Paved with good digestion. Bragg-s Vegetable Charcoal. Invaluable tor uadiceetion, <fcarrhcaa, fevers, etc. Powder 2s, 4s, fe-biscuita, Iβ, 2s, 4s. All Chemjste. Bragg. Wigmore street, London Enp
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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12603, 20 September 1906, Page 6
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3,663NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12603, 20 September 1906, Page 6
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