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(special to "thk press") KAIKOURA, M*y 7. A sharp chock of earthquake was felt hen; at ten o'clock this morning, end .mother at twelve minutes after twelve Uie <lirection being south-west to oast. Scvftral ca«ee of ecarlet ferer hay« broken out, tlie patients being childieu. Tlwi public school has been closed for two weeks. 'Die whalere are commencing operation* tlds week. Sevenal right whale* have be.-n tighted. IThj w-Jialors have JVJTer known whales to oomo hero e» eariy in the sea±>ori. Thort* is every proepoct of a Micceo&ful season. Named Tulips just knded from Holland for Iβ per do&en, post free, from Niuuiui and Hi air Dufiediu. $J

—o I'.Y '»'> ILLtAM l.i: O: i IX i.-\-i'.- ' : '■'. •■ S- • ■ <■*; •■! the l-'crcnn < i.ii'c." A i The i-'niill. unpret-'iit ions albergo t;i :% St-'ila d i- 1:1 the Via (i.ietana. one of t!,e !>.ick <■:' IJi.iu--. ~ ;. it near ti'<- liiter. In a nn-ugie. i-iiairj.v on tin , -ec«.!id flour. 1 yeniiL, 1.-irk-faced, bu: man. .-h'>rt <>t rti.-n;l iii(Ni<liiy cur aero- the river to where t!ie gr<\-it r.iund towir ot the ('asteiio Sanr Angelo h;r>nm! up against tin , y. \'<j\v, wintry siiii-x-t. an;l b.-y<;tid tin* rI.-»11'. 1 • of Sr. i'etor'r, t»how<>d giev in the ha/e. He.-i'!e him. her hand placed tenderly U|>i::i hiri -h;,nU|ir. stood a pivtty. d.i:kh.iirc<l woman -evoiai \\;iv- hi- .junior. Siie v,a- t.nll, i-iiiiri.'iit ly ixtaiitilul. wi:h de!,'ly i::.-.ii!i.'< <1 tea; in , ,-.-, and soit •::ey eyii-, that betraytyl an intcn.-e aiiMt'ty" I: v. a- cv'idenr that she ::i:! a <!i-:iizen ci thai low quarter, tor t!ie I'tg black Ji.nt "-'i: , mite \\;b t Inni!.:L' ot Lenth< tic. and her clo;tk, wh.'.fii Im:| fallen unlieetlod to the flo;ir, wa> heavily liue<l with snbie. Upon In , r slim white I wind « Miude diamond ring gleamed and sparkled in the last i.iy., of the t-lcwlv dying 'lay. "Hut. .Midori, yon must remain. Here, ill Rome, you am surely safe! -, f.he argued, speuking in Rux-iau. and bending over him -with earne.-tn<-5.5. "Imrxiv ible. iSoiiiji! - ' he replied in the same language, f~haking head "I must Bt«art for Japan tomorroH ." ■ "And leave , mc!" she cried. '"Xo, no, love, wo lnur-.t not pait! [ could not it. You know how you lore mt> —hew you told mo 1-0. long ago. in Tokio!" Ami she smoothed the tlaik hair of the young Viscount. Asada, Japaiu'-e attache at tho Court, of Vienro. while lie, taking her fcinall white hand. r«i-e<l it reverently to hi« lips. "All, iSonia!" lie exelaimod. ".My countr>* owes everything to you—eveiything! I3ut, lxMvare ! We are watchrd by a hundred spies of Russia, 'and if the truth were known that you had given mc the copy of that, document in Vienna ten days ago—this result would be, ah, mv deam-t, too terrible!" "I know, - ' isaid the handsome girl. '•We havo rrvmy enemio-—both of us. You were seen with mc in the Ringfit ra.-tso several times, and for all we know su.-piciou has already been nrnused. But in hiding here you surely quite Mil V? * ,' The young man shook his liead dubiously. "1 carried the text of tho Rutfiian reply to the Hmbassy in who liave telegraphed it to Tokio. It menus war, Sonia—rwar!' , ho added hoarsely. "They wi'l convtnenoi hostilitioe now without further ado. , ' "And your country will owe its first 6iicce-is to you,' , klio t-aid. "Nr>, to you, dearest." ho declared, again pressing her hand to his lipr>. "You have risked your liberty—your life, fur Jaoan. But," he added, gaz-in-2 at her