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-♦ In 'The Weekly Press' , that, will be on sale to-day the. numerous and pxooHenit engravings .deal chiafly ViVh Now Zealand subjecU., and a.!»o include a few more pictures depicting some ot the well-known institutLons and sce»ies of San Francisco, and the city of Chicago after tho fire of 1871. In New Zealand subjects there arc* fine views of North l>lajid scenery, iho work of constructing t.he IJlackbail-Ngahero railway, a rids from Timarii to the Hermitage. Mt. Cook, vi a motcr car, transport <le r «»lopni<-ut.s, th« anti-con-pu nipt ion cnißado at- the troopers' memorial at Napier, taking bullocks over'.und from Gi.sborne to Waipiik-urau. and ]venn<«ly's Bu>ii, nc-ar Christ church, ironi t ass's Peak. 'Vim subjects t!;>alt with etlitoriaily in '.he Farmer are "iho Prices of and Hide^.' , '"Decreasing Sheep Stocks in Kurojv.' , '"Ventilation ol Soils," "A Valuable Life." "Whero are l"i> IKipular." and. "Ma-:tei> AfftcUng Read rioarr'.i-. ' 'iliere are al*.o to be four.Vl the K-irniPi- paires n>pcr:« upon Nr-w i prcduci , in L.cndcn and th:> P.jiiiLsula cccksi'cv/i harvest. lot:er.s iiDin conn.ry convsjjon-:k , n'ts, larm and stock ii&u-is and market n-ports. Of the pictures on vvr-.v at the recent Society ot Arts exhibition, no h»w<T than eighiy-thie: , were &old. by far Uwi highe.-t r.umbfr yjjl recorded. An Ohoka ro.<.id<*nt forwards a in which he statf* that the man all< to \v&w committed an aKsault on two p?rsons in locality last- Thursday. wa.s not thf> a'jj»r<-bor. \Y<> cannot opc.:i our columns to corro?pondence> on the ftubject. Sir John Hall's well-known Hororatu wool clip brought highly satisfactory figuret* at the Lowlon March salcr>. The brokers advi.-?. that tin* jirice for tho kujkt halfbrod combing. Is .'ki p?r 11>. iormed it reocrd i<,•■ t!;at series, tho whole of the fleece w-00l bought tor America.

A party of three Aknroa sportenvij. -.hotiiiii at Lake F.Ummoro on and Wedrosday last, secured 183 duck; anil 20 odd snaM. Gorse, broom and tho ox-eye <iai*y • ne, by " Gazette'" notice proclaimed noxious weedf i" the Riccmton road district. At t!io Dun<Hlin Police Court yesterday, a t-neotator at a ,-onior foorbali mntch on" Saturday was lined 20*, or seven d.iysr imprisonment, for striking another pprctator. 'Mivssrs J. Jtowell ai*d G. W. Kimber. j of Sprhigston. haro bwn appointed rangers finder tlie Animate Protection Act, and officer* under the Fisheries Con-ervation Aete, It. in not corHdered likely in military circ-bs in W'ellin-gtcn (telegraph our correspondent) that Colonel Kitchener ha;- hiM'n. asked to taJko tho command of the New Zealand Forces, or that j ho w.ll succeed General Babington. A crcular has boen wnt out to the heads of Government dcpartmen.t««,.a!k- ,- in£ ih? position, jn each case, in regard to iin "understudy," no doubt with a view to Miitablo officers being available to take charge of the depart nii'nt in ca*e of necessity. Some pwple would never dream of going into a prohibition area unprovkipcl with something stimulating and <> :luctive. Giving evidence in the Supremo Court yesiml-iy. lor instance, a witnos observed: "1 was going into A.shbiirton, and - of course" I a, bottle oi whir-key with mc." The looked up in apparent Hirprise: ••'Arihburton is « prohibited district, Honour."' explained the learned and well-informed Crown Prosecutor. "And that explains the 'of course, then I suppose?'" replied his Honour. Owing to tli- state of the bars on the West Coast, eleven steamers, which t!is> Union Steam iShip I Company have in t-Tiat trade, have tern htuek up to isomo extent during the past niont.ii. Altogether thfir etpamers lr>t sixty-eight, days