with that love-look that can never bo feigned. "Ilavo n oare of yourself, love. Wo are both marked down. It would bo best for rue to escape, disguiiscd as a ccolie on board one of the P. and O. fitoamets from Naples hack to Japan, and "' "No. remain in Europe," she urged. "Live in hiding—in I'arU. in London, or in the country in England" "The spins of Russia sue. everywhere." declared the young diplomat. "They su.spnct that we have outwitted them.' , "Don't be ditioourngod, dearest!" replied Sonia Zhnkoff. " "\>o shall bntilo them yet. For the present, remain here. Don't go out, a.s your Tiustern face m«iy betray yon. I phall return to-morrow u,t four. Courage dear—lo--oollect that you are suffering for the honour and freedom of your gailaut country."' Ami as she spoke, she picked up her cloak, and he wrapped it about her --•lim, elegant figure. Then, after a brief farewell, rhe allowed him to kiss her upon the lips, their kumls gnasped in perfect trust, and «he Ofx-neil the. door, ami descended into the narrow, noisy e-treet. Ah, if the world knew what she had done! IJiil it was n calm ign-amnoe, never dr.-aming that war could really break out. Her father had been Rus-ian Minister in Tokio, nnd there f-he had met the Viscount A-<i<la, who h;id declared his love. Four yearis liad gone since then. His Excellency, her father, had leni promoted fo b<; Amba---ador to the Auiitrian Court, and a year ago the Vi>count had. in order to be near her, been appointed to Vienrwi sis military •ittflc'ie at the Embassy ct Japan. Certain secret information Nonia had given him had ainuvd Jajvui'-* suspicions month-) Ix'foie. therefore with --ne'i-liuge national interest- at .slake it was not Kiirprinng ho sliouid in<h;ce Sonia to hviin from her father's official corn , - pondence all she could. On accouiu of his leng <li]:lomntic ex|H'rie;i.-e in Japan. Nicholas ZhukofT wa.s leeogiiied by as tbo higiie.-t authority upon matters Jaixiu<T-e, nnd tvu'h ot the diplom-a.tie rt , .joii>di , i> to that ci-iuitry had Ixen first Mibmiited to him befoiv they leceivixl tho Czar's tsignaturo. T.'ioy were brought by special com iei" from Petersburg, at:cl tin , 11111-------l>.is-,ulor iK-u.'illy took a day to reflect or T'l.'.Ke M!g'.i;es!ion-. i:; which time his daughter generally maiwged to get .'i •^l.-inrt , at them, and secretly a-certaiu the policy inteiuled ado|)ting. This coir, mucd until one niorniag. S;iiii bri>ugiit to !!<»r lov< r nn exact copy of an reply, which l«|r 1:0 d-.iuht Ji- to the he-ti!.." , intentions o| Riirv-ia. and two hours later he whs in tiv> waggon-lit travelling; towaixls O-Tfud ond London. T't.-e document he carried in his pock. • inrvii;: war fich: for freedom. l*i:.-.-ia- diplomacy h,id tactful iui-l inger.ious. as if always is, <=o that, time mi giit bo gained, bur with Son in V aid ho hnd checkmated it. Thanks u> his wel!-bfiov..-d. Japan held all the honours in the game. A fortnight had passed sinco the pair hnd met in Rome. Japan, acting upon that document eopuil by tho Rub-ian Ambassador's daughter, had, without warning, .-truck a blow at Port Arthur which iiad htaggerod Rus-ia, and a-tniiidod tho world. \W:r had iiul.ed coa.menctKl in eanie-t. It v,":'t> nearly mi.lni'j:;it. In a co-.y, suniptiuni-ly i:inii-1'.(.-<.l sitting-room in ;!:.' Jiit,! (la'li.i at C.iii:'.c>. Sonui— . '..-.' 1 !d m;mu. I'ii:!;,>--'...'.'l alioatiy lerirv.l—w tis yitti iilos'.o l>..'!ore the wood tin , v riting to t!io man '.mo w.ifc in hiding, he having e-citp«jil

' back to England on board a cargo Loat liom Leghorn. Siio bad finishod the letter, and wat= paziii;; thoughtfully at the blazing top;vhi'ii. v.'ithout ivarning, the <ior,r opj'!ir<l, and there entered a tall, eicc-rly, grey bearded man, who wore a light overcoat, and oik: of tho- - *) crey felt hats that arc tho mode in viinor on the Kivioiii. ■ "You!" she gasped in R-.K-k'n. fttnrf- . ins to her feet. •Colonel Siwipircfl'." J "Vets." th«> int.riKior. cuoiiy in the f-'ain , . , I-ih^h^l ,, *'. clo-im; t|n* <ic;)r anri Turning thy koy ln'-'iird him. "And yo'i r I tit-etl not a*-k. Soma, daiiphte; of Nicholas Zhukoff, hi> .\t;i j-«.t yV A;nto Vipn-i.i. No, [ r-hali v.rhurt you. ir.a:!i?:n:»i-''!ie—l cmi l:en' nj our tri-r.'l." I "Tho C'i'irf of the Czsn'- .spies em ' npver I>i> my friend." -wat- hrr <juir-k. in-diaii.-uit, re-|>i!i-e. '"Why i!<. y.-i:i .t?t• r «'ith<:ii!, cerrn'.ony '?" >ii.' <!.-- maiuled. i "litYiiii'i , I have ;i riput to enter ;my- ' where ■sv'u-rf there i- a t-ul>j«>et of my Imperial uia-ter •—an<l more «*poeiiilly \. hen that Milijeer i~- a Mm it re .-:s to her fountry. lianniz fiirnit-hed itifor-iT.-i t i r;ii to tiu , Kmlxi.—y !'' Shi , f"' nod -.'it the nuin hefrr«» l'»r. ns one, turned to .-tone, llor M'creL «"as out! i "Yon t-»v, madernoi-ello, we have not I liei-n aitogethe-i- idlf." lu> wfiit. on, with ja li.'ud. dry "Our invoti^ation--li:ivi> i-ov(sil;'d how. Nt the insti^atir.n «.'t <>ii ,- enemy, you went .'everal limes to γ-mir t'a:]ier"> private cabinet during hi- aii-eiu-e and obt:iin«xl sijr'tit of th<; <!i;i)r '-ejiiir- to Japiiii s'!ir iron) IN-t^^r*^ Ihul; Inr tii> approval ; and how, on ob- ! liiiiiui'l pc>.-e--ioii ;:f the h^t, and most 1 iiupoi i.nit ciii', you wribtiled cm exai ,^ ! (•-. py cit i; nni] i-.-i.'uled ir ti:.-)». s:in»' I rM'j.iit to your lover—-ihe Jjip.iin«»-o tiii'i— ;t-i:v at ijii-i-o. 1 r«>ceiv<K! t !•!•• j i". ply in •.. ese , -. and, tictin^ I iipisn it. tO'.k u< iiy i-nrpris* , . \\>v., mil ■you nirn<\ i!Viiler-K;i-"Ue, are rr«j>oti-ihle ! tor t'ii- di-'race and ltusj-ia }\«m ) Mi-r. :) ii..'.d. - ' j ""Well-'" ONclniined the , dniiLchter with <li'i;ii!y. yet njih.nst ih;\z the truth \v:\* arrimlly out. Her'l, Anna, whom liJid t-iken her cmtiielenee. h:id «itho'it <loulit bptrayed her. proiiably by the t«»lhj;v'< threat.s. "Hreu it what you miv is fine, * it- ilinK nor g\v* x you a i"ijj:T:t. Colonel Sh.npiiafF, to intrude upon my privacy on w.U.' , "Ah, .Maclemoi.'L-llf"." the iins\rere:l, uith a >ini-ter smile, "yoii am mi-taken. Hi- Maj--ty has })o<>n informed ot' the mjinner in which you have lietNiyd I?usi~ia, and has signed an uknse for your arrt^-t..' , "I nm in Franci , . Yen cannot armc." her fine eyes flafihinft upon him as she drew heivelf up proudly. "For <if.tinrc as the !<py of Japan, no; hut upon a criminal, yes,' , was the s|>yV meaning tr]>lv. Sin- stood at him opr-n-------mouthed. She kt:ew that man Sliapiroff by leputt. , as well a.s by sijiht. and wa.s well aware that he was the cunning nnd unscrupulous of all the spies employed by Russia. Ho was chief of the of the secret .".rrviex l —a m-an who for cralt and ingenuity had perhaps no equal in Europe. Outwardly ho was n refined, elderly gentleman, who stayed at tho best hotels, and wa« a well-known fitrure in the cosmopolitan society at ilonte. Carlo, «at Aix. at Carlsbad, or at Florencx— , the very last person one would pu.spert. of b<-ing <i weret a.