during the month. How much financial loss this has oc~ em-iioiir-d may bo judged (writes our l)i'.r..'ciiii cnTKHnoiidont) from tho fact that this would bo equivalent to running '.wo fitcamers for a mouthi both, earning nothing. Tho fate of "tho roan behind tho Gjun "' <]ioe,s not always come home to the patriotic public (says the Timaru " Herald "), but there is in Wdmato at piH"*\nt a private of the Yorkshire jiest Riding regiment, whose right leg was blown off at Spion Kop by a rbeJl, and ho wa.; literally riddled with bullets in the battle of * Cole-nso. Although « good clerk, no one has need of hi* cervices, and the Imperial pension of 10s per week ha« to keep himself and wife and child. Private Dawvvn is lecturing on his experiences with a view to earn the living -which having hie duty as a Reservist to do deprived him of. During the hearing of a'oaeo in the Supreme Court yesterday, in which a man wae charged with personation at the last general election, the point ißicso as to whether his Honour could order the ballot-box to be opened. The Act was searched, and after mature consideration his Honour eaid that, in the absence of anything to the contrary ho -was j net i tied in ordering the deputy-returning officer to open the box, ifor tho purpose of whether the accused's vote was formally and properly exercised. iiw point eottled, his Honour ordered the box to he sealed aigain in Court. "Whenever I como into town I get too much to drink, and come to grief," said an accused person in the Supreme Court yesterday. Describing his movements on a particular occasion, he told the Court that "We steered from one place to another, having a jolly good time, drinking small shandies and such, like. I was sober all through the piece, but I didn't fed too good after the shandies. I don't know what was put in tho drink, but it 'ain't come out , of my syet««m yet." His Honour said there was an insinuation of "doctored" liquor, but it rested entirely on the man's imsup|KM*ted statement, and lie could not be cross-examined, as he doclined to be sworn. Incidentally remarking that " ono touch of nature, makes the whole world kin," the Wyndham "Farmer" tells the following story:—A district dairyman happened on sorry times. First some of his cattle and horaea died, and then came the irreparable loss of a beloved child. The sincere empathy of the neighbours for th« bereaved parents took practical chape in that little community. In an unobtrusive way it was suggested by one of tneir number that none of them would mice a morning's milk, if it were donated for a certain purpose. Tho hint wa* cheerfully accepted, *uid the aggregate re~ fiult was that 1,6001b of milk was placed by thorn next morning to their triemTe account at the dairy factory. A two-year-old light draught horse oaiieod some exekement in Timaru after three o'clock oji Saturday afternoon by breaking away from the railway eiding as he wan about to be trucked. The "Herald'" etatee that the animal in question, with two others, when nearing the trucks, broke away towards the Harbour office, and the- men in charge succeeded in overtaking two of them. Tho two-year-old protested, end made straight for the breakwater. He took to the water between the root of the present extenfeion and tho old breakwater, and defied all efforts to be rounded up, until he had had almost a three hours' swim. Several boats wore out, but when they went too close the horse struck out further. Hi« swimming ground lay JKJtween the nese of the extension and in the vicinity of tho bell-buoy. The horse was eventually caught, and , was easily guided to -where he left land; but was utterly exhausted. After a few minutes' spell