<jont. Yet he controlled a whole horde of spies, military, naval, diplomatic and revolutionary. "Ah !'' cried the unhappy girl, n< tho truth dawned upon her.. "I we, T fee! You will charge- mc with a crime in order to obtain my extradition to Russia! Once over the frontier,' , she gasped, "and then " "And then Russia will deal with the betrayer of her secret." was his cold rr mark. ''Mademoiselle under.-tands mo perfectly. It is unfortunate, ci course, that a lady of birth like yoursr>!f should bo subjected to the indignity of arrest,' , he culded. half apologetically, gazing upon her marvellous benutv as *ho hto,)d tl'.ore. a Mijie-rb iisuro in her tiirc|iioiso dinner gown, with <i iMViutiful necklet of okl emeralds nround her white throat. "But I nm acting upon tho orders of tho Emperor." • "What!" ehe ga>pcd. ''Do you nllccce. that tho Kmporor will make a charge against mc in order to secure my arreet and extradition l>y the police here? You lie. Colonel Khapiroff! You yourself intend to make this <J<i.4ardly in order to entangle, mc in tho net!" "Mademoifii'lle," he said, bowing 1o her, "there is but one punishment meted out to traitor.? in Russia—iSchus.srclbnrg." Her face bjjjinched to the lijxs at his word*!. The* very nanio of Schusjol!.ii\5 —the Baetil.! of medern Russia—is synonymous of all that is horrible, nnd mention cf its cells below the lako H sufficient to cause any Russian to tremble. Shi) that she wa.* utterly in tho power of this man, whose un<crupuloiiKnt'M is n by-word to all w'no know official Tie could, if he «> dttsiriK;!, her- to that living temb in tho foul, rat-infested dungeons iKMioath Lako Ladoga., from whence no prisoner ha- - ever been known ! to emerge. Yet the faced him with a I courw-e begotten of love for ! for who.-c sike she had en])icd that document in her father's room. "You do not deny thmt you hot rayed cur diplomatic hecretes to Midona Ae;ada —eh?" the fellow remarked. " is j he nwr' , "I n-fiise to <ay." wa* her firm reply. "You and your horde of' underlines will either contrive to tuwt him. or lu> will die my-t(vir»u-ly. I am Russian, rej member, and 1 "know the metluxls c:t the ] s-eeret agents." "Tell mc." }v; urged fiercely, "[ de- ! lr.and to know."' I "Never!" was her quick j Hut at th" Kinie instant eye I caught the letter lying on the little j writing-table, ad:h<v->,d to Inr lov< r. i and he .sprang tot-ward to seize it. Ere : h<. , could take it, however, she had i >wil'tly snatched it up and held it I cm-hod in her hand, facing him d<*fumtly. Her lover's life depended upon the concealment t>l hi- wlicnvaboiits. "(iive it to m< , , woman !" lie deI inauded, hi> i-aoe gr«y. lu.s teeth .-ci. h;.s eyes full cf that evil fn i> which his uni'oruinafe victims haviutr once isei'n liad ever cause to iemen.ini. j "T will not !" *iio crird <leii:mtly, '' whereupon ihe fellow sprang upon her, g:asp:ng her arms in an endeavour to obtain po--o-sKHi of the letter. S :, .e. ; however. fought like a tijriess , fur lu'i- lover's lite—< iki'mvoiii in<l to destroy what f-he had written, but, alas! \viih~ut avail. j They strugL'le<l to;rcthor —the great I brutal colonel of Co-sacks matched his .