he walked to the etables. , The Jtolleston Memorial Committee met in the Municipal Chambers yesterday efternoon, t>he Hon. C. C. Bowen presiding. The other members present were—Dean Harper, the Hon. H. F. Wigram, G. Witty. M.H.R., Dr. Manning, Messrs W. Iteece, W. H. Triggs. P. Pender, and C. Lewis, M.H.K. (Hon. fcee.) Apologies for .absence were sent by Mr J. Anderson and Professors Chilton and Cook. Tho Hon. Secretary reported that the erection of the statue was nearly completed, and could be finished within a week. After some dii-cussion it was decided that tho Hon. C. C. Bowen should b" o>ked to preside on the occa- , M'on cf the unveiling ceremony, and I that the Mayor, iSir John Hall, should J f>e asked to perform the ceremony it- ! r"lf. Tho chairman. Mr Recce, and Mr Lewis were appointed a siib-com-itiittee to arrange for the erection of a suitable, railing round the <-tatue. It ; was def-idtvl that the unveiling cepp- : mony fs'iould take place on Saturdov. the :20th .\!«y, at L',3o p.m. Hie annual meeting of parishioners of ■ihe (irnildinc ptirkh look place on Tliiirv<Liy. th;- Rev. S. Hamilton prtv t.iding. The Vicar's report showed that. ■rviLvs had l>een regularly maintained i hroughout the parLJi during tlio year, with two There had been 48 i liaptJMns, o marriages and 11 burials 'during the year. In addition to over fIOO «iven or promised in money, many <:ifis liad made for furnishii'.K the Church at Orari. Now that the ' old Church had l>een removed to Orari !!r» n<:<-d of a. parnh room was more felt than ever, and it was lioped that means would soon bo found for its erection. The diiirchwardeas' report «hcnved that the Church debt had inI (r.-aMv! to over £200, of which £170 j 18s 10d was due to extraordinary exjxMwliture. ft was resolved to make ;i .sptxrial offertory to clonr the debt of tho \ Church. Tlie ordinary receipts for the ■ year showetl an increaso of £8 (is 10d, j which ir.oro then met the ordinaiy esi penditure. All Church oflicn-s and I collectors were re-elected, and the usual ' votts of tlianks closed the meeting.

The musio nt tho Chrysnnthonjiin '* Show in t'ne Art Gallery trill bs nmvi/V */ «sl by Krnneflys Hand. ' "• Tho election of three members of tho •" Kowni l?nad .Board resulted as follow* —Janif* Hhaw 182 votes, J. BalUnrt'. ISI. Simp,o.i 01. J. Mathers 79. Q v Knsor 04, J. Wyllie 54, informal 4. An owner is ivquinxl for a fur nvuff left on tho publici toicnter at the Pom Office. The onin-r can have fno saem upon identification at the Chief Oerk' e oiticc. On May lGtJi « Commaesioni will nit at Ash hurt on to hear the ckiim mado by tlie Town Boaid. the Wakanui Road Bo<».rd for tho keep of certain roads running tthrough Hampstecid. Mr W. S. Stert lias been appointed Gommheicner. Mr W. H. Herries. M.H.R., who «. rived at Gisborno y«pterday, after an overland trip from Opoiiki. stated thai lu< was surprisetl at the e**o with which tho construction of a railway line could be continued tirpujA';■'• from CJisborno, and also at the qusntitv of valuable timber in the Motu dij>triot, 'Weno you ever charged with theft?" wae the query put to a per.son \^ o stated that ho liad nev<>r bee-a before the Court before when giving evidence on his own behalf at the Police Court yesteiday. "No," he replied. "Not in Auckland?" eekedthetinb-Inspector. "Well. 1 found a boat in tlie see there, and cold • it, and they 'ad mc up for sellin , it—if that is what yor mean," was the explanation offered. At tho Ashburban Court yesterday, before Mr R. Alcorn, J.P., Alexander Mackonteie wais ohorged, on runiand, with boi«g found druuk in Baet street and with lining threatening lacguage to a constable. Accused not appear, but Ins counsel put in a plea of not guilty. A lino of £1 wee impenad on tlie charge of d-riuikeniAaas, with tho alternative of twenty-four hours' imprLsoniiKyit, und a line of £2 on <he charge of UMDg theatening language, willi the alternative of four days' wnprisonmojut. The troubles on tho British ship Cassius, which arrived from Liverpool last week, were advanced a stage in the Wellington Magistrate's Court yesterday. Four seamen—Wm. Whiting, Chaa. Railph Wooley, Wm. Gladstone Scott, and John Andrade—were charged with having disobeyed the lawful com 1 mands of the captain, David McPherson. The same men and George Allbright, the first mate, were charged with broaching cargo, and Whiting was further charged with having a.<«aulttxl tho captain. The police .stated that the alleged broaohing would require a good'deal of investigation. The accused were remanded till Friday. It was represented to Mr C. M. Gmy, M.H.R., tliat there was likely to bo : 6ome delay in the payment of tive eabenumerators engaged in ciisrtributtrife and collecting t.ho cenens papers, ami on Saturday lie telegraphed to tho Registrar-Generdl enquiring whether sometliing . could not be dono to expedito payment. Yceteixiay Mr Gray received a reply from tho Hon. Alben Piti stating that there seemed to bo no reason to »ppre}»«id great dehiy in parsing the vouchers lor tho £übenuitVHratore irt WolluvsUm for he bad ascextajTied that tiui TiX!iasury and Audit Doparfcmeii'ts would pufc oarroct vouchers straight tlirough. Mr Q. W. Moon, the officer in charge of the local Tourist Office, Vho mas t>een making an extended tour tlirough the Mount Cook and Southern Lakes districts, returned to town by tho tiecond express hist night. Jlr Mocn first of all visited Mount Cook, n:\-A made all the ordinary triQS'front th?ro with the exception of the high climb - . From Mounit Cook he overtard tilirough the Lyndhnrst Pass to Pombroke and Lake Wanaka, and from Pembroke over the Crown range to QueenstoAvn. After doing tho various ' side trips around Queenstown, including the famous Skippers drive, he visited ' Glenorohy and Paradise at the head of the lake, returning, to Queenstown bjr • the traok running by the eidtf of tbo lake. Mr Moon's tour wae made with tlie object of patting himself in the •. position of being able to give first hand information ooncx*niaiig the trips covered to tho many touriste who are expect- ' ed here during the Exhibition season. E. M. Dnappei, a dxriKtohiircTn bookmaker, was charged before the Court a-t Timaru yesterday with having treepaflted . on tho Timaru racecourse on €he occanon of the Jaet race meeting there. Private detectives Donoghue and Scott gave evidence in support of the proeecution. The defence was • complete denial by defendant that he had been laying odds an the day in question, and evidence wae called in eupport of this. The magistrate, Mr Wray, aaid Scott •had apparently got confused, and he muet discredit h« evidenoe, »od as Donoghtie's evidence wae contradicted on almost every particular point, tie did not think he wouid 'be justified in recording a conviction. R. Radelifle, eimilarly charged, said he bad merely bee i> engaged ac clerk to a bookmaker. A fine of £5 and £1 3s 5d ooe* was ' imposed. Speaidng to a "Press" repweentative _ yesterday on tihe subject ii mud vo!