-mngth acainst hers. Tin- lire! If rslie could only place it in the Bains it. would be c-on-unu-d; ye; it she tos-ed > it in lie wouid undoubte<lly pick it out. I Ot c sudden. ivi»li a rjnick, desperate movement, ehe twi--;ed herself free, and Wnt swiftly to where the logs were blazing, but in a moment, divining her in;<?r.tion. the spy threw hinusoll upon her. Fear of her lover's fate had given her courage, and non\ ith>:andiny the n:an's frantic efforts, ehe placed the hqpd holding the letter delilvratfly into : the fire, r.tid. with clenched te-'th, re- ' j;al' ct" the excruciating piin. held it there until tho paper was < uiiioly conMirnod to tinder. Then frhe <li>-w forth her poor, burnt, blistered liand from the flames, and. holding it up to him, cried : •Sy! Tell ihe F.mrwror that, as I have sacrificed my right hand to save Midori. I will, just as willingly, give my litV." The man. thus foilr-d. fell b;ick with a fierw imp:-'catii;n. nnd, leaking a , , her with his c!c-.-e--.'t. evil fvvs. said in a low, hard voice : ! ''VtTy \m»U, I have . given you the choice. You pivkT ar-

ioi-t to lO'liim mo the whoreal>cuis of Viscount Asa-da ; and you even defy the Kn.pornr! Sj you will boar t COti ■OuliV-nCOS." I :ii:i M - ;:!y— 'iM'. , .'- , ready to health; m." -lie ciitd hi :i • ly. hrf fainrine wjth pain from her bum: l-r>nd. "Br.! from mo you will never obtain the i;i-------fo; ii:in.iti you .seek. Act as you will. I sued Japan from tho foul plot by which It:i—i.-t intended to evade and cm h h'.-v. -m.ii ? Ik> Yi-oinnf i« free!" (';■;!.■'•.« 1 Sii.ipirnff !'• i" r 'i'.:Hi-o(l tl:at she •<as <ii :°! :i ; !i.'J. V.*l:<':; ;i woman iovixl :i.> I t\r'.\'\\ :i- i::d S';i;i.i Zinikou". >lirJv t-iild, li • iii:: v.-. make any xicrifie". 'And yr , he : a:'ghrd "i ■ Inn hiiii-df. for >! "i 1 «t - on'v ■< wcnMll. Hi , h:i:l ,>'H' i!.-/.'i'. Hi -lic'i in drudge ard i'io in Sili i; i and " V.'ciiiuin !" In , '; in a deep yin- 1 . "yfii ;ui' a tVii'l! There are hnnjdii"!-. o! o:i;»r !»;•■ li m !!u-vii equally '.'.;< n\ f> \,iu a> :>. l"-ls.nd. and yet you . :*!-•• pr--; ;i'■•> ■I ; " l:o in >thu — I!imig tnr ill;'' siivc .-■! :)•)- yeliiiw-uicrd J apan'-s.' ' if-'cv. - ,-j v iii'-in r>l liii':|i liki' yon ! j Hut," lit , added, ■■ynu have chosen. The Fit nch police an , niit-k! >. and you will bo anv>!ed ior the foiii! ry a chequo which 1 have li-io. in mv luu-k't. Tonight yon will g> irrth «vi tli" t'n.-t .>?«<:>■• of that journey whence no prison* , r rotll) Ib,' 1 '•And you TVMirl to thi.s Inw trick of a fli;n;;i' til (om< ry in oider to pot mc back 11> I*iiv-i:i! All. it i< <nly whnt I eau expec:. 1 >uppo-e." <}u> exc'ainiod. in a lono of dis'jju-t. "Tho world well know* tlu> wicked wilr.s and diabolic dealings of Sorgo Shnpirotf!" •'Kiiiiugh. woman !" he protected. And going to the he tiido<k<>d it, nnd at his order throe French detectives onj tere-d the room. accompanied by tho • sims-director of tin , hoiel. ! One of iliim. vho held a paper in I h : ., hiiiid. t'.icvd the unfortunate girl, ex- ', plaining hi Vv.V' li that sin , ua- arrest- ' «'d en ;!:■• :ipplii :it i r n nf tln> Hu-sinn ! p,-|i( .-. j, ;• :re liti/itv i>l a <-hi\iuo in I Mo-row MX lr.nnth- ln/toii , . I \{.r f.i;'e b!:ii'<-|ir<l. l:rr tfftll \\crr> •.vill cierichrd. mi: I tiio piilic-:- Ix-iieve^l ■ that th ,, look in her <\\e.s ivaf. due to I (i-rroi' of the erir-.eqi!«<nci"-- if her c-i iino. ! Tkev - .\ •ie in i^iiior-iuc. , of the I p:iiii t!i;i! >l:e v, as Mifi.'nirr. •Arir.m n:i'." ~ iua;:a'j;:'<l !<i e*'-p. I "It nif'.kes iv) differem- , . T !~co all that ; thi> man has so inci'iilnusly ph'.t;<-d. and 1 ;iin re;'((y to nx> w'n\i you." . T!i«-y iil'.r'wpd her to chu.nse licr dro-s. and iil:\f':> a fur r-.ipo about licr shnul- !<]•.':•>: then, without a wor<l of tnrewell Ito iior aunt, wliti was ignorant of it ! nil, siu> iva,' tinv< , n away in a. cnh by the polico. Shapiroff ovor tho I of hi.s plan. Once across tho frontier, ho would compvl her to givo i him intnniuUion regarding Asula.—or hf would nonsign hor to tho tortures of ScliiissolhurpC. Nost. <lay. wheji Sonia Khiikoff was oxaininorl lx-fpro th<> Commissary, nhf* <l< , clitH' , d to ai'Mvrr any fjiii^t and merely nskxl to be t.ik<-n bcfnro Mio I Prefect of the I);-p:u-tinont of Var. Th« I wily Hiii'f i>.f f-pics. kiv:nvi.n?; tJi at hor ! intfiuinn was to reveal his methods, I opposed it, tint Mich a r*x|iio=rt from a. I pri.sonor for oxtradition was bound to j lie acceded to. Sh«« daiino<l tho ,hos- ! pitality ci French soil, and demanded lan appivil to tho Prcfoot as tho representative of tho Pirtsidont. himsolf. Two days later tho. Prefect, a littlo. whi;<vhain'd r.lcl buro-aucr:>* inton'sttyl in her c-a-o on nccoiint of her position in Focioty. k:iw hor in his privato rroin at tlio Prefect hi , ? at Cannes, nnd whiMi slio was brought in in tho 'custody of two gendaniK'is. inqiiir«l for what reason rlk , <lt>sir(Hl tho interview. I - '.Monsieur >c Prefect.' , sho answorofl jhi v(M-y Frouch, j-t:uidin,g with lifr ! poor injured hand bamlagrel acros-s lior chn-t, "1 <loin> 1o appoal to tho Prosident for iinmodiiito rclo:iii*». A mistake lias been made, and I have l>cen illegally arrested." "Illrsnlly—how?" sharply inlquinxl the da]>p<r litt lo man, who wore tho r<vl button ot th>> I/.'gion of Honour in his coat. "I am arroisteifl. I boliovx , , upon a requisition from tho Russian police on a charge, of crime , committed in Russia?" A '■Yα?." Sho diviv from tho bodice of hor dross a, paper, which slio ojx'nvd nnd | ha-iid-cd to him. saying— ■ "I think. M'siour lo Prefect, this will ! convince you that tlio police in Franco h.avo no power to detain mo upon: any I such rvquihition." | Tho phrewd old follow planced at tho ! document quickly—or, at lonai. at that \ portion which was in French, and raisj mo; his eyebrows in eurnrise, exI claimed— "Tlion niadomoisollo is ix>t a Russian eub.ioct ?" "Xo," fh-c answrrod smiling; ''L be- | camo two months ago. after . my marriage at the Emliawv in Vienma, a< you will fiee by tho certificato, there- ; foro tho false charge of forgery brought | arrainst mc by this secret, agent of i Ui'i-sia oannot l>? sust/iinctl." ! The Prefect ro-resid the document, j ami after asking her a low quosiions, , nuil Jioaring hor story, said: I "Without doubt your arrest is illegal. Tho two countries are now at war, and ' Franco, Iμ , ing a neutral power, must rrt'iif?e to a Si--i> t Russia in her venigoantv. Madiiinoisolle," ho r.ddcd hawinjr polite- : ly, "or pardon mo—Viscountess—you I are at liberty." I And S(>! go/Shapiroff, with a fierce., niuttiM'od imprecation that hi.s victim i slipped from him, turned on hi.s hei'l and passed through tho groenlcu'zo doors of the? prirato cabinet. b.ifnVd for the first time in his 1 long experience as a spy and avenger !of Russia. ; A fortnight later tho hnjid*onio Vis<'ount"?is had rojointnl her husband in his secret hiding-place in London, an<l a few <l.'y> afterwards they sailed toi get her for Japan. i

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 4

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KAIKOURA NOTES. A PIPLOMATIC SECRET Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 4

KAIKOURA NOTES. A PIPLOMATIC SECRET Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 4


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