-------eanos, Dr. Wohlmann, Govecnnient Balneologiett, related an instance of how \ a jceident of Rotonia wae earprieedone, day to find one under hie drawing-room floor. The general impression concerning Rotorua ie that the earth's crust ■there is fairly thin, but on© hardly «x-------pecte to bo waked up in the middle M the night by demonetrations of tiiennel activity in the bowels of the earth, i<&* ■mediately below one's bed. In this particular case, tho Rotonia citizen re* ferred to watered hie garden too freely, and the moisture loosened tho clay over a "hot spot," with the result that steam began to escape, and a mud volcano was coon active. Familiarity, no doubt, breeds contempt" of tiie latent possibilities in a district that ie literally re>*inig on a sea of boiling mud, and Dr. Wohlmann seeme to think tihat Rotorua is just as eafo a locality to piant tJio vine and; fig tree, wherewith io solnco , one's old age m tho mote stable locality on the banks of the Avon.. In support of this he cites the fact that earthquakes are mon , severe ii> Chrifitchirrch than in Rotorua. although in the" Hot Springe metrofol'S they have had as many ac twenty-five m I a single day. Dr Gibb ie very nxich in evidence just now, telegraphs our Wellington cor- ] j respondent. On Monday night he got up | in the- pulpit and dressed down the '"New Zealand Times," firstly for ite criticem . of "The Light of the World," end feeondly, for admitting to its columns » , letter signed '-DiHgusted." Hβ s»id he ' wished to protest against anoTiymdu* correnpondente being permitted to tie* : the Pre*» for vilification. It was not fair to minifiterß of religion tee* * i FcaHywag ehould be permitted <****, * pen name to vituperate theme» **•* ' were at least respectable citizen*. 1° the letter in question ministers « **" ligion were ppoken of as idlers aaa loafers, whoso ono desire we* for porsonal aggrandisement. He difl not s«o-------poee that many men in Wellington, or out of ii, had to work harder or longer hours than hjmeelf, and yet the p«pef permitted this person to as*rt that rtiinietprti of religion worked four hotire a wepk only. Would a newepaper lend itself t>> similar vilification, of. (-ay, modical men? Wan there nny c!af=s in the community, f»ave •. } <>f religion, who were ever «> treated- ) It was a that euch thinjs* should I l>e, and though tome might think that it was beneath the dignity of the pnlp't and ite occupants to refer tosneh abn*o. he felt compelled to *»peak out. 1 "Tiny-"'' , juMifirfl it«elf in _ its edito-nl • columns. «nd wys that while i: )'•»- f' , • grpate.-.: respect for ministers ns a rl !(, • v it iv i JI always pivo. free and miforten-1 I admievioa to its j>nge« to leltcjis effectir.s public questions. •»

Quinfrv Vosp«*r, son of em Anglican . J^narJ.,!;:i-. ! ..i-i!lr. wh ; > w.sen*\V«|ti!>r,ton w "" - Um!i "" Uvo I - : ' tu ''- -jnnndcd. \t Punedin. ii> the ease of 31. Wriest t!-i< Dum-dm Dram\a Board, '•" «c;i<J!i tor <'a,m- ------"!;.* ari-in- < 'W ■ ! injuries >us- ' bprd 1..V J.iiiintiii i» ill.- c:)n.*nif!ti«n . V.i I£ , main ;•".-,.•--. :lu< Conipensai mn ' c-mtl h'M tli.u i-.l.iintilT was otiti'J«vl to proceed to a fill <>i f;.<-»5. Writing is ••ri.l.-.rJy not a I.wt H nfc tl:» Burn! 1 :!!)! .Viiool. An Jvinnmtp of • "■• «''"" "P •»«' ■■: rnf< >nee in the S.i|,rnr.o C...-.irt ><■>- and In- pu , in a written MaNSt Afli-: rJ'H!(•;;-; tlsvoigh it his. Honour expnvsed u< I mi ■ at bin of the Vatitifiil K»!i.ur;i]>!iy. -'! m-y cortjinily j ;noW how to <-.. ; '.' ;'t Himihaill, lie remarked, -tin* i-. -piondid. l< .Mr H. W. Bi-hop. SM., provided at J t - n ; Mani.*-!-.»:.•"> Court. >e>teu!.a.Y. find ga v< -' judgment. n V <I<''- 1I ' ! « >'■ ,l| e ioilowrog ca.Mi> uitii cc-iv- V l ' , ' , ; 1 ' ,la: - - -----ns (Mr v Aliciiaei .Mooney, k £5 6d : Jean f- Christie v Uiuiii-i .). livrw, £3 Mutiio ""'! Kiikitv bottom v .Jack Kohiiw>n. 17 I7f (id: \Vffl White iiti'l ('». 'Mr H- Harper) v Jiajirr J- H« ? Mino.r. L 2 XX !.;! : Trade Auxiliary C omp;i!iy m -New Aeatnd. Limited :Mr Muff) v. 0. Scott, £13 *» M. There was a puekrd audience at the Supreme Court- yo.-u rday, the attraction for iiMiny pruncni. per.-oris obvioiifly being feveral imuMtifmg nexual c-wpj-* J" charging T '" , <; ra.nd -J'J r>. his Honour sai<l he .-hniild have to go rather fully into the <' : rcum-taiiro-; of tuo of tiipii eaica. It was unfortunate, a.-> thereby ho would !><• gratifying tln* rrTirk'nt tastes of a class oi people, who <!c!igbt«l in fiich α-i-e*.. However, he liad no power to clear the Court while, charging the Grand Jury. A men imnied .Tame" Harding, who nnDoarofl ix'foK* Mwm> .f. T. Unco. jpT «nd S. n. WpM). .IP., at the i,vtt«-H<;n i'nlico Court v.-stwxkiy, Ti'iw cotivictod atml <iiM-.hsi.rpfd on a charge of having bw-n drunk and disorderly. For having iimxl language in tho Empim Hot<'l, wliorc ),oliad been n'fiif-od drink, the. Mimo jn*n was fin<-<l twonty shillings nnd cents, with the Dstinl altornnt iv<> m imprisonment. A prohibition order \\i\-.< issued against a man on tho application oi his wife. Ate iTX-<!lir>g of tho Educational lnjtituto nt Invorcargill. a report was fiibmittod that n. chainimn <>f ti t-ouniry commitUv, appar«ut!y vit.lL tin , .-.-uiction of the majority of tlu> nionib<T>s on i grounds tjuit wore prov«>d tnvial, V had t&km tho oxtmnw of t.rying to eHspori<l n tosiclu-r, such action being seriously prejudicial to hie imputation. It w;ls M--olv<«d to fonvjtrd a report to tho Now Z.vU;nid_ Institute in nrder that legal advia* might bo obtained, find authority for the? iooal institute to tako proctXHlings ut law. Commenting upon tho closing of the fishing season, which has tnvn a record o«, the "Hot Lakes Chronicle" says:— ''Large 'tal»<w' of trout continue to bo secured in tho lakes, but iroin those qualifiwl to judge, we Kirn that. Lake Taravrera promi.-«s to lx) tho lisluiig rosort for next season, tho fish tliore be ing raperior in quedity and much lsirger than tiiose obtainaMo in either lake* Kotonio, Rotoiti, or tho tributaries of thoso kkcfi. ITiero is an opinion that until Lakes Itotorua and Rotoiti are n**tod, and ft large quantity of tho siirplufl fish taken a,wuy, the trout from these lakes will not bo in the fine coitdition they wero bom« three years ogo." In tbo Supreme Court yostcrday, five out of thirty-nino huinmonwi juro-u li;>ggod to bn excused. "1 shall c ti'cm it ii great favour if your Honour would kindly excuse mc," observed ono bland young man, cheerfully. Then ho wnit<J confidently, nppaivntly quite convinced that tiie Honour would jump nt i the chance to ingrefciuto hinmclt with tho applicant. Hih Honour preeiswl for a more substantial reason for granting the privilege, however, and the man , put forward the common plea that ins imeiness nl>uld ho nogioctod in his nbpence. His Honour eventually granted the five appeals, but said that in future more jurons would Jiavo to be summoned. Solicitors' clorke, it aro not in request as jimira; counsel cast the eyo of disfavour on thtin, and' invite them, in a cold voice, to stop down whon their names aro called. Tho interostinp; fact ram* to light in tho Supreme Court yesterday. Two legal scribes begged to be excused from attendance, on account of pressure of work. In granting tho request, his Honour tiaitl tho men would almost certainly be cha!- ------■ Icngixl if cnlled. Of couivo there was not. the .slightest reflection on tho character of > solicitors' clerks, but conn.Mil objected to thc-m as juror.-.— npparently booause tk-y had >umu kxwwl«ige of Jfliv. In the Supreme Court«rday counsel stilted that an accusid pen-on, convicted ot theft, was a chomiist. "Hut lio caLK himacVf a specialist •"' «aid his Honour; "doiu that niriaa that \'.Q advertisos offering to rewtoro vitality U) youths and boys? If so, that is not much of a recommendation. 1 havo not much sympathy with 'spe- ' tialii-tn'.who frighten youLlin into imagining they suller from ell noils of Iwrriblo difica&w.' , Counpt*! said accused was not that kind of specialist; he_ was a specialist in iskin and bronchial complaints. "Well, then, ho hae no right to bo practising, not being registered,' , replied his Honour. JKnowloe, «t present lodged in tho Wangauui g:io1, charged witli tho mur<''Pl" of his wile at Palmeo-ton, came lwfcrr thf> Wanganui Police Court yesterday, and was ronumdixl to *ipp«ir at Palmerston on Friday next. Other capes dealt with -were :—William Johnson, for supplying liquor to a prohibited pefton. nus tinea .£lO, the latter being fined £o. A well-known \oct\\ doctor and two hotel-ke-epem -wwv h'ned -10-* »\ic ; i and costs for shooting pukeko out of Bauson, O. 1). Jonof>. tuil'ir, was charged before Mr .Stiuiforil. S.M.. with ■ faiiing to pay hie employees their wages witliin the eeven dayc* prtecribed by tlio Act. Tlio toNil number oi" <ht\s m rospoct of the five cliargf« numbered 101, and a fine of (id a day was imposed. In charging the Grand Jury yostc-r-------««y. hii Honour Mr Justice * Denn»ton referred to a «u<e in which ft young man ■*&<* charged with improperly blowing a girl undiT tb«« «g<» of i-ix-twn. Tho accusod hnd bei'n asked to marry tho girl—who wis fift«>eji years and five niontlw at the time of t!u» offence—but lwid ri'-fuscd, on the ground 'hot be could not afford it. It \\ a> tho "Mini thing in those cas<-~. to .allow tho tmttor to l>o .settled by the man niarrymg the R irl. Ho hnd his doubt* i\\>n'\it the of such a <-our.-c, howewr. •Tudjritig by the rjiM v -< of <li>sfrtion an<l divorw which had pcnu , Im'loio him, ho rould not look fiivourahly on Mich ill-H-sPcrted Tij:irriag«ti, elthough tho Act to largely uvxl lor tho purC'oionel Kitchonor. w!io. in an interTicir in Auikbiiul on Frklay, liintod at of his coming .hack to v V ? IV, ' ;Ul; ' foiiiniantivint' of th<i AiM- Zcsilaml Foi-ces in Miccossion to .Major-doiKT.-il Ua)»ingt<>n, iviio-o term of ethev expire in Vovcni!»!--r. joiiK-d the army on July 10th, lscc. ' ]I ( . Uv. ? a ' : ,'i'. a Ik'UNMianr in i; , .!, and captuui m 75, riKijor in 'S.l, li.-nts n;tn!-«iloii(>l ion. ' nm, c0!c » ,,1 '" '' ,!) - In July of l.m.i he commanding tho We-t Indion dt-put. Ho sorv«l"in the MurExpedition tlm .•jurie ywir n.'iiior tfansjjort oih'o>.r. ;uul w;ts with the "untho Ficid For<y>. jind was n!,.>i. tioi!<-d in drfi*itrh<-. C'oloin-1 Kit- I clu-ni i- «-il>o *<"M-cd with t'-<. Tamruu I oolimv.m of i)u* M,-wii[viro F,.UI Foic.' as j >iTior tnuivport cinc-er- in IH!M, and w.v., I agaiu meatioaed in i

It is understood that Mr J. Hadiield "ill com* , forward as a candidate for a >-»at on ti'.e Tramway Hoard to n-p; , ©- M-nt t>yd«'ji!:sini. Dr» uj)-trelate. Use k D«nicia di5C ] ])!oi!i»'. .Morrcv.", and Co.. BcJi lord Uo-.v. 2 J 'I'he buri!i v -*.>. of the }>orou<rli c,f Sum- ,' I i!-r iir« r..-itifi-d that 'he meeting in; i minx <-t ien with tin , extraordinary j>esi- j !t j -.---• on thi> ]<*c;il Council will }m field in ■ 1 li>" puri.-li rooms. t*.>-night (Tuesday,), r.t i H p.m. ' 0 j .Stor.ure at lowest raf«t> for furniture j lor ir.errhandi"*. , i> (irovidcd by tlie N*".v • : Zoahind Co.. Ltd.* in brick' [ ftoiv. at lowest r.-r."> dt with i !iia\!!iium <i: siiiety. II j A i-pvciai siiowing of attractive and ; art:>tic i iiHint-ry. embracing smart) ■■ reiidy-to-v.ear* in ■ great variety. ; and many beautitul Parjs 'is ! bc'ing made at Graham, Wilson, and I Smoiiios (near Clock Tower;. -o Ncwfht of the new. Fresh«>t of tie freth in style. Which means üb-olutoiv , : correct niodeis. i-u;>eri<jr n'jiit«rial ana (iihh]i. Kniiipoi lailor-'lade .Jackets, ■ ! 17.s (id, 1. , )*., i*'. Black, Ilealtio anu ' Co. 4 Nevr-r before Imve <we ever made , biich an a: tractive and extoiu-ive s'.on- j j ing of fc'.ikis as we arc now displaying. j You hhould i.-ertajnly look them over. , j \%"iiit <> aiui Cream Hroehf U- (>d, now ;Js •(id; "_'7incii Jap. Sills "_»:■> lid, now Iβ j r.d ; I Van (ie Soio l J s lid, now J« lid. I These are a tow ot the bargains, lilack, Ik.-attic and Co. (j Lightnc.-r, Coinfr.rl and Warm'h are the ."-picial projx;it!<i-. appertaining to ! Down Qnilt.s. When M-ell-niad ,, and I properly vcn'ilatrd. they aro liighly re- . ciMiinwndvd by the medical fraternity.! I 'l'he.^i , two are j j guaranteed by tlie D.I.C. in the liirgo i S4'hetion they are now .■honing in their i window and store. Tl'e'.r prices range ■ upwards, I'rom that suitable to tlu. , ; moderate requirements. "J'j Wo are giving the lavt value in bicycle* ever offered in Chritsteluir&h. j Prices from £11 to £15 ]■"*>. (ifnuine English-built U.S.A. bicycles, £I'J Ills. Repjiiir,s unequalled in quality at mode- I rate prices. IJ'iyd and Son, l'Jl Glou- j cester street, Christchurch. C i Mrs Scott, Waltluun road, Sydenham, has suffered from asthma for many years, and tried many so-called curt;&, I but Kurasma is the bej! ; it jrive.s relief lat once. Soid by all chemists, 3s per i j bottle. Prepared by Kirk, chemist, I Sydenliam. 54GG Notice to purchasers- of oil engines.— Me.NAiy llobey \ind Co. «ue landing their latt'.-t oil engine, fitted with self-starter. 111 McClelland, sole representative, ~L'-l Ca.sliel ttreet, Cluibtchurcb. 8829 Tho Crown Iron Works Company, Ltd., Manchester and Gloucester havo a vciy largo etock of enamelled kiths, wonderfully cheap, which eliould be teen by inftnding purchasers. 0 Improved Suction Gas Plants, 10-h.p. for one penny per hour. To u.sers of gas engines this ie worth coneideirlng. W. A. Kyan said Co., Ltd., 12G Cashel street, ChristcliurcJi. 6 Perfection Heators, for cottage, mansion, or office. Cheaper than lire ; no trouble. Largo fdze, 3'2e lid and 37e Gd; smaller, 22s Gd <uid 2"s (id. Heat Irradiators to fit Aurora. Saxouia, and I'remior Stoves, at Fletcher Uros., Jjotver High 6treet. 8 Mr li. A. Earp, coneulting optician by examination, may be coii&ulted daily at F. T. Purinell and Co., Cathedral fcquare. Hours, 9 a.m. till 0 p.m. Artificial light uted. Consultation free. Moderate prices. 14 . If you have tho faintest suspicion that your eyes ore not just right, if they bother you in any way, it's best to nave them examined at once. Do not go to the averago opticion or spectacle seller, for he ; a unable to dijy- : tingui&h between optjjal defects and diseased, but consult John li. Proctor, , 180 High street, Christchurch, who will | ■ givo you a thorough examination, free i of cliarge. . 2145 ( Juftt received, further sbipmente of autumn novelties. Inspection invited. Forty model hats ard toques, cxqui.sito Ktylea and colour effects, 25s lid, 29s Gd, i 3oe, 425, 4 ( Js 6d, 555; new motor caps, luivv, cardinal, etc., 2s lid, Dβ Gd, 3s lid" 4a 3d, 4e 6d, os 9d; ladies' ribbed wool vests, long tdeuves, Is Ikl, Is 6d, Is lid, 2s 9d, 3s Gd, 4s Gd; short eleevos, Is to 4s Gd; lted Riding Hood capos, all sizee, 12e Gd to 18s lid; ladies' weven vosts, long and , hleeves, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s !)d, os Gd to ; ( ess Gd; new tweod coats, latest ehajvcH i and colourings, 27e Gd. 32.-. Gd, 37s Gd ' to GS.S. Utiath tiud Co., Ltd., Cashel ; fetreet. 10 j

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 6


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